The Guardian (Kamen Rider Ex...

By mirajanewolf46

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Ophelia Selene Barron is the descendant of Alita and her former vessel. She and her friends stop Miku from ta... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1 Crash! All Gathered
Chapter 2 Engrave the Beat in the Heart!
Chapter 3 The Deep Secret of Some Lie
Chapter 4 Men, Fly High!
New Characters
Chapter 5 Knock the Dragon Away
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Chapter 6 The Disharmonious Doctors!
Chapter 7 Elena Grace Briar
Chapter 8 Who's The Black Kamen Rider?
Chapter 9 Ophelia's Birthday
Chapter 10 The Targeted Snowy Xmas!
Chapter 11 A Fixed Destiny
Chapter 12 We're Kamen Riders and Silver Knight!
Chapter 13 A New Challenger Appears and Dark Moon!
Chapter 14 Defeat M's Paradox
Chapter 15 The Unusual Burgster?
Chapter 16 The Revealed Truth
Chapter 17 Suddenly in a Fantasy!?
Chapter 18 Take Off into a Headwind
Chapter 19 Parallel Worlds
Chapter 20 Pursue the Mystery!
Chapter 21 The Conspired History
Chapter 22 The Max Dead or Alive!
Chapter 23 Embrace Your Ambitions and Go Together!
Chapter 24 A New Game Begins!
Chapter 25 Players Who Bet Their Lives
Chapter 26 Love & Peace to the Victor!
Chapter 27 Overcoming Identity
Chapter 28 We're Me!?
Chapter 29 Strongest Vs Strongest
Chapter 30 The Forbidden Continue!?
Chapter 31 Judgment is Passed
Chapter 33 The Rebirth!
Chapter 34 Save My Partner
Chapter 35 The Completely Invincible Gamer and Rebirth Knight!
Chapter 36 The White Knight's Resolve! Ophelia's Final Wish
Chapter 37 Period of Tears
Chapter 38 Goodbye, Ore!
Chapter 39 Reboot of Fate!
Chapter 40 Game Reset!

Chapter 32 Company Reorganization!

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By mirajanewolf46

It's been a few days since they encountered Masamune and revealed himself as Kamen Rider Chronos. Everyone was surprised he declared himself as the owner of Kamen Rider Chronicle and manipulated their fates when he wanted it.

"Why's Dan Kuroto here when he already vanished?" Haima asked and couldn't believe what he's seeing now from Poppy's game world.

"It's New Dan Kuroto!" Kuroto snapped at the Director angrily.

"New Dan Kuroto?" Haima repeated his words. "Just what is going on!?" He demanded answers from Poppy.

"Sorry, Director, but we've already finished that conversation. Let's talk about it later." Poppy apologized and they can talk about it later regarding Kuroto's revival.

"Conversation?" He looked lost and didn't remember having a conversation with them.

"Dan Masamune will probably be an obstacle." Hiiro pointed out about gaining a new enemy.

"Dan Masamune?" Haima repeated the name of the founder of GENM. He whimpered and approached his son. "What's going on?!"

Emu sighed heavily while Kanade gripped his shoulder as a comfort. He smiled at the red-haired woman's comfort as she smiled back. "But... just what is he trying to do?" He asked curiously.

"Who knows?" Kanade shrugged her shoulders. "I'm more concerned about Ophelia and Zilar here. He knows about them." She stared at the former goddess and the Knight worriedly. "Can one of you sense his aura?"

Ophelia shook her head sadly. "It's the second time someone concealed their aura without knowing who they are." She answered truthfully. 'First Parado concealed it and now Masamune... how did they hide their presence from us?'

"Ophelia-sama... Zilar-sama..." Luna called them and they stared at the female android curiously. "Do you think... there's a chance that— Dan Masamune went to your world before? That's how he knew about the past?"

"Eh? Past?" Haima looked at them curiously.

Zilar exhales and crosses his arms with a frown. "I don't know, Luna. We had never met him before. Something is happening here, and we need to get a bottom of it." He looks at them.


"I have something to tell you." Hiiro informed as he asked Ophelia, Emu, Asuna, Luna, Zilar and Kanade to join him on the roof for a private talk. "The Proto-Gashats held by the Ministry of Health have gone missing."

"Gone missing how?" Ophelia asked the genius surgeon.

