Love Me, Mikayla

By ahavaenoch

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"Burn with me, जान ऐ अदा, At least, for once, love me, Mikayla. . ." . . . Mikayla, a spoiled brat, daddy's p... More

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Raphael & Julia


569 71 146
By ahavaenoch

Collage is given above!

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The ceremony starts as the priest recites a sermon, emphasizing the importance of the sacred bond of marriage. To us, and the guests. Everybody is silent as the voice of the respected man echoes within the high and artistic walls.

The words are especially recited to me, who had no idea why the bond is sacred and how it is beautiful in God's eyes.

I listen to him, feeling my chest becoming heavier with each passing second as I realize how big the responsibility is.

I feel my palms becoming sweaty. Through the net barrier, I decide to steal a glance at Barak and when I realize he has been looking at me along, I look away immediately as if caught stealing something.

For how long has he been gazing at me like that? Doesn't he have anything else to do?

When he still doesn't look away, I pinch his palm, breaking all his trance. Soon the dreamy look in those ocean eyes is replaced by a warning glare, along with a frown that masks his face.

Biting back a giggle, I stick my tongue out, keeping in mind that the priest isn't watching us.

He shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath. I catch his lip-syncing as he mutters the word, "बुद्धू। "


How dare he call me that? Twisting my rosy bottom lip, I run my gaze down his side appearance as now he is looking at the priest.

His blond hair is set back, neat, and shiny. His cheekbones are high and jaw set. He carefully listens to the priest and the words he is delivering. In the middle, he steals glances at me and once again, I pinch his wrist, earning myself another glare.

It's fun annoying him. Especially when I do it on such serious occasions. Because he can't do anything, I take advantage of it.

I smirk. You were so fond of holding my hands, weren't you, Blondie? Now bear the consequences like a good boy.

Though he warns me through his raging ocean eyes, I continue pinching him over and over again. In the end, getting fed up, he grips my fingers in his palm firmly and I can't help but gasp behind the veil.

It shouldn't have happened.

It seems to catch the attention of the priest yet his lips don't stop chanting. However, he couldn't hold a smile and lowered his face to hide it.

It's time to dig a hole and lie into it, Mikayla.

Once done, we are asked to exchange the wedding vows. I expect the priest to ask us which simply happens according to the traditions but confusion masks my face when we are given the Holy Bible.

Still not understanding the gesture, I look at Barak who is flipping the delicate pages of the Holy Bible gently.

"Barak," I almost whispered, not even believing that he would hear me but he did.

He looks at me, raising his brows.

With my gesture, I call him closer. He does, bending his face so that I can speak right in his ear. However, first I am attacked by the fresh fragrance of sandalwood along with roses and musk that exudes from him. I try not to react to it or inhale more of it like a needy person in his proximity.

"What's this? I thought it's going to be simple," I say, keeping my eyes down behind the veil, and he nods to it.

"It's simple. Just say the words written in front of you," he replies and I feel a smile in his voice.

"I thought I'd only have to say 'I do'," I murmur and he pulls back, giving me a small reply, "No. You'll have to vow solemnly to me and God."

I try not to freak out. He is saying this to make it more solemn and powerful. It? — of course, our marriage.

I don't say that saying only 'I do' doesn't complete a marriage but saying the words with your own mouth holds power.

He knows the power of words. He knows the tongue in our mouths is a way to either life or death. My father taught me the revelation and I still remember it. It's another thing that I don't have any fear of.

But Barak knows it. He knows the universe will answer and there would be a commotion in the stars if we confess with our tongues.

Holding my attention, he starts saying the vow, beginning with;

"I thank God for His divine will in bringing us together. For He saw good in giving me to you, and you to me, I rejoice in the beautiful desire of my Lord God, the creator of heaven and earth. And now I vow to love and cherish the woman He is willing to give me."

Eyes trained on the words written in front of him, he says those words and the beginning of it has me captured with the truth and faithfulness that his tone holds.

