an angel's bond

By dragon_samurai_13

338 24 0

shinji ikari didn't know what to expect when he had somehow managed to start an impact event AGAIN, but by sh... More



16 1 0
By dragon_samurai_13

the next morning the two reported to the marshal's office at 0900

"ah good right on time, i like that, punctuality is important, first we are going to have you tested" the marshal said, i nodded, as he led me down to a science lab, where a woman in their armies' uniform was waiting

"ah my new subject, the titan handler" she said with a devious smile

"uh hi" i said

"we have a very busy day, please do not waist time" the marshal said, at that she scowled, but pulled me to a booth

"go in there strip then step through the door to your right and hold your hands out about forty five degrees from your body" she said, i did as i was told, she walked to a terminal and as soon as he entered the main booth she imputed her commands which initiated the scan

"intriguing, i have never seen this happen before" she said

"what do you mean doctor" the marshal asked

"first, he still needs to unlock his mystic art, the one he has been using is from the unit of his, it is slowly merging with him, we will also need to collect the other unit, otherwise, the boy won't be able to effectively use this power, as he is horribly unbalanced" the Dr. said

"wait are you saying he will have two mystic arts" the marshal asked as both he and lysseilia were in shock

"correct" she said

"what else" she asked

"when he summoned his titan to fight down in the city was the last time he will be able to do that, as it has fused with him to the point it can now only take on a spectral form, still very powerful, but no longer battle warping, when he receives the other one, he will be able to again summon the titan to his side, but he will only be able to hold it's appearance for five minutes, that being said, he can conjure an nigh unbreakable barrier at will, with even summoning the spectral forms of his titans, that will hold indefinitely so long as his concentration is not broken" she said

"go on" the marshal said, she hit a button on her console

"Mr. shinosuke, i want you to hold out your hands as if you are attempting to grasp a shaft, you know what i speak of" she said, for a second i didn't but i understood, the spear of longinus appeared in my hand but it changed

"that is the true power of this new art of his, each one represents a weapon, the unit-13, is that spear, it can control drones known as the nemesis series, and the spear itself can fire beams of energy from between it's edges, he will collect that part of his power when he returns to his world, the other weapon is yet more powerful" she said

"how so" lysseilia asked

"the other weapon is a sword of some kind, likely one from his culture, so he can tell you more about the blade, but it will allow him to use a myriad of abilities, similarly to the spear the sword can shoot beams of energy by slashing at a target and it will send an energy arc at said target, but the blade is much more powerful as it can also, the blade can also become flexible to be used as a whip" the Dr. said which caused lysseilia to blush, at the connotations that could be involved with that

"it can also temporarily infect enemy insurgents" she said

"infect how" the marshal asked

"first he must cut the sword into the thing he wishes to infect by doing so he releases a compound into the target which will take over the body of the infected and will become a doll to his command, until he orders it's execution, in which case it will fall over dead" the Dr. explained, when she saw the two got it she continued

"using the sword, the barrier he produces can take a more offensive stance as he can use it to forcefully push away his opponents" the Dr. said, my eyes widened

"those the angel's abilities" i muttered

"excuse me" the Dr. said as they had not heard him

"i have a question, is the last power of this sword to be able to take on the powers of defeated opponents" i asked

"yes, but how did you know, you clearly didn't know this beforehand" the Dr. said surprised

"because all of the abilities you have named are also from defeated opponents, dead opponents in fact" i said, her eyes widened, in fact all three of them were surprised

"you have combat experience" the marshal asked

"yes" i said

"that changes a few things, excuse me you two i need to make a report to my superiors" the marshal said before leaving the lab

"your true mystic art, has yet to awaken so i am not entirely sure what that it is, but it is powerful, it is keeping your titan quite subdued" the Dr. said

"how do i get rid of this spear" i asked, she took a look at her data

"concentrate on it being gone and it should dissipate into fluid which will promptly absorb itself into your body, the spear even lost will return to you should you wish it, same goes for the sword" she said, i nodded as i concentrated and the spear was gone, as it had changed into LCL fluid which as the doctor said was quickly absorbed into me

"that's it, i'm done, you can get dressed again" the Dr. said as she left the chamber into the booth where my cloths are wherein i got dressed and exited the booth

"i'd recommend heading to the marshal's office, he will likely not take long with the higher-ups" the Dr. said

"right, fuyuhito follow me" she said i nodded and did just that 

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