Guns & Roses (Eminem Fanfic)

By do_ilook_likeicare

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Aurora Hill is an up-and-coming R'n'B singer/dancer who also happens to be part of a rapper Ja Rule's entoura... More

Cast & A/N
1. The First Lady Of Murder Inc
2. All About The Disrespect
3. Retaliation Plans
4. All Eyes On Me
5. Chill The Fuck Out
6. Celebrity Crush
7. A Simple Favor
8. The Next Round
9. Exes
10. Eye For An Eye
11. Darkness
12. Why Did You Do It
13. Broken
14. Disloyal
15. Ungrateful
17. Go To Sleep
18. Nothing Serious
19. Netflix & Chill
20. Come Home With Me
21. Redemption
22. NDAs & Lame Ass Dance Moves
23. I Know It Was You
24. Threatened
25. Destructive Mode Activated
26. The Switch Up Is Crazy
27. Why R U The One
28. Indulge
29. Not The Type To Bring Home To Mama
30. Petty Shit
31. Evil Plans
32. Don't Play Me
33. The Set-Up
34. Use Them & Abuse Them
35. Careless
36. Put That On Everything
37. The Showdown
38. Complication
39. Change Of Heart
40. Flip-Flop
41. Weak Spot
42. Happy Birthday
43. True Crime Part 1
44. True Crime Part 2
45. Who Shot Ya
46. The Ultimatum
47. Motives
48. Midnight
49. Quiet But Deadly
50. Marriage vs. Murder
51. Kill You
52. Stubborn
53. Ambush
54. Seduction
55. Superman (The Last Chapter)
A Shady Records Girl (Bonus Chapter)

16. What's Done In The Dark / Trust No One

522 18 107
By do_ilook_likeicare

I'm sorry, y'all, I know how much y'all hate being in this assholes head, but...


Jeffrey's P.O.V.

It's been about a week since Aurora stormed out of my crib, and went right back to living in her condo.

And a lot has happened since then.

I had asked Suge to keep an eye on her for me, and I was right to do so, because she really is disloyal as fuck.

Literally the same day after she left me, Aurora went right to the cops and filed a report against both me and Suge. She had snitched about Suge's niggas beating her flip-flopping ass up, and then even tried to roll on me over what I had almost done to her that day she left, and she even filed for a restraining order against me.

Unbeknownst and unluckily for her though, Suge's got pigs all on his payroll here in LA, so as soon as Aurora went in there and filed that little report, the paperwork was instantly scrapped, and the news of what she had done had got right back to Suge, who then called Irv and me and let us know about that shit.

And ever since then, whatever love I had used to ever have for this shallow ass chick, had turned into hatred and rage. Aurora is going to pay for clowning me and slighting me like she did, I'm just waiting for the right moment.

And Suge's been keeping tabs on her for me, and I know pretty much all of her comings and goings right now. I even have one of her bodyguards on my team, once again completely unbeknownst to her.

One little thing this disloyal ass girl done did though that has escaped me until the very moment I was chilling at my crib watching TV, and an interview with Aurora came up. I had no idea that she's agreed to do this, but apparently at some point, she had gone to the Tyra Banks Show in New York and gave an interview about her whole ordeal, that "viscious attack on her life" as that fine ass redbone bitch Tyra had called it on national TV.

And I was just sat in front of the TV sipping some Henny and smoking a blunt. And I had just finished fucking Aurora's friend Janaé too. The chick irritates me, but she's always had a thing for me, and she sorta looks like Aurora in the face, both of them having that light skin tone and slanted eyes and shit, I guess you can say that I've got a type.

And this wasn't the first time I had fucked Janaé while imagining she's Aurora neither. The first time was after we was both drunk after some party. I pretty much dragged Janaé in the room with me, and she had tried to protest too, talking about some, Aurora is her friend, but I had shut all her protest down real quick, and the hoe was giving me googly eyes ever since then.

