Patrick Stump Imagines/onesho...

Von scxttered

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just little oneshots about the frontman of Fall Out Boy. fluff and stuff a little more cheeky if required ;))... Mehr

A long days work (fluff)
I Keep my Jelousy Close (suggestive)
Dance, Dance... How Misery Loved Me (fluff)
I'm Coming Apart at the Seams (fluff)
Rocky Horror (smüt)
Parents (smüt)
Fashion Magazines (fluff)
Fall From Your Window (fluff)
Bunny Boy (smüt, pt1)
Bunny Boy (smüt 2)
help meee (not a story i just need help)
Centuries (fluff)
So Much For Tour Bus (smüt)
I'm Like A Lawyer (suggestive)
Summer Days (smüt/request)
Put This Record Down (fluff)
Sunshine Machine (suggestive)
Rhythm of the Rain (smüt)
I wanna scream 'I love you' (fluff)
When I'm Home Alone... (smüt)
Mi Amour (fluff)
Alpha Dog (fluff)
In Sweaty Rooms (fluff)
In Sweaty Rooms (fluff. pt2)
Everything You Say... (smüt, pt1)
Everything you say... (smüt. pt2)

They Weren't So Great (fluff)

64 3 3
Von scxttered

'One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter" '


This is a cuter one so I hope you like it

Your boyfriend cheats on you so your best friend Patrick helps you out

It's gonna be a bit sad just as a warning but not too bad

Possible T.W:

. Break ups
. Cheating
. Implied su*cidal thoughts (not directly spoken about, just implied)
. Talk of Shouting
. Talk of weight issues/ bullying
. Talk of domestic violence (although it doesn't occur)

But guys seriously please please give me ideas and tell me what you wanna hear. I'm struggling on my own please help meeeee

Do you want more fluff/suggestive/smut/anything?

Different pronouns?

Story ideas?

Please please please help me guys I really need this!!!

Anyway thank you!! Enjoy this cuter story!!!


This couldn't be happening. He wouldn't do this to you. He loved you, at least that's what he'd told you.

You'd left now and were walking but you didn't know where too. You just needed to walk. You wanted to keep on walking until your shoes wore out and you legs fell off ans you died because what was the point of even living anymore when the person you'd trusted, you'd love and you'd given you every single breath too had betrayed you just like that?

After a while of walking and blurred night time vision from the tears that poured down your face, you realised that you couldn't walk forever, as much as you wanted too. You also knew there was one person in this world that would never betray you in that way, who would have you back through everything wns support you no matter what; your best friend, Patrick.

Shakily, you took out your phone and called his number as you changed your path of direction towards his house, younwere sure he'd invite you over.

"Hey y/n," he said happily down the line, he was always pleased to see you and that made you cry even more.

You tried to manage your breathing a little before saying, "Patrick, i-i... can I come over?"

His tone changed from happiness to concern. "Yeah sure y/n... what's wrong? Is everything alright?" He asked.

"N-not really... it's just some stuff with Jake..." you mumbled, wiping your eyes, the memory of what he'd said and what you'd seen physically hurting you.

"Okay... well head straight over then y/n. Be safe yeah?" Patrick said worriedly.

"I will. Th-thank you,' you said quietly with a sniff.

"See you soon."

He hung up. He really did care about you and in that moment he felt like the only person who didn't treat you like dog crap on the bottom of their shoe. Putting your phone away, you wiped your eyes again although they still leaked tears.

The walk from where you were to Patrick's was only around ten minutes which was lucky as it began to rain large, heavy drops. Uou were only a victim of the rain for a couple of minutes but it was enough to soak you through to the skin and chill you.

You arrived at his familiar front door and hesitated, clearing the tears from your face and taking a deep breath, willing yourself not to cry again as you knocked.

Patrick opened it almost immediately and stood in the frame. He still had his fedora on and was pretty well dressed to say he was at home. Maybe he hadn't been back long, you thought. A troubled look on his face took your mind off how nice he looked and reminded you of why you were there and you felt the hot prickle in your eyes again.

