A Match Made In Heaven

By KotLC183

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(Sokeefe Match list Story) Sophie and Fitz decide to sign up for the Match together, but there's a catch. If... More

-A New Beginning-
-Our Happiness is Us-
-The Sad Behind the Smile-
-Agreeing To The Match-
-Requesting Eligibility-
-Sophie's Doubts-
-Another Eligibility Passed-
-A Feeling in My Heart-
-An Anticipating Wait-
-The Letter's Arrival-
-The Unwanted News-
-The Truth of Sophie's Match-
-Some Mistake-
-Telling Fitz The Bad News-
-A New Hope-
-Sophie's Heartbreak-
-Finding Comfort In You-
-When He Loved Me-
-A Talk With Friends-
-Normal-ish Day of School-
-Humming Bird Mode-
-Dreams About Ice Blue-
-Another Match Made-
-A Walk in The Light-
-Dreams of Golden Flecks-
-Teal Replaced to Ice Blue-
-In Love With You-
-My Heart Screamed FINALLY-
-Connected By Love-
-A Different Kind of Love-
-A Heartfelt Apology-
-Ro's Sokeefe Celebration-
-Dance in The Rain-
-A Match Made in Heaven-

-Warmth In His Arms-

127 7 9
By KotLC183

Sophie's POV: 

"YOUR THE REASON WE FAILED" "You can't do anything right." "You're a big failure."

As I walked down the lonely halls of Foxfire, the weight of Fitz's hurtful words lingered heavily on my mind. The memory of our breakup replayed like a haunting melody, each painful word striking a chord in my heart. He blamed me for things that weren't my fault – being unmatchable, failing the eligibility test. The weight of his accusations crushed me, threatening to pull me into a dark pit of self-doubt and despair.

My head tried to convince me that they were true, that being unmatchable was our fault and made it impossible for me to have my happily ever after with Fitz. But my heart was screaming the opposite, telling me that it wasn't my fault.

I wasn't sure which to believe right now.

I found myself seeking solace in the solitude of an empty hallway, the harsh fluorescent lights casting stark shadows across the polished floors. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over as the weight of my emotions became too much to bear. My knees buckled beneath me, and I sank to the ground, the sobs wracking my body echoing in the silence.

Just when I felt like I couldn't bear the weight of my sorrow any longer, Keefe's comforting presence enveloped me. His warm arms encircled me, offering a sanctuary from the storm of emotions that raged within me. His soothing words acted as a balm to my wounded spirit, calming the tumultuous waves of despair that threatened to consume me.

A warm and comforting feeling formed in my heart while he was embracing me. What was that? I decided not to ponder on it now. Keefe started guiding me over somewhere.

Sitting me down gently on a nearby bench, Keefe's gaze was filled with concern and compassion. "Do you want to talk about it? It might help," he offered softly, his voice a gentle murmur in the quiet hallway. I nodded wordlessly, aching to pour out the turmoil that lay heavy on my heart.

With Keefe's patient encouragement, I shared the hurtful words that Fitz had spoken, the wounds still fresh and raw. Keefe listened attentively, his empathy a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to engulf me. His understanding gaze seemed to see into the depths of my pain, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair.

As I spoke of the hurt and betrayal I had endured, Keefe's words of wisdom wrapped around me like a comforting embrace. "You deserve someone who sees your worth, Sophie. Someone who loves you for who you are, unconditionally and without reservation. Fitz's words may sting now, but they do not define you. You are so much more than the pain he has caused you."

"Also, you are not defined by someone else's perception of you. Fitz's words may have hurt, but they do not hold the power to determine your worth. You are strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way." Keefe adds on giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

His words resonated deep within me, stirring a flicker of resolve in my weary heart. With Keefe's support, I began to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, a ray of hope amidst the shadows of doubt and self-blame. His unwavering belief in me kindled a spark of self-compassion, urging me to rise above the hurt and reclaim my strength.