And now earlier today, she came by the crib with one of Aurora's bodyguards, the one I actually have on my payroll, to pick up some of her deceitful homegirl's things she still had left at my crib, I had made the bodyguard leave and leave Janaé alone with me, and even though she had tried to protest again, eventually she gave in, and she is currently still back at Aurora's old bedroom, I guess, packing up while crying a few tears.

While Aurora's sat at one of the couches at Tyra Bank's studio.

Tyra flips her hair off of her shoulders, being fake as fuck. For real, I've met that woman before and she's not genuine at all.

"So, I know that it's hard for you to speak about this, Aurora. But as my momma always says, it will make you feel so much better once you've faced your fears by talking out loud about exactly what's went down with you on that fateful night you were attacked in front of The Four Seasons hotel in New Your," the redbone says rather dramatically.

I scoff to myself and take a pull on my blunt, leaning back in my sofa as I watch Aurora's face set into this distant expression, her pretty lips forming into a thin line. She lowers her eyes for a second as the camera man zooms in on her face.

She then looks back up into the camera and begins talking in that soft tone of voice of hers. The weed in my lungs making each of her words stretch somewhat.

Aurora begins relaying the events of that night Suge's goons went after her. She doesn't out them, so I'm guessing maybe she's got a least some of her loyalty left, just tells Tyra that there were three men in ski masks and dark clothes. She looks like she's holding back tears when she speaks about how one of them had shouted at her, and I would've felt bad just like I first did in that moment I had found out that it was her Suge's niggas done beat up.

"So, do you have any idea who might've attacked you, Aurora? I mean, do you have any guesses?" Tyra Banks is now asking the question, leaving slightly forward as the audience in the studio are all letting out these collective gasps. "We all know, of course, that a certain bad boy rapper was arrested before in regards of..."

"Eminem had nothing to do with me being attacked," Aurora interrupts Tyra then, speaking softly but assertively.

I scoff and think to myself about all of the stuff I've ever done for this ungrateful woman. Without me, Aurora literally would be a nobody right now, just some cheap ass video hoe, shaking her ass in grade D rappers videos for barely any salary. It's cause I've heard her singing that day and had signed her to Murder Inc. is why she even has a career right now, and yet, there she is...

"And honestly, sometimes, it's not even your enemies that would do you the dirtiest. Instead sometimes it be the people closest to you," Aurora continues speaking, as all of the dumb hoes in the audience continue to gasp in agitation, some sounding as though they've just put two and two together, and I feel myself lean closer to the TV, wanting to reach through the screen and punch this chick straight in her mouth.

"That's... very cryptic," Tyra Banks then smiles the widest smile I've ever seen on the top model's face. "Do you care to elaborate on your statement just now, Aurora?"

"Not at this time, no," Aurora then smiles as well, and she looks directly at the camera. "But all of the persons involved know EXACTLY who they are, and EXACTLY what they did."

"But don't you want, justice, girl?" Tyra then asks her, pretending to be coy. "For everything that's been done to you, I mean?"

"Oh, I do want justice, but I'm a firm believer of the fact that everything that's done in the dark will eventually come to light," Aurora then smiles sweetly.

I crumble the remains of my blunt in my hands, quickly gulping down the rest of my Henny.

"Oh, okay, girl, I definitely hear you," Tyra Banks then smirks. "Well, answer this other question that, because all of my audience here is dying to know, don't you guys?" She turns briefly towards the audience sat in the studio of her little talk show. "Even though this has sort of got overshadowed by the fact of what's happened to you, Aurora, the fact of the matter remains that there's been certain rumors circulating about you and that same certain bad boy rapper which I am so relieved to find out had nothing to do with your attack..."

"Oh, that," Aurora lightly giggles then and rolls her eyes.

"I mean, you WERE leaving Eminem's hotel room that night," Tyra says suggestively, raising one eyebrow.

"Em and I are just friends," Aurora replies.

