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shinji took a quick look around the main bridge, just before lysseilia called out

"captain on the bridge" she said loudly, as everyone stood turned towards the voice and moved to attention, the officer on watch moved away from the command chair, as i briskly walked over and took my seat, nodding to lysseilia

"stations" she ordered, as they took their stations, once everyone's attention was no longer on me i took a full look at my bridge, to my left and right were control panels, just in front of me were to stations to my left and right, the officer on watch took the left station, lysseilia took the right one, at the far east of the room was another station there was an officer, there was an identical one to my right, and at the front of the bridge was a curved console which i assume was helm control, i had gotten a glimpse before hand that an officer stood behind me as well

"we are ready to be under way, captain" lysseilia said

"very well then, take us out lieutenant" i said

"aye sir, helm clear all moorings, take us out of dock, one quarter impulse, once we are away plot our course for krivale warp six" lysseilia said

"aye, clear all moorings, one quarter impulse, course set for krivale at warp six" the officer said

"initiate" i said, once the ship had left dock, lysseilia stood from her chair as i stood from mine

"you have the bridge" i said, to the watch officer as i left the bridge lysseilia following, when the door closed and we were in private, was when lysseilia spoke

"well done, you have an air of command around you" she said

"i picked up a few things from my own former commanding officer, though she was rarely professional, it was very clear she took her job seriously, likely still does" i said

"right, so spar, then i can take you to the gun range so you can train with your weapon, then we can return to your quarters and i can teach you about your new post" she said

"cool, i'm down" i said, she nodded and led the way

"everybody out" lysseilia ordered as she entered the officer's training room, as everyone quickly exited at their XO's order, she sealed the door

"there now only the medical officer can get in, should give us some privacy" she said as she drew her blade

"you want to use live swords" i said

"why not, more fun that way" she said, i shrugged but drew my own blade

"no powers, we will train you with that spear of yours in a bit" she said i nodded, i got into a practiced combat stance, as she took one of her own with the saber, she charged me i parried her strike, before making a swing of my own which she blocked

"good reflexes" she said

"thanks" i said, as we started to trade blows, as we did so my memories from kenjutsu and i began to dominate the match, much to her shock

"officially i was only 2nd-dan, but my sensei said i was equivalent to that of a 6th-dan, which is only two grades below the highest possible, he told me i was extremely talented with a blade in my hand it was one of my two hobbies before NERV"  i said

"the other" she asked curiously

"i played the cello, i was relatively good at that to, in my culture i would be referred to as a yūtōsei, which means honor student, not that anyone noticed" i said

"wait, if you are so skilled with a sword why does your titan fight barehanded" she asked

"why, because weapons didn't work against the angels the only thing that did was progressive knife, i wish they made that into a full katana, that would have made my life significantly easier, but that's life" i said

"wow, i guess we can get to spear training then" she said i nodded

we spent another two hours in the room training with my spear, after spending three hours on sword practice, then we spent another hour at the shooting range, as i got the hang of that too

"your a good shot" she said

"yeah well that came from experience when i had to play sniper with my EVA to defeat a particular angel" i said

after we finished the range, we moved back to my quarters and began going over the bridge officers, and also she explained what each rank insignia equaled, so that i could tell who at least by rank i was talking too, she told me we would be traveling for ruffly two weeks and so we had plenty of time for me to train and learn, we did spend an hour every day on the bridge supervising everything, but thanks to captain's privilege neither i nor lysseilia had to be there twenty-four seven thank god, the boredom would have driven me mad

however, i was not so fortunate

as we were training in the gun range, the alarm sirens began blaring

"red alert status" lysseilia said

"we're still three days away from krivale i thought" i said

"we're supposed to be" she agreed, i quickly reloaded my gun as lysseilia moved to a nearby comms panel

"captain to the bridge" the watch officer's voice said over the ship intercoms

"bridge this is the XO, report" lysseilia asked

"a vigilant-class battlecruiser, is asking for assistance, captain we are at red alert, because the ship is only two light-years away from our position, and the enemy could potentially spot us, we need you and the captain on the bridge ASAP" the officer said

"we're on our way" she said, as i finished reloading my magnum and holstering it as we left the range

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