Call Of Duty One-Shots

By CaiGivesMeLife

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Hello! This is gonna be a one-shot book. Some of these scenarios are made up by me and my delulu brain, while... More

He's a bit big... (KonigxOC)
Getting shipped by students (PricexOC)
He doesn't believe in love (GhostxOC)
High on pain medication (KonigxOC)
You like annoying him like a sibling would (GazxOC)
Tangled. 🎄 (KonigxOC)
Your Barracks Leaked....(GhostxOC)
Price helps with Training....(PricexOC)
He's Watching...(GhostxOC)
He's been avoiding her and she wants to know why...(KonigxOC)
Physical Touch....(GhostxOC) ***Angst***
It's a demand....(GhostxOC)
He wants her help....(KonigxOC)
Haunted House...(TF 141xOC)
Attention (GhostxOC)
You called her mom....(LaswellxOC)
Babysitting the Troublemaker...(KonigxOC)
He's Sick and Being Overdramatic....(GhostxOC) Part 2 to 'Your Barracks Leaked'
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC)
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 2
He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC)
He's Feeling Affectionate....(GhostxOC)
He Can't Sleep Without You...(HorangixOC) Part 2
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 3
Baby Ghost...(PricexOC)
What's a Favor Between Old Friends....(LaswellxOC) **Platonic**
He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 4
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC)***Angst***
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 2
He Feels Terrible....(GhostxOC) ***Angst*** Part 3
Scars (IndyxTF 141+Alejandro)**Angst**
Captain Stumbles Into Her Medbay (PricexOC)
Helping Hand....(KonigxOC)
She Caught Them (SoapxGhost)
*Sigh* He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 5
He Notices A New Scar... (GhostxOC)
One bed, two of you... (KonigxOC) Part 1
One bed, two of you... (KonigxOC) Part 2
It's The Acohol... (TF 141xOC)
Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 1
Vegetables?! Seriously?! (TF 141 x OC) Part 2
He Helps You Pop Your Back... (NiktoxOC) Part 6
Her Book... (PricexOC)
A Man Who Fears Nothing But Her... (PricexOC)
Author's Note **New Story Alert**
She'ssss Baaaaaccckkkk
Lost Inhibitions (TF 141xOC)
It's The Alcohol (TF 141xOC) Part 2

Comforting Touch...(KonigxOC)

776 8 0
By CaiGivesMeLife

Once again, we get to see everybody's favorite anxious boy. Shout-out to @dusty_hillz!


König was never shy, he was a colonel for goddess sakes. He was, however, very socially awkward and anxious.

Certain social situations, such as going around in his normal civilian life, would often overwhelm him, making him aggressive towards people.

But Indy was always patient with him. She understood why he became aggressive and did everything she could to make sure he was okay afterwards. Today he was overwhelmed with buying new clothes as Indy began to reassure him he was okay.

"Here, you sit down on the bench and keep an eye on my six while I pick out some thing for you. That ok?" Indy knew the best way to get him to relax was to remove any and all pressures from him.

König nods, taking his spot on the bench. He takes some deep breathes and watches the exit, ready to take action if there was danger. However, he kept looking over to check on Indy as well.

She let's him play soldier and keep gaurd as Indy searches for some clothes consistent with his style. Choocing for him removes his anxiety when it comes to looking for clothes in his size, while letting him keep gaurd gives him something to do that he is familiar with.

König watches as hers can the different racks for some clothes, his focus wavers between Indy and the store's exit. He smiles a bit when he sees a specific outfit and leans over towards her direction on the bench to get a better glimpse. After she decides on an outfit, his focus slowly changes to Indy as he smiles a bit more, content with her presence.

"Alright, to the changing room we go so that you can try this on. My turn to keep an eye on your six."

König laughs, realizing the role reversal.

"Yes, ma'am." He follows Indy to the fitting room, keeping an eye on the perimeter.

"Go on. I want to see how you look in this stuff." Indy hands him an outfit consistent of some dark jeans, a white tee-shirt, a leather jacket, and black boots.

He grabs the clothes from her and heads into the changing room. The walls of the room were thin, so she could hear the rustling of clothing as he removed his uniform and threw it on the ground. A minute later Indy can hear the sound of the door sliding open as he steps out in the jacket and boots. His hair covered his eyes a bit as he smiled at her with the jacket unzipped. It looked pretty good.

"Perfect. You look wonderful. Now give me a little spin." Indy smiles excitedly and twirls her finger when she tells him to give her a spin.

König blushes and smiles but spins slowly around. 

"You still look assertive yet stylish. My best work yet." She was clearly satisfied with her choices.

He was normally so stoic, but with Indy he was able to show more emotion and be vulnerable. It was something he rarely felt, but with her, he felt comfortable to be himself.

"Alright, change back into your stuff, and let's go pay."

He nods, disappears into the changing room once more. A minute later , the door slides open, and he steps out. He's wearing his normal uniform, all in black with his military insignia on the shoulder showing he's a colonel.

"I should see about getting you military-esque style of clothes. It'll be more ordinary yet still inside your comfort zone." Indy muses as she takes the clothes from him.

König nods in agreement. "I agree. I am most comfortable in my uniform, but I cannot wear such clothes outside of the military. I would be too noticeable and would probably attract attention from other military persons. Perhaps there are some clothing items that mimic the look of the uniform I can consider?" He clearly sounds hopeful at being able to wear something that is more familiar to him.

