The Return To Love

By grannydew

31.1K 3.2K 854

Part 2 of " The Return Home Series" Seven years they had been apart. The most challenging years of their live... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Five

1.1K 127 35
By grannydew

      Sanem had every emotion possible running through her head as she felt his body rub against hers. A thin layer of moisture had coated his body as he felt the excitement of the moment, and his uneven breathing echoed softly in the small room.

      Her mouth was dry and her voice cracked as she began to speak, " I have thought of this moment many times as well..... but nothing in my wildest dreams could have prepared me for what I'm feeling right now." She muttered, as she boldly kissed his chest, and she let her hands explore the rest of his body...shocking even herself.

      She wanted him...she wanted very inch of him, as she felt her insides throbbing...This was what love was suppose to feel like... suffocating and out of control...

      Can moved her slowly to the sofa bed, savoring every second. Their bodies seem to glide effortlessly, in synchronized fashion as he laid her down on the bed. She couldn't help but gasp as she felt the bed under her and the undeniable presence of Can on top of her.....

      She closed her eyes, letting this moment sink in....a moment that had been so long coming that it felt like a dream.... But then she opened her eyes, connecting with his, all the fear disappeared...all the uncertainty vanished...She was with the man she loved...

      Can breathed heavily, trying to control all his emotions. This was something he wanted to last forever, and if he wasn't careful it might all be over way to soon... 

      The smell of her perfume had become even more potent as her body radiated that heat of desire. Can kissed her cheek, then traveled down to her neck, making her quiver with delight... He continued his journey along her body, touching and massaging her firm breasts.

      Sanem squirmed with delight... begging him for more. The feel of his ever-growing erection against her body was almost more than she could stand..... 

      Can couldn't wait any longer.... He had to have her now.. He was gentle as he slowly entered her.... Feeling that sudden rush of overwhelming ecstasy, he penetrated her deeper and more forcefully, as they joined together in a heated passion that neither of them had ever experienced....he felt as his whole body may explode.... This was the first time he had ever felt like this......and he didn't want it to be the last.

      It was some time later... as the flames from the candles had all but disappeared, he cradled her in his arms.... a feeling of total contentment had settled over him....

      Sanem snuggled in closer to him and sighed, " Hmm, I could stay like this for the rest of my life.... right here." She mumbled, as she slid her hand down his chest, fondling every inch. Can smiled, " I think that can be arranged." He said, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

      " So, what's next?" Can asked, hoping she was thinking the same as him. " Well, I'm really maybe that dinner you promised me." She teased, as she flipped over on top of him.

      He scoffed, " That's not what I mean and you know it... What's next for us.. I think a nice quick wedding at the courthouse and a very, very long honeymoon. What do you say." He said, running his hands along the curvature of her body.

      She wrinkled up her nose, " Well if that's a proposal, I think you can do better than that." She replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as she slid over, grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around her.

      Can reached for her arm, " Wait, don't get up... I'm sorry, that was a terrible thing to blurt out... I can do better, and I will." He begged, urging her to come back to bed...

      She laughed, " I am fact I was thinking the same thing. A nice quiet, quick ceremony at the courthouse and a spectacular honeymoon... That just might begin in Inverness Scotland. What do you think?" She teased, as she crawled back in bed next to him...

       " Are you serious .... " He asked, astonished that she had agreed so quickly. " I want you to be sure, but I think that sounds wonderful, beautiful and just what we need..." He answered, pulling her closer to him and smothering her with a kiss.

      She ran her fingers through his hair.. " If there's anything in my life that I'm sure's this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We have wasted enough time running from each other and our feelings...Don't you think?" She asked, her eyes rimmed with tears.

Three days later.......

      After an impromptu engagement gathering in Nihat's room in the hospital,... Aziz, who had insisted on being wheeled down to Nihat's room in a wheelchair, did the honor of asking for Sanem's hand in marriage to his son... The exchanging of those simple gold bands and the cutting of the red ribbon, marked the beginning of the rest of their lives.....

       Can and Sanem had found what  most people never do.... A love that refused to die...and a love that only grows stronger with every obstacle they meet.....

      Can was rummaging furiously through his duffel bag, " I don't have anything fitting for a wedding." He scoffed, tossing his bag across the bed.

       Emre laughed, " Wedding attire is not something that you would normally pack when you're visiting your sick father. Why don't you check your old closet, maybe there's something you left here that would do." He suggested, slapping his brother on the back...

      Can opened the wardrobe, scanning the few articles of clothing that was left there, when his eyes landed on the long black vest with the velvet covered lapels. He pulled it from the closet, looking it over.

      He remembered the last time he worn it. It was the presentation for Compass Sports. That night flooded his memory, and all that happened. He smiled, "This is perfect for our wedding." He thought. 

      Hanging next to the vest was the crisp white shirt with a standup collar that he had paired with it on that night. The whole ensemble was there, just as he had left it years before, and all it needed was a little freshening up. 

      This truly had to be a twist of fate, he thought, to find the exact same clothing that he had worn the night he pulled her from that tiny bathroom window and confessed his love for her.... 

     Yes, fate... it seemed the past eight years of his life had been controlled by fate... That kiss in the dark had been the beginning, but he was sure that chance meeting at the airport was nothing short of a miracle...

      He checked the time as he headed to the shower. " I have two hours to shower and dress, and meet Sanem at the Registar's Office."   He had wanted to pick Sanem up at the hotel, but she insisted on coming to the courthouse with Leila, since she was going to be one of the witnesses.

      Forty five minutes later Can was ready, " Emre...come on it's time to go. I can't be late and I don't know what the traffic is going to be like." He yelled out, as he repacked his duffel bag.

      Emre adjusted his tie and slicked down an unruly hair with his hand, " Ok, I'm almost ready. I have to make sure my phone is charged. You know that dad wanted every minute of your big day recorded so he could watch it." He yelled back to his brother.

      Can met Emre in the hallway, " I wish dad could be there. But a recording of it will have to do...because we aren't waiting any longer. This is the day my real life begins Abi....May 12th.." He stated, his voice quivering with emotion...

      Emre smiled and patted him on the back, " You're sure?... You are ready to settle down with Sanem and not run away from her and your problems again. You both deserve happiness, together....

      " I'm sure Abi. Nothing could make me walk away from her again. My heart and soul were empty these past several I feel like I am breathing and living again.... 

      " So yes, I'm sure. Sanem is my other half....She is my everything.." 

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