Fallen Love Hazbin Hotel Char...

By isekai_no_kami

16.8K 653 226

In the depths of Hell, an angel, forsaken and desperate for redemption, fell from the heavens, wreaking havoc... More

Chapter 0
Unleashing Hell onto Hell
One Hell of a Team
Hell's Kitchen: making scrambled eggs
Sleepover from Hell
Rosie's Emporium: Styling in Hell
One Hell Of A Day At LuLu World
One Hell of a day at... LooLoo Land???
Circus of Hell
Who The Hell Are You?
Hell's Best Moms
Hell's Best Dad
Update 2
Dads Of Hell and Heaven

Welcome To Hell Mother Fucker

1.5K 58 37
By isekai_no_kami

Charlie reached out to help Y/N up, her hand offering support as he rose from the ground. Y/N leaned on Charlie, grateful for her assistance, though Charlie couldn't help but struggle a bit due to his significantly taller stature she struggled under the weight of Y/N's weakened form. Charlie looked up at him, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

Charlie: "By the way, I wanted to ask you something... if that's alright with you, of course."

Y/N nodded their expression a mixture of curiosity and exhaustion.

Y/N: "Shoot."

Charlie: "I was just wondering, how do you plan on disguising yourself?"

Y/N furrowed his brows, pondering Charlie's question for a moment before realization dawned on him.

Y/N: "Oh, you mean because I'm an Angel and all that?"

Charlie nodded eagerly.

Charlie: "Exactly. It might not be the safest idea for an Angel to be wandering around Hell, especially when you're known as The Reaper From Hell."

Y/N chuckled softly, acknowledging the validity of Charlie's concern.

Y/N: "You make a good point, I haven't really thought about it."

His gaze drifting off as he contemplated the predicament. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Charlie's excitement bubbled over, interrupting his train of thought with an exuberant suggestion.

Charlie: "Ah! How about we get you a demon costume? I'll make you fake horns and a tail! Oh, and we can even pick out a new outfit for you. It'll be like a fun day out together!"

Y/N couldn't help but smile at Charlie's enthusiasm, though he shook his head gently.

Y/N: "I appreciate the offer, but that won't be necessary."

Charlie's expression fell, her eyes adopting a slightly disappointed puppy-like eyes as she gazed up at Y/N. Despite her initial excitement, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the rejection.

Charlie: "Really, why not?"

Y/N's response was enigmatic, marked by a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he took a deliberate step back from Charlie. She watched him, a blend of excitement and confusion swirling in her mind.

Y/N: "I have another solution."

With each word, Y/N's demeanor shifted, a subtle spark of anticipation igniting in his eyes. He continued, his voice dripping with dramatic flair.

Y/N: "I'm not sure if you're aware, but we angels have a little trick up our sleeves. After spending an extended time in Hell, we undergo a transformation, acquiring certain... characteristics."

As he spoke, an eerie energy began to coil around Y/N, engulfing him in flickering flames and shrouding him in a foreboding aura. Charlie watched in awe and horror as he underwent a startling metamorphosis right before her disbelieving eyes.

Gone were his once serene and angelic features, replaced by a visage tinged with malevolence and darkness. A twisted grin curled upon his lips, exuding a sinister allure that sent a chill down Charlie's spine.

In that moment, she realized the magnitude of what stood before her – a being transformed, no longer bound by the conventions of angelic purity, but instead embracing the depths of Hell's darkest secrets.

As the silence stretched between them, Charlie found herself captivated by the enigmatic presence before her, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and fascination.

Y/N: "Tada!"

Charlie's hands clap together in amazement, Charlie's eyes widen in sheer astonishment as she witnesses Y/N's incredible transformation. With a delighted gasp, she rushes over to him, her excitement bubbling over like a fizzy stream of curiosity.

Charlie: "That's absolutely incredible! How did you do that? And did you change your clothes too?"

She bombards Y/N with a flurry of questions, her curiosity unrestrained as she moves around him, her hands reaching out in disbelief. However, Y/N's patience begins to wear thin under the barrage of inquiries and touches.

Y/N: "Enough!"

Charlie's enthusiasm wanes slightly, replaced by a twinge of guilt as she realizes she may have overstepped.

Charlie: "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just... I've never witnessed anything quite like this, and my excitement tends to get the best of me."

Y/N's expression softens, his irritation melting away as he extends understanding toward Charlie.

Y/N: "It's alright. I apologize for snapping. But to answer your question, the changes in angelic bodies in Hell are a response to the overwhelming negative energy and our emotional state. Our forms adapt to the environment."

Charlie listens intently, her eyes shining with newfound understanding and respect.

Charlie: "That's truly fascinating."

Y/N: "I first noticed the changes about six months into my time here. Fortunately, I managed to halt the process before it reached completion."

Charlie's admiration for Y/N's resilience swells like a rising tide.

