
By Jasminebthuggin

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Aubrey caught Jaliyah's gaze, a storm of emotions brewing in his eyes. "Jaliyah, I know it's complicated, but... More



192 9 24
By Jasminebthuggin


Four months have went by, dragging us into a new year, and shockingly, I haven't heard a peep from Aubrey since my birthday night. That necklace that he bought, the one he said he would bring to me... Eric ended up dropping it off. It wasn't a big deal, but he could have at least dropped it off himself.

Today, Kahlil flew out to London. He's collaborating with some UK artists, and planning to be there for a month or so. He wanted me to come along, but I had reasons to stay behind. Mainly, I needed to sort out my own affairs, especially considering Kahlil's wish for us to live in my current home post-marriage. That's not happening. I've been house hunting, and actually got in touch with a realtor friend to help me out.

Crystal's supposed to come over so I can do her hair. Knowing her, this is going to turn into an all-night event, especially since she's already running late. So, to kill time, I told Nikki to come on by, and she actually beat Crystal here.

"Girl, you know how Crys is," Nikki remarked as she poured us some wine. "You want some?" she offered.

"Yeah, pour me some. But seriously, this girl was supposed to be here two hours ago," I said, half-amused, half-annoyed. Just as Nikki handed me my glass, the door swung open.

"I'm finally here, hoe," Crystal announced, breezing in with her usual flair. Nikki and I just shook our heads, laughing at her dramatic entrance.

"Girl, sit down. Have some wine or something," I told her. She held up her bag. "Bitch, I got my own drink," she declared.

"Just don't overdo it. I don't need you passing out while I'm doing your hair," I warned as I ran my fingers through her hair.

After washing and blowing her hair out, I was now braiding her hair. She was just yapping away about some man she met earlier. " I'm telling you, he reminded me of Aubrey so that's why I'm like... eww."

" How does he remind you of Aubrey?" I asked amused. I knew exactly what she was going to say. She turned around causing me to stop braiding. " Light skin with a beard." She says. Nikki laughed while I snatched Crystal's head back.

" That is half of the population of light-skinned males. Girl go on a date. Not every light skin nigga is like Aubrey." I said

Nikki stood up and poured more wine into her glass and mine. She sat back down while reading something on her phone. " Oh goodness," she mumbled.

" What?" Both Crystal and I turned to her. Nikki smirked and shook her head. "So, you know Aubrey's back in town, right?"

"And?" Crystal challenged, clearly uninterested.

"Honestly, I couldn't care less," I confessed. "Exactly, my girl doesn't care. She's got a fiancé she's marrying soon!" Crystal chimed in, her eyes glued back to her phone.

"Aye, I was just saying," Nikki defended herself. "How did you even find out?" I asked, curious despite myself.

"Chubbs just told me," she admitted, drawing a look from both Crystal and me. "So you're talking to Chubbs again?" Crystal probed.

"Something like that," Nikki muttered, suddenly very interested in her phone. "Well..." I shrugged, not wanting to dive into that drama.

"Look, Eric's already saying they'll be at Area 29 tonight," Crystal noted, rolling her eyes. I simply continued with her hair, trying to ignore the gossip.

"That man lives in the strip club," Nikki pointed out.

"Nothing new. He's been like that since he could walk into a strip club," I added, trying to lighten the mood. My phone buzzed next to me, and of course, Crystal had to peek.

"Of course, he's calling you," she says. It was Aubrey. I had no intention of answering. There was nothing left to say to him.

Thirty minutes later, my door swung open unannounced. "Who the fuck?" Crystal blurted out. In strolled Aubrey with Chubbs and Jordan in tow. It had been a while since I'd seen Jordan.

"You can't answer my calls?" Aubrey demanded, skipping the whole greeting thing. "Hi to you too," I retorted, focusing back on Crystal's hair.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be at the strip club?" Crystal quipped. Chubbs and Jordan greeted us warmly, but Aubrey couldn't let Crystal's comment slide. "Why are you always talking? Nobody was talking to you! I came here for my girl, and here you are, running your mouth," he snapped before turning his attention back to me.

