The World Tour Turnabout

Oleh DreamersWriters

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Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Before Departure!
Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!
Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 5: Crashing Concert

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Oleh DreamersWriters

)And here is another chapter! This one is much longer and better paced. At least, that is what I feel like with this. I did get the physical copy of Apollo Justice Trilogy which is still very generous of Capcom to call it that. Anyway, when's the next ace attorney game?! Enjoy!)

(Klavier's POV)

Grand Stage of Suntory Hall, Backstage

May 10th, 6:44 PM

Oh, the thrill of starting up a concert! I cannot wait to great the fans! I still can't believe so many showed up! Though, I suppose we do have that effect on them. Ah, I do wonder how they react to us. Probably in applauses and cheers!

"Alright, places everyone!" I shouted as I directed everyone about their position with a clap and wave of my hands, "We don't want to keep them waiting, ja?"

Sure, things have been a little tense between my best friends, but I am sure everything will work itself out! Those do tend to happen, after all! Daryran was tuning his bass as Seb was checking on his drums. I already checked my guitar, so I am not worried at all!

"Are you sure we can be back here?" Herr Forehead asked nervously before whispering, "I know last time we were here it wasn't exactly a good result"

Honestly, those two must let the past go. I am positive no one is going to smuggle anything through this time. I had security check everything. Nothing turned up.

"Relax" I whispered back before patting his shoulder, "Nothing is going to happen. I am sorry for being there for when your mouth caught first, but I am sure you can forgive me for that at least. Also, if this helps, even Daryran is on edge. He doesn't want the same event to occur. So please, try and get along"

That seemed to calm Apollo down as he finally breathed.

"You're right. Sorry, Klavier" he spoke while shaking his head, "I should put more trust in you and Daryran. I am going to enjoy this event with you and everyone. So, knock 'em dead! Figuratively, not literally"

He held his hand out for me to take. I laughed before clasping it and shared the same sentiment as well. With that, I left Apollo to his brother and went to Seb and Daryran. Both were satisfied with the condition of their instruments. We were handed mics as I grinned brightly at them. This is going to be wonderful!

"Are we ready?!" I asked in an excited whisper, unsure if the mic was on or not.

"Y-yes! I can't believe the turnout! Who knew this many people were still a fan!" Seb commented nervously, "Do you think the chief prosecutor and chief justice are going to watch this?"

"Probably!" I answered without hesitation as Seb panicked a little before calming down when I placed a hand on his shoulder, "But we've got this! We've done this before, so we have no reason to worry!"

Seb finally smiled and vowed to play well for the chief prosecutor and chief justice as well as another lady who would also be watching this. I turned to my best friend who was also holding a concerned expression as well.

"What is on your mind?" I asked him with my grin never leaving my face.

He finally looked at me while putting the guitar down to face me.

"I don't want anything to happen" Daryran confessed with a shake of his head, "Our last concert broke us up. I don't want it to divide us further"

I can understand that fear all too well. Well, time to put his mind at ease.

"You have nothing to worry about. The security checked everything and everyone. No one is going to ruin our debut night at all!" I announced with pride as the crowd was cheering loudly.

I twirled as I could hear Seb laughing in agreement before attending to his drums. I stopped when I noticed Daryran wasn't cheering at all. He was still holding a sour expression. Alright, let's do another approach.

"What else is troubling you?" I asked before speaking the name that I was sure was giving him trouble, "Is it Apollo?"

Daryan rubbed the back of his head before agreeing, "Yes. I know he's your best pal, but I can't trust him so easily. There's just something about him that gets me on edge. I feel like he's waiting for the chance to jump at me, you know?"

I suppose so. Herr Forehead does have his moments, but he's genuinely a nice person. I can't imagine him doing anything like this to someone. However, it is good to know that both do feel the same about the other.

"I wouldn't worry about him as much" I spoke in a reassuring tone, "Yes, Apollo can be loud, but he doesn't look for trouble. If anything, he tries to do so much to help others. If this helps, he feels the same about you. He's worried you're still upset with him after everything that happened. I feel like the two of you need to have a conversation with each other. You would be surprise how much you have in common with each other"

Daryran seemed to be relieved before finally holding a grin.

"Thanks for that, pal" Daryran spoke with a grin before wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "That helps more than you realize. Well, we shouldn't keep them waiting! Are we ready to rock?!"

They were ready! Daryran picked up his bass as I grabbed my guitar. Our mics turned on as we each took our places on the stage. Then, we took deep breath before the grand curtains were pulled back to reveal ourselves to the screaming crowd. Everyone cheered as we stood there. I forgot the rush of being on stage and being ready to perform. Well, what are we waiting for?

"ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!" I shouted before the crowd erupted loudly for us to play!