"We need to find them quickly! Saki-san's data is one of them." Emu panicked and looked at Ophelia worried as she silently shook her head. 'Fee-chan? Could it be...?' The genius gamer didn't want to assume the worst but only received a glimpse of sadness from Ophelia.

"But who could have done that?" Asuna asked Hiiro curiously.

Hiiro shoved his hands in his pocket. " Not many people can bypass the Ministry of Health's security." He pointed out.

"I can think of a person but—" Zilar's voice was cut off as their game scope blared.

"Let's talk about this later. Right now, we need to save them." Ophelia jumped off the building while Asuna and Emu yelled in shock as Hiiro stood there shocked to see his ex-girlfriend jump off the building.


Kanade laughs sheepishly at their reaction. "Lena-chan is fine, she didn't suicide—"

Asuna grips her shoulder and shakes her. "How can you, Lu-chan and Zilar be so calm!?"

"𝑲𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏, 𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓!" They heard Ophelia's chants and she transformed into Moon Knight. She flies and finds the location of the Bugster without waiting for them.

"It's not the first time she'd done it." Zilar answered and summoned his metallic pegasus. "Luna and I can catch Ophelia." He lightly kicked its stomach and they took off.

Kanade whistles in amusement. "I wish to have my own flying creature someday!" She vowed and looked at them. "Let's go."


Emu and Ophelia attack in sync by kicking Salty's face together. Salty was surprised at their presence and took the hit before he could defeat the Rider player. Ophelia silently gave Emu an order to check the Rider player's condition and he followed.

He kneels to check Rider's player condition. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. "It's dangerous to play this game!" He didn't see Asuna, Kanade, Luna and Zilar show up.

The Rider player shoved Emu away. "Beat it! I already know that!" It sounded like a male voice snapping at Emu angrily for intervening in his fight against Salty.

"This is for your health." Asuna scolded him.

Luna nodded her head. "Asuna is right. You're putting your life at risk to fight against Salty is like a suicide plan. From what we can see you have— hmph?!" She glares at Kanade for covering her mouth.

"You talk too much, Lu." Kanade commented while sighing her bold words— the last need for him to stress more if he activates his Game Syndrome.

Salty successfully shoved Ophelia away while she landed gracefully before her friends. "What's all this ruckus about!?" The Bugster asked them angrily.

Hiiro showed up and punched Salty in a surprised attack before someone slashed him behind. He turned around to see Graphite. "Graphite!?" He cried out his name in shock.

"It's time to settle this, Brave!" Graphite declared.

"Are you the ones who stole the Proto-Gashats from the Ministry of Health?" He asked Graphite in a cold tone.

"Hmph! What are you talking about?" He asked,

Ophelia stood in front of Hiiro and pointed her sword at Graphite. "You're battling me instead, Graphite."

"Ophelia!?" Hiiro gape in shock at her declaration.

"Apologies but in your status, you're no match for Graphite." Ophelia answered calmly and started to attack Graphite while he went on defense to stop her attacks.

Taiga and Nico joined in as they overheard their conversation. "I just can't ignore him." The unlicensed doctor commented bluntly. "Not until I force him to speak."

Nico nodded her head. "He's an opponent to be defeated, right?" She asked.

Zilar glances at the unlicensed doctor. "I'm not the only one who noticed his behavior, Taiga?" He asked curiously.

"You noticed it too." Taiga answered and glanced back at him. "Fairy?"

"She knows."

Graphite successfully slashed Hiiro, Ophelia and Emu as they cried out in pain. He glanced at the remaining heroes. "Come at me all at once." He declared.

The others readied their Gashats while Ophelia and Zilar bodies glowed. The red-haired woman gripped her relic necklace but froze to see Masamune.

"This is an illegal battle." Masamune declared as he showed up to stop them from battling.

"It's you!" Hiiro yelled in shock while the others were shocked to see him again.

"Chronos..." Emu whispered.

"Kamen Rider Chronicle is for entertaining the Rider Players." Masamune explained. "It's not a game for fellow products to fight one another."

"Stop screwing around!" Emu snapped as he rushed to fight Chronos.

Ophelia stood there in shock to see them heading toward Chronos except herself, Kanade and Zilar. "Stop! We're no match for him given the abilities he has!" She warned them but no one listened to her.

