Helluva Boss Rewrite

By Inferno55

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What if...Verosika and Striker were part of the I.M.P. crew as main protagonist. How would this effect the st... More

(Before we begin)
Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 1: Pilot
Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 2: Murder Family
Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 4: C.H.E.R.U.B.
Helluva boss Rewrite Episode 5: Harvest Moon Festival
Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 6: Truth Seekers
Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 7: Ozzie's
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 1: The Circus
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 2: Exes And Oohs
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 3: Western Energy
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 4: Unhappy Campers
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 5: Oops
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 6: Mammon's Magnificent Special
(Authors Note)
Helluva Boss Rewrite Season 2 Episode 7: The Date

Helluva Boss Rewrite Episode 3: Spring Broken

330 6 0
By Inferno55

At the beginning of the episode, Blitzo, Moxxie, Loona, Verosika, Striker and some townspeople in the City Center are watching a news report from Katie Killjoy on "Popstar Skylark Mayday", causing some of the everyone who is gaining popularity to him. Except Verosika who is not impress to see his Older Brother getting all Popularity.

Verosika: Just what this Worlds needs, While My Brother is Enjoying his life time being Famous while I'm here being mocked by him.

Striker: Probably because he has huge Top of the Best Music, Plus his Album are like right up the charts.

Blitzo: Yeah but that Skylar is clearing just a Marketing ploy of Substander music to gullible Teenage girls, Who could possibly fall for it?

Millie then shows up and says that she listened to one of Skylark's songs and it felt like he was talking to her.

Millie: Is it Skylark great? When I first listen to his song Girl I Like you, I wasn't sure if Skylark was actually talking about me. but then the next song was title yes I'm actually talking about you and I-I Totally Freaked out.

Loona: How can you allow yourself to be so Gaga over a Celebrity Popstar?

Moxxie: Most Importantly why did not tell your a Fan of Skylark?

Millie: Before you judge, Just listen to one Track. I don't wanna over hype it.. BUT HE'S THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER WHO EVER LIVE!!!!

She plays that song to the rest of I.M.P., but everyone except for Loona does not like it.

Blitzo: Uhh.. That was Terrible!

Verosika: No Shit! I mean why the hell would he write this song that makes it so Cringe!

Loona: I-Love it!

Blitzo/Moxxie/Verosika/Striker: WHAT?!

Millie: I know i can rely on You Loona to be the voice of Reason.

Moxxie: We're through the looking glass people, White is Black and Black is White.

Striker: And Right is wrong and wrong is right.

Millie: Wait till we here the Rest of the Album.

Just then a Knock at the door has heard, it was Charlie and Vaggie.

Charlie: Hey guys, what this commotion about.

Blitzo: Well if you wanna know Loony and Millie talking about this Celebrity Popstar Skylark who they been crazy over him.

Vaggie: Wait Skylark, who's he?

Millie: Well if you wanna know Skylark is-

Striker: A Celebrity Popstar who is basically the Famous Popstar Demon in Hell.

Charlie: For real? No wonder, we heard from Angel that Skylark is in Town doing a Sign-in at the Music store Right now.

Vaggie: Yeah and we Also heard that he's peforming a Concert Tonight at City Center.

Millie: Really! He's Signing Autograph and Peforming a Concert Tonight!

Vaggie: Uh.... Yeah...

Loona: Millie We Gonna Go! Wait What Should I Wear?

Millie: Doesn't Matter Come on let's Go!!

The girls freak out and head to the music store, but seeing Loona and Millie' behavior makes Blitzo Concerned about her personality.

Blitzo: I understand Millie Fangirling out, but Loony?

Moxxie: I think it's time we go find out.

Verosika: Yeah Mox, Beside I have a bone to pick with Skylark.

In the City Center, there is a big crowd at the music store, all ladies having come to see Skylark and get his autograph. Each of them, however, exhibiting unusual fangirl behavior, including Millie and Loona. all the ladies go crazy and start swarming the shop to buy Skylark's merchandise. When Blitzo, Moxxie, Striker and Verosika show up to see Skylark.

Skylark: Well, Well, Well. If it isn't my Baby Sister Verosika Mayday.

Verosika: Cut the Shit Skylark! and secondly what are you doing here! I thought you were in Rehab due to your DUI.

Skylark: Oh Please they let me go because I'm still famous and Rehab is for sad, depressing losers who end up being as nobodys. Speaking Which I should be asking you why are you here of all places?