"Can we talk?"

"Nigga, who are you yelling at? You got me fucked up," Crystal shot back, standing toe-to-toe with Aubrey. There was always tension when these two were in the same room. Chubbs found a seat next to Nikki, and Jordan just shook his head, clearly wanting no part in the drama.

"Okay, both of you chill out. Aubrey, what do you need?" I intervened, trying to keep the peace. "I want to talk to you," he said, just as his phone rang.

He excused himself briefly, then returned, this time with a sleeping Chase in his arms. Jeremiah was holding Chance, who was asleep also. I couldn't help but wonder why he had the boys out so late and noticed Adonis wasn't with them.

"Take them upstairs," I instructed annoyed, but Aubrey seemed hesitant. " You sure?" he asked

" Yes, go ahead! It's too late for them to be out." I insisted. He and Jeremiah walked upstairs.

"Oh, so that's why he's here! He wants you to watch his kids," Crystal deduced. Though I've always loved being around his sons, the assumption irked me.

When Aubrey returned, he led me to the kitchen for a private talk. As soon as we were alone, he enveloped me in a hug. "I missed you, Baby," he whispered, but I didn't respond.

"So, what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep things civil.

"Nothing just wanted to see you. Can't I do that?" he replied, his tone light but insistent.

"A normal person, yeah, but you? There's always something, always an ulterior motive," I countered.

"Everything's cool. I don't have an ulterior motive. So, where's your man?" He asked with that smug look of his, moving closer

"He's in London," I said, pushing him away, tired of his games.

"Why are you pushing me away?" he teased, pulling me back in. "Aubrey, stop. Why are you really here? Why do you have the boys out this late?" I shifted the topic, hoping to avoid personal questions.

"We just flew in. They wanted to stay with you," he claimed, leaning back against the counter, his attention momentarily caught by his phone.

"Did they really want to stay, or did you suggest it? Where's Adonis?" I pressed, trying to get a straight answer.

"Don's still in Toronto. Sophie had plans with him and I didn't want to argue," he explained, returning to his phone browsing. "And no, baby. Adonis, Chance, and Chase have been asking about you, wanting to come and visit" he assured me, though I had my doubts.

"Whatever you say, Aubrey. But you and Sophie need to get along better, for Adonis's sake. This ongoing feud will only hurt him in the long run," I advised, concerned for their son.

"Fuck her," Aubrey dismissed the topic of Sophie. Then, changing the subject, he asked, "Can I take you out tomorrow night? Just as friends, since you're all about your fiancé now."

Before I could answer, Crystal's voice carried into the kitchen. " Liyah, if you don't put his trifling ass out and come finish my hair!"

"Fuck you, Crystal! You can leave with your ugly bald ass," Aubrey retorted, escalating the situation.

Crystal stormed into the kitchen, ready to confront Aubrey head-on. "Where the fuck do you see ugly? And where the fuck do you see bald, nigga?" she challenged, tugging at her hair. Aubrey just smirked and pushed her away gently.

"Get your friend, baby," he said to me, clearly enjoying the drama.

"Crystal, give me a minute. Just stop, I don't want to deal with this right now," I pleaded, hoping to quell the escalating tension.

"Tell that nigga to leave!" Crystal shot back before storming out, leaving me to face Aubrey alone.

"I can't stand her ass," Aubrey muttered under his breath. Then, turning back to me, he tried again. "So, about tomorrow. Us... Dinner..."

"No, Aubrey," I cut him off, not wanting to give him the wrong idea.

"Come on, it's just as friends. We can make it a group thing. The guys will be there, and you can bring Nikki and your Chihuahua," he suggested, referring to Crystal in his usual teasing manner.