I felt a glimmer of hope stirring within me, a spark of strength reigniting in my heart. I looked up at Keefe, my heart searching for answers. "Keefe, is there someone out there for me? Someone who will love me too?"

Keefe's gaze softened, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sophie, love finds a way to those who believe in it. You are worthy of love, of happiness, and of finding someone who sees you for the amazing person you are. Trust in yourself, and the rest will fall into place."

I felt a sense of peace wash over me, a newfound resolve dawning within me. I knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Keefe by my side, I felt ready to face whatever challenges came my way.

As they sat in silence, the weight of my sorrow slowly lifting, I realized that perhaps this moment of vulnerability had brought me closer to understanding my own strength. And with Keefe's unwavering support, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, I would face them with courage and resilience.

"Thanks Keefe. This meant a lot." I told him happily. "Anytime Foster, I'm always here for you. Just remember that my snuggle services are free of charge." Keefe grinned, his mischievous charm breaking through the shadows of my sorrow.

I couldn't help but giggle, the sound like music to my ears. Keefe had a way of making me feel lighter, of lifting the weight off my shoulders even for just a moment. I appreciated his friendship more than words could express.


I watched the rain patter against my bedroom window. I let out a sigh and leaned back against my pillows, the events of the day still fresh in my mind. The breakup with Fitz had left me feeling shattered, like a delicate glass ornament dropped to the ground. I had never expected things to end between us, because I thought we would pass the test and be happy by now, but life had a funny way of twisting expectations.

As I stared at the ceiling, memories flooded my mind. His words, cutting through her like icy blades. The hurt in his eyes mirrored her own pain. Also, the anger his eyes held; I could tell there was a lot. I had tried to hold back tears, to be strong, but the floodgates had opened, and the tears had flowed freely. I felt a lump form in my throat once more, the ache of heartbreak refusing to let go.

Healing is going to take time; I just need to be patient with it. Heartbreak is not exactly an easy thing to move on from.

But amidst the storm of emotions, one image stood out like a beacon in the darkness. Keefe's comforting presence, his arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. I remembered the way I had leaned into him, seeking solace in the midst of chaos. His words had been a balm to a wounded soul, his understanding a lifeline in a sea of confusion.

My thoughts drifted to all the times me, and Keefe had shared, the banter, the laughter, the moments of shared understanding. Is there a connection between us that went beyond friendship, beyond mere camaraderie? I felt a warmth bloom in my chest whenever he was near, a spark that ignited a flame of comfort and tranquility, the hummingbird mood my heart went into.

Could it be possible that my feelings for Fitz were merely a facade, a shield I had put up to protect myself from the uncertainties of love? Had Keefe been the one I had been searching for all along, the one who could see through the walls I had carefully built around my heart?

When I looked into Keefe's beautiful ice blue eyes earlier, I saw a reflection of my own hopes and fears, a shared understanding that transcended words. Also, maybe a hint of loving affection.

This was all too confusing. How could I be feeling this way about Keefe, when I liked Fitz since I met him.

If only I knew what my heart was telling me. I don't know what I am starting to feel. Everything is so confusing when your head is telling you one thing and your heart another thing. Which do I follow?

I buried my face in my hands, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. My head was a flurry of conflicting thoughts, my heart torn between two different paths. On one side, there was Fitz – the stability, the familiarity, the comfort of a friendship that had stood the test of time. On the other, there was Keefe – the unexpected, the unknown, the thrill of a connection that was as confusing as it was intriguing. He's also the one who always sparked the warmth in my heart.

Is there something my heart wasn't telling me before until now? Is there a hidden secret feeling that's been there since the beginning that I hadn't known about?

UGH THIS IS SO CONFUSING! I'll probably get a second opinion on this.  


Eh filler chapter. I wasn't sure with what I had in mind originally. 

"Have faith in your dreams and someday. Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving. If you keep on believing. The dream that you wish will come true." (A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes--Cinderella)

Keep Being Cool


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