Sweet Ghost (JJk.FF)

By sara_sarawriter_123

21.6K 1.2K 283

Jk: who are you y/n:my name is Y/n I want you to help me ( with little smile) Jk : what help how did you c... More

in heaven
what happened to him
she is ghost
private ghost
help me
sweet ghost
can I come with you ?
who is she ?
dont laugh hyung
stay away from her
ghost can't come in temple
moon is beautifull
drink blood
it's not night mare
birth day party
come back ...
He lost Her ..
his bunny smile
he is blushing
possessed him ..
dare to steal her ..
police station
bueatifull Night
Brock His Trust
separated ..
promise me ..
unexpected truth
Forgive me ..YN..
Evil spirit
then Kill Him
Revange ..
Last journy
Last mission
Good bey jungkook
story cover ..
Our beautifull memories
Will You Marry Me
little Mafia seol ..
OUR Destiny (bonus part)

miss her ..

400 33 8
By sara_sarawriter_123

Jungkook : I hate you ...

After sometime ....someone open the door and come inside the living room and saw him sleeping in clod floor being mess ... She wine her eyes and immediately run to him knees down on floor beside him and tap his cheek to wake him up ...

....? : Jung..jungkook ...wake up jungkook ple..(tear left her eyes ) please ...

He slowly open his eyes and look at her and smile with pain ...

Jungkook : Aa..aarti ... ( And he again crying while holding her hand ) she left me ..Aarti she left me...

She wine her eyes when she touch his  hot hands ..he have a high fever .. she also saw his bloody hand..she immediately put her palm on his forehead to check ....

AARTI : jungkook you have high fever..and your hand is  ..(sobe ) blooding.. please  come ...chan..change your cloth ...

Jungkook : NOoo don't touch me ...( He push her hand and look away from her )

Aarti : Jung..jungkook please ..come ...( She say in  her tear )

She say and take his hand and help him to get up ..he did not argue back and get up from floor for spot from her ....he shunbled on his feel but Aarti hold him before he fall..she take his hand and put on her shoulder ..and with other hands she hold his waist .. she take him to his room and layed down him on bed ...and stare at his face who his still haft sleep ..

Aarti : jungkook chan..change your cloth ..( seriouse face  she say and take  the cloth and wipe around his hand to stop blooding ..)

Jungkook : Noo I don't want to ..leave me alone ..( in sleepy voice )

Aarti sigh and went to wardrobe  and take his cloth and walk to him ..

Aarti : jungkook get up and change ..or you want me to help to..you ..

Jungkook : NOooo Don't YOU Dare to TOUCH Me...I will change by myself ..

He say with sleepy eyes and take his cloth ...

Jungkook : GET out Now  I want to change ..

Aarti nod and went out of the door and close the door behind her and stand there ... Tear left her eyes ...

After sometime she knock the door and say ..

Aarti : did you change your cloth jungkook ...* But no response * okay I'm coming inside ..* but still no response from inside *

She sigh and open  the door slowly and look straight in bed and saw jungkook already change his cloth and sleeping in bed ..she take deep breath and went inside ..

Aarti : Jung..jungkook you have high fever ...( but still no response )

He was sleeping in bed ..not saying enything ..but he open his eyes after hearing Aarti voice who was shaking him to wake ..

Aarti : jungkook I make soup  for you pl..please eat ..and take medicine ...( There are the still tear in her eyes )

Jungkook : NoOo I don't feelin..feeling like to eat ..( tired tone )

Aarti : you ha..have to eat for enrgy.. you are looking weak ..please eat ...Please  don't insist..

Jungkook sigh and get up and sit straight in bed .. and aarti give him his food and sit beside him ... he started eating ..

JungkooK : it's strange that you make food so fast ...

Aarti smile and say ..

Aarti : you where sleeping when I'm  making food ..

Jungkook done eating and she take his food trey and handed  him medicine .

Aarti : Now take this medicine ...

Jungkook : (frown ) when did docter come check me

he is still in drunk state then his eyes fell on his hand who was now treated  with bandage  tap ..

Jungkook : my..hands also treated

Aarti : when your sleeping docter come check you and treat your hand  ... you drink so much alcohol....that wh..why does not remember Enything ...now stop talking and take medicine..

Jungkook nod slowly and gulp medicine with water and layed down again in bed ...and aarti come and sit beside him ..he look at her and say...

Jungkook : She pla..played with fee..feeling .. and Left Me ..( tear again roll down in his eyes )

Aarti just staring at him and say..

Aarti : she had some reson ..that wh..why she left...

Jungkook : bu..but ..then why she co..come in my life ..(sobe )

Aarti :  Jungkook ple..please ..don't cry look I'm here now ....(seriouse face ) Ahh jungkook rest I will be back I should clean  living-room ..okay ..

She said and jungkook nod ..she went to living room ..jungkook sigh ...again his mind went to what happens some time ago...and then he about to close his eyes but he hear his room door open ..and saw Aarti coming inside room ..he look at her..

Jungkook : oo done ...? So fast ...(he said in weak voice )

She come sit beside him and say ..

Aarti :  yeh I'm ver..verry good  in cleaning ..(smile )

Jungkook : hmm ..you know Aarti .. I Love her ..I Love her so much ...and I know She Also Love Me... (tearly  eyes )

Aarti : yeh YN also Love you ..jungkook ...but she had reson to leave you ...(staring at him )

Jungkook : Yeh I kn..( his word cut and look at her with frown ) Aarti whe..when did I say her name is YN ..as mu..much I know ..I did not say her name ..right..( he barely  open his eyes )

Aarti : oo jungkook your are in drunk state and wh..when  your sleeping ..yo..you consulesly call..calling  he..her name ... (She say while stuttering  in talking )

Jungkook : ooh right ..My head is hurting .. Ahahh( he say and groan )

Aarti : jungkook sleep ..it's alredy 12 pm ..sleep I'm hare don't worry ... ( She say and hold his hand )

Jungkook close his eyes without replying ....and Aarti put her palm on his forehead and massage his head so he can sleep peacefully ... aarti stare at his  face and tear roll down her eyes ..his face become so dole ..thetRe  is still dry tear in his soft check ..his whole body is weak ..she can't bealive that a person who like to talk and make other laugh .. now laying in bed in messy state ..she bit her lips not to sobe loud..
and like this whole night Aarti stay with jungkook and take care of him ...

In morning ....

Jungkook open his eyes slowly ..he sit in bed ..he hold his head ..feeling littel pain in his head  then call yn name ..... 

Jungkook : YNNnnn (shout )

Jungkook : YNnn where are you look my hea..( he stop in middle when his remember last night accident ..hot tear roll in his check ....but his mind went to Aarti ...he immediately call her name ...)

Jungkook : Aar..AARTI...( Shout her name ) but no response

Jungkook : (frown and again call her ) AARTI....

Jungkook still feel his body weak ...he don't want to get up from his bed ..his head is still hurting ...

Jungkook : Aar..

His word cut when he hear door open sound ...he hear someone coming to his room and he look up at his room door and saw ...

Jungkook : Taehyung ...

Taehyung : Jungkook are you okay ...(worried tone and walk to him )

Jungkook : yeh I'm fi...( he is about answer tae but stop when his eyes fell on other person behind him )

Jungkook : Aar...Aarti...(frown and suprised )

Aarti walk inside the room when jungkook call her ..she come and stand beside taehyung with  worried face ...

Aarti : yes jungkook ..?

Jungkook : where you went in morning ..(confuse  ask aarti )

Aarti : Morning ..? But I just Have  just Arrived ..with taehyung ...

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