Tyra Banks: "Oh, but please do tell, how does a girl that's all around known as The First Lady Of Murder Inc becomes cool with Slim Shady, the same man that Ja Rule, who is basically your mentor, not to mention that you two have been also linked to each other romantically before, has beef with. Like, what are you thinking, girl?"

Aurora: "Alright, listen, Tyra. I've said this before, and I've been saying that. Even though I'm a part of Murder Inc, whatever beef is going on between Ja Rule, 50 Cent and Eminem right now? It has nothing to do with me, and frankly, I think it's silly as hell. Also, me and Ja Rule were NEVER together like that. EVER. Just putting it out there. And Eminem... I used to hate that dude, like I legit couldn't stand that white boy before, but like... I've learned to realize that he's really not as bad as the general public perceives him to be. That being said, there's nothing between us like that, I'm just cool with the dude, and that's all."

Tyra Banks: "But how would Ja Rule feel about..."

Aurora: "Frankly, Ty-Ty, I couldn't have cared less how Jeffrey feels about this. Ja Rule is NOT my man, and he never was, and I'm just putting it out there. And like I've said before, everything done in the dark will eventually come to light, and sometimes it be your friends you've got to watch out for, and not your so-called enemies, and that's all I will say for now."

"Ayo, what the fuck, Ja?! What is this bitch doing, is she outta her goddamn rabbit ass mind?!" Irv busting in through the doors of my study is momentarily distracting me from seething at Aurora's words spoken on fucking national TV.

"You gotta handle this hoe, Ja. Or I will do it myself, I swear to God," Irv tells me, causing instant waves of angry hot embarrassment washing over me cause of my homebody witnessing first hand how the chick I'm supposed to have under my complete control is openly rebelling against me for the whole world to see.

Hinting about my connection to her attack and getting all giggly and shy when that cracker Em is mentioned? Fuck naw.

"Oh, imma handle the nasty ass hoe, Irv, trust me," I grin widely. "And she don't even know it yet, but I've got something for her ass. See, one thing Aurora don't realize is that me and her still gotta do the tour together in a couple of months. I mean, she do realize it, but her simple ass still thinks she can get out of it. Her lawyer had contacted my earlier today on some, we gotta re-negotiate the contract thing. She's tryna pull out, but what she's not getting yet is that I won't let her get out of this. Aurora WILL go touring with me, and then, whenever it's just me and her in those hotel room, she's be completely at my mercy, and imma teach her how to be obedient to her man then."

"Yeah, that's all good, my nigga, but that's months away, like you said, and Aurora needs to be handled right now. Before she does anymore damage running her mouth like she does. But see, you've always been a soft ass motherfucka whenever it came to that chick, Ja," Irk scolds me while continuing to scoff.

"But no worries, I'm already handling her for you right now. I been sent Suge and his goons after her ass to have another lil talk with her," Irv then smirks, causing me to jump on my feet involuntarily.

"Nigga, you did WHAT?!" I bark.

Irv continues to laugh his ass off the on my behalf, only making me angrier.

"See what I'm saying, Ja? You are way too soft on the bitch. Not to worry, though, they ain't gonna beat her or brand her this time. Just have a real serious talk with her, you know what I mean? Let her know to keep her mouth shut from now on."

I huff out a sharp breath of air then, and start to respond to Irv, getting all up in his face, when the two of us hear a soft gasp and when I turn my head, I notice this dumb hoe, Janaé, who's apparently been eavesdropping on the whole conversation.

Once the chick sees me and Irv looking at her, she immediately takes off running, her long ass braids whipping about her neck and back.

And just as quick, I chase after her ass and I'm snatching her ass up, pulling her by those same braids.

"Not so fast, J!!" I bark, forcibly dragging Janaé back into my study, Irv shutting the door behind us and locking it.

"What was you gon do, huh, Janaé? Warn Aurora about everything?" I then ask her as she trembles in my hold, but doesn't say back a word.