"Tch, haven't they learned the lesson that our status has no match for him?" Zilar muttered under his breath. They weren't pleased with their actions for not thinking about the consequences.

Masamune activated his ability to freeze the time. "Pause." He freezes everyone and chuckles in amusement. "It seems like my daughter acknowledges my abilities. Now..." He walked towards them.

"Restart." He deactivated his ability and left taking Hiiro with him.

Ophelia blinked her eyes and didn't sense Hiiro and Masamune's presence. "They're gone? Why did he take Hiiro?" She muttered under her breath. The former goddess couldn't help but feel worried about his safety. "Hiiro!" She couldn't help but yell at his name.

"I can't even sense one of them." Zilar growls under his breath. "Sakura, status?" He pressed his left ear with comms hidden.

"I lost Hiiro's signal, Zilar." Sakura answered as he could hear the tapping of the keyboard. "It seems like Masamune knew I could track one of you and whatever he's plotting— something terrible is going to happen and it's beyond me."

"I see..." He glanced at Ophelia and the others. "Give us an update when you found it."


The Knight exhales softly before glaring at the floor. 'Why did you took Hiiro, Dan Masamune?'


Hiiro stood there in surprise and found himself inside the abandoned building. The last thing he remembered was when Masamune appeared out of nowhere to interrupt their objective to save their patient. He faced the former founder of GENM. "What are you trying to do?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Taddle Fantasy, I need your help administrating Kamen Rider Chronicle... as my right-hand man." Masamune suggested switching sides to fight someone who stood in his way.

"Did you expect me to agree?" He asked and didn't expect how Ophelia was related to him and his son. She's different aside from being a prodigy of music and medical skills. The genius surgeon holds his level 50 Gashat. "Skill level 50." He activated it.

"Taddle Fantasy"


"Dual Gashatto! Gacchan! Dual up! Taddle Fantasy!"

"My, my..." He shook his head in disappointment.

"We will put an end to Kamen Rider Chronicle." Hiiro vowed to put an end to his schemes. "If you are going to obstruct us, then I will cut you out."

They fought and none could land a single hit to each other. Hiiro activated the ice element on his sword. "Ko-chiin!" He swings his sword as an ice shard appears going towards Masamune.

Masamune dodges it but it lands on the pillar as it is shattered into small pieces. He kneels and activates his ability. "Pause." He freezes time and the whole area stops including the broken stones and Hiiro. "You are also my company's valuable product. I'd rather avoid damaging you, but..." The founder of GENM kicked behind Hiiro's back before deactivating his ability. "Restart"

Hiiro cried out in pain and reverted himself to normal after taking one hit from Masamune. "Gashuun!"

"GENM Corporation is a legitimate company." Masamune explained to Hiiro in a calm tone. "I don't plan on employing you without paying you." He showed him the proto-Gashat on Drago Knight Hunter Z.

"That Proto-Gashat...!?" He cried out in shock at the possession he had. "Why do you have that?" Hiiro demanded.

Masamune chuckled in amusement.


Ophelia's glowed hands disappeared after healing Hiiro's wound with a grim look. Hiiro came back covered in scratches due to his battle with Masamune. The former goddess senses Hiiro is keeping a secret from them and refuses to reveal everything.

"I manage to heal everything but can't heal your soreness." Ophelia explained while Haima gaped in surprised at seeing her healing abilities for the first time.

"Wow, I didn't know you could heal everything Ophelia-chan!" Haima commented in awestruck. "Now I know why your parents are keeping this secret."

"If they knew what my healing can do— they'd stop relying on the medicals but depending on me." Ophelia explained her reason for keeping the healing ability in secret.

"I would appreciate it if you're not blurting it out, Haima-san." Zilar spoke up and stared at the director. "It's better to keep this way."

Haima nodded in agreement. "Of course, Zilar-san." He patted Ophelia's head and the former goddess stared at him in surprise. "She's a kind-hearted woman like a heart of gold." He complimented her act of kindness.

Ophelia smiled slightly and looked away.  "I did what I had to do." She muttered under her breath and Hiiro heard it.

"Hiiro-san!? Are you alright?" They heard Emu's voice and he, Luna and Asuna were surprised to see him.

"Dan Masamune beat him." Kanade explained. "It's a miracle he managed to escape given the ability he has."

"Eh?" Emu asked in a surprised tone.