"Like a gift from above, you're to me, Mikayla. I'll cherish you like Elkanah. I'll never leave your side like Ruth. I'll remain steadfast to you as I'm committed to the Lord my God. I'll stand by your side like Hoshea and will protect you with my life. Lord forbid if such a situation comes but if it's sent from above, I will not hesitate to lay my life for you."

Maybe I'm lost in him for the moment being that nothing makes sense to me as long as he speaks.

Brightness being dusted over his attractive features that enter through the high windows of the church, I see his lips moving as he makes those vows to me while his eyes bow in respect to the Word of the living God.

"I will never take you for granted. I'll lead you and guide you as my Lord Jesus Christ leads me. I'll follow His teachings and obey His commands. I'll lead by example, with patience and understanding. I'll be slow to anger and quick to listen. I will be a strong spiritual leader in our home through good times and bad, in joy and sorrow. I will love you and be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home. This is my solemn pledge to you and God."

I didn't even realize when it ended. Say that I loved listening to him. And it is true. His words supported by the verses written in the Bible held my breath and my heart was beating wildly inside my chest. Why did he do this? I still blame him, maybe I'll keep blaming him for what he does to my heart, being oblivious to it.

How innocent he stands!

I don't know what was so special in those words that I feel tears burning my eyes and my chin wobbling. Especially when he said he would be slow to anger and quick to listen. I know it's written in the Bible. We aren't even married yet he dreams of a home with me. Yeah, I've noticed each word that left his mouth.

I don't wish to show him this.

I lower my eyelids, casting them upon the page opened before my eyes. It gets blurry. I blink my eyes to look clearly as I say the vows written in front of me;

"Barak," I take a deep breath before continuing as I feel like my voice is too low to be heard, "in the presence of God, our family, and friends, I take you today as my husband."

I swallow. I don't want that.

"I promise to be for you the helpmate God intended from the beginning. I will honor you as my spiritual head. I will follow you as you follow Christ. I will cover you in prayer."

I don't even know how to pray.

"I will work alongside you in support of your God-given vision for our family. I will speak words of kindness and not criticism." Will try not to but I can't promise we won't fight daily.

"I'll be by your side. Always." I doubt it. "For where you go, I'll go, and where you live, I'll live. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I'll die, and there I'll be buried.

"May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you. I will love you and be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home. This is my solemn pledge to you and God."

Raising my eyes from the Word of the Lord, I find a smile on Barak's face. I try to ignore that look, looking anywhere but him.

The priest declares us to be husband and wife and allows him to kiss me.

I don't want that.

He steps closer and removes my veil. He holds my chin between his forefinger and his thumb, his warm touch seeping into my skin through the pores.

He raises my face to face him. He bends to my level and whispers, "Don't want me to kiss you?"

"No." I'm glad that the priest can't really hear us, being in the twilight of his age.

Ever so slowly, I see his lips curling into a small smile but in those eyes, there is a hint of sadness. He tries to hide it but can't do it from me.

"You can torment me whole life for a touch and I won't do it. But it'd be a huge pity if I didn't kiss my wife on the very day of our wedding. Let me seal my vows with this kiss and I promise you won't regret submitting to this divine will."


While I'm still trying to register his words in my head, he takes me by surprise as he tilts his head and kisses me straight.

I'm flushed, my heart is a beating mess all in a moment and my face is blooming hot. My eyelids become heavy and I give into it.

Just one soft suck, a very gentle one. It reminds me of oranges being squeezed as the sap drips from its lips. He does it like that, in the most gentle and artistic yet pure way. And it's over.

He breaks the kiss the very next instant and steps back. I don't dare to look up at him and can't see it coming when he wraps his arms around my shoulders, taking me in an embrace.

Guess, I needed it from the beginning.

I feel his palm caressing my back soothingly as he speaks in my ear, "I had no idea you'd be this sensitive to my vows, my dear wife." He noticed. "Don't cry. May God give me all the tears of your eyes, and keep adding more to your charming smiles."

He will steal my heart very soon.


