an angel's bond

By dragon_samurai_13

310 24 0

shinji ikari didn't know what to expect when he had somehow managed to start an impact event AGAIN, but by sh... More



12 1 0
By dragon_samurai_13

"report" i ordered immediately upon entering the bridge

"the vigilant-class battlecruiser, the CC-712: revenant, is being overwhelmed by a swarm, and is requesting assistance from any available ship, it's own contingent are almost gone, it has only two of it's five corvettes, and only three prowlers of fifteen, the rest are either completely destroyed or too heavily damaged to continue the battle" the watch officer, a sergeant reported

"and what is the closest ship besides us" i asked

"a hunter-class cruiser, the CG-1437: intrepid, is three hours away, it is moving towards the revenant at max warp" the officer said, i paused, before coming to a decision

"all hands to battlestations" i said, the entire bridge crew turned to the captain in surprise

"we may not be able to beat the swarm but we can help the revenant stall for time, until the intrepid arrives" i said, lysseilia leaned in

"are you sure about this" lysseilia asked, i looked at her, she could see the determination in my eyes, before nodding her head

"all hands to battlestations, set condition-one throughout the ship, bring main guns online prepare to scramble our ships" lysseilia said reiterating my orders, in that instant the entire bridge crew jumped to action

"helm plot a course for the revenant, increase speed to maximum warp" i ordered

"aye captain" the woman at the helm replied

the moment we arrived, the thanatos unleashed everything it had on the swarm as it launched it's three ships, fighters didn't exist for the nation do to dragons, but dragons were useless in space so they had to rely on the firepower of their bigger ships

"bring us alongside the revenant" i ordered

"aye sir" the helmsman said as we moved alongside the bigger vessel, and spent the next three hours trading blows before the intrepid arrived and between our three ships we turned the tides of the battle and defeated the enemy swarm

"sir we are being hailed by the revenant" the comms officer said

"on screen" i said

"this is commodore james parker in command of the revenant" the man said

"major fuyuhito shinosuke, sir" i said

"ah, your him, i heard you were on your way to krivale, my thanks on your timely arrival, without your ship holding the line, it is likely i would have lost mine, and would also be space debris floating through space, i owe you my ship and my life" the commodore said

"just doing my duty sir" i said

"indeed, i have ordered the intrepid to join as we will all head for krivale, it is clear i need a bit of an escort if i am to get anywhere, i'll at least make sure you complete your journey with as little excitement as possible" the commodore said

"i appreciate that sir" i said

"very well, i will see you in person soon enough, commodore parker out" the commodore said

"what were our losses" i asked lysseilia

"aboard the thanatos we lost 37 men, we also lost a prowler and our corvette" she reported i nodded

"i'll be sure to put that in my report on our arrival

the rest of the trip was thankfully as dull as the vast majority had been thus far, when we docked the commodore and marshal in command of the station was waiting for us

"welcome to krivale, i'm marshal wade, you know commodore parker" the marshal said, as the commodore walked up and held out it's hand which i took

"as count of house lissette, and as commodore of the imperial navy, you have my thanks, and have earned yourself a favor from my family and a favor from me personally" the man said

"add that to the favor, the nation overall owes him for saving the city of vyrens" the marshal said

"what are you talking about" i asked confused

"i'll explain it once we are dismissed, it is important, and i can't believe i forgot to explain about that previously" she said

"right, if that is all commodore i have to debrief my new charges" the marshal said

"yes, i'm done with them" the commodore said

"good repairs for the revenant are under way, this system doesn't have the capabilities to replace your ship compliment you'll have to head for teristale for that" the marshal said

"understood, did your ship lose any of it's craft" the commodore asked, i nodded

"a prowler and corvette" i said

"i'll send over from my ship what you need, if your stationed here, you should be fully armed, the base can handle repairs" the commodore said

"indeed we can, we just don't have full ships, our defense force is already rather small" the marshal said

"i'll get back to my ship and right up the orders" the commodore said saluting us and the marshal, which me and lysseilia returned, the marshal abstained from doing so however, as he silently led the way to his office

after sitting down he returned his attention to us

"as i said previously, welcome to krivale, the reason you are here is simple, you are here to learn, through trial by fire, i will be assigning your ship numerous missions throughout the year, and you will be completing them, this system is backwater, so the fighting is much less, both sides send much less resources, then the world of tyrnus, a single frigate is really all that's needed, you will be learning both what it means to be a ships captain something you've already started to learn with the rescue of the revenant, and dragon-ridding, your partnership with lysseilia may not last, but command expects that soon enough many dragons will want you as their rider simply because of your incredible power, they really only partnered you with the lieutenant now, because she is amenable, and able to properly teach you, something we don't really have the time to do in depth, usually an officer would spend a solid three years at the academy before going anywhere, but these are extenuating circumstances, i actually already had orders prepared for you, but your ship needs repairs from the rescue of the revenant and the battle that ensued so, i have a new set of orders for you" the marshal said, i nodded my understanding

"a shuttle is being prepared, we are currently working on defending the city of cirteska, your orders are simply to drive off the enemy if possible, you leave immediately, i have already sent word to have a bridle prepared for lysseilia, good luck, lieutenant, major, your dismissed" the two of us saluted, and we boarded the shuttle on the trip she explained about the meaning of favors

a favor, is a form of currency in the nation, if a favor is owed you can demand anything within the power of the owed, it is exceedingly rare to earn a favor of anyone, yet her rider had earned three separate favors, including one from the nation itself where he could have literally whatever he wanted, which was extremely impressive

she then explained the currency system, the nation used what were known as credits, a completely digital form of currency, fuyuhito likely had a lot money in his account again from saving the city of vyrens

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