"So?" Taiga asked through the video chat. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Dan Masamune stole the Proto-Gashats from the Ministry of Health." Hiiro answered and revealed what he discovered.

"What!?" Taiga yelled in shock.

"That's seriously bad!" Nico exclaimed in shock.

"How did he manage to get it!?" Kanade yelled in shock and looked at Zilar. "Zilar! You're working with the police. How the hell did he take it?"

They looked at him and the only person who worked with the police. "After they find out the truth of Zero Day, they set him free due to being framed by his son, Dan Kuroto." The Knight answered. "It's also the day when we're trying to duel the remaining three Bugsters and he took this as an opportunity... as a diversion to snatch it from them using his pause ability." He explained his theory.

Haima gulped nervously and held Luna's hand for comfort while the female android scowled in annoyance before shoving his hand off her. "The Proto-Gashats contain data of the people who vanished." Asuna pointed out.

"So the lives can be continued are in our father's hands?" Kuroto asked referring himself and Ophelia's father.

"I refused to accept you as my half-brother and Masamune as my father." Ophelia retorted back in a hint of anger. "I may have the Dan's blood through my veins but I refused to acknowledge you two as my family. What's his agenda here? Why did he take them for?" She asked.

Emu stared at the floor before looking at Ophelia. "I have no choice but to talk to him directly." He suggested and Haima stared at him in shock. "Fee-chan, you don't want to talk or see him in person. I'm sure you wanted to know how he knows your origin from your world."

Ophelia stared at her hands and exhaled softly. The former goddess refused to talk to Masamune but deserved his explanation. "So many questions running through my mind, Emu. Are you sure this is a wise idea to see him?"

Kanade pursed her lips and didn't like the plan. "This is a suicide plan for you guys. Can't we just all go?"

Zilar shook his head. "I agree with Kanade, however, it'll provoke him if we're all going." He pointed out and looked at Ophelia. "I can switch places for you, Ophelia. Only if you wanted to."

"Ophelia-neesan, don't force yourself if you don't want to talk to your birth dad." Nico commented after seeing her hesitation to face him in civil. "Your family is Uncle William, Aunt Haruka, Haruto-nii and I. It's your choice and I can't stop you from seeking the truth." She feels sympathy for Ophelia and wants to support her.

The former goddess clenches her hands and faces Emu. "Let's do it. We'll civilly talk to him."


Masamune played the piano with a smirk to see Emu, Asuna and Ophelia. "I'm glad you both came. Hojou Emu, Briar Elena Grace." He announced their arrival. The founder of GENM is proud to see how much his younger daughter has grown over the past couple of years. She has her mother's beauty but the intelligence and skills are from him.

Ophelia refused to believe she was related to this man who wanted to control their fate and turn some of them into data for his desires. The former goddess feels like she's being tested for her fate. A fate whether to change switch sides ally with her birth father or save humanity.

"You two are also one of my company's valuable products." Masamune explained while playing the piano. "I want to build a relationship of mutual trust."

"I go by Barron Ophelia Selene now." Ophelia corrected the founder GENM in a serious tone. "Can you please return the Proto-Gashat to us." She asked politely. The former goddess secretly sensed his aura one more time if she could identify.

"They were my company's creations from the beginning. I have no reason to hand them over to you." He answered and refused to hand over the Proto-Gashat to them.

"Just what are you trying to do?" Asuna asked his reasoning for keeping the Proto-Gashat.

Masamune stops playing the piano and looks at them. "Selling Kamen Rider Chronicle to the entire world... and making GENM Corporation the number one game company in the world."

"World?" She muttered under her breath while Emu and Ophelia frowned at his words.

They couldn't believe his plan to make his game number one by using them as their guinea pigs to raise the chart high. "Doing so by spreading a life-threatening game?" Emu asked angrily at the thought of forcing people to play the game. "We can't accept that."

"This isn't about a game anymore." Ophelia pointed out angrily. "It's all about game survival and once they're defeated? You'll what? Turning us into data to do what you like? This is madness."

"Exactly what a doctor and nurse— or should I say doctors would say?" Ophelia narrowed her gaze. "But there is no need to worry."

"What do you mean by that?" Asuna asked.