"Aubrey, stop. Fine, as long as it's a group thing. I don't want to be alone with you," I conceded, knowing full well how things could escalate when it was just the two of us.

"Why can't you be alone with me, baby? You scared you might do something you shouldn't?" he teased, his hands wandering inappropriately before I stepped away.

"Leave," I demanded, my patience wearing thin.

He grinned, unaffected by my irritation. "I got you, mama. Let me go grab the boys' bags. I'll be back tomorrow to pick them up. They won't want to leave once they realize they're staying here," he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead before heading out.

I heard him tell Jeremiah to get the boys' bags . It's frustrating how much hold Aubrey still has over me. I let him get away with too much, always caught up in the 'what ifs.' I need to move on fully. While I'd love to maintain a friendship with Aubrey, we did start as best friends.


That next morn morning started off with me waking up beside Kay, another one of my Houston girls. I was too hungover from last night to even bother kicking her out right after we fucked. "Yo, Kay. It's time to go," I nudged her awake. She barely registered her surroundings before she gathered her things and disappeared into the bathroom.

"That was easy," I muttered, grabbing my phone off the nightstand. The screen lit up with a shit load of missed calls and texts from various girls who knew a Nigga was back in town. Ignoring them, I decided to call my Chance on his iPad, that kid never parts from it.

"Hi, Daddy! Look!" He eagerly showed me Jaliyah next to him, fixing up her hair.

"What's up? What are y'all doing?" I asked. Jaliyah threw me an eye roll, but I couldn't help admiring her, even through the screen. Chance, oblivious to the tension, had the iPad angled perfectly.

"We're going to Adventure Zone! LiLi said she's taking us since you forgot about us," Chance happily accused. I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, now! I didn't forget. Daddy just overslept," I tried to defend myself.

As they shared a laugh, probably at my expense, I cut to the chase. "Where's your brother, Chance?"

"He's watching Pokémon," he replied. Those boys and their Pokémon obsession, just like their big bro, Adonis.

"Cool, cool. Tell LiLi I'm about to call her, alright?" I said, knowing damn well Jaliyah could hear me.

She barely had time to brace herself before my FaceTime call came through. She picked up after a moment, trying to look annoyed. "What's up, Chump!" I teased.

Kay chose that moment to leave, tossing me a goodbye wave which I returned half-heartedly, my attention already back on Jaliyah.

"Just getting ready... And don't bother coming to get them, we're heading out," she said, somewhat dismissively.

"Alright, I'm gonna send you a little something," I said, quickly transferring some money to her. "You really don't have to," she protested, but it was too late.

"So, we still on for dinner later? As a group thing, you still down?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't bail.

"As long as it's a group thing, sure," she agreed. I watched her apply makeup, thinking she looked good without it but not saying it out loud.

"Anything else you want?" she asked, dabbing on some lip oil.

I smirked. "Shit, you know what I want, Liyah."

Chance chimed in then, "Daddy said the S word again!"

"And you better not say it," Jaliyah quickly reprimanded him.

Wrapping up, she said, "I'm gonna go. I'll see you later, Aubrey. Boys, say bye to your dad." I could now see Chase.

" Bye, Dad." Chase waves.

"Bye, Daddy! Oh, and my mommy said she needs some money," Chance relayed the message from his mom, Bernice.

"Tell your mom to return that that shit she bought with the money I sent, then she'll have some," I said, my frustration with both of my baby's mothers. Sophie always had a way of getting under my skin, unlike the twins' mom, Bernice who was somewhat tolerable. She still had her ways though.

With promises to see each other later, I hung up and tried calling Sophie to talk to Adonis, but no surprise, she didn't pick up.

Tossing my phone aside, I spotted Kay's panties on the floor. Classic move, probably hoping that somehow Jaliyah would end up here and see them. She'll probably be getting a message from Kay. Along with a picture of the panties near my shoes or something.