Blondie seems to be a different person with children. He smiles at them and lets them kiss him. He listens to their dumb secrets and even laughs at their lame jokes. He lets them cradle himself like he is some mountain but the thing is, they won't even annoy him as badly as they annoy me.

It is Ayaz's gang, after all.

He chuckles with them as they tell him dumb things. It's good they are not talking about me or else I'd have to scold Ayaz even while leaving.

They shower him with kisses, admiring him over and over again while I mimic them from behind. Is there something they tell me that I don't know?

Of course, he's handsome. What else?

Ayaz comes again and gives Blondie a tight hug. I take the spoon in my mouth, savoring the amazing taste of my wedding cake while my eyes linger over them.

"You like kids a lot," I say, raising my brows to exaggerate how much he loves them.

"I do," he answers quietly, "They're cute and innocent." He continues playing and talking with them while I munch on the chocolate chips hidden in my pie.

However, in the back of my head, I'm met with the idea of having kids with him. Will he love them the same way or even more? Maybe he will love them immensely. After all, he's a man with a soft heart. He is a loving man.

Wait, what am I even thinking? How can I even think of it?

Slapped by my senses, I come back to the world, blinking my eyes rapidly. They land on him and I find a knowing smirk on his face while everybody is gone.

"क्या सोच रही थी?" He asks, his tone playful while mirth dancing in his eyes. He knows that already, doesn't he?

(What were you thinking?)

"Nothing," I dismissed the very instant, trying to focus on my cake.

"It doesn't seem so," he presses, tilting his head to look me in the eyes. I glare at him from the corner of my eye. He still doesn't back off. "You can tell me straight; how many do you want?"

My eyes widen and I choke on my own saliva. "W-What?" I gaped at him, "You misunderstood it."

"Then why are you a blushing mess?" He pokes my cheek as he leans closer. No, don't do that, or I'll faint right here. "Your cheek is hot," he concludes, a smile in his voice.

I turn to face him and I find how close his face is to mine. He is smiling, as I concluded. I look at him in the eyes that are framed by those inky eyelashes. He blinks them, and time seems to stretch out of grip. His eyes are sprinkled with Stardust, and I'm lost in them.


It breaks my trance and I blink at the realization. He pulls himself back and looks at the person who stands behind me. I don't know where.

"Yeah, just coming," he replies to the question I never heard. He stands up and rounds the couch to leave. But not before bending a little and kissing my cheek, murmuring, "Will be back soon."

I nod without a word. He finally leaves, whistling a tune of the song I like.

I sigh and put aside my plate. I'm not in the mood anymore.

I search for Barak and I find him among three men. They are as young as him and he is talking with them. One of them is Arad and I wonder where the rest of his friends are.

Not my thing. I aimlessly look around and I find my friend Julia. I narrow my eyes to slits when I find Rufus there with her.

I purse my lips when the memory of throwing the bouquet comes to my mind. Julia caught my bouquet and she was about to stumble back when Rufus caught her.

She writes something on her digital notepad and shows it to Rufus. She actually pushes the screen into his face. He rolls his eyes and doesn't even look at the screen. Rather, he mimics her and Julia bites back a smile.

I frown and try to find my brother. Among our relatives, I find him to be with Akhsah. I can't watch them carefully as they are behind a pillar, accompanied by net curtains.

It is only Eliab who catches my attention. He is holding a phone in the air while Akhsah tries to reach for it. He is teasing her.

ये सब क्या चल रहा है?

(What's going on here?)

I shake my head and look away. Let Barak find this all by himself, I won't say a word. 

. . .


The chapter was short, I know. Got no idea further so I just published it. But it was early na? I was dying to write this chapter bc my mind was freshly filled with ideas and dialogues!

Hope you liked it?

Also, be quick to like and comment. In last chapter, I found some gupt readers lol! I was like; arey ye bhi read kar rahe the?😂

Anyway anyway, thanks for reading.
Stay happy, stay beautiful.
Jesus loves you <3

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