"Decreasing the player base was never our true intention." Masamune assured them. "That is why I will keep the Bugsters under control to prevent more players from vanishing..." He plugs his Gashat inside the CPU. "... with this Rider Chronicle Master Gashat." The founder GENM smiled widely at them. He types on the keyboard and eliminates Salty. They stared at him surprised. "I told you... I will judge all of your fates. The patient has been cured of Game Syndrome. Whether Salty can be beaten or resurrected also depends on my judgment."

"How dare you..." Emu growled in anger for toying with their lives because of the game that Masamune desires. "I can't believe you're taking lives with a press of a button."

"You do not have the right to mention my company's policies." He retorted back calmly.

Ophelia punches the table in anger as it splits in half while ignoring Asuna's scream in shock. "You're nothing but a monster. We'll forcefully stop you if we can't convince you to end this madness. I don't care if we're related but I refuse to switch sides by the likes of you. This is our promise, we'll end Kamen Rider Chronicle." Her eyes glowed blue in anger and determination to save their lives.

"Oh? Is that a threat, dearest daughter?" Masamune asked.

"It's a promise." Ophelia answered and stood straight. She finally recognized the aura and didn't expect to encounter someone she knew. "I finally recognize your aura and wouldn't expect you to be back again... after we defeated you from the last battle, Mephorash Shem-Ha."

Emu and Asuna gasped in shock and looked between them. They didn't expect to encounter another reborn like Ophelia. Masamune chuckled in amusement. "You finally figured it out. I wouldn't expect less as the descendant of Alita the former Moon Knight who passed down her responsibility to a human like you."

"The way you spoke to me and knew us as Knights personally— it's you and the way you copied Universe's ability to stop the time." Ophelia explained.

"You only have one Symphogear and Alita's younger brother, Zilar. Who's to say you can stop me from my plans?" He asked while Ophelia's hand shook in anger. "You can't even surpass Alita's power. Let's face it Ophelia, you're nothing but a copycat of her."

"That's enough!" Emu steps in and glares at him. "You don't even know Fee-chan at all! Who says the three of them could face you? They have us and we'll work together."

"I'm looking forward to seeing how far you can stop it." The founder smirked darkly.


"Sell Kamen Rider Chronicle to the entire world!?" Kuroto exclaimed in surprise.

Emu and Asuna explained everything about their meeting including Masamune used to be called Mephorash Shem-Ha from the past and reborn like Ophelia. Zilar couldn't believe their former enemy was back and tried to take over the Earth again but with a different agenda.

"If that happens, CR won't be enough to deal with! Man! It's a pipupepopanic!" Poppy exclaimed worriedly and looked at Zilar and Ophelia. "Can you tell us about this Mephorash Shem-Ha, Zilar and Ophelia."

"She was called as self-proclaimed God of Earth—" Zilar was cut off by Kanade.

"Wait she?" The red-haired woman asked and heard it right. The knight nodded while she exhaled in shock. "That's a huge culture shock. To be reborn as a man and a father to Ophelia— that's a worse nightmare."

"Shem-Ha wanted to dominate the world including us." Ophelia gripped her left elbow with a grim look. "She's reborn again as a man and I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to have revenge."

"We don't even know if he still has his abilities before." Zilar pointed out before staring at them. "Shem-Ha was strong and there's no doubt in my mind... he would find a way to sway our minds."

"Unforgivable..." Kuroto growled in anger. "How dare he steal the game I developed, to gain more power!" He slaps the table in anger.

"We don't even know if he still has his old powers. All we've seen so far is his pause ability." Ophelia commented.

"We have to stop him." Emu informed them. "We must stop Dan Masamune."

"The question is how?" Luna asked. "How can we stop him when he can pause us? To avoid or prevent using the pause?"

Hiiro pushed the chair and hurt Poppy's leg in pain. "Do we have a way to stop Chronos?" He asked the former CEO of GEMN.

"There is no way." Kuroto answered truthfully.

"What do you mean!?" Poppy asked.

"Chronos is a legendary power the player can obtain." He explained. "So I never envisioned any way for it to be beaten!"

"No way..." She whispered in shock.

Hiiro grabs Emu and Ophelia's shoulder as they squeak in shock. "What about getting the intern to reprogram his antibody? Or Ophelia purify him?"

"It's impossible for Ophelia to purify Masamune." Zilar answered calmly. "It won't work on him especially since he used to be Shem-Ha before. Alita tried to purify Shem-Ha but it didn't work."

