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"he can't compare that to this, they are two completely different things" misato said

"he most definitely can, and they are similar then you realized, unit-01 was a living entity with the soul of his mother, he was controlling his mother, the difference is that unit-01 was a beast, his mother simply acted as the leash which he held, i am much more cognizant and coherent, he was already very hesitant to ride me to begin with, but claiming me gives him a whole different meaning of power over me, i will be his entirely to use as he wishes, it makes him feel dirty, and i think secretly he likes the control he has over me, again because of you" lysseilia said

"what do you mean" misato said

"i have been his confidant for two out of the four years he's been here, katsuragi, he has shared his entire life story with me, mostly in an attempt to explain himself on why he continues to refuse to claim me, do you know the entire crux of his story, misato katsuragi" lysseilia asked she shook her head

"he has had no control of his life at all, in fact the only choice he has made yet is choosing to remain in service to this nation, i am of the opinion he thrives here with us, but he hates not having control, loathes it with a passion and that experience, combined with his experience with one asuka langley-shikinami has led him to believe that no one wants control ripped away from them, he thinks that i will regret my decision the moment it's set in stone, and is afraid of what would happen should that come to fruition his greatest fear is that i'd grow to hate him, he genuinely believes this, and despite my assurances against such, he still continues to hold firm on his views" lysseilia said

"i see" misato said, she did see

"i am to this day, the only person in this entire galaxy, that treats him as a friend, every night he and i have dinner together in his quarters, and we would talk together sometimes of menial things other times not so much, it gives us both time to unwind and relax, and we do so around each other, now i have friends several of them, but i have drifted away from them, because all of my time has been devoted to the man i have fallen in love with" lysseilia said, misato's eyes widened at that, she didn't see that coming

"why don't ask for a relationship then" misato asked

"hah he'd turn that down instantly for numerous reasons, both objective and subjective, fuyuhito shinosuke is a very broken person, he quite literally lives for his work, and the only time he is not working is during dinner and sleep, literally, he is either going over reports or training himself, it will take a lot of work for him to get off that mindset, and that is most definitely your fault" lysseilia said, misato looked down, as it particular part was true, that was her fault

"that being said, he is more open to the idea of claiming me then he ever has been and once he has claimed me, i can do some interesting things that should get him to unwind a bit more" lysseilia said, a smile coming across her face

"you mean sex" misato said

"while that is one of them, it isn't the only thing, there is a community among us dragon's and more importantly our riders, all dragons are trained in the eventuality their riders are interested, i intend to drag him into the community, kicking and screaming if i must, which i honestly won't, i'll just have to trick him into it at first, but once he's in he'll be hooked, i know he likes riding me, who damn well doesn't like to ride on the back of dragon, and he particularly likes the control i have given him over me, i know it, hmm maybe i can convince him to use that as a suitable punishment for you" lysseilia said suddenly really liking where her mind was going, misato frowned worriedly

"what do you mean" misato asked

"what are you willing to do to get his forgiveness" lysseilia asked

"i came here didn't i" misato said

"oh really, you and eighty-four others came here so he could forgive, or did you come here in the hopes you could be protected from prosecution" lysseilia said, misato looked down

"listen, i haven't told him this, and he won't find it as it is incredibly obscure" lysseilia started which got misato interested

"how far are you willing to go, how much do you care about him" lysseilia asked

"what do you mean" misato asked

"if he goes through with it, he claims me, he accepts his status elevation if he goes the whole nine yards, he will have certain expectations" lysseilia said, misato nodded

"obviously, as a noble there would be certain things he'd have to do" misato said

"one of those expectations, is marriage, a political one, to start forming alliances" lysseilia said, misato's eyes widened

"would he really do that for them" misato asked

"if he can't find another way to protect them, yes he will, it will in his mind kill two birds with one stone, it will make me happy, as he has claimed me, while also getting his first alliance in my own family, and he could protect your pilots, and miss ibuki" lysseilia said

"what does this have to do with me" misato asked

"nobles are aloud to take upto four mistresses, and they can be anyone even outsiders" lysseilia said, misato's eyes widened

"for obvious reasons this law is buried and all but forgotten about, especially do to all dragons being female and the laws around the bond that are in place, but it is an option, and one i will be bringing up to him should he claim me, because i know that despite the hell you have put him through he still cares for you deeply, i know him, i know him probably better then you do, i know for a fact, he won't take this seriously, unless someone that he would be willing to be with, which narrows the list of individuals down to literally yourself, and that would still require some convincing, if he goes through with this it is likely he will be in a loveless marriage, simply so he can continue to do his job without being backstabbed down the road for the political gain of others, so just think about it" lysseilia said, as she left the room to the older woman's thoughts

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