Meet me by Lavender Valley

By Emmas_inkedpages

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When her mother unexpectedly passes away, Eloise Somerset leaves behind her job as a small-time baker, apartm... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - To new beginnings
Chapter 2 - Old ties
Chapter 3 - Scammed
Chapter 4 - Pasta for two
Chapter 5 - Family
Chapter 6 - Stuck with you
Chapter 7 - Not the same as before
Chapter 8 - It's a date!
Chapter 9 - Not so subtle
Chapter 10 - Trouble
Chapter 11 - Cabin Getaway
Chapter 12 - Full house
Chapter 13 - The broken picture frame
Chapter 14 - Just another mystery
Chapter 15 - Busted
Chapter 16 - Time out
Chapter 17 - Girls night
Chapter 18 - Gone
Chapter 19 - Surprises and secrets
Chapter 20 - Found
Chapter 21 - Closer
Epilogue - A scavenger hunt to forever

Chapter 22 - Christmas delights

106 7 36
By Emmas_inkedpages

Eloise frowned as I drove back into town. "Do we need to buy something for the house?" She turned to me, but I only chuckled. "We're not here for groceries." We drove further into town and Lexi's coffee shop came into view. "Are we going on a coffee date?" She eyed me curiously. "Nope." I said simply.

I watched as she leaned further back into her seat. "Drew, the anticipation is killing me."

"Just a little further."

She looked out the window and eyed the shops as we drove past them. I could see the questions on her tongue as I pulled to a stop in front of an empty-looking shop. We climbed out of the car and Eloise frowned at the empty shop.

"Drew, what are we doing here?" Eloise frowned as she looked at me.

"Merry Christmas, El. I know Christmas is still a few days away, but I couldn't wait anymore." I said as I held out my one hand gesturing to the shop.

Eloise's frown deepened. "I don't understand."

I put my arms on her waist and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "When we went on our first date you told me you wanted to open a bakery one day. Well, this is all yours."

"I don't understand. What is?"

"This shop. I bought you this shop for you right before...everything." I said referring to her kidnapping and rubbed my hand at the back of my neck.

Eloise beamed up at me and tears started forming in her eyes. "Drew..." She captured me in a hug. "Thank you." She whispered and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. She moaned as I slipped my tongue inside her mouth. Our kiss got a bit heated and I realised we were in public. I forced myself to pull away. If things escalated I don't think I would be able to stop. Kissing Eloise was like a dream. One I'd never get tired of.

"If this is what I get as thanks then I'll buy you anything you want," I smirked. Eloise blushed and let out a small laugh. It sounded like music to my ears. I could record her laugh and listen to it a thousand times and still not be tired of hearing it.

I rested my forehead on hers. "I love you so much. I never would've known that some city girl who wandered into my small town would have such an amazing impact on my life."

"If I remember correctly, we have your mother to thank for our relationship. She was the one who forced us to live together after all." Eloise chuckled and I laughed along with her.

"Now I think it's about we take a look inside, don't you?" I said as I wrapped my hand around hers and pulled her closer to the store. "Now you just have to figure out a name for the shop."
"I have a few in mind." She beamed up at me.

After a few hours of looking around the store and hearing all Eloise's plans, we made our way back to the house.

A few days later my parents decided that the whole family should go to our family cabin for Christmas. We all packed up our bags and left for the cabin the next day. That was 2 days ago. Now we were all gathered around the Christmas tree in the living room opening presents.

"Aw, you shouldn't have!" Lexi squealed as she held up a pair of cowboy boots. Nash smiled. "I knew you'd love those the second my eyes landed on them."
Lexi smiled even broader and engulfed Nash, who sat next to her in a hug. Nash wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. I smiled at them. They were not only siblings but best friends.

"Now who is next?" My father said as he held up the next present. He adjusted his glasses and read the name on the card. "Drew, this one is for you."
My father smiled as he handed me my present. I frowned. I didn't ask for anything for Christmas so who got me this present? I looked around the room at all of my family's faces not one of them giving away who the present was from. I shook my head.