"Zilar is right. As long as Chronos has the power of Pause, won't it be possible to hit him!" Kuroto pointed out.

"A pause is something a player uses to stop a game, right temporarily?" Emu asked Kuroto. "That means Chronos is the only player able to move."

"Only?" Kuroto repeated the last word.

"Only..." He yelled in surprise while everyone stared at him curiously. "There's a way to beat him!"

Zilar immediately understands his plan. "A reckless plan but it would work." He commented and Kuroto stared at him. "I'm not a gamer expert but I could understand your reckless plan between you two."

"I— we don't get it, Z." Kanade stated they were the only ones who didn't understand their words. "Speak Japanese."

"A Genius Gamer indeed and as expected of Detective Zilar!" Kuroto complimented them while Emu smiled happily.

"What? What?" Poppy asked excitedly. "I've absolutely no idea what you geniuses are thinking about!"

Hiiro shoved Poppy away and Ophelia caught her. "Explain." He demanded an explanation from them.

"We only have one chance..." Kuroto begins to explain. "...but in theory, there is a way to stop the power of Pause."


"You guys broke up again?" Zilar asked Ophelia as she nodded. "That explains the huge tension between you guys."

After Kuroto explains their plan to defeat Masamune, Ophelia stays on the rooftop to have some fresh air with Zilar. The knight knew Ophelia closed off her feelings again without expressing her emotions.

"It's better this way once we save everyone from Masamune's grasp." Ophelia explained her reasons for breaking up with Hiiro. "I was the one who made the call. To end our relationship before Saki-san comes back. All I ever wanted was for Hiiro to be happy even if I'm not meant for him."

"Fee-chan?" They turned around to face Emu. "You guys are...?"

"Yeah, I had to." She smiled softly at him but he stared at her sadly. "My wish is— happiness for the people close to me. If it means sacrificing my happiness for them, so be it."

"But... you're carrying a lot of pain in your heart, Fee-chan." He pointed out softly and knew Ophelia would sacrifice everything for their happiness. It pains him for she only received nothing but heartache. "You deserve to be happy and see you smile. Kanade and I saw how happy you were with Hiiro."

"I don't want him ending up with regrets." Ophelia assured him with a smile. "Let's head off, shall we?" She walked out first before one of them could speak up.

The knight stared at Emu sadly. "She's always been selfless and never be selfish of what she wanted."

Emu agreed with her. "I also wish for Fee-chan to smile. I dislike seeing her fake smile and pretend everything is okay but it's not." The genius gamer wanted to speak with Hiiro for breaking her heart again but he couldn't do it. It's not in his place to intervene and meddle in their relationship.

"I just wish she could be selfish sometimes of what she wanted or needed instead for our sake." He commented softly. "I wouldn't intervene in their relationship because I have no right to meddle. What we can offer is to stay by her side."


Kuroto is facing in front of his father after five years of not seeing each other. "For the son to come back to visit, there is no greater joy for a father." Masamune expressed his love for his son. "Your sister didn't join."

"She refused to acknowledge us being part of our family and never blamed her for it." Kuroto answered coldly. It's a mutual understanding that he also refused to accept Ophelia as his half-sister because they're raised in a different family. "Father? You said that my talents were nothing more than one of your products. You're no longer my father." He disowned him as a father member of Dan's family.

Masamune faces him. "My love for my son has never changed. That is why I took the blame for Zero Day five years ago."

"Enough of your bald-faced lies!" He snapped angrily. "You've been exploiting me for 16 years. You have an affair behind my back to find out Ophelia is my long-lost half-sister and you're her former enemy, Shem-Ha from her world."

He laughs darkly at his statements. "So you realized? Correct. I took the blame for giving you the time to complete my Kamen Rider Chronicle and kill Ophelia and Alita's brother, Zilar... Dangerous Zombie." He taunted him. "You failed to kill them because they're still alive."

Kuroto growled in anger. "Stop the sale of Kamen Rider Chronicle!"

"I refuse." He denied stopping the game.

"I was the one who developed the game! No one else shall have it!" He activated his two Dangerous Zombie and Mighty Action X Gashat.

"Dangerous Zombie! Mighty Action X!"

"Grade X-0. Henshin!"

"Gashatto! Gashatto! Gacchaan! Gacchaan! Level up! Level up! Mighty Action X! I gotcha, Dangerous Zombie!"