Charlie: "That's incredible!"

Y/N redirects their focus, prompting them to continue their journey with renewed purpose.

Y/N: "Shall we continue?"

Charlie snaps out of her reverie, nodding eagerly.

Charlie: "Yes, let's. My apologies for getting carried away."

With renewed determination and a deeper bond forged through shared experiences, Y/N and Charlie stride forward down the floating island.

Several hours later, Charlie and Y/N stand before the Hazbin Hotel, its facade weathered and worn.

Y/N: "Well, this place is a dump."

Charlie's expression darkens, a hint of offense in her voice.

Charlie: "Hey!"

She playfully hits Y/N on the shoulder, but her smile fades as Y/N continues to critique the hotel.

Y/N: "I'm right though. Also, didn't you say it was called the Happy Hotel? Why does it say Hazbin Hotel?"

Charlie lets out a weary sigh, her disappointment evident.

Charlie: sigh "My business partner made that decision without me, and now I can't get him to change it."

Charlie's mood dampens further as Y/N looks on, unimpressed. Together, they approach the front door of the hotel.

Charlie: "Ready for the start of your amazing new life?!"

Y/N hesitates, his response tinged with uncertainty.

Y/N: "I guess."

Charlie's enthusiasm is unwavering, her voice brimming with optimism.

Charlie: "Trust me, the people here are great. You're going to really love them, and I'm sure you'll grow to love them too!"

As Charlie opens the doors, they are suddenly greeted by a flying couch hurtling towards them. With quick reflexes, Y/N and Charlie duck, narrowly avoiding the unexpected projectile.

Y/N: "What the hell was that?!"

Vaggie storms into the scene, her anger palpable.

Vaggie: "Dammit, Angel! How many times do I have to tell you this place is not a brothel?! You can't just bring random people here and solicit them for money!"

Angel Dust attempts to defend himself, his words tinged with desperation.

Angel Dust: "It was an accident!"

Vaggie's incredulity knows no bounds.

Vaggie: "How in the world do you perform fellatio by accident?!"

Angel Dust offers a feeble explanation, his voice strained.

Angel Dust: " His pants were down and I was reaching down to get some money from the ground and I slipped and fell mouth first on his dick!"

Vaggie's fury erupts, her words sharp with anger.

Vaggie: "Hijo de puta! You know damn well that's a lie!"

With a fierce determination, Vaggie brandishes her spear and gives chase to Angel Dust, who taunts her with every agile step.

Meanwhile, Charlie attempts to restore order amidst the chaos.

Charlie: "Guys, we have a new guest!"

But her pleas fall on deaf ears as Angel and Vaggie continue their raucous altercation. Bottles fly through the air as Vaggie hurls them at Angel, while Nifty scurries about, frantically cleaning up the shattered glass.

Charlie's frustration mounts with each passing moment.

Charlie: "Guys!"

Y/N takes a tentative step forward, only to trip over the unconscious form of Husk lying on the ground, a bottle still clutched in his hand.

Y/N: "Hi there."

Unfazed by the ongoing commotion, Angel and Vaggie persist in their heated argument, paying no heed to the newcomer.

Charlie's patience wears thin, her voice rising to a crescendo.

Charlie: "GUYS!!!!!"

A primal scream escapes her lips, and for a fleeting moment, her form flickers into that of her demon self. The room falls silent as everyone turns to look at her, even Husk stirring from his stupor.

Clearing her throat, Charlie directs everyone's attention to Y/N with a forced smile.

Charlie: "We have a new guest with us."

Dumbfounded, the room falls into a stunned silence as all eyes turn to Y/N, the newcomer amidst the chaos.

Angel Dust: "Wait, you actually found someone to join?"

Charlie beams with pride, her laughter tinkling like bells.

Charlie: "Of course I did, silly! Don't act so surprised! Hahaha. So, Y/N, why don't you introduce yourself?"

With a nervous glance around, Y/N clears his throat, his demeanor uncertain.

Y/N: "Um, my name is Y/N and... I just arrived... here? Yeah, that's right. I'm new to Hell, just got here a few days ago, and... I kinda want to go to Heaven..."

Y/N stands awkwardly as the group stares at him. Charlie claps enthusiastically before seizing his arm and leading him over to Vaggie.

Charlie: "So, this is Vaggie. She's my best friend and the guardian of this hotel."

Y/N: "Pleasure to meet you."(she feels familler

Vaggie nods curtly in response, offering a brief handshake.

Vaggie: "Same here."

Their exchange is interrupted by Angel Dust, who slinks over to Y/N with a suggestive grin.

Angel Dust: "Hey there, stud muffin. So, you're new here? I can show you around, and with a body and face like yours, it's free of charge."

He runs his fingers down Y/N's arm, who recoils with discomfort.

Y/N: "Uh, no thanks."