With sadness dripping from his words, Patrick said, "come on in, let's get you dried off."

You followed him inside, wiping your nose on youe sleeve and wiping your feet on the mat. He disappeared into the house as you stood, hugging yourself just inside the door. Soon he was back, holding a towel, a blanket and some spare clothes.

"I was just going to start a bath before you rang, would you like me to run you one so you can warm up?" He offered.

You smiled weakly. "It's alright but thank you."

"I'll make us some hot coffee while you dry off... go and change and get warm."

You nodded, and he told you to go to his room to change. As you webt upstairs you wrapped yourself up in the towel protectively, squeezing your hair into it to get the water out of it.

Being aware of his house and its lay out as you'd been there often, you webt directly but slowly to his bedroom. On his bed were his pajamas, laid out neatly on the covers ready for him when he had it bath. You let out a nasily chuckle. He was really sweet, just everything he did was so innocent and pure, it surprised you that he was single and lived alone especially with the fact that fans practically threw themselves at him. But you supposed he wasn't very interested in that kind of brief, one night romance. Even the thought of romance made you upset again bur you tried to push it to the back of your mind as you changed into the clothes he gave you; some comfy bottoms, a large t-shirt and his blue dressing gown. He'd even given you some slippers of his to wear.

Smiling to yourself, you looked in his full length mirror. You suited his clothes, even if you said so yourself. Him being a little on the shorter side definitely had its advantages when it came to swapping wardrobes. You sniffed, trying to clear your nose and noticed that your new outfit smelt like Patrick. He had a nice smell, it was familiar and warm and clean and you enjoyed the fact that you smelt a little of him. He did so much for you... Jake would never have done all this for you, at one point in your life though, around an hour ago, you were idle enough to believe he would have. Shaking off the thoughts about him, you headed back downstairs to see Patrick, clutching thr blanket he'd given you.

Following the smell of coffee, you ended up in Patrick's kitchen. His back was to you bur you could hear drinks being poured. You sat at the table, not speaking and he turned round holding two mugs, one in each hand. Placing one down in front of you, he joined you at the table.

"Here you go. Just the way you like it," he said, nodding towards the drink. You smiled, he knew how you liked your drinks ans he got it right every time without fail, but then again, being childhood best friends made hot drinks a regular occurrence. Taking the cup in your hands, you warmed up yoyr fingers carefully.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Patrick asked softly after you both enjoyed a few seconds of comfortable silence.

Nodding you looked down at the drink in your hand. "I-it was jake..." you began, willing yourself to not cry. "He cheated on me-"

"What?!" Patrick exclaimed, leaning back in his seat.

Glancing up at him, you saw anger in his face.

"Y-yeah. He slept with someone else... i-in... in o-our bed..." you mumbled, feeling the pressure build in your eyes and your vision become blurry.

"Did he?" Patrick breathed.

You nodded again, bringing your hands up to your face. "I-i saw them," you sobbed, inhaling harshly, your breathing ragged.

"I can't believe that," Patrick said, shaking his head and placing a hand on your arm, rubbing it softly in an attempt to comfort you.

You cried and eventually said, "I never thought he'd do that to me... i-i thought... I though h-he loved me." Getting that out made you cry even harder. You felt like such an idiot to have trusted him and so gullible to have believed all the times he'd said he cared about you.

Patrick scooted around the table and sat next to you, pulling you gently to him and giving you a much needed hug. He'd always been good at hugs. You leant your head against him and closed your eyes, sobbing into his chest. How coukd you ever trust someone again other than the man who gave you a genuine caring hug at that moment? He let you stay there without speaking for as long as you needed and you appreciated that more than you could tell him.

When he felt you calm down a little he asked softly, "what... what happened after you saw them?"

Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you replied, "j-jake came out the bedroom and spoke to m-me a-and said that i-it wasn't what it l-looked like-"

"Well what was it then?" Patrick exclaimed sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

You agreed. "H-he was lying to me..." you felt the tears brimming. "...a-again. The woman l-left then and I t-told Jake that I d-didnt want to be with h-him if he was with o-other people and he shouted at me... and th-thats when I left..." yoy trailed off.

"Well, you're not going back there tonight. You stay here with me," Patrick told you.

"B-but Jake will probably have guessed I've gone here... and he was angry. I d-dont want him to get angry with you."

"Listen y/n, if he comes here looking for you, he needs to get past me and I'm not letting that happen. If he isn't enough of a man to look after you and treat you right then that's even more reason why I need to," he said, still anger bubbling under his skin.

Your eyes widened, no one had ever told you anything like that before and you felt so overwhelmed with admiration for Patrick. The feeling of crying washed over you again and he clearly saw it as he took you into his strong arms again, holding you warmly and protectively. For the first time in a very long time you trusted the man who's embrace you were in and this time you knew he would never let you down. You were safe, as he promised, and you believed every word he said.

Rubbing your back sympathetically, Patrick said, "I do kinda understand how you feel.' You looked up at him. "Do you... do you remember Trish?"

You thought for a second, then you remembered the name: Patrick's ex girlfriend of a couple of years back when they were creating Infinity. Having never got in depth details about the end of their relationship you had assumed everything had been on good terms.

"Yeah, I remember her.'

"Yeah. Well, a similar thing happened with her... I came home and she'd cheated on me. I-it wasn't like you and Jake, I didn't actually see it happen, that must've been terrible for you... but there were... there were 'signs', shall we say," his eyes became a little glazy as he relived what had happened. You'd stopped crying at this point and just listened to what he told you. "But yeah, I knew she'd cheated on me and she'd slept with someone." His voice was soft and you coukd tell there was years of pain built up in each word that he'd kept to himself but he still held you tightly against his body.

"I'm sorry," you said quietly. "I had no idea."

"It's okay. I've n-never said to anyone before," he replied with a weak smile.

"Why haven't you?" You asked.

"Because..." he thought carefully. "because it hurt me too much."

You frowned. He didn't deserve that. In return, you moved your arms and embraced him, changing the position that had been before. Putting his head delicately on your shoulder, he hugged you back but you could tell he was the one that needed the comfort at that moment.

"What happened after you found out?" You asked him, hoping that thr question wasn't too invasive.

"I-i spoke to her about it and she got mad... like Jake. And I asked her why she did it. A-and she said... " he gulped and took a shakey breath before saying, "she said it was because I was overweight at the time a-and it was embarrassing to b-be with someone who looked like me."

That shattered your heart. Patrick had always been insecure about his weight, especially during Infinity and the fact that someone had targeted his self esteem issues to validate why they thought it was okay to cheat on him was utterly disgusting.

He wasn't crying but as he sat in your arms, you could tell he was on the verge.

"I don't think I ever said this," he continued after a small break to steady his emotions. "But before all th-that happened I told her that I didn't want to sleep with her until I was happier with m-myself... with how I l-looked and stuff. She said that also was a r-reason why she did it."

You sighed and rubbed his back sadly, he really needed to tell someone this, he'd been holding onto it for years.

"I'm so sorry," you said softly.

"A-also, when I spoke to her about it, she said th-that the guy who she did it with... she said he t-tasted like me only sweeter."

"I thought you didn't sleep with her-"

"No, no. She d-didnt mean it like that I don't think. Sh-she just meant he was better than me in every way," Patrick said shakily.

You sniffed. He was so upset but you were very glad he'd got it out.

"I don't believe how someone could be better than you Patrick," you said honestly. "You're the best person ever. I mean, l-look what you've done for me, not just today but e-every day. You'd been amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend."

You felt him smile a little and after a couple of seconds he replied, "thank you y/n. That's really sweet." He eventually seemed to recover from the memories that he'd spilled and sat up, wiping his eyes which were a bit pink, so were yours.