With a strung of the strings on my guitar, it was time to play!

(Alfendi's POV)

Viewing Deck, Main Hall

May 10th, 7:02 PM

Well, if you're wondering, I am still in control, but I do feel my brother trying to take over. Currently, we and Lucy are watching the performance from a private viewing deck. It is better to not have everyone know what we are doing as well. Lucy was going over the file while I was looking at the bustling crowd of fans enjoying the rather loud and boisterous music.

"Ours is still better" Al commented with a scowl, "Americans"

"You do realize that our client is American, correct? There is no reason to be rude" I replied in a thoughtful manner, "Speaking of him, why were you surprised the most to hear that he was our client? Is it because of Athena?"

He grumbled before replying, "Yes, it is because of her. Look, you and I both know she's a great friend of ours from college, but I wouldn't want her older brother after me of all people. But if I am correct, Apollo is her current partner, Much like how Lucy is ours. I already don't want Lucy involved in dangerous cases where I know we cannot protect her. I can imagine the same for Athena"

I pondered on that. Is that true? Even my twin has a caring side about his friends he hides from everyone? How adorable, but he does have a point. If Apollo is in danger, I would be worried about her and her older brother coming after us.

"Are you sure Athena would not hesitate to jump into an adventure?" I pointed out with a grin, "Besides that, you do have a point. I don't want her coming after us if anything happened to Apollo. Speaking of him, when is he going to meet with us to go over the case? We should work efficiently and bring this to an end"

"Ah, so now you decide to use your brain" Al commented, "Ask Baker. I'll keep watch over everything"

Why isn't he going to be easy to speak with? Well, he does have a point. I turned to Lucy and made sure to gaze out the window.

"Did you hear from him yet?" I asked Lucy as she went to check her phone and shook her head.

"Do ya think he knows about it?" she wondered with concern, "Maybe he doesn't know where we are"

That is true. We only informed him to meet with us. He is a defense attorney. He isn't a detective or spy. Well, sending him a call wouldn't be such a bad thing. I was about to suggest her my plan when Al painfully shouted in our mind!

"What is wrong?" I asked in a hurt tone.

"Look!" he yelled as I gazed at the crowd with my eyes slowly growing bigger with realization.

There were strange people in fashionable clothing were making their way to the stage! We don't have time to wait anymore!

"Lucy! Get to Apollo!" I shouted as I switched places with Al.

"What? Why?!" she shouted in a confused matter.

I replied in a gruff manner, "Because that idiot isn't safe anymore! Get him and his brother out of there while I handle this!"

It didn't take long for us to reach the bottom floor, but I hope Baker has a plan to get those two out of there before anything happens to them. Why can't things ever go according to my plans!? The world would be so much better if it did!

"Oh, I highly doubt that" Fendi spoke with a sigh, "But we don't have time to waste. Go and save them!"

"Right! I don't need you backseat nagging!" I snapped before taking a sharp turn and noticing a few groups of people heading towards the stage.

I looked around for anything that could be used as a distraction before looking at the lights and controls. Well, I've always wanted to cause an international incidence at least once! I could hear Fendi sighing, but he knows better than to stop me when my mind is going!

(Lucy's POV)

I can't believe they would run off again! For real! Wot is with them?! Other than them being complete idiots! Lovable, but idiots none the less! No time to wait! I've work ta do! I reached for my phone and got the numbers dialing!

"Hello?" Apollo's voice asked surprised, "Who is this??

"Oi! Tis me! Lucy! Ya client?" I snapped with a rude glare, "I need ya ta leave! Leave the stage! Oh! Bring yer brother! Hurry!"

I bolted out of the room and ran to the stage with a badge in my other hand. I have ta get to them!

"Who? Lucy? Do I know you? Wait, how do you know I have a brother?!" he shouted in a loud tone as I turned to another corner.

"It doesn't matter! Get out please!" I shouted as I ran to the backstage with the badge to flash at the guards ta let me go.

I know I shouldn't have done that, but there's no time to waste!

"Hey! Yuta! Do you know a Lucy?" Apollo shouted with that loud voice of his as I groaned.

How did he forget me?! It has been a day! What is wrong with the lad?!

"Please listen to me! I need you to get out of there! Please!" I shouted with urgency, "I am coming over, and when I arrive, you better be ready ta go! Ya hear me! I don't want excuses! Ya hear me?!"

I shut off ma phone as I made my way towards the backstage. I flashed ma badge as the guards stepped aside. Normally, I won't do tat, but this is an emergency!

Grand Stage of Suntory Hall, Backstage

May 10th, 7:27 PM

I kicked the doors down ta see Apollo speaking with his brother. They were surprised ta see me which is both rude and infuriating ta say the least! I quickly grabbed their arms as they were caught off guard.