Angel Dust persists, undeterred by the rejection.

Angel Dust: "Your loss, baby. But the offer still stands if you change your mind later."

Charlie: "And this is Angel Dust, one of our guests."

Angel Dust shoots Y/N a lecherous wink before Charlie intervenes, steering Y/N away from Angel Dust and towards Nifty and Husk.

Charlie: "So, this is Husk, our bartender, and Nifty, our maid!"

Husk nods in greeting, taking a swig from his bottle, while Nifty offers Y/N a flirtatious smile.

Nifty: "Hi there..."

Y/N's response is immediate and firm.

Y/N: "Yeah, no."

Charlie eagerly grabs Y/N's arm again, practically dragging him through every nook and cranny of the hotel.

Charlie: "So, this is the bar, and these are the curtains! Over there's the lounge, and our super comfy couches! Oh, and right here is..."

She continues her whirlwind tour, pointing out every detail of the hotel, until Vaggie intervenes.

Vaggie: "Charlie, you don't have to show him every little detail. You're making him dizzy."

Y/N struggles to maintain his balance, his head spinning from the rapid tour.

Y/N: "I'm... fine..."

Charlie offers a sheepish grin, realizing she may have overdone it.

Charlie: "Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first... I mean, another guest!"

She quickly corrects herself, but Angel Dust can't help but interject.

Angel Dust: "Um, what the hell am I then?"

Charlie stumbles over her words, trying to salvage the situation.

Charlie: "Well, you're an important part of our family, Angel. But, uh, you..."

Vaggie doesn't mince words, listing off Angel Dust's shortcomings without hesitation.

Vaggie: "Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?"

Charlie attempts to smooth things over, redirecting the conversation.

Charlie: "What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once."

She then turns her attention to Y/N, who's taking in the surroundings with a mixture of awe and surprise.

Y/N: "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you've helped a lot of sinners out. This place is basically empty. You must be doing a great job."

Vaggie's eyes widen in disbelief at Y/N's words.

Vaggie: "Wait, what did he say!?"

Angel Dust begins to speak, but Charlie quickly silences him, leading Y/N away with an awkward smile.

Charlie: "So, Y/N, why don't you explore a bit while we discuss some boring business?"

Y/N nods and wanders off, leaving Charlie to corral Angel Dust and Vaggie for a private conversation.

Charlie: "Okay, so I might have not mentioned the part where we haven't saved a soul to him."

Angel Dust: "So you lied."

Charlie: "More like I forgot to mention it to him."

Vaggie: "You lied."

Charlie: "It's more like a harmless white lie."

Vaggie and Angel Dust: "You lied."

Charlie: "Okay, I lied, but it was the only way to convince him to join. Please don't be mad."

Angel Dust: "I guess little miss sunshine has a dark side too, huh?"

Vaggie: "Charlie, you know the purpose of the hotel is for them to want to be redeemed, not to be tricked."

Charlie: "I know it's wrong, but what's a little lie if it saves a life? So, promise you won't say anything, please."

Charlie's eyes widen as she stares at Vaggie, awaiting her response.

Vaggie: "Ugh, fine. I promise. You're lucky you're so damn cute."

Charlie: "Yay!"

Angel Dust: "Well, I could do that, but it's gonna cost you."

Vaggie pulls her spear and points it at Angel's throat.

Angel Dust: "You drive a hard bargain. I won't tell."

Charlie: "Thank you!"

She hugs them both tightly before swiftly making her way to Y/N, who's standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at Alastor, who's midway up the stairs.

Charlie: (Aw crap!)

Y/N and Alastor stand in silence, their gazes locked in a silent battle for dominance.

The atmosphere grows thick with anticipation as everyone watches, waiting for the tension to break.

Charlie: "I see you've met our gracious Facility Manager, Alastor. Heh heh."

Alastor's smile widens, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he sizes up Y/N.

Alastor: "Charmed, I'm sure. So, what is your name, my friend?"

Y/N: "Y/N. My name is Y/N."

Charlie attempts to diffuse the tension, but the air remains thick with apprehension as Y/N and Alastor face off in a silent standoff.

Charlie: "And Y/N here is new to Hell and is seeking redemption, yay!"

She throws confetti between them, but the gesture falls flat in the midst of their silent confrontation, the tension hanging between them like a taut wire. Alastor's smile remains fixed, his eyes boring into Y/N with an unnerving intensity that sends shivers down Charlie's spine.

Alastor: "New, you say? How strange. I usually know of new arrivals in Hell. I guess you must have slipped by my radar."

Alastor leans in close to Y/N, his eyes glowing red and a creepy smile on his face.

Y/N: "I guess you did."