A chilled sadness filled you when he let go, he made you feel secure and even safer than you'd first realised as your thoughts slipped back to Jake and what had happened that night. It had nearly come to blows and while Jake had never physically abused or hurt you, you had really feared in that moment when you saw him and the woman. He had been angry, you'd seen him angry before but he was violent then and you had been scared. Patrick had never made you scared like he had.

He must've seen the far away look in your eyes because he said, "you're thinking about him again."

You nodded and sighed, leaning in silently for comfort and a hug. Obliging, Patrick held you again.

"You'd never hurt me... right?" You asked veey quietly. Deep down you knew he wouldn't but jake now made you question everything.

"Why? Did Jake-"

"No, no. He didn't do anything. He just scared me a-and I thought he might."

Patrick sighed and gave you a small squeeze. "I would never hurt you y/n and I would never let anyone else hurt you either."

You smiled, tears forming in your eyes again. He made you so happy, he meant so much to you.

"You can live here as long as you need where you'll be safe and warm and... well, loved," Patrick said.

Moving your head up, you looked into his eyes, yours teary, matching his. Then he kissed the top of your head earnestly.

"thank you Patrick," you mumbled, smiling. He smiled back. "You make me feel really safe."

"That's all I wanna do," he replied. His expression changed to nervous suddenly. "Say, er y/n..." he licked his lips anxiously, looking away from you. "I get that this is really quick after everything and... well I don't want to ruin our friendship b-but... well, I just wanted you to know that since we were around nineteen I've, well I've had f-feelings for you, not just being best friends."

Your heart dropped, you weren't expecting him to say that.

"... anyway I, I think I like you... y-you don't have to say anything," he added quickly, seeing your eyes meet his. "I just... I wanted to tell you. I hope this hasn't ruined anything we had before. I get why you won't like me back what with me being busy with work and tours and things but-"

"Patrick..." you whispered, your face cracking into a smile.

His eyebrows furrowed and he gave you a wonky awkward smile, clearly regretting what he'd told you.

You shook your head. "Patrick, didn't I make it obvious? I like you too.'

"Y-you do?' Patrick replied looking aghast.

You laughed. "Well yeah, of course I do! You make me feel safe and happy and you actually care about me and make me feel loved unlike anyone else ever has."

Sitting up, you traced your fingers slowly through his hair, admiring his face, a face that was handsome enough without thr flawless personality attached, a face that you could confidently say cared about you and woukd treat you right.

Patrick's face turned into a happy smile as he placed his hand on your cheek gently, his eyes looking a bit glazy and bewildered.

"would it be okay if I kissed you?" He asked softly. "It's alright if not-"

You chuckled, cupping his face in your hands ans connecting your lips for the first time. You'd waited years for this moment ajs it felt exactly how you'd dreamed. A spark seemed to ignite in you as you kissed and that was what had been missing from Jake; there was no spark, there was no love, not from his side anyway and without both the fuel and the spark from both sides, there would be no flame. But there, sat at Patrick's kitchen table, the warm aroma of coffee in the room, under the harsh lights, you and Patrick shared your first kiss and even though it had come from a very negative background, it was perfect.

His lips were heaven and so were yours. His hands rested carefully on your waist as your stayed on his face. His smell filled your nose with every breath you took and that was the only smell you wanted to experience.

The kiss wasn't long but it felt as though it lasted for ages, the pure love and happiness and childhood wishes being fulfilled dragging it our for longer that it seemed.

You both pulled away, hands still on the other and smiled. Your eyes strayed across his face again, taking in every detail. A new far away look filled your eyes but this time it wasn't because of thoughts of Jake.

"I really like you y/n," Patrick whispered.

"I really like you too, " you said, your lips curling upwards softly.

He embraced you again but not just as a friend this time. Closing your eyes, you felt true, pure happiness filling up inside you ans it comforted you to know you were with someone who would never let you down and you were sure Patrick knew you would never let him down either.


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