Masamune sighed heavily at his transformation right in front of him. "You've always been nothing but trouble. The knights are the worst ones to deal with including the Symphogear user." He activated his Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat.

"Kamen Rider Chronicle"

He plugs it inside his Driver. "Gashatto! Buggle up! The end of time is here!"

Masamune attacks first and throws Kuroto off the side. He dodges the Key Slasher from Kuroto and shoves him away. "Not so fast." The founder of GEMN commented on his lack of fighting skills without knowing someone had observed them far.

"Hey, will it work?" Poppy worriedly asked Emu, Hiiro, Ophelia, Kanade and Zilar about their plan.

"Yeah, we'll make it succeed." Emu assured the female Bugster before glancing at his Maximum Mighty X Gashat.

"If there's anyone to stop his movements, that would be Kuroto." Ophelia pointed out in a hushed tone while observing their fight.

Zilar noticed Hiiro's unusual behavior but silently kept an eye on him. 'I find it suspicious of Masamune letting you off the hook, Hiiro. He won't let you go that easy unless there's a negotiation. The question is what?' He thoughts.

"What are they trying to do?" Graphite asked as he and Parado observed them far without being noticed. He looked down as Parado was still shaking in fear of dying without reviving. Graphite had enough of his terrified and grabbed his collar. "Hey, Parado. How much longer are you going to sob over Lovelica's death?"

Parado pushes his hand off him. "Let go!" He leaned against the wall.

"Enjoying the battle against humanity and Ex-Aid... " Graphite gripped his shoulder. "I thought that was your aim!" He reminded Parado's goal. "As long as Chronos exists, you won't be able to settle your dispute with Ex-Aid first before Moon Knight."

Parado gulped and looked at Emu and Ophelia. "Emu... Ophelia..."

"Man, I thought he would change his mind if it's Kuroto but I was wrong." Kanade commented and cringed to see Kuroto beaten up badly by Masamune.

"Once he made up his mind, he won't be swayed. The same thing that he did before from our world." Ophelia explained calmly and remembered their final battle as Hibiki successfully saved Miku from Shem-Ha's control.

Kuroto lay down on the ground and looked at him. "What's the matter?" He asked Masamune while struggling to stand. "Not using the power of Pause?"

"I do not need to." Masamune retorted back before throwing the Key Slasher away. He used his Driver with a small dagger.


"Are words all you have?" He sliced his upper body. "Ophelia is a better fight yet— she is only strong thanks to Alita." The founder of GENM punched his stomach and drained his health gauge successfully.

Kuroto got defeated and turned into pixilated as he disappeared from Masamune's sight. "Game Over!"

Emu and the others waiting for Kuroto to place himself inside Masamune's Driver. Graphite looked confused at Kuroto's action. "Why isn't Genm using a continue?" He asked himself out loud while Parado observed the battle. "Could he have been permanently killed by Chronos' power?"

"No." Parado answered truthfully and realized Kuroto's intention.

"This is...?" Masamune muttered as he turned to face Emu, Hiiro, Kanade, Zilar, Poppy and Ophelia.

"Hiiro-san, Kanade, Fee-chan and Zilar-san, cover me!" Emu ordered them as they nodded.

Masamune chuckled in amusement. "So it's you five." He watched them.

"Skill level 50." Hiiro activated his dual Gashat.

"Maximum Mighty X!"

"Max Dai Henshin!"

"Taddle Fantasy!"


"Maximum Gashatto! Gacchaan! Level Max! Maximum Power X!"

"Dual Gashatto! Gacchaan! Dual up! Taddle Fantasy!"

"𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏" Ophelia chants and transforms into Heavenly Moon Knight.

"𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘪𝘵𝘻𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘻𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘎𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘳 𝘻𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘭~" Kanade sings to transform into Symphogear.

"𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒔𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎" Zilar chants and transform into Silver Knight.

"Stage select!" Emu chooses an avenue to a lakeside.

"Trying a surprise attack?" Masamune asked them curiously.

They summon their respective weapons and attack Masamune. He dodges it with ease and jumps to the side of the cliff. Kanade, Ophelia, Zilar and Hiiro keep Masamune busy while Emu activates his final attack.

"Gacchaan! Finisher!"

"It's no use." Masamune reminded them of their plan. He activated his ability to pause.

