Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse...

By Michellechill66

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Omega Rey Kanata just needed to keep the leaky roof over her children's head and enough cash to pay the elec... More

Just another day in the trenches
An unstoppable force
A disturbing dream
Go to him
A feeling Impossible to ignore
Confused but comfortable
Cinder Solo
Butterflies and Moonbeams
Forged by Fate
Tenderness and Tragedy
The truth comes out
Cut to the bone
Puppet on a string
Renaissance Man
One single golden thread tied me to you
Surfs up

Surrender to your Alpha

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By Michellechill66

                          He said... "You are my weakness".....She replied....  " You are my strength."  Author unknown

Three weeks later....

    Ben didn't know how he managed. 

       Three weeks of sleeping on the couch. Three weeks of his needs being ignored and his demands laughed at. By Rey at least. When he plead to know just why he wasn't allowed in her room she got upset and said that he snored and he took up the entire bed. He liked sleeping on the couch, remember!

       Now he could imagine why he would take jobs that took him away for days at a time.  She was not a typical clingy Omega who just wanted a mate and pups. It frustrated him but he couldn't remember why their situation was so different than the usual Alpha /Omega pairing.
Then he stoped asking questions. He'd be interrupted or a kid would need something and the question would be forgotten.

      Fatherhood  came naturally to him. He liked the boys and the little girl was so sweet.
Darth and Anakin had warmed up to him and asked him to help them with their school projects.  He puzzled over the reason why none of the children didn't have his scent, but now it didn't matter so much. When he asked Rey she looked put out and stomp away.

  Apparently, she didn't like to be asked questions about his life .  She did seem impressed when she came home one evening and saw the tidy living room, a cozy fire in the fireplace and a delicious scent coming from the kitchen.

Maz was reading a book with her feet up.

       Then her heart had nearly burst when she beheld Padme' on Ben's lap, drinking out of her sippy cup. He was cuddling her so tenderly.  He then tickled her little tummy and she giggled. It was the most precious thing Rey had ever seen.

She felt mortified when her eyes began to sting with hot tears.
This was what she was afraid off. She can't want this. But it was already to late. What was supposed to be a simple deception has turned into a heart wrenching problem.

She was falling head over heels in love.

   When he glanced up at the sound of her sniffling their eyes locked and held. 

   Maz,  who was now watching this scene, saw what was happening and quickly got up.  She took Padme' out of Ben's arms and mumbled, "I'm just going to go do the dinner dishes."

         "Rey, I..."

It seemed as if the air had been sucked out of the room. She couldn't breathe with him so close. What was wrong with her?

She looked at her feet, trying to calm her emotions.

When she looked up again he had stood up and had walked over to her.

"Sorry, I just had a moment there." She cleared her throat and began again. " I just wanted to thank you for taking care of the situation down at the school. Anakin gets in trouble a lot. And I hate that Principle."

Ben had gone down to the school to defend his son. The Principle had said some very cruel things. He thought what he did needed to be said to put that ugly bitch in her place.

The words she said still upset him.

"Your son is a twiddler, a dreamer , a trouble maker and I don't think he takes anything in his academic career seriously"

He kept staring at the Krakatoa sized mole on her face.

He knew how to handle her. "He's eight years old. He's my kid and I wouldn't want him any other way."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter. "Here," he tossed it across the desk . "Takes this and do us all a favor and go down town and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face!"

"It was funny actually, to see the horrified expression on the old bats face." Ben grinned.
Rey couldn't help but smile back. But there was something not quite right with his Omega. He needed to fix this. Then he got an idea.

It had been snowing all day and he had lit a fire . It was now warm and cozy in the living room, no more leaking roof.

In the corner of the room sat Maz's old record player . He turned it on and put the needle on a record.

'Misty' by Johny Mathis crooned out into the room. "This is one of my favorite songs" Rey admitted. "It's so romantic."

Ben took the hint and stepped closer to Rey, placing one of her hands in his the other on his shoulder. Then he slowly danced her around the room until the song ended.

Rey was sure he could feel the pounding of her heart as their bodies pressed together. She couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips as she felt his hands go up and down her back.

She was more and more confused. She wanted to hate him but he was making it impossible. She knew his real identity and how rich he was . Was it wrong for her to keep him from that life? Something inside her said be selfish and keep him as your trophy.

A tiny little voice inside her head whispered to give in , to let it happen. She felt a twinge of guilt for her deception but it was to late now. He was happy here and who was she to spoil it for him.

She couldn't look him in the eye. Ben felt puzzled at her strange behavior. His Alpha could sense her hesitation. He knew he needed to help her feel protected and safe.

"What is it Rey? What are you afraid of?" He touched her cheek tenderly and lifted her face to his.

Oh, god. There was that same anxious fluttering feeling deep in her belly, but she had to suppress it or he would see what effect he had on her.

"I'm not afraid." She said stubbornly. Defiantly. But her eyes said something else. Something he read as desire. He could detect her Omega scent spiking around her. And his own Alpha pulsing in answer to the ancient rhythm of its destined mate.

Suddenly, Rey pulled away from him and ran. It startled him for a moment, not expecting her to bolt like a frightened animal.

She dashed into her room and slammed the door. Ben heard the click of the lock and felt the heat of his angry Alpha burn his face.
He would not tolerate this from her! How dare she tease and torment him for three weeks just to slam the door in his face and deny what was rightfully his!
He didn't hesitate to kick the door down. It splintered into a thousand pieces.

"What are you doing?" She screamed. "You can't just force your way in here!"

He was beyond listening to her as hot blood rushed through his head, stopping any other thought but to get to her.
His Alpha would not be denied any longer.

"It appears that I have, my Omega." His breath came out heaving and raspy from his anger.

"How can you deny me what is mine? And you are mine Rey. I don't care that there are no wedding pictures or mementos of our life together. We can start right here . Right now."

He stalked closer until he had her backed up against her dresser. This felt just like when he had cornered her on the yacht. He sensed her fear and quickly calmed himself. His mood shifted and he became gentle once again.
Was that a glimmer of a memory?

Why wouldn't she look him in the eye? How could she be scared of him? It didn't make any sense. So he tenderly tilted her face up to him again and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Let me in Rey." Slowly he lowers his face to hers in a teasing kiss. Just a slight brush of his lips on hers .He experimented with the new sensation. It was new to them both, or had they been doing this for an eternity?

She stood rooted to the spot as she felt his hot breath on her face and the tingling sensation of his lips on hers. Rey half expected to dash away again but instead she felt herself surrender to him.

The kiss did something to her. Something that was incredibly wonderful and unexpected. Her Omega kicked in and she felt the gush of slick dampen her underwear. Then the pulse of her glands throbbing sweetly with need.

To his surprise instead of pushing him away , Rey lunged at him causing him to stumble backwards. She was through denying her Omega.

She would surrender her body but not her heart. Never her heart.

She didn't even care how much noise they were making as they consumed each other in lust.

They groaned , grunted and gasped. His lips created searing red marks over her face and down her throat as he kissed and sucked at her skin.

She was going to have her fill of him. Why had she been denying herself all this pleasure for so long ? How could they have been under the same roof and not given in to what was clearly meant to be?

She told herself that this was merely a physical coupling. Nothing more. But by god ... she would take it all!

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