Leave Before You Love Me

By SlugWolf0506

22.4K 835 794




4.6K 104 29
By SlugWolf0506

Michelle Dee has been working as a bartender for a year at a bar called Dr. Wine, a pub owned by her friend Max Collins in BGC. She has a degree in psychology, but to her parents' disapproval, Michelle had the fascination in bartending. Although she promised her mother that she will soon practise her degree, she asked if she could do this one first.

The salary wasn't that high, but it helped her get by. She owns a condo near her workplace, which is a great convenience for her. Helps her to save money for transport and her car's gas. She could have everything if she wanted to, her family being a member of the upper class, but she chose to live in the down low. Low key life was far better than being out there in the limelight like her parents and siblings.

Whenever she has free time, she spends them holed up at home, seated in front of the enormous windows of her condo, admiring the city view, that's where she writes. She loves everything that involves literature, but poetry has a special place in her heart.

There were days when she got inspiration about work experiences, meeting different people at the pub every night, that's where it starts. Floodgates of words of poetry and song lyrics were written in her notebook.

Call it mediaeval, but she prefers it that way. Her friends are expecting her to even write a novel, but she knows it would take a lot of time to write one, but the hardest and stressing part about it is finding a publishing company that she could interest in her writings.

She arrived at the pub at ten to start her shift. Max, at first, was hesitant to let her work for her as her bartender, knowing full well what her parents' best interests were for her friend. But at the same time, hiring her has become one of her best decisions because most of their customers and patrons love the way she does her job.

Also, because the ladies who needed a drink loved talking to her. Sometimes, she engages in a conversation with them, you see, their regulars knew that she's bi, so whenever a guy who's new to the pub starts to bother her, their men patrons would be there to the rescue although they needn't have to do that because she certainly could take care of herself.

Michelle flirts with the ladies sometimes, especially when she knows that they're interested in her. She doesn't go around much, doesn't date anyone either. Having a warm body beside her in a hotel room or at the girl's place for the night is more than enough for her, but rarely. Dating and being in a serious relationship isn't at the top of her priority list.

And it has something to do about what happened to her in the past. She has been in a long-term relationship before, and has been engaged, but in the end it didn't work out. Not because one of them has cheated, but she guessed, the two of them being in love just withered away without them even noticing it until they got engaged and it was too late to save it.

They fought more frequently, and then they made up, then fought again. On again and off again. It's an endless battle that has become a routine that the two of them, especially her, have tired of.

So they broke up and called off the engagement. The hardest part was leaving the place that they both lived in for the years that they've been together. Michelle decided that she's gonna be the one to leave instead of her ex.

The ex-couple see each other from time to time, when her friends visit the pub. There's not a single ounce of animosity between them, not even bitterness, because the two of them understood.

Last she heard, Rhian is now engaged and will be married next month and here she was still single. She was single because it was her choice and it had nothing to do with being still in love with her ex-fiancée.

The pub is in full swing as soon as it opens, with various types of people having their drinks, some having late dinners after work. The people love this pub because it's the only pub in its location that has a live band performing every Friday until the weekends.

"Hey, how's everything going?" Max asks, standing beside her friend while she's busy mixing drinks.

"Busy. I think those people in the booth over there are celebrating something. Talked to some regulars and they're excited about music night. Here you go.."

"Thank you..." the customer trailed off, reading the bartender's name in her name bar pinned at the right side of her shirt. "Michelle." The girl finishes smiling flirtily at her and walks away.

Max chuckled and shook her head. "Auntie is really gonna kill me for making you work here. They want you to settle down, but you do the opposite."

"Don't mind them, mum just didn't want to admit it, but she actually finds my job to be cool, because I didn't follow dad's footsteps no matter how much he talked to me about it."

