Power Hungry

By tayrov

2.6K 55 3

"I love leati Joesph anoa'i not this ,this monster named the tribal chief" More

Joe anoa'i
The devil
Back bitch
Food fight
Roman gone missing
Pen to paper
Romans gone missing pt2
Late night confessions
Crazy bitch
Payback part 1
Pay back part 2


58 1 0
By tayrov

"Roman what the fuck are you doing here"
I can feel the anger radiating off of him
He rubs his beards chuckling
"Well i came looking for you to apologize but it seems you have moved the fuck on that was quick" I take a step back appalled
"Roman I didn't sleep with jey you know he is nothing but a brother to me I just need a place to sleep and he offered I fell asleep on the couch" I gesture towards the couch
"Alright well I don't give a fuck your my girl and I don't want you sleeping in some other man's room" Roman yells the last part I flinch and put a finger over his mouth "shh your gonna wake up jey" but it's too late I already here jeys door opening "the fuck is going on out here lo" I step aside and show Roman at the door "he found me" I joke trying to ease the tension "oh hey uce listen I was just taking her in because she wouldn't go back to your room I didn't want her alone" Roman rolls his eyes "I don't give a fuck she's my finance not yours you had your chance stop fucking hitting on her"
Roman goes to grab my but I push back
"Roman he is gonna be my family for fucks sake calm down" I am still tugging against Roman but he won't budge "Roman please just let go" i have a hard time controlling my anger and the last thing I want to do is take it out on Roman but he is really fucking pushing me "no get the fuck out of this room Lottie" I start clawing at his hand
"No fucking get off of me"
"No lorence grow the fuck up and let's talk this out like a grown women" when he used my real name I just snap I wind my fist back and go to hit Roman but my arm gets grabbed by jey Roman steps back in shock
"Did you just try to fucking hit me"
I feel myself slowly slipping away in anger
"Yea dick I told you to get your fucking hands off me your in the wrong here and you know that now get out" it seems Roman finally realizes what he was doing "shit Lottie I am so sorry" "GET THE FUCK OUT" I am sure the whole hotel heard me
I slam the door shut in a panicked state I go over to sit on the couch head in my hands
Than I feel jey rub my back "hey it's okay lo I am not sure what happened but it's okay"
I look up at him "no no no it's so fucked is so fucked" I start hyperventilating again
"Shhh breath with me breath" me and jey take a few deep breaths and I feel better
"Thank you jey I really appreciate I am still a little shaken up do you mind if I go take a shower" "nah go ahead uce"

I strip off my clothes and hop in the shower letting the hot water run down my body the second it hits I feel my body relax and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding
The last 24 hours have been way to much on me and I know I have to talk to Roman but right now I am not in the right mental state after a good shower and fresh clothes than maybe my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door "hey uce did you die in there it's been a hour" "oh shit sorry I guess the time just slipped" I wrap my slef back in a towel than realize all my stuff is in me and Roman's room ugh fuck "hey jey can i borrow some gym clothes" jeys hand than pops in with a old compression shirt he had and some biker shorts "thanks" i put on the shirt and see it's still a little big so i tie it with my hair tie and tuck it under the shirt than i put the biker shorts on those are not has bad just a little baggy I put my hair up and walk out of the bathroom "i am gonna go to the gym for a little bit" jey grabs his bag than two waters "yea i was gonna come along too if that's okay" i smile up at him
"Oh course that's fine"

At the gym
I am currently curling 115 when I spot Roman coming in his eyes meet mine and I snap my eyes back to the mirror hoping he didn't notice but I was proven wrong when I get a text on my phone from him "fucking hell" I roll my eyes and check the texts feeling better than what I felt this morning
"Can we talk please" I throw my phone back in jeys bag and finish my set "ey jey I am gonna go back up" I walk back up to the room making eye contact with Roman one more time before walking out

"Hey uce I am home" I got ready for the day
While I waited for jey to get back
"Hey I was gonna go check on Jimmy if u wanted to shower and come" jeys eyes light up "yea yea let me just wash up real quick"
He rushes into the bathroom and I swear I have never seen a soman move that fast ever I decided to cook jey some food as a thanks for letting my crash Before we head out
I check in the fridge to see if he's got any food and the only thing I see is eggs
"Eggs it is I guess"

I am halfway done cooking the food when jey walks out In just sweat pants his tattos are similar to Roman's and I start thinking of Roman "hello earth to Lottie" I snap out of it and see the eggs are almost burnt
"Shit sorry I just got side tracked"
I scrap the eggs off the pan onto a plate
"Here eat Before we head to the hospital"
"What about you uce" "I am not hungry"
Jey looks at my upset but doesn't push me anymore

At the hospital
Me and jey are walking through the halls of the hospital currently trying to find jimmys since he has been transferred "fucking hell were is it" I groan "oh uce I see it right here come on" jey practally shoves me into the room clearly exciting to see his twin
"Shit jey calm down" we stumble into the room and I see Jimmy and trinity's eyes light up "hey guys how you feeling" I go to jimmy's side "eh I have been better just pissed that I am out for so long" I suddenly feel guilty about what I know "hey guys I am just gonna go to the bathroom"
I feel really guilty right now so much so I wanna throw up I rush out the door and into the bathroom gagging and coughing up spit I look myself in the mirror and even though I just took a shower less than a hour or two ago I can't be here right now it's all to much with knowing who did this I make sure the hallway is clear than I rush down the hallway and out to the parking lot calling a Uber since I don't wanna leave jey stranded there

I start feeling my breath picking up and tears pricking on my eyes "god I am so stuipd why did I ask to come here"
At this point I realized that Roman was manipulated into this he would never do this to his cousin he had to be somebody else but who

Back at the hotel
I stand outside of Roman's hotel door deciding if I should knock or not if I do this that means I need to accept what Roman did and if I don't than I will make a even bigger rip into our relationship but you know what I am gonna marry Roman so all my decisions are his too I go to knock on the door but than the door opens

Authors note
Hey guys I am so sorry about not updating Monday or Friday please forgive me but I have just been unmotivated to write but I will Hopefully be back now thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed~T

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