The air hangs heavy with anticipation as the standoff continues, each passing moment fraught with unspoken tension and uncertainty. The tension in the room reaches a boiling point as Y/N refuses to back down, his anger radiating off him in palpable waves. Charlie, sensing the imminent explosion, hurriedly steps between Y/N and Alastor, her voice trembling as she tries to diffuse the situation.

Charlie: "Well, it's been a long day today. How about we all go to bed and hit the ground running tomorrow since we do have a lot to do!"

Alastor nods in agreement, his smile never faltering despite the charged atmosphere.

Alastor: "Of course. Well, I'll be off now. If you need me, I'll be in my room. See you around, Y/N."

With a casual wave and a menacing glance at Y/N, Alastor turns and ascends the stairs, leaving behind an uneasy silence. Charlie, attempting to regain control of the situation, offers to show Y/N to his room, but before she can finish her sentence, Y/N grabs her and pins her to the wall, his expression dark with anger.

Y/N: "Why is he here?!"

Charlie stammers, caught off guard by Y/N's sudden aggression.

Charlie: "Um, well—"

Y/N's grip tightens, his fury boiling over as he demands answers.

Y/N: "Answer me!"

Charlie struggles to find her words, her mind racing with excuses and explanations.

Charlie: "He's my business partner!"

Y/N's eyes narrow, his anger palpable as he accuses Charlie of betrayal.

Y/N: "Why didn't you tell me you were working for the Radio Demon!"

Charlie recoils, her heart sinking as she realizes the extent of Y/N's anger.

Charlie: "I'm not working for him!"

But Y/N's rage only intensifies, his grip tightening around Charlie's throat as he accuses her of deception.

Y/N: "You knew he's the reason I got locked up for all those years, and yet you brought me here!"

With a furious roar, Y/N punches a hole in the wall beside Charlie's head, his rage spiraling out of control as he looms over her threateningly.

Vaggie appears, her own anger boiling over as she attempts to intervene, but Y/N easily deflects her attack, his own spear clashing against hers in a shower of sparks.

Vaggie: "Get your hands off her, you bitch!"

Y/N releases Charlie, who crumples to the ground, gasping for air as Vaggie rushes to her side, her own fury evident in her protective stance.

Vaggie: "Are you okay?!"

Charlie nods weakly, her throat raw from Y/N's grip as she struggles to regain her composure.

Charlie: "I'm... fine. I didn't lie to you. I just forgot to mention Alastor, and I don't work for him, nor have a contract with him. We're just business partners."

Y/N takes a step back, his anger slowly subsiding as he leans against the wall, his breathing heavy with emotion.

Charlie: "I promise I would never lie to you."

Y/N looks at Charlie, his expression softening slightly as he grapples with his own emotions.

Y/N: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash out."

Charlie offers him an apologetic smile, her own guilt weighing heavily on her conscience.

Charlie: "It's okay."

Y/N: "I forgive you, as long as that's the only thing you're hiding from me."

Charlie nods earnestly, her sincerity evident in her eyes. As she tries to hide the lies from Y/N.

Charlie: "I promise."

Y/N: "Okay, then. By the way, nice spear you have there. Where did you get it?"

Y/N turns his gaze to Vaggie, who remains visibly angry despite the tension beginning to dissipate.

Vaggie: "I could say the same thing to you."

Their eyes lock in a silent standoff, the animosity between them simmering just below the surface.

Charlie: "How about we all go to bed? It's been a long day, and we have a lot to do tomorrow. Come on, Y/N, I'll take you to your room."

The tension in the room remains thick as everyone retreats to their respective rooms, the weight of the night's events lingering in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the hotel's once jovial atmosphere. In an empty room of the hotel the atmosphere is heavy with a sense of isolation. Y/N lies in bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling fan as it spins lazily above him. His expression is vacant, a reflection of the turmoil within.

Y/N: "What am I doing?"

His words hang heavy in the air, a whispered plea for understanding.

Y/N: "I don't belong here."

Restless energy courses through him, driving him to toss and turn in a futile attempt to escape the weight of his own existence.

Y/N: "How am I supposed to sleep when all I've done is sleep for the past years?"

Frustration mounts, and he turns to face the window, yearning for something beyond the confines of his room. With a determined stride, he crosses the room and flings open the window, inviting in the biting chill of the night air. His chest heaves as he inhales deeply, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance.

Y/N: "I should be out there, purging the sinners, tearing them limb from limb in the name of God! HAHAHA!"

His laughter rings out, wild and unhinged, a reflection of the chaos brewing within him. A shiver runs down his spine as the bloodlust threatens to consume him. With trembling hands, he clasps them together, trying to regain control. Y/N's inner turmoil rages like a storm within him, torn between his sworn duty and the primal urges that threaten to consume him. With trembling hands, he reaches out towards the ethereal glow of the portal to heaven, its tantalizing beauty mocking his inability to reach it.

Y/N: "My home, so beautiful, so close yet... so far."