The rest of the day was spent in a blur of routine tasks The plan was simple, dinner with the crew, trying to keep things casual. Yet, as the day wore on, my mind kept drifting back to Jaliyah to what could've been and what still might be if I played my cards right.

Chillin' with Chubbs, Jay, Mark, and Niko, I was deep into my usual Stake session. Outta nowhere, Chubbs hits me with, "So, did you know Jaliyah is moving?" His question made me pause, laptop forgotten for a moment.

"How do you know that?" I shot back, curious despite myself.

He shrugged. "Nikki and Crystal were talking about it while y'all were hashing it out in the kitchen last night," he explained.

Jay chimed in with his two cents, "Well, she's getting married, so it kinda makes sense."

I couldn't help but scoff, "She's not marrying that nigga," staring blankly at my screen.

Mark, never one to mince words, laid it out, "Bro, I think she's really done with you this time. Her being engaged is just wild."

Her engagement felt like a low blow, a punch I saw coming but still knocked the wind outta me. "She's just trying to push my buttons. Do you really think she'd throw away everything we had for him? That nigga has nothing on me, keeps hitting me up with his tracks, claiming they're the next big hit for me. Tell that nigga to get off my dick and pay close attention to who he calls his fiancé." I vented.

Niko, trying to lighten the mood, just smirked, "Chill, Bro."

Jay, always the realist among us, added, "If you'd treated her right, she'd still be with you." Chubbs nodded, "He ain't ready for that conversation, though."

I dismissed them with a wave, "Y'all don't know shit," and turned my attention back to the game. But the buzz of my phone distracted me. It was from Jaliyah. Opening the message, a photo of her with the boys popped up. Damn, it hit me harder than I expected, bringing up a storm of memories.

Under my breath, I muttered, "Man..." My past with her, all the what-ifs crowding in.

Chubbs caught the change in my demeanor, "What's up?" He peered over, curious.

I handed him the phone without a word, diving back into my game, trying to ignore the mix of emotions churning inside. "Just the past messing with me," I admitted, focusing on the screen to avoid any more questions. The silence that followed was filled with my thoughts racing, the weight of my choices, and the reality of Jaliyah moving on, painting a picture of a future where she wasn't mine to call anymore.


The day ended fast, with a sense of anticipation as Edy steered my truck towards the restaurant we had booked for the evening. To ensure a smooth experience, I had taken the liberty of renting the entire establishment, a precaution to ward off any potential disruptions. The air was thick with expectations, and as we approached our destination, the lively banter of my brothers filled the space around us.

"Damn, Crystal looking good as fuck," CJ's voice cut through the night, drawing a disapproving glance from me. His comment lingered in the air, but I chose to redirect my focus.

"Good luck with that," I muttered under my breath, my attention already shifting to my phone. I had been in the midst of a conversation with Liyah, who seemed to be grappling with second thoughts about joining us. It took some persuasion, but ultimately, she agreed to come. As I exited my truck, my gaze immediately began searching for Liyah and the boys, with Edy and Jeremiah leading the way into the restaurant.

"Hmph..." The sound caught my attention, and I turned to find Crystal eyeing us. Her presence, as always, was charged with a confrontational energy.

"Keep talking and you'll be uninvited," I warned, my voice calm but firm as I continued on my path. Crystal's retort was swift and laced with her usual defiance.

"Nigga, please. As long as my sis is here, I'll be here. Your dusty ass is the one that needs to leave," she shot back. I couldn't help but laugh off her words, my disdain for her clear as day.

The atmosphere shifted the moment I stepped into the private room we had reserved. "Dad!!" The enthusiastic shouts of my boys filled the room, their excitement undeniable as they rushed over to me.

"Wassup, look at y'all! LiLi bought you some new drip?" I couldn't help but smirk, noticing their outfits. Chance nodded eagerly in response.

"Yup! She said she's spending all of your money, Dad," he informed me, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"She's the only one allowed to," I laughed, turning my attention to Chase. "You cooling, twin?" His nod, accompanied by a shy smile, reminded me of his more reserved nature compared to his brother.