Verosika: I'm just doing my Job and doing my Solo Song Cover of my own thank you, however I Didn't expect you while your enjoying your lifetime doing a Song by Solo.

Skylark: Have I now Sis? Well ever since you walked out on me by doing your own thing While I have to do it on my own without ya.

Verosika: Like what, just so you could keep hogging all the Spotlight while you take all the glory while I'm being treated like I don't exist?

Skylark: Well to me at least I still has Standards, And beside you've been such a Debbie Downer ever since you been hanging with that Imp, Ever since Valentino dumped you.

Verosika: (Sigh) Yeah, Thinking About it.

Blitzo: Hey, Lay off of her will ya?

Skylark: Or what Midget? You gonna headbutt me in my Ju-

*Blitzo Pull his Knife out from his Pocket*

Blitzo: Otherwise Your gonna lose a Dick from your-

???: From What?

Blitzo and Verosika then turn around, was Skylark's Bodyguard Vortex.

Blitzo: Whoa! he's Huge!

Vortex: (Growling)

Skylark: Stand Down Tex, There not worth our time.

Vortex: Oh, You know those two?

Skylark: Barely... Also I bet you two haven't notice that this here is Vortex he's my Bodyguard and trust me you don't wanna mess with him because he get's very mean.

Blitzo: Yeah but we got ourselves a Hellhound too! plus she's an Real Killer and can bite any victim with her bear fangs, Right Loony?

Blitzo: Loony?

Loona: Vortex..

Vortex: Loona... Hey This is the first, I Haven't seen you ever since we Graduate..

Loona: Uh, Yeah it has so what of you doing all this time?

Vortex: Well I-

Skylark: Vortex! I Hate to interrupt with your reunion with your friend, but let me remind you that you have a job to do right?

Vortex: Oh right, sorry sir.

Skylark: Anyway, If you clowns don't mind I need to prepare for the upcoming concert performing on Surface.

Verosika: And what performing would that be?

Skylark: Well if you wanna know, Spring Break is Coming Up and I will be performing to the Human World just so everyone can see me.

Verosika: We're Also there too, but to me there's no way I'm letting you take that away from me Brother!

Skylark: Oh I See how it is, Then how about a challenge in a sing-off. The Winner Get's Bragging Rights and The Loser will admit we're Better than you.

Verosika: Agree.

Verosika: Let's Go Blitzo!

As Verosika and the I.M.P. Leave the Area.

Back at the Office Meeting...

Millie: Verosika If I may ask, How did you and Skylark first became Popstars?

Verosika: Well I'll tell you.

Verosika Explained how she and Skylark became a Popstar Duo, Verosika and Skylark had became Popstar Celebrity and they were sky-rocketing ever since. however that all change when Verosika was about to do her solo Skylark however Steals the Spotlight taking from her.

Verosika was Furious and begin argue Skylark for taking everything she work so hard and decide to leave the duo to go solo.

Moxxie: So that explained why you two Never got along huh?

Blitzo: Bah! Who cares! Beside far as I Know we're going to the Surface to kill everyone at the concert.

Verosika: Blitzo, Didn't you forget that we challenges Skylark in a Sing off?

Blitzo: So?

Verosika: So... There's something more important Right Now.

Blitzo: Vee, Let's just think for a minute. What's more important Trying to get a Higher Kill Count? or Some stupid Sing-Off Challenge to beat your Brother at his own game?

Verosika: Blitz~ I can’t do it alone, please? (Flirting) 

[While showing her Breast to seduce him. Blitz, began Blush.]

Moxxie: Uh oh. we're losing him.

Blitzo: Ok Change of plans, Me, Moxxie and Striker will be helping Verosika as there backup singers While Loona and Millie be the offense while trying to get some kills.

Millie: Got it Boss.

Loona: Whatever..

Striker: In other words by being Verosika's Backup Singers we have to rehearsal in a dance routine and matching sequence outfits, right?

Blitzo: Exactly, It's gonna take a lot of hard work so we better get started.

The trio quickly choreograph a dance routine, but then have to choose a Music Band name. After a lot of brainstorming, Striker then come up a Name for Music Band.

Striker: I was saving a theme for our Band, how a bout Verosika and the I.M.P.3

Blitzo: That's too awesome sounding, it need to be something to be cool. something like DreamBoat Express.

All Four: Eww..

Blitzo: Then again it's Perfect!

Verosika: Alright so what's the game plan?

Blitzo: Well for interest I'm glad you ask, alright here's the plan.