Her friend gave her a pat on the shoulder. "I mean, for one, your brother is a well-known music producer, your sister is a lawyer, and you should have your third book published by now. I love and I'm proud of what you do here because you really help my business. But I would've been more proud if you do what you're really passionate about. You love writing, you help your brother create music, and I just don't want you to waste that gift. And find someone to settle down with already, it's actually nice being married, you know?" She smiled, "Wanna step out and smoke?"

Michelle checked the time, and it's already midnight. She excused herself to one of the bartenders to watch out for the orders for a few minutes. She and Max went to the back room and took out their vapes. "Band's here, you're going to present them on the stage, right? Or do you want to perform?"

The bartender rolls her at her friend/boss. "It's your pub and you do other stuff, you do it. That performance was only a one-time thing, because I was forced to do so."

"It's your turn, remember? I did it last week. They also loved you singing in front of them. Make all of them kneel for you." She retorted, amusingly. They both hate standing on the stage and being watched by many people as the awkward silence emanates from the room while she speaks and introduces the performer for the night.

She groaned, remembering that it was, in fact, her turn. Michelle took another drag of her vape before exhaling. "Fuck."

"Finally, I'm so ready to go home."

Ann put her pen down and leaned back in her chair. She's been at the clinic for nine hours and was ready to go home and couldn't wait to spend the weekends and just do nothing.

She's been practising medicine for two years now and she enjoys it a lot. Having to help people gives her fulfilment, though the working hours sometimes are long. And it's nice to get to know different people. So focused on her job as a doctor that she didn't have the time to go on dates.

The doctor had experienced her own heartbreaks and heartaches, just like everyone else, of course. It's actually the main reason she doesn't want to fall in love with someone anymore. Three bad break ups had ruined her perception about love.

"Ready to go, Ann?" her friend, who visited her, asked.

"I think I'll pass. I need to visit my parents."

"It's Friday, Ann. Let loose a little, tell you what, just a few drinks and you can go home after if you want. Pretty please?"

"Few drinks then I'm off." She repeated.

"You got it."


I haven't been to this pub before. We used to go out, but it's always at the bar near my workplace. The interior is nice. A stage in front probably for open mics, a bar on the right side corner and retro style booths and tables.

"It's a cool pub, aye? It was recommended to me by my cousin. She said they always come here, especially on Fridays for music night." My friend said when she noticed me looking around the place.

"Yeah, it seems cozy. Unlike the club downtown, the moment you go in you're greeted by the scent of sweat." I joked.

Nalin chuckled because it's true, the one of many reasons I always declined whenever they made plans to go out. We settled into the booths near the stage. A nice member of the crew gave us the menu and told us that the drinks were free at the bar tonight as long as we stayed for the music night.

"I think every Friday they have a music night, but it varies with the genres. I think tonight is country music and the drinks are free, so let's have fun, okay?"

On our way here, I already made the call to my brother that I will go home late, and he agreed to let our parents know. After ordering, the people in this pub must have been their regulars since it looked like they were excited about performances.

A calm and timid voice boomed through the pub's speakers. Everyone clapped and cheered when all she said was, "how's everyone night going?"



"It's going.."

"I'm drunk!"

"Oh wow. She must be the hot bartender that my gay cousin had told me about and, by the way, she's indeed right." Said Nalin, who's sitting in front of me facing the stage.

Probably the host, she sniggered at the response to her question. I was busy eating, not paying attention to who she was, not even bothering to turn around to see how she looked.

"And how do you know it was her?" I asked.

Chatnalin shrugged, "well, she's wearing a bartending uniform and has a name bar pinned on it."

I turned around to see this person and Nalin's right. She is hot. Tall, petite and rocking that short hair. But she looked so shy and awkward standing at the stage in front of many customers. "She your taste?" My friend quipped, winking at me.

"No." She stared at me.

"Look at her hands holding mic, those fingers... damn," she said a bit loudly, causing the people near us to turn their heads at us.

I gasped at her lewd comments about the girl, embarrassed about being stared at. "Nalin, lower your voice!" I whispered harshly.

