an angel's bond

By dragon_samurai_13

392 24 0

shinji ikari didn't know what to expect when he had somehow managed to start an impact event AGAIN, but by sh... More



16 1 0
By dragon_samurai_13

"you wished to see me marshal" i asked

"yes, first you have been promoted to commodore ,congratulations" marshal constance said

"thank you sir" he said

"also, well, better for you to see them for yourself" the man said as he led the way to a conference room, where there sat misato damn katsuragi

"command has decided to make them your problem, we are assigning her group to you to deal with" the marshal said 

"how many is with her" i asked

"84 NERV personnel" misato said, my eye twitched

"i see" i said scowling

"they will be at your disposal, use them as you wish, their pilots are undergoing testing, two of them have shown to be dragons" the marshal

"great, just wonderful" i said frustrated

"i know, not particular you specifically wish to here, but there it is, considering command will expect you to train them i thought it'd be a good idea to give you a heads-up" the marshal said

"understood" i said, having regained control of my emotions i became stone cold

"i wish you luck, commodore" the marshal said, i looked warily at katsuragi

"where are you people" i asked

"they were sent to a ship called the leonidas" she said

"good that is one last problem for me to solve" i said

"why" misato asked

"i command the leonidas, she's my ship" i said

"oh" misato said

"come on katsuragi, i need to speak with Mr. collins, about getting your people and yourself trained, i'll have to train the pilots personally, but i am not waisting my time on the rest of your group" i said as i led the way to the leonidas' docking port

"katsuragi, i am going to give you one reminder, as i am fairy sure i have told you this, my name is no longer shinji ikari it hasn't been for the past four years, i am shinosuke fuyuhito, the commander of this ship, and a commodore in the navy of the kingdom of archonis, you will pay me respect or i will have you thrown unceremoniously into my brig" i said

"i understand" misato said

"good" i said

"your excellency" lieutenant collins said

"ah Mr. collins see to it that miss katsuragi receives some quarters, a command set" i said

"understood sir" he said

"good, i will be in my quarters if i am needed Mr. collins, i need to refreshen myself on certain laws in the nation" i said, making katsuragi, Mr. collins' problem

i spent the next several hours refamiliarizing myself with the laws on dragons, to the point i had forgotten entirely about my routinely meal with lysseilia who arrived on time as usual, she entered to find, her captain looking quite stressed

"this has to do with that woman and her people on our ship doesn't it" lysseilia said

"no, actually i gave her to collins to deal with, no my issue is way worse" i said

"what's worse" she asked

"misato katsuragi brought with her all of the EVA pilots, the marshal has informed me at least two of them will be dragons, and guess who's job it will be to train them" i said

"oh shit" she said, i nodded

"so now i get worry about that entire mess" i said

"fuyu, let me help you" she said

"i'd like to know how you intend to do that, your constant requests make this yet more difficult for me" i said sarcasm dripping from my voice

"i'm a member of the house of telivyria remember" lysseilia said

"yes, the house that sees me as their enemy, because i refused to claim you" i said

"claiming me fixes that issue, and this current issue" lysseilia said

"how" i asked

"do you think this situation hasn't happened before, dragons have picked commoners for riders numerous times, it puts those commoners at the forefront of the totem pole for the rising of an individuals noble status, you will likely be named at least a marquis, if you claimed me, this would be partially because of me and partially because of your own actions in going above and beyond the call of duty, this would also put you in a good light of the nation, as it would show that even an outsider is willing to fight for them" lysseilia said, i paused

"i don't like it, you know why i don't like it" i said

"i know, but this is what i want" she said

"i have been trying to avoid being named a noble do to the responsibilities i will then have placed on my shoulders" i said

"what do you mean" she asked

"marriage, children, the whole lineage thing, as a newly minted noble i'll be expected to marry almost immediately" i said, she paused

"i had forgotten about that" she said

"yes, i see that, your solution, does solve the immediate problem but creates a new one in it's stead, i am not a fan of politically marrying thank you" i said

"can i ask you something" she asked

"yes" i asked

"before this mess started, were you thinking of claiming me" she asked

"it was on my mind, i wasn't entire convinced yet, but i was warming up to the idea" i admitted, she smiled a genuine and warm smile

"i'm glad, i want to be yours, and should you go through with this, then no matter what i will be for the rest of our lives" she said

"so, i have learned, we will see what happens with katsuragi, he is getting her up to speed just as you got me up to speed, if i claim you, i can't have you as my XO anymore frustratingly enough" i said

"no, at most i can be your adjutant" she said

"and you will" i said

"i see you haven't cooked anything, should we head to the mess tonight" she asked

"either that or forgo eating all together" i said, with a shrug as i led the way to the officer's mess for dinner

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