His voice is a whisper, filled with longing and despair. Collapsing to his knees, he presses his hands together in a desperate plea for divine intervention.

Y/N: "Maybe some prayer will help me sleep. Dear Heavenly Father..."

But as his words drift into the air, a sudden torrent of acid rain descends upon the infernal city, its hissing touch scorching the earth below. Hellish screams pierce the night, drowning out Y/N's prayer in a cacophony of anguish.

The next morning, Y/N descends the stairs into the common room where Angel Dust lounges, engrossed in his phone and lavishing attention on his peculiar companion, Fat Nuggets.

Angel Dust: "Hey hot stuff, how'd you sleep?"

Y/N: "I didn't."

Angel Dust, ever the flirt, offers his company with a suggestive grin, but Y/N remains unmoved.

Y/N: "Not gonna happen."

Taking a seat on a nearby couch, Y/N is greeted by the unexpected sight of Fat Nuggets, who waddles over and begins oinking at him.

Y/N: "Is that a pig?"

Y/N stares incredulously at the unusual creature, while Angel Dust rushes to defend his beloved pet.

Angel Dust: "Him? He's not a pig, he's my roommate and my pet. And his name is Fat Nuggets. You know, he really seems to like you."

Y/N watches as Fat Nuggets continues to nuzzle against him, emitting contented oinks.

Y/N: "He's quite... weird."

Angel Dust is taken aback, clutching Fat Nuggets protectively to his chest.

Angel Dust: "There, there, you're not weird, you're perfect just the way you are! Who's daddy's little Nugget? Yes, you are!"

Y/N can't help but roll their eyes at the display as Angel Dust showers Fat Nuggets with affection.

Y/N: "By the way, where's Charlie? Shouldn't we be starting with our rehab or something?"

Angel Dust explains that Charlie and Vaggie are out recruiting more souls for the hotel's rehabilitation program.

Y/N: "Got it."

Y/N and Angel Dust engage in conversation, their banter punctuated by the exhausted entrance of Charlie and Vaggie, who return empty-handed from their recruitment efforts.

Charlie: "Hmmph!"

Angel Dust: "So, how'd it go?"

Vaggie: "Not a single new recruit."

Angel Dust: "Yeah well who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting."

Y/N: "Honestly, I would use my last day to dance with the woman I love, kissing her one last time as the world around us disappears."

Angel Dust: "And you say your not gay."

Angel Dust teases Y/N about their sentimentality, but before the exchange can escalate, a loud knock echoes through the hotel, putting everyone on edge.

Y/N: "Demon."

As Vaggie swings open the door, revealing the unexpected guest, Sir Pentious, the atmosphere in the room tenses. Sir Pentious, with his characteristic charm, attempts a greeting, only to be swiftly met with the blunt end of Vaggie's spear.

Sir Pentious: "Why hello, my dear–"


He's cut off as Vaggie strikes him in the face with the hilt of her spear, sending him sprawling to the ground. She levels the spear's point at him, ready to defend her companions.

Sir Pentious: "Wait, wait! I come in peace."

Vaggie demands to know his purpose for showing up unannounced, her suspicion evident in her stance.

Vaggie: "What are you doing here?!"

Charlie: "Vaggie, what's the problem?"

Charlie, drawn by the commotion, approaches, surprised to see Sir Pentious again but greeting him warmly nonetheless.

Charlie: "Oh, hello again!"

Sir Pentious, sensing an opportunity, tries to explain himself.

Sir Pentious: "I didn't come looking for a fight. I, uh... I heard that you're helping people. People who want to be better?"

Charlie's eyes light up with excitement at the prospect of another potential resident for the hotel's rehabilitation program.

Charlie: "You heard right! Welcome to our home of healing! Our resort of restoration. Our–"

Charlie, ever optimistic, welcomes him with open arms, much to Angel Dust's disbelief.

Angel Dust: "Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us, like literally 6 hours ago, and now you want to bring him in here to live with us?"

But Charlie remains steadfast in her belief in second chances.

Charlie: "Absolutely! This place is about second chances. And who deserves one more than this... slithery... slippery..."

Y/N's voice, echoing from somewhere within the hotel, interjects humorously:

Y/N: "Snake!"

Charlie, maintaining her gentle demeanor, gently reprimands Y/N for their teasing.

Charlie: "Special little man. Y/N, it's not nice to call people names."

Angel Dust, ever the realist, questions the wisdom of bringing Sir Pentious into the hotel, but Charlie's puppy-dog eyes and persuasive charm win Vaggie over.

Vaggie: "I... guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine. Or even with the war machine."

Charlie's effusive gratitude prompts her to envelop Vaggie in a tight hug, expressing her heartfelt appreciation for Vaggie's trust and understanding.

Charlie: "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"

Sir Pentious reciprocates Charlie's enthusiasm, expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to start anew.