"Yo, Michelle, someone here's interested in you." One guy shouted while everyone giggled. I closed my eyes, feeling abashed by our current situation.

Michelle, the host, shook her head and smiled shyly. "Thank you." Was all she said before continuing.

"Tonight's genre would be country music. I know some of you are young and not so into it, but I love it. And before you all ask, no, I will not sing again. If y'all could make me drink a lot, then I probably will." She jested and most of the crowd groaned at her last remarks.

She must be really popular in this pub. "Enjoy the rest of your night, you can give them your song requests after the set. Thanks everyone!"

The strumming of the acoustic guitar has started, the performers singing their first track for the night.

"Are you crazy?! God, that was embarrassing. You're not even drunk yet."

"Sorry, just.. I probably said it too loud."

I scoffed. "You think? Now, I'm going to the washroom and you behave yourself."

"Could you order us drinks at the bar on your way there?"

"Fine. Just.. stay here."

Making my way to the loo, I took a glance at the bar and Michelle, the bartender, wasn't there. I'm not sure why I have this urge to apologise to her when she doesn't even know that the person who's with me was the one who said those vulgar comments about her.

I shake my head, she probably always gets those types of remarks anyway, since it's all somewhat true. Humming with the song as I used one of the toilet cubicles, I could hear that there's another person with me inside the washroom.

As I was about to wash my hands, I was startled to see the person I was looking for standing by the mirror washing their hands.

She looked up and stared at me through the mirror and smiled. "Hi."

I walked towards the sink to wash my hands, so we're standing side by side. "Hello."

"Is it your first time here at Dr Wine?" she asks while drying her hands.

"Yeah, my friend has invited me to come here after work."

She nodded her head. "Cool. Well, welcome, and if you want any drinks, you can come by the bar, I can make one for you and your friend."

"Could you make a dry martini and a gin and tonic?"

"Huh. I didn't expect you to be a gin lover." Michelle said, putting her hands inside her pocket as she leaned back at the sink, facing me.

"And what did you expect me to be?"

She just lifted her shoulders, amusement playing in her eyes. "A coffee lover?"

"Story of my life, yes. But I drink alcohol too."

We started walking outside the washroom, and she gentlewomanly opened the washroom door for me.

"And they said chivalry is dead." I mumbled, and she just gave me a small smile.

I look around to see if Nalin is okay in our booth and I think that she's more than fine, seeing that she is now busy talking to someone, occupying my seat and drinks already at the table.

"Looks like your friend has found someone to talk to. You can sit here if you want." She offered.

I sighed. "There's a chance that I might go home by myself tonight." I mumbled, sitting on one of the bar stools. "Seeing how they look at each other.."

She started pouring different drinks into a double jigger and poured them into a shaker. "Do you want to have the G and T first or the Martini?"

"I'll have the gin and tonic, thank you."

There are customers who come to the bar to get something to drink. I'm not sure why, but it's starting to fascinate me, she looks passionate about this bartending and it looks like many people like her. Michelle also checks up on me every time there are no customers. Asking if I'm okay.

"So, what do you do?"

"I work at a place where I could talk to people with their problems or I get to listen about what they're going through," I said, trying to be mysterious.

She smirked. "That is a nice way to tell me you don't want me to find out what you do for a living. But it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"It's good to be mysterious sometimes. You'll find out soon, anyway." Will she be different if she found out that I work as a doctor? "What about you? Aside from doing this, what else do you do?"

"Bit unfair, don't you think? You can see what I do, but nah, just bartending and I write poetry whenever I have the time."

Wow. "I didn't peg you as a poet or a writer. I thought you're more into arts."

"Writing poetry is art." She countered, mixing another drink.

I smiled. "Touché. But I thought you're more into paintings or maybe song writing."

"It's funny that I also thought of that about you too."

We continued talking while I sat there at the bar, watching Chatnalin have fun with her newly encountered friend.

"Hey, I'll be done in five minutes, if you still want my company, I can stay with you while you watch out for your friend."