"I'll see what I can do." They pay for the outfit and then head out of the shop.

"Alright, keep playing soldier while I do order us a snack." Indy stands in line for pretzels as she speaks.

König follows, keeping watch and making sure the area was safe. While Indy stands in line, he the crowd of people and the area around him. He continues to do this until Indy returns with their food, at which point he relaxes a bit.

"Alright, I know you have a sweet tooth, so I got cinnamon sugar pretzels for the both of us." She holds his pretzel out to him as she takes a bite out of her own.

König smiles at and eats it with glee. He definitely has a sweet tooth. They head to a few more shops and it is clear Konig is going to stick to dark-colored clothing. Specifically, black.

"Come on, emo boy. That's enough shopping for today."

König chuckles at Indy calling him 'emo boy'. He knew that she was just messing with him but it still reminded him of a very specific genre of people. 

"Should probably drag you to get a haircut while we are out."

He laughs a bit at that. After all, he had just changed his entire apparel, so might as well change the hair as well. Plus, it would be fun to see how Indy would suggest he get his hair cut as she seemed to have a good idea of how he should look.

"What would you suggest?"

She doesn't miss a beat with her answer. "Keep it long, definitely, just a trim. If you want, though, we could change the style all together."

König tilts his head a little bit, curious to hear that last statement. A different hairstyle completely? With the hood he usually wears, he is able to keep his hair long without getting in trouble. A new change of pace might be exactly what he needs, though.

Indy shrugs. "All up to you, though, I do enjoy you having it long enough for my to braid whenever you let your gaurd down."

He chuckles at the last statement, thinking about it for a bit. He secretly liked when Indy braided his hair. It felt nice, especially when she scratched his scalp. "I don't think I would mind that. Would a french braid style work with my hair, or something more intricate?"

Indy thinks for a second. "I think it is just long enough for me to pull that off. Let's get to base and we can try."

Konig drives them both back to base and Indy sits him down on her bed.

"Alright, let's see what we can do..."

10 minutes later, and Konig is practically putty in her hands as I finish the braid. His hair was just barely long enough, seeing as it only fits down to the base of his neck.

König was completely relaxed, his guard down and all worries gone. When it was done he was surprised at the result, looking away as his face became red.

"Why so red?" Indy asks with a chuckle

He chuckles as his face reddens even more, unsure how to answer. The real story was that he's never had anybody touch him like this except for the rare times Indy raided his hair when he was distracted, so it was quite the new feeling for him. But he wasn't interested in revealing that to her in case it made him sound silly or weak. So, instead he replies something more realistic.

"The style looks a bit odd on me, it's not something I'm used to."

Indy chuckles at that. "It was just for fun. You can undo it later. My opinion is you keep your hair how it is, though, you look nice with it that long and so I see no need for you to cut it."

König sighs in relief, glad that she liked how he looked already with his current hairstyle. This was much better than him admitting he wasn't used to anyone touching him in touching him that way. He smiles as he nods at Indy, agreeing to keep his hair as is.

"That being said, we need to fix everything else. Off you go."

Indy points him to her bathroom.

He sighs at the remark about fixing other things, but he knows that's just the way things are. Her bluntness isn't necessarily a bad thing, and he could see that it was done with the intent to improve him. So he nods and heads off towards the bathroom. 

"Time to shave you clean." Indy grabs a razor and goes to shave off the shadow he has grown over the past few days.

König laughs a little, surprised that she would just go straight to shaving him. He always kept himself clean shaven, but lately he had been letting his beard and stubble grow out a bit. He liked the look of it on him, but he was open to the idea of having a clean shaven style as well. He sits patiently on the toilet as Indy began to shave the stubble from his face, enjoying the attention.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you baby faced."

He chuckles at the remark and tilts his head just slightly, curious about what the end result will look like.

Indy leaves a light shadow left and define the edges to make sure it looks good.

"What do you think?"

He smiles as she finishes the work on his facial hair. He rubs the area to get the feel of the new texture of his skin. It felt smooth and much more clean than what he had been used to. After a few moments he grabs a hand held mirror from a counter and looks at his reflection in it,

"It looks very good. I was worried at first since I've never shaved that much off at once, but this is quite nice. I'll have to get used to it, but it is a welcome change."

"I'm lad you like it. Now for the fun part." Indy grins darkly and holds up a shampoo bottle.

 Konig hates washing his hair. He avoided it as much as possible since it was such a pain, but it was necessary and he trusted Indy enough to at least allow her to help him with his hair. However, he panicked slightly at her dark grin. "I feel like I am going to regret this...."

Indy chuckles and quickly gets to work. She washes out any and all grime from his hair and detangle it before using a towel to dry it.

"See? Much better."

For as grumpy as Konig is about this, his hair did look better now that it was clean.

He grumbled as he looked at his reflexion in the mirror before speaking. "Fine, it looks better. I still didn't like it, though."

Indy 'tsks' at him playfully. "Grumpy soldier is upset I made him pretty."

He blushes as Indy reffers to him as 'pretty'. "I am not pretty, I am a soldier."

"A pretty soldier." Indy has a grin as she makes her argument.

Konig groans at that stops arguing. For as much as he doesn't like her teasing, he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. " time, I get to dress you up."

Indy laughs at that.

"With your fashion sense? Never gonna happen."


Let me know what you thought of the story down in the comments!

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