Chaennie Life[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

10.6K 653 25

Chaennie life:33333 More

Going to the store
I'll kill him!
Serious conversation
Terrible girlfriend
Blushing Jennie
Happy birthday Jennie
Hello... Mrs. Kim
The bodyguard
I don't need any help.
You're only mine
New staff
I miss you
Rose's birthday
Where have you been???
I'm here
Do you remember?
Photo shoot
She doesn't remember
Fashion show
They were forced to do it
I don't care
Fuck you all
Be careful
Don't worry

Serious conversation 2

211 11 0
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

The girls had a photo shoot today. A large number of decorations, costumes, and people. Not a moment to relax. But still, having spared the girls, it was decided to take a short break. Rose took a bottle of water from the mini fridge and went to her girlfriend. The last part of the photo shoot was with a rapidly flickering light. And after that, Jennie didn't feel well. Halfway there, the girl was stopped by the manager.

-Park, where are you going?

Rose tensed a little. She already understood where the conversation might lead.

-I need to see Jennie. She's not feeling well after the last photo shoot....

-I'm sorry, but the director said that you should have less contact in such places.

The girl began to get angry.

-Right now, I don't really care what he said. Jennie needs me now, and I'm going to her. We don't show our relationship in public. So why should we forbid, at least just to interact? As friends.

The manager said nothing and left. Rose, no longer in a good mood, went to Jennie. Already approaching her girlfriend, she tried to hide her terrible mood, and smiled.

-Jennie, how are you?

She sits down next to the brown-haired girl. Jennie smiled faintly.

-My head is a little dizzy. But I'm fine.

-Here, you'll feel better.- Rose handed her the water.

Kim smiles, takes the bottle, and rests her head on the younger's shoulder.

-When you came, I felt better.

At that moment, Rose forgot about everything. About the fact that they are in the studio. About the fact that a couple of minutes ago, she quarreled with the manager. She just sits there smiling, hugging the girl. And she doesn't need anything else. The break ended very quickly. Next, according to the plan, they have a couple photo shoot. The photographer, like the girls, were going to split into Chaennie and Lisoo. But even then the manager intervened.

-It will be better if Jennie is with Lisa and Rose is with Jisoo.

The photographer quickly agreed. Rose is already ready to kill the manager. Jisoo dragged her into the dressing room during Jennie and Lisa's photo shoot. But the manager wasn't done with that. They drove home in two cars. The older ones in one, the younger ones in the other. Upon arrival, the girls immediately ran to their rooms. After a while, Jennie went to Rose's room. Park was playing with Hank. Jennie sat down on the bed.

-Honey... Is everything okay?


Jennie sighs heavily.

-Rose... At least don't lie to me. I can see that. Is it because of the manager again?

The blonde's gaze filled with anger.

-Why ask if you know the answer?

It was too harsh. Harsh and rude. Jennie was sitting in shock. Even during their quarrels, Rose never responded like that. Park, realizing what she had done, just got up and left the room, leaving the girl alone.

20 minutes later, Rose was standing outside the YG building. Upon entering, she immediately headed towards the office of the head of the company.

-Can I come in?

-Roseanne. What happened? Yes, come in.

Rose went into the office and stood in front of the table. She was offered a seat, but she refused.

-Can I ask you a question?- The girl said too seriously.

-Of course.

-Why are you doing this to us?

-I don't know what you're talking ab...

Rose's voice is getting louder.

-Why are you doing this to me and Jennie?

The director's face immediately changed.

-And what am I doing?

-Do you want the whole list or what?

-Don't be sarcastic!

-I can't! First at the airport, after our confession to you! Then you don't let us relax together! And now it's all over again, and we'll also find out that you told Jennie's mom about us! Just explain it to me! What are we doing that we have to hear every time "The director forbade you to do anything"?!

The head of the company abruptly rose from the table.

-What are you doing?! You're putting the whole company at risk! Did you think what would happen to us if they found out about you?!

-Of course we thought about it! But even so, we have not shown and are not going to show our relationship in public!

-And then what happens on your stage?!

-This happens in any other groups!

They stand for a minute and look at each other with anger. The director decided to end it by hissing:

-Get out of my sight... Just go away.

Rose left the office with a loud bang of the door.


-It's already half past ten... Where is our Rosie?!

Jisoo walks around the living room. Jennie is sitting in an armchair. Lisa dozed off on the couch. The eldest Kim turns to Jennie:

-Are you sure she didn't say anything?


Jisoo sits down in the next chair.

-Are you all right?

Jennie is silent.


-I don't know Unni... Today, when we arrived, she was in a bad mood. I asked her... why... But she...- Jennie's voice faltered. Her eyes are downcast. A lump came to her throat. Jisoo immediately hugged the girl to herself. 

Ten minutes later, they heard the front door slam. Lisa woke up immediately. The two Kims were already heading for the door.

Rose was leaning against the wall. And she was probably not in a sober condition. Jennie and Jisoo were shocked by the girl's condition. The blonde was trying to take off her shoes.

-I'm waiting for an explanation!- Jisoo broke the silence.

-No.- Rose barely uttered. She then looked at Jennie.- You're coming with me.

Jennie was about to leave, but Jisoo stopped her.

-Jisoo... Let my girlfriend go.

-Why should she go with you?! First, tell me, where have you been?!

Rose's gaze immediately changed. Her voice got louder.

-I was at the director's, Unni! Then, after unsuccessfully trying to convince him that same-sex relationships are okay, I went to the bar!

Everyone is in shock. Especially Jennie.

-Now let go of my girlfriend. I need to talk to her.

Jisoo silently lets Jennie go. She calmly follows Rose into the room.

They enter the room. Rose immediately closed the door. She comes over and hugs Jennie from behind. Kim is silent. She is also offended by the fact that the younger one answered her like that today.

-Honey, I'm sorry about today.... I don't know what came over me. I... was very angry at the manager and the director...

-Why did you go to him?

Rose keeps a decent pause. But then she answers:

-I wanted her to understand.... That we're... not going to show people that we're together.... That we don't need to be separated...

Jennie carefully turns to Rose, and looks into her bleary eyes.

-Jennie... I want to always be there for you... to be your support and protection.. at the airport, at concerts... It doesn't matter where... I want to be there for you....

Jennie had tears in her eyes. In her sober state, Rose would never have said such a thing. And for a brown-haired girl, these are very necessary words. She stood up on her toes a little and kissed the girl. A slow, gentle kiss. Rose hugs Jennie tighter.

-I love you Jennie...

The blonde smiled...

-Have you forgiven me for what I did today?

Kim laughs softly.

-Of course, baby.

Rose lifts Jennie up and carries her to the bed. She then lies down next to me, hugs me, and immediately falls asleep. Kim lies for a long time and thinks about the girl's words. But she soon falls asleep too.

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