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now enough of that, the nobility, all nobles start at the bottom, just as all officers do, you want to have a greater title work for it, and you will get it, at the bottom is obviously the commoner, then it's duke, followed by baron, followed by count, followed by marquis, followed by earl, followed by viscount, and at the highest is the arch-duke, along with the title you are awarded money and land for your efforts, the nation isn't greedy as to just give it's officers empty titles that mean nothing, at the rank of count you are given a city to govern, at the rank of earl you are made to govern a capital city of a world, and at viscount you are given an entire world, the arch-dukes get an entire system, which is usually two to three worlds, four at most, depending on the system, if your curious i am a member to the house of telivyria, which is a a marquisate house" she said

"and i think that's it i could give you an in depth lesson, on interhouse politics but considering you aren't a noble i won't bore you with that, oh i should mention, nobles are allowed to bond with more then one dragon the higher your rank the more dragons you can bond with, it starts at three for a duke, and it goes up by one for each rise in nobility, for example, barons get four, counts get five, arch-dukes get to recruit however many they wish, they've more then earned that right, but they also usually don't as they are old and their descendants aren't that greedy or ambitious to do so thank the gods" she said ending her long explanation

"wow" i said having finished up my several pages of notes, it was actually in that moment that the comms went off, lysseilia got up to answer it to reveal the marshals face appear on the screen

"marshal constance" she said

"i hope you've finished with your explanation" he asked

"just finished literally thirty seconds ago sir" she said

"perfect, i have good timing then, Mr. shinosuke, i have just gotten off the line with my superiors tomorrow i will be fully commissioning and debriefing you, so be prepared, your uniforms will also be issued to you tomorrow during the commissioning as well, so you may wear what you wish until that point" the man said

"understood" i said

"lieutenant" he said

"sir" she said

"do you have any problems with Mr. shinosuke" he asked

"i do not sir" she said

"good, then effective immediately he will act as your transitionary rider, we can't have you flying alone anymore, your ability is too useful, we need someone who can actually make use of it and you, he is only transitionary however, if you wish to bond with someone else that is your prerogative, we will not be breaking the law" the marshal said

"yes sir, i understand sir" she said

"good, you should be rather pleased with decision come tomorrow, in the meantime since you aren't officially bonded you are aloud to keep a set of quarters of your own, i have however moved your things so that they are on the same deck as your new rider for convenience sake, this should also be to your liking as the quarters are an upgrade to your previous set" the marshal said

"understood sir" lysseilia said

"good, your new set of quarters, is now Q3-114" he said

"understood" she said

"constance out" he said, when the call ended the first thing that happened surprised her

"i'm sorry" her new rider said, she turned her eyebrow raised

"what do you have to be sorry for" she asked confused

"your stuck with me, despite likely not wanting to be" he said, at that she laughed, to his shock she actually laughed

"hah, i'd prefer it was you then some other random nobody, the marshal is right, i need a rider, and i have started to get to know you, so partnering with you, sounds find, that and you'll be given a command position, simply so you can lead that recovery mission for your titan, a mission i will now be a part of, which is something i am not entirely sure how to feel about" she said

"dread it" i said

"why" she asked

"because we are likely going into another war, with worse enemies" i said, both her eyebrows raised at that

"what do you mean" she asked

"we will be facing evangelions, i am almost positive of that" i said gravely

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