That's very nice of her and I gotta admit that if I wasn't enjoying her company, I would've gone home already.

"Are you sure? You must be so tired, it's okay. You can go home if you want."

"It's probably the first and the last time I'd see you here, so why not seize the moment?"

Wait.. is she flirting with me?

"Uh..." was all I could say.

Michelle frowned. "I'm sorry, did I come in too strong?"

"I don't go on dates. I don't do relationships either." I blurted out, and it was her turn to look taken aback.

She nodded her head slowly. "Right. Right. Of course."

God, was I cruel? She doesn't even know my name yet. "I'm Anntonia, by the way."


"My name is Anntonia, though you're not asking for it. I already know your name and it would only be fair, right?"

"The name Anntonia fits you. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Whoa. Where is this flirting coming from suddenly?

"Ah... you, being a poet, won't work on me."

The bartender chuckled. "I don't need to be a poet to compliment you. Let me just go get my things in my locker."

"Ann!" Nalin approached me at the bar, hand-in-hand with the guy she just met. "Is it okay if we go ahead? I'm sorry I know it was me who invited you here but..." She then looked at the man behind her and I didn't even want to hear what's coming next. I know where this is going and so I just nod my head.

"It's okay, you guys should go ahead. But are you sure you're okay? You just met this man."

"Oh no, no. I've known him in college, he's a friend."


"Well, don't let me hold you back. I'll see you on Monday then."

After saying goodbye to Nalin and her friend, I remained seated on the stool, waiting for Michelle and a few minutes later she walked towards me, already out of her uniform. She turned her head into where Nalin was before, "where's your friend?"

"Home. Getting laid. I should probably get going too, there's no point in me staying here." I answered briefly, and it made her laugh.

"You could still have some fun. With me, here."

She looks good in her clothes, well, she also looks good in her bartending uniform, but whatever. "Let's go, the performers are great tonight. What do you say? Let's make the most of this night since you're already here. Drink's on me or I could walk you out into the subway."

"I drove. My car's outside."

"Right. So..." she looks at me with her best puppy dog eyes. And dammit, who could say no to that?!

"Alright! Alright.. but just a few drinks."

"Girl, you've already got a few drinks at the bar."

I haven't had this fun in such a long time. Listening and singing along to good music, even went as far as dancing went.

The next performers were a band singing classing songs, and it felt good to see that everyone was having fun. I thought the people would stop coming to the pub, but as the night went on, people kept coming.

"Oh, can't you see, you belong to me... how my poor heart aches with every step you take.." Michelle sang along with the band with a bit of booze in her system. Her face is getting red because of the alcohol.

Everyone stood and started dancing with their partners, some were even a group of friends also singing along with the band.

"You're thinking too much. Just go with the flow, I got you," Michelle whispered in my ear and that caught me off guard when she pulled away because our faces were too close.

"Oh, don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me. I said you're holding back she said shut up and dance with me. This woman is my destiny. She said oh oh oh... Shut up and dance with me."

It was her turn to stand and offered her hand to me. Everybody was dancing to the song. Closing my eyes and heaving a deep breath, I held her hand, and we danced. Added to the drinks I had in my system, we both forgot that we just met, I felt too comfortable with her and I didn't mind it one bit.

Another song was being played, more drinks were taken later, and both of us were drunk. The upbeat songs turned into slow ones. "Has anyone ever told you that you're gorgeous, Ann, that works in a place that listens to people's stories and talks to people with problems?" She grinned at her own joke.

"I've been told just a few hours ago and now." I teased.

"Well, it's such a waste that you don't go on dates and don't do relationships." She slurred.

"That won't work on me, I'm still not gonna go on dates."

"Come with me." She said, offering her hand again.

"Where are we going?"

"Just trust me. I got you." She said it again, and I couldn't help but to give in and trust her.

We're outside on our way somewhere, Michelle was still holding my hand. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see.."

