an angel's bond

By dragon_samurai_13

369 24 0

shinji ikari didn't know what to expect when he had somehow managed to start an impact event AGAIN, but by sh... More



12 1 0
By dragon_samurai_13

the admiral was in shock when she learned that the entire thanatos crew with the exception of lysseilia was gone two days later, they just as fuyuhito promised had gotten on the next transport, and were gone, andrea had never seen her daughter so furious, and what made matters worse was that fury was directed at the admiral, she cried for days at the loss of the man she was falling in love with, and it was entirely the admiral's fault

the problem was further emphasized when, the admiral couldn't correct her mistake, the boy was an outsider so didn't have a home system for her to check, and get information about, the only person who had information on him told her, he'd go where he'd be most welcome, considering he had the entire crew of the thanatos with him, he could request for garrison duty on any world out there and would be perfectly content with his lot in life, which also seriously upset her, what she didn't realize was there was one specific world that he was going to

"major shinosuke" a familiar voice stepped off the transport as i was greeted by a familiar face

"lieutenant collins" i said

"your back" he said, surprised

"i am, i'm taking over as garrison commander for this city, and i've brought a company's worth of officers to bulk up our number" i said

"where's lieutenant lysseilia" the lieutenant asked

"she has unfortunately been transferred back to her own home system, you will be taking over as XO here" i said

"i'd be honored sir" i nodded

"good, get me a report on our battle readiness then" i said, he saluted and got to his task immediately, as i looked around the familiar guard post of cirteska, he never actually stepped foot into the city proper that may be something he changes, as it is likely he'd be here for some time

he was wrong, he was there all of two days before being transferred back to tyrnus, he and his men will be taking over garrison duty of the city of vyrens at marshal constance's request, he didn't mind so long as he could bring his entire roster of four-hundred fifty with him, three weeks later they arrived back at the city he first rescued at the start of his journey, and he stayed there, for two solid years, defending this city, and he did a damn good job of it, this particular world was rather notorious for needing to constantly call reinforcements, that all but stopped on fuyuhito's arrival, he earned himself a promotion to captain, and had become the garrison commander for the entire planet

he and his personal force was now stationed on the space station in orbit, and acted as a fast response team, for the world, anywhere that needed military assistance had it in record time, the battles were still hard fought but they were entirely internal, he soon found himself filling two roles, the planet's garrison commander and the XO to marshal constance, he didn't mind the task though, so he never complained

"captain" the marshal said

"sir" i said

"you have done well for yourself, your what seventeen now" he asked

"nearly eighteen sir" i said

"and yet your a captain in our navy, the youngest to achieve the rank" he said

"thank you sir, but i simply do my job" i said

"and do it well, the higher ups have lost several battlecruisers since you lost your ship, they don't like that, your being given command of a battlecruiser of your own, our hope is that you can even save full battleships with this new vessel, your personnel have already been transferred to the the CC-943: leonidas, at docking port B4, you will still be stationed here, but you are a ships captain again not a garrison commander, your skills are needed elsewhere" the man said

"i understand sir" i said

"good, dismissed captain, i'd recommend setting up shop, and familiarizing yourself with your new ship, i should mention, you no longer need permission to take your ship and go, as a captain you have first prerogative, so if you wanna see what your ship can do that is at your own discretion" he said, i nodded

"understood sir" i said, as i left the room, having been dismissed, i made my way to the docking port, the guards knowing their captain simply let me pass to board the ship as i made my way to the ship, as i came to the bridge i found lieutenant collins he looked quite nervous

"sir, i'm not sure if i can continue my role as your executive officer" he said

"nonsense you have done a fine job" i said

"i am a garrison officer sir, it's all i have done and know how to do, i don't know the first thing about commanding a ship let alone a battlecruiser" he said, i gave him a look, before nodding

"very well, can you do the duty of watch officer" i asked, he smiled a bit more reassured at that question

"yes sir i can" he said

"then that is the role you will fill, lieutenant, i will simply need to find a new XO..... again" i said, as i took my seat in the command chair, and held out my hand a datapad was placed within it, as i looked over a report on the ships status, my five-hundred personnel was bolstered with crew from the CC-712: revenant, it seems commodore parker was looking out for this ship's success, it was good to have friends in the navy

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