Sir Pentious: "Oh no, darling, thank you. You won't regret this."

Angel Dust, ever the skeptic, offers his own prediction for Sir Pentious's tenure in the hotel.

Angel Dust: "Eh, I give you a week tops."

Despite Angel Dust's cynicism, they all proceed inside, where Charlie takes it upon herself to give Sir Pentious a tour of their unconventional sanctuary, introducing him to the eclectic residents who call the Hazbin Hotel home. As Charlie guides Sir Pentious through the Hazbin Hotel, she proudly introduces the various residents and points out the different areas of the establishment.

Charlie: "So... this is the bar, and the bartender. And over here, we have our maid Niffty. Oh, and before I forget, over there we have our very special VIP guest, Y/N!"

Sir Pentious turns to face Y/N, who lounges on the couch, idly petting Fat Nuggets.

Y/N: "Sup."

Sir Pentious: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Y/N: "Ditto."

With a nod, Sir Pentious continues to explore the hotel, his curiosity piqued by the eclectic array of characters inhabiting the space. However, his journey is interrupted as he inadvertently bumps into Alastor, sparking Y/N's interest.

Y/N: "Oh, this should be good."

Settling back in anticipation, Y/N eavesdrops on the exchange between Sir Pentious and Alastor. When he hears Alastor mention that Sir Pentious's managed to rip a piece of his coat, Y/N's intrigue intensifies.

Y/N: (He managed to touch Alastor in their last fight. I couldn't even get close to Alastor when I fought him in the Blood Temple. Then again, I was also busy fighting the Seven Sins and other overlords. But still, it's quite impressive. Just how strong is this snake man?)

A few hours later as the group gathers in a circle next to the fireplace, Charlie proposes a game to help everyone get acquainted. Despite Y/N's initial reluctance, Charlie encourages them to participate.

Charlie: "Now! With new residents, I think its important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game. Everyone follow me. My name is Charlie *Claps* I like to sing *Claps* and when we get to know each other its the greatest thing *Claps*."

Charlie then points at Sir Pentious inviting him to continue the game.

Sir Pentious: "My name is Sir Pentious *Claps* I like to build *Claps* and despite my stupid Egg Boys i think I'm very skilled *Claps*."

Sir Pentious and Charlie then point at Y/N to go next.

Y/N looks at them with a bored face.

Y/N: "This is stupid."

Charlie: "This is not stupid *Claps* its just the game *Claps* Sir Pentious did it well so now lets try to do the same*Claps*."

Charlie gets closer to Y/N with a big smile.

Y/N: "I don't sing."

Charlie: " Don't think of this like singing *Claps* think of it like rhyming *Claps* so please join in you promised *Claps*."

With a resigned sigh, Y/N reluctantly offers their contribution, injecting a touch of sarcasm into their response.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N *slow Clap* And i think this game is dumb *slow Clap* and i want to go to my room and shoot myself *slow Clap*."

Y/N lets out a smirk at a disappointed Charlie.

Angel Dust: "I'm to sober for this."

Vaggie: "Well get used to it and learn how to play. This is gonna be your whole day *Claps*."

Vaggie smiles as Angel and Y/N fall back in pain. After enduring a few hours of excruciating games, the group gathers to perform a play written by Charlie. As they assemble in front of the fireplace, Charlie eagerly takes charge, ready to showcase her creative vision.

Drug Dealer Angel Dust: "Oh, I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs. Now, where is an innocent kid I can sell crack to. Wow, who wrote this?"

Charlie: "It's great, right? Keep going."

Angel Dust: "Hey you."

Y/N walks up wearing a tight little kids school uniform holding a sign saying "don't hug me I'm scared" and a lollipop in his mouth. Y/N, clad in the absurd costume, delivers their line with a deadpan demeanor, adding to the comedic effect.

Y/N: "Who, me?"

Their dry delivery elicits laughter from Vaggie, who can barely contain herself.

Vaggie: "I don't know what's harder to believe, that you already had those costumes ready or that you managed to get both of them to wear them. Haha."

Angel Dust, annoyed by the laughter, attempts to regain control of the scene.

Angel Dust: "Keep laughing, toots, and I'll–"

Charlie intervenes, urging Angel Dust to continue with the performance.

Charlie: "Angel, keep going."

With a resigned sigh, Angel Dust reluctantly resumes reading the lines of the script, finding them both ridiculous and amusing.

Angel Dust: "Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some devil's dandruff? Oh, for fuck's sake."

Y/N: "Not me I have to go home and shoot my I mean study."

As Y/N delivers their line, expressing disdain for the script's content, Charlie's enthusiasm remains undiminished.

Angel Dust: "Come on, kid, it'll make you cool like me... The crackhead!"

Y/N: "The only thing cool here is to say no to drugs, and if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage." (Who the hell wrote this, my Dad!?)