We've reached what seemed like a recording studio. She fished something out of her bag and they were a set of keys. The door opens, and she lets me in first. It was indeed a recording studio. "Do you own this place?"

"No..." I stared at her with a perplexed look on my face. "Uh.. sort of? Half of it. It's my brother's recording studio. He's a music producer and sometimes he writes songs. I sometimes help him write the lyrics."

I've been learning so many things about her within the few hours that I've been with her. Her age, she has a sister who's practising law and now she just told me about a brother who is a music producer. We sat on the couch inside the recording studio with a huge window in front showing the vocal booth.

Michelle took one of the acoustic guitars and she started strumming and fingerpicking the instrument. "Is there anything you can't do? Show off. I wanted to learn how to play the guitar when I was young, but I didn't get the chance to."

"It was my brother who taught me to play. My parents wouldn't allow me to enrol in music school, so he helped me whenever our parents were not at home. I don't play much now, as I'm busy at the pub. But I have a guitar in my place."

She put down the guitar, and we sat quietly on the couch. "Do you live by yourself? You must be rich."

She sighed, I noticed the uneasiness talking about this topic. "I do. I'm not rich, my parents are rich. I didn't want to be involved with the family business, so I moved out. My mum offers help, of course, but I wanted to learn how to be independent." She bit her lower lip.

"At first it was hard, because I only have my savings. Used it to get a condo and then I asked my friend who owns the pub if I could work for her and she said yes and the rest is history."

"I'm a doctor, so when I tell you I get to talk to people, I was talking about my patients."

She was chuckling and stopped when I glared at her. "I wasn't laughing at your job, Ann." There she was again, calling me by my nickname.

"For me, that was a very cool job. A noble one. It's just.. you could have just told me you're a doctor instead of telling me the job description."

"What, I was trying to be mysterious, but I figured since you've been very open the whole night, sharing stories about your life experiences, drunkenly, I might add, I figured I should do the same. And I thought you'll think of me differently because of what I do. I met some people who showed an interest in getting to know me, but when they found out who I was and what I did, it was like instant fame for them, you know?"

"I remember the relationship I had. That had totally ruined my trust and my faith in love. I met her during college. I wasn't totally out yet at the time. So it was a secret relationship, we hid it from my family. Not only did she cheat on me, she also outed me when our break-up became nasty. So since I am now post-love."

Michelle's amusement was gone after I shared my story. "I'm sorry to hear that. That was a very cruel thing one could do to a person. It was your privacy that she invaded and exposed, but it's good to hear that you're not with her and you don't get to be around that person anymore. But I hope you won't close your doors for love."

"Thank you. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Why aren't you with anyone?" I curiously asked.

"Who said I wasn't with anyone?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her nonchalance. "Because you wouldn't be here with me if you had someone. I'll bet my ass you wouldn't waste your time talking to strangers like me. You could've gone home to them instead of drinking and dancing your ass at a pub with me after my friend left. Unless you're cheating with her right now, then we couldn't be friends, because I despise cheaters."

"You're right. I'm currently not with anyone." She sighed, resting her head on the backrest of the couch.

"I was engaged once, we were together for many years and she was the one who proposed to me. But we didn't get to the wedding part, we broke up even before we started preparing for the wedding. Maybe because we were together for a long time and we didn't get to distinguish if we were still in love or it was just love because it has been a routine for the both of us. I was heartbroken, I mean, who wouldn't? You loved the person for a very long time, did everything with that person, but in the end, the relationship didn't last. But we're okay."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but maybe it happened because there's gonna be someone out there for you."

Her eyes were staring straight at me, like she was thinking about what to say or what to do next. Until I felt her lips dip into mine. It felt as if the time stopped when our lips connected for a kiss, our mouths didn't move.

She pulled away, eyes still locked on mine. "I will not say I'm sorry for kissing you. I know it's bold or maybe you're thinking it was so rude of me, but just like what I told you, who knows if this is the only time I'm going to be with you?"

"Do it again. Kiss me."   

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