I started unwrapping the present and stared at the box. Inside the box were two glasses of wine, one with my name engraved on it and the other engraved with the name of my winery. I smiled and looked at everyone in the room. "Who do I have to thank for this beautiful gift?"
All of the eyes in the room moved to Eloise. She smiled shyly as she put her one hand on my knee. "I hope you like it. I figured a winemaker needs his own wine glass."

My eyes softened. I was never going to get enough of this amazing woman. "It's the best gift I've ever received. Thank you." I said as I cupped her cheek and kissed her.
"Get a room you two!" Nash whined.
Just to spite Nash I kissed Eloise harder and a bit longer than necessary. When I finally pulled away Nash gave me a flat look. I smirked in response.

"Come on I want to show you something." I said as I stood up from the couch. Eloise looked at my family and then back at me. "Go on you two. We're practically done here." Blake said gesturing to the presents. Eloise relaxed and stood up. I held out my hand and she intertwined our fingers with a smile.

I led her to the back door of the cabin which led to the porch and hot tub. I held the back door open for her as we exited the cabin. The cold winter air hit my face as soon as we stepped outside.

I was immediately taken back to the moment we first stepped onto this porch together. It was the same night I saw Eloise in that gorgeous one-piece and that we kissed each other senselessly in the hot tub. I smiled at the thought. It was a moment I'd remember for the rest of my life. It was practically super glued into my brain.

I took a seat on one of the porch steps.
"Drew, what are we doing out here? It's freezing." Eloise said as she hugged her waist. I pulled her down to sit next to me on the porch and threw my jacket over her shoulders. She snuggled closer to me on the porch and I wrapped my arm around her waist tugging her even closer.

"Look up."

Eloise looked up and saw what I saw. A sky full of stars. It was a clear winter night so the stars shone brightly in the sky. It had snowed earlier in the day, but for this one moment it seemed to stop, as if it was written in the stars for us to see this beautiful sight.

"It's beautiful." Eloise said as she looked at the stars.

"It sure is." I said as I looked at her. Not at the stars, but only at her. She shone brighter than any star anyway. Eloise caught me staring at her and blushed.

"I want to give you something." I said as I pulled out a small box out of my back pocket. Eloise's eyes widened in surprise. "Drew, I thought I said no gifts. You've given me so much already."

"I know, but I bought this one a while ago. I wanted to give it to you on Thanksgiving, but everything didn't work out as planned." I gave her the small box.

She opened it slowly. Her eyes were filled with absolute affection and happiness as she saw what was in the box. "Drew, this is so special." She said as she pulled out the silver lavender necklace I bought her all those weeks ago. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed a loving kiss against my cheek.

She pulled away. "Will you help me put it on?" She smiled shyly.

"Of course." I took the necklace out of her hands and fastened it around her neck. She pressed her hand against the necklace and smiled. "I love it so much, thank you." I grabbed her chin and pressed my lips on hers.
I slowly pulled away and she rested her head on my shoulder as we both stared at the beautiful night sky. I couldn't wait to spend countless more nights with Eloise like this.


The next day Eloise and I decided to go hiking and I had the perfect place in mind to take Eloise.

We hiked for a few minutes before we stopped in front of a small field. The field was filled with a few thousand lavender flowers. It was also the same field we had a picnic on during our first date. Eloise drew in a sharp breath.

"Drew, I... I don't know what to say." She stammered. She looked at me with tears brimming on the edge of her eyes. "You don't have to say anything. I've known about this lavender field for years. Somehow it always struck me as special. It always seemed more than a simple field to me. I was always so drawn to it. All this time I feel like my life was leading me somewhere and I think it's been leading me to you all along." I said as I cupped her cheeks.

Eloise was crying now. Happy tears at least. "My mother always told me "Meet me by Lavender Valley." I never understood what she meant, but I believe somehow she knew I'd meet you. I think she knew you would lead me to this moment."

My heart was so full. I pressed my lips against Eloise's. It seemed that fate had planned for us to have our happily ever after all along.

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