Charlie, oblivious to Y/N's discomfort, rises from her seat with excitement, applauding their performance and approaching them with praise.

Charlie: "Yes! Oh, bravo, bravo! Wow, Y/N, at this rate, you'll be redeemed in no time."

Internally cringing at the forced enthusiasm, Y/N reluctantly plays along with Charlie's optimism.

Y/N: "Ah yes, I already feel God's light shining upon me." (I want to die, ahhhh.)

Angel Dust, evidently done with the charade, excuses himself and heads off to bed without a word. Charlie, undeterred by Angel's departure, turns her attention to Sir Pentious, commending both him and Y/N for their performances.

Charlie: "And you, Sir Pentious, you're also doing amazing! I'm so proud of both of you!"

As Angel retreats to his room, his bitter expression speaks volumes of the turmoil within. He tosses his coat onto Fat Nuggets and collapses onto his bed, consumed by depression. With trembling hands, he reaches for his phone, greeted by a flood of voicemails from Valentino. Each message, initially pleading for Angel's return, morphs into a barrage of threats and insults, suffocating him with their venomous words. Yet, he continues to open them, unable to escape the torment.

Suddenly, his room is engulfed in a crimson haze, choking him with its poisonous presence. Gasping for air, Angel struggles against the oppressive atmosphere until it dissipates as swiftly as it came. Bruised and hurting, he rises from his bed, brushing past Fat Nuggets, who offers silent comfort.

Seeking solace, Angel heads to the bar, grabbing a bottle and drowning his sorrows. But a movement catches his eye, drawing him down a darkened corridor. There, he finds Y/N, seated on the ground, their head banging against the wall in a desperate rhythm.

Angel Dust: "What are you doing up?"

Y/N: "Oh hey, Angel. I couldn't sleep again. I assume you too?"

Angel Dust: "You could say that. Want some?"

Angel offers some of the alcohol to Y/N, who declines.

Y/N: "No thanks, I'm good."

Angel Dust: "Your loss."

Angel finishes the bottle as he sits next to Y/N.

Angel Dust: "Mind if I join you?"

Y/N: "Not at all. It might actually be nice talking to someone, especially someone who isn't constantly positive and energetic."

Angel Dust: "Tell me about it. Charlie is something else."

Y/N: "Hahaha, yeah, but it's hard to hate her."

Angel Dust: "True that."

They both sit in a calming silence before Y/N breaks it.

Y/N: "Question, can I ask you for some advice?"

Angel Dust: "I'm probably not the best person for this, but sure, why the hell not? And maybe later I can ask you for some advice too."

Y/N: "Have you ever felt—"

A loud bang echoes through the halls, startling Y/N and Angel Dust. They quickly stand up, alarmed by the noise.

Angel Dust: "What was that?"

Y/N: "Don't know, but it came from over there."

They cautiously walk down the dark hall and find a slightly open door leading to a lit room. They exchange confused glances before deciding to investigate further. Peering through the crack of the door, they're surprised to see Sir Pentious hiding a camera in a bookshelf.

Enraged, Angel Dust bursts through the doors.

Angel Dust: "You slippery little shit! You're working for the Vees?"

Y/N: "So we have a snake among our ranks."

Y/N materializes a dagger, a bloodthirsty smile spreading across their face.

Y/N: "Let's skin him alive and display him for all to see. That should send a message!"

Angel Dust: "I knew there was something shitty about you."

Sir Pentious: "I don't know what you're talking about, whorebug!"

Angel Dust growls and pounces on Sir Pentious, unleashing a barrage of punches. They wrestle on the floor, each trying to gain the upper hand, while Y/N cheers Angel Dust on.

Y/N: "Aim for the head!"

Sir Pentious: "Get your aggressively average body off of me!"

Sir Pentious hypnotizes Angel Dust with his eyes, allowing him to slither away as Angel tries to recover. Suddenly, a sleepy Charlie and Vaggie in pajamas appear at the door, confused.

Charlie: *Yawn *"What's going on?"

Angel Dust: "This little bitch is a traitor!"

Sir Pentious: "Preposterous! You are my best friends!"

Sir Pentious hugs Charlie and Vaggie, but Angel reveals the camera in the bookshelf.

Angel Dust: "Explain this."

Panicked, Sir Pentious tries to flee.

Sir Pentious: "Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Sir Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!!"

Vox: "Pentious? Wait...you were caught?! HAHA! It hasn't even been a day!"

Sir Pentious: "Please, you've got to get me out of here!"

Vox: "I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favor, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure!"

Tears welling up, Sir Pentious lies defeated on the ground, resigned to his fate.

Sir Pentious: "Just make it quick. I guess I don't deserve any better."

Y/N: "Finally, I get to kill something!"

But before Y/N can act, Charlie intervenes.

Charlie: "Wait...Pentious?"