With everyone seemingly accounted for, my thoughts turned to Liyah. "Where's LiLi?" I inquired, scanning the room. It was then that Chase pointed towards a corner where I spotted Liyah, her expression one of frustration as she engaged in what appeared to be a heated phone conversation. I decided to give her some space, guiding the boys to take their seats near me while I kept an eye on her from afar.

Time seemed to slow as we waited, and eventually, Liyah rejoined us. I was in the midst of discussing business with Chubbs, contemplating a new artist he was eager to sign when I noticed Liyah taking the seat next to me. I'm not going to lie, I was surprised that she sat next to me. I'm sure Crystal was sending a glare our way.

"Hey, you good?" I asked, concern lacing my words.

"I don't even want to talk about it," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of distress as she ordered a drink. I glanced over at the boys, both in their own words talking and playing with their toys. They were definitely oblivious to what was going on around them.

"So yeah, I'm going to get him in the studio as soon as we get to Miami," Chubbs continued, pulling my attention back to the conversation at hand.

"Shit, I'm with it! He has a nice sound," I agreed, though my gaze frequently drifted back to Liyah. Her attempt to mask her discomfort was useless, I knew her too well.

As the night went on, I tried to lighten the mood. "Aye, go give LiLi a hug and kiss on the cheek. She looks sad," I suggested to Chance and Chase. The boys got up and did as I said. The boys had definitely brightened Liyah's demeanor, her smile with her dimples on full display was what I wanted to see

"Aww, thank you, Loves," she expressed, her gratitude genuine. I remained content to let her open up on her terms, focusing instead on making the most of the night.

After dinner

"I love you, I'll see you two tomorrow, morning" I assured Chance and Chase. " Love you too Dad." Their sleepy replies warmed me more than the night air ever could. Jaliyah's timing was perfect, as always, her warmth towards my boys never failing to impress me.

"I had fun with my little guys today. I promise I'll see you two before you leave," she told them, sealing her promise with a kiss on their cheeks.

I made sure they were buckled in as their nanny and security got in the truck. After they left, I couldn't help but turn my attention to Jaliyah.

"You good now?" I asked as we walked towards my truck, Jeremiah holding the door open.

"I guess," she shrugged, her noncommittal response prompting me to ask again.

"What's wrong?" I pressed, sensing her hesitation as her gaze drifted toward Crystal, Nikki, Chubbs, and CJ.

"Nothing," she insisted, her deliberation.

" Are you sure?" I asked.

" Yes!"

" Aight. Well, are you and your girls coming out?" I asked, hoping her answer would be yes, "Yeah, but I'm not staying too long, I know how y'all roll," Walking towards my truck, Jeremiah waited patiently.

" You riding with me?" I asked, I already knew the answer. Replying quickly " No, I'll go with Chubbs and Nikki." And with that, she walked off.

At Area29

Whenever I'm here I always end up at the DJ booth. It was supposed to be just another night out, but it turned into something more. The place was buzzing, and I was in my element, dropping tracks that had everyone moving. Then, my eyes caught Liyah. She was with a few of the dancers, and from the looks of it, they were all having too much fun. Liyah seemed to be really enjoying herself while shaking ass on one of the dancers. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"I see y'all over there!" I called out over the mic, throwing on a track that I knew would amp them up even more. The energy in the room spiked, and I was ready to head back down to my section.

I made my way back with Jeremiah and Gucci following me but I was stopped by one of my acquaintances . She decided it was a good time to catch up. "I missed you," she said, wrapping her arms around me. Her smile was genuine, but my attention was already elsewhere.

"Wassup, you good?" I played it cool, asking her the usual, but my gaze drifted back to Liyah. She seemed to sense my distraction because she and Crystal started looking my way, clearly talking about me.