"You see what I'm talking about, Ja? Ain't none of these hoes is loyal for real, cause Janaé here don't even know whose side she's really on," Irv then smirks, lighting up one of the Cuban cigars Suge usually smokes and blowing the smoke out in Janaé's face who coughs. "Cause one minute she's letting you hit just like the nasty whore she is, then, she wanna remember that that bitch, Aurora is actually supposed to be her friend and wanna be acting like it."

"You might be right, nigga. What do you say, J?" I then ask the girl, tickling under her chin.

Janaé has the nerve to look at me with this indignant look in her slanted eyes, sort of reminding me of her best friend in this moment, then she attempts to slap my hand away from her face, but I grab her arm and twist it behind her back. Janaé winces but attempts to maintain eye contact with me.

"Screw you, Ja! I've made a huge mistake by letting you have your way with me. Especially knowing what I know now. But at the end of the day, I see now exactly how right Aurora was about you, and she is my friend, and I'll make it up to her!"

"Yeah, not right now though, baby doll," Irv smirks. "Cause you ain't going nowhere right now, hoe. You are gon stay right here with Ja and myself. And you are gon tell us everything Aurora is up to also. What else this bitch is planning against us?"

"I'm. Not. Telling. You. Two. Jokers. Shit," Janaé then enunciates, causing me to smack her in the face.

"If you don't talk, then I might let the rest of my dawgs get real close to you, you know what I mean, Janaé?" I sneer at her. "Get them real close to you like me and you used to be close, bitch."

"Do what you gotta do then, nigga. But I'm still not talking. Bad enough I've betrayed my girl already by sleeping with you. But it won't go any further than it's already gone."


Aurora's P.O.V.

My cell phone rings and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see my bestie, Janaé's name flash across the caller ID.

I was more than a little nervous for my girl, to be honest, and it didn't sit right with me that she would go by Jeffrey's place to pick up some of my things from there for me.

Like... ever since that time Ja had tried to force himself on me, I've lost any sort of trust, respect, admiration, or whatever that I've ever had for that man.

And I know now that he isn't to be trusted.

Still, Janaé had volunteered though, she knew that I would never set foot at that nigga's house again willingly, but certain stuff that I still had left in there had held like this certain level of sentimental value to me, and I wanted it back. So my good sis had volunteered to go and get it for me, and I kept protesting at first, but she insisted, and eventually ended-up going anyways with one of  the members of my security team.

And it's been hours, and I've been calling her nonstop, but she hasn't been answering, but now she's actually the one calling me.

"Hey girl, you good?" I ask worried, answering flipping over my cell phone and putting up the receiver to my ear.

"Aurora, girl, you need to get out of the apartment right now, because Suge Knight is..." Janaé's voice comes out in a rushed jungle of words, like I can barely even understand her right now.

"What, Janaé... slow down, cause..."

"GIRL!! Just shut the hell up, and listen to me. Ja and them, they pissed at you for saying what you had said during the Tyra Banks interview, and they apparently also know about you going to the cops. So now Suge Knight is on his way over there to your apartment to do fuck knows what to you!"

I feel my blood run cold. And it's only by some miracle that I'm even able to like, hold on to the phone in my hand that's immediately starting to shake so badly.

Flashbacks of Suge's goons attacking me instantly infiltrating my brain.

You are dead, Shady's Whore!!

"Oh my God, Janaé, are you safe though right now, are you..."

"Girl, don't even worry about me," Janaé sighs at the other end of the line then, and she sounds on the verge of tears. "I ain't shit anyways, A! You will hate me so much when you fund out."

"Find out about what, what are you..."

"Girl, I've been screwing Ja behind your back, okay?! Because I was so damn in love with him. But once I realized what he did to you, I had tried to stop, but then when I came by his place for your things today, we... again... fuck!! But once I overheard what him and Irv was planning..."

"Ayo, Janaé, that's way too long you've been in that bathroom, girl! Come the fuck out right now!"

Jeffrey's voice cutting through Janaé's confession can sharply heard at the other end of the line then, as I just stand there with my phone to my ear, feeling completely numb.