Later that night, the concert is getting ready to start, and Dreamboat Express takes the stage just before Skylark is about to perform.

Skylark: Ah well if isn't Blitzo and his two Stooges, Where's Verosika has she chicken out?

Blitzo: Nope she about to get ready and second of all you'll be jealous for this big Surprise.

DreamBoat Express Verse:

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Striker: [singing] You should expect the expected, and nothing more 'cause you've all heard this song and  dance before! Our moves are stale, our harmony's bland, 'cause we're  just another -- whoo! -- generic boy band!

Kiki: Wow, they're pretty good!

Apple: I'd love to meet those guys someday.

Coco: Yeah, Plus the Cute one is kinda Handsome.

[Skylark steps up, waving Dreamboat Express aside]

Skylark Mayday Verse:

Skylark: [singing] I've got a bold confession, and I think it's time you knew. I'm into you specifically, girl and no other girl will do.

Dreamboat Express 2nd Verse:

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Striker: [come back on stage, singing again]  Yo, yo, yo!  We're bringing it weak, and we're bringing it lame...  Whatever we can do to keep it all the same! We're focus-tested, and  radio-friendly!

Moxxie: [singing] The only thing that matters is that we stay trendy!

Skylark Mayday 2nd Verse:

Skylark: [singing] You're unique, you're complex and  interesting, girl, and I'm not being hyperbolic. Let's carve our name  into a tree. It's vandalism... but it's symbolic!

Dreamboat Express 3rd Verse:

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Striker: [jump back on stage again, singing] You should expect the expected, and nothing more 'cause you've all heard this song and dance before! Our phony-baloney image is bland  'cause we're just another -- Huh! -- generic boy band!

Skylark Mayday 3rd Verse:

Skylark: [singing] Won't you please be my special girl? We'll do the things you want to do. And take a trip to the place you  like, and be home before [Extends note] CURFEW!

The Whole Crowd were Chanting on Skylark knowing that he's the victor of the Sing-off.

Skylark: Looks like I win this one boys, and it Looks like Verosika isn't here to come to show up after all. That my guess is she Chicken out.

Blitzo: Oh I wouldn't say she Chicken out Pretty Boy, let's just say she preparing for the entire for her Biggest, Swaggiest Opening Act you never see before.

Skylark: What?

[Blitzo hold his walkie talkie to his head, speaking to Verosika.]


[Suddenly, Smoke Cloud Blast Appeared to the Stage and a Music Begins Playing.]

As Verosika Mayday appeared on the Stage in her Human Form.

Verosika: Sorry to keep you waiting Boys, Hello Spring Breakers Hope Y’all ready to get fucked up & make some bitchin’ bad choices?!?!? Because things are about to get lit.

[The scene cuts to Blitzo and Moxxie with guitars, and Striker on drums. Blitzo plays a tune on his guitar]

Bltizo: Drop that generic phat beat!

[The crowd cheers]

Striker: Ladies and Gentlemen! Prepare for the musical stylings of... Verosika and The I.M.P.3!

Verosika: [singing] Yeah! Naked truth lies, only if you realize. Appearing in nobody's eyes, till they sterilize. Stop the guerrilla, warfare to keep it fair. Bro change your rage, to a smarter greater cause. You know the stake is high, stardom is near. Those who sympathized you, die killers pass by. Do not waste your time, in hating flirting guys. Use your might to AIs, do justice to them all. Now I face out. I hold out. I reach out to the truth of my life. Seeking to seize, on the whole moment to now break away. Oh, God let me out. Can you let me out? Can you set me free from, this dark inner world? Save me now, Last beat in the soul. 

[Verosika and The I.M.P.3 continues to play, as the crowd Begins to Cheer on them]

Skylark was however was Speechless and knowing the fact he lost, As Verosika Continue to sing to her fans she look at Skylark with a Glare as Skylark glare back to her as he walk out Stage.

Somewhere else, as Loona was with Vortex then saw Both Blitzo and Verosika on Stage Singing Together as she smile a little bit.

Vortex: Say Loona is the your Parents on Stage?

Loona: Yeah...

Millie: Whoa! Go Moxxie! Whoa!

Vortex: You know Loona, I'm kinda proud to see your father was a Rockstar same goes to Verosika.

Loona: [Blushed] Thanks, Afterall Blitz is well just being Blitz but I'm happy for him. But tell him ok?

Vortex: No Promise. [Wink]

[ As The song comes to a close, and the episode, ends]

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