"Pause" It freezes everyone on the spot.

Masamune approached them calmly. "I don't wish to damage my precious products, but..."

"You fell for it." He heard Kuroto's voice through his Driver and appeared on the screen.

"Kuroto?!" Masamune looked down in surprise to see him.

"It's New Dan Kuroto." Kuroto corrected him as he escaped from Masamune's Driver. The former CEO held him behind while Masamune struggled at his grasp.

"How are you able to move?" He demanded.

"Pause immobilizes every player except Chronos." Kuroto explained. "That means it didn't affect me when I hid in your Bug Visor II!" He disabled the pause ability to resume the time.


"Emu, reprogram his antibody! Ophelia tied him down." Kuroto yelled.

Ophelia nodded and threw her right hand with a small needle scattered all over Masamune.

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔!

The former goddess successfully immobilized Masamune and glanced at Emu. "Now's your chance, Emu!"

"Got it!" Emu nodded and activated his final attack.

"Gacchaan! Maximum Critical Break!" He jumps high and is about to land a hit on Masamune.

Hiiro intervenes and cancels Emu's attack leaving the others in shock. "Hiiro, what's the meaning of this!?" Ophelia asked in a stern tone.

"Emu!" Kanade and Zilar helped Emu.

"Hiiro!?" Asuna asked in surprise as Luna, Taiga and Nico appeared.

"What is he doing?" Nico asked.

"I see... you're switching sides with him, Hiiro." Ophelia realized Hiiro's betrayal. "Why? You worked with him in exchange for Saki to release her from the Proto-Gashat." She gripped her weapon in anger and hurt.

Hiiro remained silent while Ophelia held back her tears. Her hands are shaken by overwhelming emotions building up within her but mask it. The former goddess refused to expose her weakness to Hiiro and Masamune.

"Why?" Emu groaned while Kanade and Zilar pulled him. "Is that true? Hiiro-san! Why!?"

Masamune took this as an opportunity to destroy the strings and push Kuroto away while Ophelia caught him mid-flight. "Are you alright?" Hiiro asked the founder of GENM without answering their question.

"Well done." Masamune complimented Hiiro's work.

"Why?" Kuroto asked while ignoring Ophelia carrying him in her hands while flying. "Why did you join forces with him?! You never Ophelia's question!"

"I hired him to control you Kamen Riders, Knights and Symphogear." Masamune explained while Kanade scowled in anger.

"What do you mean by control?" Zilar asked in a cold tone.

"Dangerous Zombie. You might have the capabilities of a game creator, but not of someone who stands above the rest." Masamune commented. "By reimbursing work done and winning people's hearts, formed a company. That is how a company is run." He activated his final attack.

"Finisher! Critical Sacrifice!" Kanade, Zilar, Emu, Kuroto and Ophelia braced themselves for the final attack.

Ophelia created a barrier to stop the attack.

𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒔

They clashed together causing an explosion. "Everyone!" Luna cried out worriedly. They were blinded by light.

Masamune clicks his tongue in annoyance at Ophelia's Heavenly Moon form as her power grows stronger in that state. None of them are hurt as Ophelia lowered her barrier while gazing at them with a blank look. "Tch, that barrier of yours is a nuisance including that form, Ophelia. I could use your assistance to help me."

"I'd rather die than betray because of your greedy desires." Ophelia warned him as she lowered Kuroto to the ground.

"Taddle Fantasy is my right-hand man." He declared before turning around and patting Hiiro's shoulder. "Good job."

Hiiro stared at Ophelia while she stared back at him with a hurtful look. It breaks his heart to betray his friends and the woman he loves. 'I'm sorry, my Moon.' He walked away from them.

Ophelia kneels and cries her heart out in pain. She refused to believe Hiiro's betrayal but he hurt them including her. He was desperate to get the Proto-Gashat back and save Saki, but the consequence was becoming their enemies.

"Fee-chan..." Emu stared at her worriedly before reverting himself to normal. He hugged her for comfort while she gripped his shirt tight."I promise you, Fee-chan. We'll save him."

"It hurts, Emu." Ophelia whimpered and sniffed. "Why do I have to suffer this much pain? Is this my punishment?"

Emu silently rubbed her back while the others stared at Ophelia worriedly. None of them could find the words to comfort her only the genius gamer.

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