"We ta move! Come on!" I shouted as I turned ta the doors only ta find those goons the prof was talkin' about!

Apollo let out another howl as I held up ma fists. His brother also seemed ready ta go too! Well, here we go! I waited as one tried ta grab me. I ducked before elbowed him in his side roughly! He grunted until threw a hard kick ta the groin before shoving him headfirst into a wall! One down, one more ta go!

I turned ta see if his brother need anythin' only ta find him holding the guy's arm back and the other pinned right between the shoulder blades! Nice one if ya ask me, but we got ta leave!

"Ok, wonderful! Let's go!" I shouted as I grabbed their arms again and pulled them out of the room.

"Excuse me, but where are we going?!" Apollo shouted as he didn't bother ta fight me on this anymore.

"Away from here! It is not safe fer you and yer brother!" I informed them before taking a turn ta leave this place.

Apollo suddenly pulled his hand from mine and turned the other way! Where is that fool going off ta now?!

"We can't leave Klavier, Seb, and Daryran! They could be in danger too!" he shouted as he didn't seem ta stop!

"Apollo! Wait!" his brother shouted after running to help him.

Why does no one listen ta me?! I have ta do something ta get him away from them and this area quickly! There must be somethin' I can do! I searched for anythin' and saw a lever! If only the prof were here. They would do this in a heartbeat. Well, for their safety and the mission, better get this over and done with!

(Alfendi's POV)

Crowds, Main Hall

May 10th, 7:35 PM

"For someone who enjoys the chaos he creates, you are taking your time with this one" Fendi pointed out like the slacker he is!

"You try to cause an international incident while also trying to not hurt any of these idiots in the process!" I snapped until everything went dark "Ok, that wasn't me!"

"If that wasn't you, then I believe we both know who it is" Fendi stated with a sigh of disappointment while I was enamored.

"Lucy Baker" we spoke as we heard screaming and shouting from all directions.

She truly is the lady for us. Who else would cause this much chaos by shutting off the entire power to the performance? That is true love!

"We clearly have different interpretations of love" Fendi spoke with a shake of his head, "So, how do you want to handle the guards that are near the stage since we cannot see them"

"You worry too much!" I snapped before taking out my badge and using my phone as a flashlight.

I reflected the light from the badge to blind a few of the guards that were heading to the stage! Some of them noticed me and slowly charged at me! Well, time to go! I turned the other way with the badge back in our lab coat and then holding my phone to wave it in the air to get their attention along with a few others.

Entrance, Main Hall

May 10th, 7:55 PM

I exited the theater and found people running away in utter terror. Unfortunate that I didn't cause this one to a degree. The police were entering the hall and trying to help the people and arrest those who cause this, but not all of them were arrested. They were heading towards me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that we are close to the busy streets and then down an alleyway that I can definitely use to my advantage.

"Please do not this" Fendi cautioned.

I smirked in reply, "Well, now I am going to do it!"

Swiftly turning to the busy street with the traffic going, I charged through it with horns blaring at us! I laughed like a manic as I heard everyone shouting as some of the guards were stopped by the cars and soon arrested. We still had others following us!

I turned to the alleyway and saw a plethora of items before us that I can use for my own amusement! Time to get to work! I moved a few items and went up an elevator with a remote once I was finished with my masterpiece.

"This is insanely stupid" Fendi pointed out.

"Yes, but have my ideas ever failed?" I replied with a knowing expression, "Exactly! Go!"

The guards who followed me noticed I wasn't present and were cautious. I will give them props for that! Now, let's have them meet their doom!

"Well, I must applaud you for being so cautious" I spoke with pride, "But you are still foolish idiots for following the greatest investigator in the world!"

I pressed a button to activate the devices around us! My first part of my plan is to make the pipes burst! They slipped and fell as I aimed the device at the vending machine to make malfunction and explode! They cried out in pain as they were knocked against the other side of the alleyway!

"You have a sadistic mind, brother of mine" Fendi spoke with a chuckle as I aimed the device towards a covary belt holding a bunch of potted plants.

"I do try, Fendi" I replied with pride, "There is an art to this, after all!"

Some of the plants fell and struck their feeble, little heads. I heard cries of discomfort and pain before pointing the device to a clothesline to have the rope wrap around them tightly. I stepped on the elevator to descend before pressing the final button to have the broken vending machine's parts scatter to pin the ropes to the ground as well as give off an alarm sound to get the people's attention.

"You won't get away with this!" one of them shouted as I rolled my eyes at their cliché lines and stupidity.

With a final push of a button, the vending machine parts burst with some electricity to shook them! they let out a final cry of pain and anguish before falling unconscious. I put my hands in the pockets of my coat before stepping into the elevator as the people were stepping out and rushing to the scene to see what had transpired.