"Yeah, I'm good. What are we getting into after this?" she asked, hopeful. I had to let her down gently. "Nah, I'm chilling tonight, sweetheart. Be good, though," I said, giving her a reassuring tap before making my escape towards Liyah.

That's when Crystal stepped in, "Uh uh, stay your ass over there with that hoe." Crystal's bluntness never failed to amuse me, but she was crossing lines now.

"Here you go opening your mouth. Learn your place," I retorted while pointing my finger in her face. I wasn't in the mood for her antics. She slapped my finger away with a swift.

"Get that shit out of my face!" and took a sip of her drink, unbothered. Liyah, always the peacemaker, pulled me away before things escalated.

"Just stop," she pleaded, her eyes saying she was tired of the drama. But I wasn't about to let Crystal off that easy. "Nah, she always has something to say. She needs to be put in her fucking place," I muttered, but Mark handed me my glass, trying to calm the situation. Liyah sat next to me, her touch on my hair was comforting.

"You know why she does it though," she said softly, reminding me of the deeper issues at play. " But...." I was about to argue but stopped myself.

"But what, Aubrey?" Liyah coaxed her hand now on my hookah, lighting it up for me.

"Nah, nothing baby. You feel better from earlier?" I asked, shifting the focus to her. "Yeah. I was just having issues with Khalil," she confessed. There was a sadness in her eyes that faded as soon as she saw me watching.

She handed me the hookah, and out of nowhere, she asked, "You coming over after this?" Her question caught me off guard. "Uh, you want to?" I stammered, surprised by her directness.

"Yeah," she whispered, her eyes locked on mine. I felt a wave of excitement mixed with a bit of nervousness. This was Liyah, after all. "Aight, you ready now?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," she replied quickly, with a determination that I hadn't seen in a while. I signaled Edy, and he came over, understanding the situation without a word. Standing up, I took Liyah's hand, and we made our way out, Edy leading the way. I couldn't help but glance back at Crystal, who was clearly not happy about the situation. But at that moment, none of that mattered. All I could think about was the night ahead with Liyah, a mix of old feelings and new beginnings swirling in my head.

Jaliyah's House

When Jaliyah and I walked in I stopped for a minute. I'm not going to lie, I'm still shocked that she wants me here with her.

We walked into her room together, and I tried to keep my cool as I saw how distant she'd become ever since she got engaged to Khalil. My heart sank at the thought of losing her forever, but I knew I couldn't give up yet. I pushed all of those thoughts aside and started taking off her clothes.

" Fuck." Eying her body, I pushed her onto her bed and started kissing her neck, making my way down to her chest.

She gasped when I took her nipple into my mouth, sucking gently as my hands roamed over her body. I wanted nothing more than to feel her under me again, but I wasn't going to rush her. Instead, I trailed my tongue lower, stopping just above her clit.

At first, Jaliyah tensed up, but I knew better than to push her too fast. Slowly, I continued circling around her sensitive spot, teasing her until she was squirming under me. Her breath caught in her throat as I went deeper, flickering my tongue against her flesh.

Jaliyah was close, and I could tell by the way her hips bucked. But instead of allowing her to cum, I pulled back, denying her release. She moaned desperately, grabbing onto my hair and pulling me closer.

But I held firm, determined to draw out her pleasure as long as possible. Finally, I released her, watching as her eyes fluttered shut and her body shook with that orgasmic bliss.

Breathlessly, she whispered my name, and I knew then that I needed her more than anything else in the world. Stripping off my own clothes, I climbed on top of her, sliding myself inside. She was so tight, and wet, if I'm not careful, I'm going to bust this nut quick as fuck.

For a few moments, everything was perfect. Our bodies moved in unison, lost in the passion that consumed us both. My pace got faster. The headboard knocked into the wall but suddenly, she pushed me away. Her voice shaking , "I can't do this."

She got up and ran out of the room leaving me confused as fuck. " What the fuck just happened?"


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