"I have to go, Aurora," Janaé whispers to me then. "This motherfucker has no idea what I even have my phone on me, cause I've been hiding it. I'm sorry I did you dirty, girl, I truly didn't mean to! Now get out of that apartment right now, and don't trust none of your bodyguards cause at least one of them is Ja Rule's rat!!"


"I'm right here, nigga, damn!!"

The call abruptly cuts off.

Just as there's a loud bang on my condo's door.

Without even a second thought, I run towards the small adjacent room where I've got a safe mounted on the wall. My shaky fingers punching in the combination on the lock as I drop my phone.

The banging on the door them turns into straight up violence, as the door is being suddenly kicked in.

"Hi, beautiful," Suge Knight states calmly, walking through the destroyed door.

I feel a small gasp in my throat that's treating to turn into a full blown scream as the huge square-shouldered man backs me up against the wall of my own apartment.

"Get off me!" I exclaim, but his fat fingers wrap around my neck, instantly making the shout to die in my throat.

Suge Knight chuckles lowly as he gets closer to my face.

"Now see, I don't think there's any room left for pretence, Aurora. Me and you both know that you know, bitch. That's why you've been talking slick on day time shows, pretty girl. That and also talking to the pigs as well. Congrats on that by the way, it was one of my men that you've submitted that police report too. Now, you are gonna be good and shut the hell up from now on, if you know what's good to you that is. Otherwise, what my boys had done to you before would seem like picnic in comparison to what we would do to you now, do you understand?"

Suddenly letting go on my throat, the shock sends my flying backwards on impact, the back of my head hitting against the wall as I sob involuntarily.

Suge Knight then dust off imaginary dirt off of his pimp suit, and takes out one of his cigars, lighting it.

"You don't mind if I smoke in here, do you, beautiful?" He smiles at me.

"Actually, I do," I reply back.

Suge frowns and he look back at me from his cigar.

Only to see the small gun I'm clutching in my shaky hand.

Something I've ran to that safe earlier to retrieve, just barely managing to do just that, right before he had barged in.

Because ever since my attack, you see, one of the first things I did, I had purchased a weapon in case I've ever had to defend myself.

"Ayo, you don't wanna do this, pretty girl," Suge Knight then tells me, just as the rest of this goons also barge into my place.

Where the hell are my bodyguards??

"Get the fuck out of my apartment, Suge," I state coldly, forcing myself to remain steady on my feet, even if my poor heart quite literally feels as though it's about to jump out of my mouth right now.

"Do you even know how to use a damn gun, beautiful?" Suge asks me mockingly then.

And the honest answer is... not really.

Actually, no, scratch that.

Not at all.

"I know enough to be able to blow your goddamn brains out, you piece of shit," I say softly, continuing to aim the barrel at Suge's forehead.

"And it shouldn't be too hard not to miss when aiming at your big back self anyhow," I then add, rolling my eyes.

Blowing the Cuban cigar smoke in my direction, Suge Knight then throws the cig away at his feet, stumping it out without looking with one of his shiny designer shoes.

"Imma give you this much, Aurora, you do got heart," he smirks. "Between me and you, you probably got way more heart than that bitch nigga, Ja, as a matter of fact. But that's neither near here nor there. Consider this a warning, pretty girl, and stop running your mouth to the press or to the cops, cause imma find out either way. And I won't hesitate to dead you next time. Let's go, fellas."

Suge then gestures to his goons and they all walk out of my apartment, while I continue to stand my ground with my back against the wall, the small pistol clutched in my hand and aimed in their direction, long after they've actually gone.

It has to be quite a few minutes after they've all gone that I actually lower the gun, then allow myself to slide slowly down the wall, hysterical sobs and tears finally raking my whole body as I finally allow all of the fear and tension I was experiencing through the whole ordeal to take a hold of me.

I cry hysterically to myself, feeling so helpless.

And scared.

And angry.

It's in this moment that I've realized that I can literally trust no one.

I'm like literally all alone in this, because literally even my best friend has been lying to me...

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