Y/N: "Aw, man."

Charlie extends a helping hand to Sir Pentious.

Charlie: It starts with sorry.

Y/N: "Oh, hell. I can't take another musical number!"

As Charlie's melodic voice fills the air, Y/N storms out, frustration etched on his face as he clutches his throbbing head.

Y/N: "What in God's name am I doing here?"

He strides through the dimly lit corridors until he stumbles upon Husk, diligently tending to the bar.

Y/N: "And what's got you lurking around here instead of cozying up in your room like the rest of them?"

Husk: "Ah, just tending to my little slice of infernal paradise. But what's got you storming around like a lost soul?"

Y/N: "You could say that. Turns out Charlie's serenading a snake in there, and not in the romantic way."

Husk chuckles knowingly.

Husk: "Ah, Sir Pentious. Not exactly the most trustworthy fellow, is he?"

Y/N: "Turns out he's been playing for the other team - the Vees, whoever they are."

Husk's eyes glint with intrigue.

Husk: "The Vees, you say? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while."

Y/N: "Well, they're causing enough trouble down here to make even the demons restless."

Husk motions to the barstools with a theatrical flourish.

Husk: "Come, have a seat. Let's drown those troubles in a little liquid comfort. How about a little taste of liberation?"

Y/N hesitates but eventually relents, sinking onto a stool with a heavy sigh.

Y/N: "I'm not much of a drinker, to be honest. Wine was about as adventurous as it got back in the mortal realm."

Husk: "Well, consider this your crash course in Hell's mixology. How about a kamikaze?"

Husk's grin widens he's eyes gleam with devilish delight as he begins to concoct a potent elixir. With practiced hands, Husk whips up a vibrant potion, the liquid swirling with a hypnotic allure he slides the glass towards Y/N.

Y/N eyes the concoction warily.

Y/N: "What's in this again?"

Husk: "Ah, my friend, down here, we turn despair into delight and agony into ecstasy. Trust me, it's a little slice of liquid heaven. Just give it a try."

With a nod, Y/N takes a tentative sip, the fiery liquid igniting a spark of defiance within his weary soul.

Y/N: "Well, I'll be damned. That's not half bad."

Husk chuckles, a sound like the crackling of embers in the hearth of the damned.

Husk: "See? Hell's got its perks."

As Y/N takes another sip, the tension of the evening begins to melt away, replaced by a warmth spreading through his veins. With a smirk, he leans back on his stool, ready to indulge

Y/N: "By the way, Husk, mind if I ask for some advice?"

Husk's gaze flickers with surprise, followed by a deep rumble of laughter that seems to resonate with the very essence of the infernal bar.

Husk: "You? Seeking advice from me? Well, color me intrigued."

Y/N: "Well, let's just say the options for stimulating conversation around here are a tad limited. Besides, in a place like this, I'll take wisdom wherever I can find it."

Husk chuckles, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

Husk: "Fair point. But just remember, there's a reason I'm serving drinks in hell. My advice might be bad."

Y/N: "I'll keep that in mind. So, here's the thing... I feel like a fish out of water in this place. Everyone else seems to have their purpose, their place, but I just feel... lost."

Husk: "That's a tough one, kid."

Husk takes a swig from his glass he leans in, his expression thoughtful, as if he's about to dispense the wisdom of the ages.

Husk: "Ah, the classic case of existential crisis. You feel like you're meant for something greater, somewhere else."

Y/N: "Exactly! It's like I'm trapped in someone else's story."

Husk: "Listen, Y/N. Life's like a cocktail. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's bitter. But it's always worth savoring."

Y/N: "So, what's the key

Husk: "The key? It's not about finding the perfect drink; it's about savoring every sip along the way. It's not about finding where you belong; it's about making wherever you are your own. Embrace the chaos, the unpredictability. That's where the real adventure lies."

Y/N: "Wow, that's... surprisingly profound."

Husk chuckles.

Husk: "Well, don't expect that from me too often. I'm just a washed-up bartender in Hell, after all."

Y/N: "You know, Hell is much different than I imagined. It has some really weird people in it."

Husk: "Oh, you have no idea, mate. Hell's like a twisted carnival, and we're the clowns."

Y/N: "Guess you're right, but I doubt I'll ever get used to it."

Husk: "Oh, you will. Before you know it, you'll be dancing with the demons and singing along to the screams."

Husk pours out two drinks and hands one to Y/N.

Y/N: "If you say so."

They both grab their glasses and clink them together, the sound echoing through the dimly lit room.

Y/N and Husk: "Cheers!"

They both down the drinks, the fiery liquid burning down their throats, and slam the empty glasses on the table, laughter bubbling up between them like sulfuric fumes.

Husk: "WELCOME TO HELL, MOTHER FUCKER!!! You and I are gonna have a lot of fun down here."

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