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How do you know if a girl is special?

Well, first, you meet her inside the washroom of the pub you currently work at.

Second, she asks you to make several drinks for her.

Third, talk vaguely about her job and watch her friend flirt with a guy she just met or they already know each other, you're just being judgmental.

Fourth, you don't want her to go home yet because you enjoy talking to her and then you bring her to your brother's studio and kiss her out of nowhere.

And the fifth one, well, take her home to your own sanctum sanctorum which you never did in all of your one-night stands, make love to her in the early hours of the next day and then leave you alone, naked and cold in the bed which, once again, never happened before. It was always you who leaves right after and they never hear from you again.

When Anntonia had asked to kiss her again, Michelle didn't think twice and fused her lips to hers once again. This time, it was full of hunger and lust that lasted for a few minutes.

The other woman kisses her back with great fervour, almost as if she wanted to have Michelle there and then. But Michelle had to pause their kiss because she remembered that there's a camera inside the room and she didn't want her brother to see what his not-so-little sister is up to.

With her adrenaline pumping, Ann tried to kiss her again because there's something about this girl's kisses that feels so addicting and it was the first time she's experiencing it and probably the last.

"Wait.." Michelle whispered, their faces so close that Anntonia could feel her warm breath. "Do you... do you wanna get out of here?"

"Where are we going? I'd offer my place, but I live a little far from here."

Well, there's another place that they could go to. "Do you trust me?"

The girl stared at her blankly at first. "I wouldn't be here with you right now, and I wouldn't be kissing you if I didn't."

Not wanting to resist such luscious and kissable lips, the bartender leaned in for another one before taking Anntonia's hand and off they went on their way to Michelle's place, but not before locking the studio first. It was like she's on a mission to get the girl to her pad and have her way with her.

She was still clasping the girl's hand as they walked towards her building, Ann, for her part, kept on glancing at their entwined hands. Michelle didn't pay attention though, they did small talk. Showing her a couple of her favourite restaurants.

"This would be just a one-night stand. Just sex." The doctor kept on reminding herself. She was so distracted from repeating that mantra repeatedly that she didn't notice they were entering the building where Michelle lives.

"Hello!" Michelle greeted, smiling at the security guard at the front desk.

That took Ann out of her trance, the man had an awe-struck and amused look on his face as he nodded his head and waved at Michelle before the elevator closed.

"Seems like you are friends with the security.." she trailed off as the lift had started moving up.

The girl chuckled, nodding her head. "Yeah, he is sort of an accomplice. You know, he tells people I'm not home when I don't feel like letting anyone in."

"Probably the girls you took home before." Anntonia quipped.

The elevator dings, and Michelle takes her hand again, leading to her unit. "Believe it or not, I haven't brought anyone home."

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