"Well, that went well if you ask me!" I spoke with pride as Fendi sighed but agreed.

"I suppose it did get the job done" he confessed, "Now, we should return to Lucy and Apollo. We need to ensure our case is still progressing"

"I know! Enjoy the moment! It is not every day I get to do something like this! Sheesh!" I complained before taking my phone out to find out where Lucy was.

Goods news, she is leaving with Apollo. Bad news, she's trending with an article already published by some second-rate journalist. That didn't take them long to make, but I suppose I should get our plane ready. A quick getaway never hurt anyone I suppose. I do wonder how they're going to find us, but I do know it will not be hard to find a plane. I am sure it will work out in our favor in the end!

(Apollo's POV)

Grand Stage of Suntory Hall, Stage

May 10th, 7:45 PM

I already caused an international incident once in my life, I did not want to cause it a second time! How does this keep happening to me?! Why can it not happen at all?! I couldn't see anything in the dark and tried to make my way through it only to find myself standing on a grand flat area. Wait, area? Hang on a second...

"Uh, Yuta? Lucy?" I called out and heard someone else reply as the light turned on.

I covered my eyes to block out the light and slowly felt the dread of my actions to see myself standing on the stage. Everyone was looking at me, and I am 95% sure this is live as well. I can only imagine what my mother, little sisters, former boss, girlfriend, and pretty much everyone else's reaction to this.

"Apollo" Klavier spoke in a hurt tone as I turned to see a furious expression on his face.

You see, he rarely gets angry, so the fact that is he is not a good sign for me at all. The crowd stared at me too until someone threw something at me! I barely had time to avoid the incoming object which turned out to be soda can! Klavier's expression did change to horror as Seb rushed to pull me off the stage before anyone else did anything.

"Are you ok?" he asked in a whisper as he pulled me along and made sure we were behind the curtains.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, but you have to get Klavier and Daryran off the stage!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his shoulders, "There are people here trying to hurt us! I don't know who they are, but they're here!"

Seb was startled by this until we heard the crowd cheering again. We turned our attention to the stage as I prepared to run out there again only for Daryran to approach us! Oh, great, I don't need this right now! I need to warn my friend!

"Get out of here" Daryran said in a crossed manner as I stood my ground, "Seriously, do you think of anyone else but yourself? This was for us to have fun and get back to being friends. I know you're a great friend of his, but do you have to ruin this? He wanted us to have fun together. Instead, you've gone onto the stage and ruined our performance!"

He's not.... Wrong. I know I haven't been the most agreeable person with this trip, but I didn't mean to ruin the performance. Also, there was a blackout. I had to do something to help in case anything happened. I suppose I should've asked the stagehand to help warn them. I guess there was another way I could've handled this.

"Apollo!" Yuta and Lucy shouted as they reached me with Yuta speaking softly, "Let's go. We have no longer a reason to be here. We shall depart with Miss Baker"

I didn't even resist his pull. I was still thinking about Daryran's words. He wasn't wrong, but there was something else about him. His words were too much for me, but I know something was wrong. Something was squeezing me, telling me that something was wrong. I don't know what it was, but something wasn't right about him. I should find out what that is, right? Why do I feel exhausted? What's going on with me? I leaned against my brother who continued to speak softly. It was in our country's native tongue. It was soothing.... Soothing like mother's...

(Nahyuta's POV)

With that, he fell asleep. I knew singing mother's lullaby would be able to put him to sleep. Now, we have other matters to attend to. I followed Miss Baker out of the stage and through the busy streets of Japan. We were fortunate that she was a member of the Interpol, but I do wonder what Interpol is doing here and at a concert no less. Though, I believe I shall receive my answer soon enough, seeing as we are approaching a black cab to take us somewhere.

"Please get in, your majesty!" Lucy spoke in that energetic tone of hers.

Narita and Haneda Airports, Runway 3

May 10th, 8:15 PM

Well, I wonder what Apollo got himself into now. It appears that we are about to board a plane and catch another flight. This plane is much grander than the one we took to travel to Japan. I placed Apollo in a white leather chair before taking a seat myself and facing Miss Baker and a grand detective known for his unique way of solving cases and understanding the minds of criminals, Alfendi Layton.

"Greetings to you two! You sure kept us waiting!" Alfendi spoke in a harsh tone, "But I suppose it doesn't matter. You're here now and now, the case can finally begin!"

Ah, we are on a case with a detective. Fascinating. I haven't worked with this detective nor his partner before. Well, Apollo is out, and I personally do not enjoy how Daryran has treated my brother. I do believe this is the vacation we need rather than letting him treat Apollo rudely.

"I agree" I spoke with a small smile, "Let the case begin" 

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