Fated [Nyx Archeron x OC]

By par13ker

4.4K 166 13

(This is a sequel to another fic of mine called Betrayed. You don't have to read it to understand, but I high... More



726 14 1
By par13ker

  Eudora trained to strengthen her body. To become someone that can defend against any enemy. It's a perk when her grandfather is the Commander of the Summer Court army. While her mother and father were busy, he was the one to watch over her. And as long as she can remember, Eudora was fascinated with the works of the camps.

How those looked to her with such kindness, but can turn someone on their back in an instant. Before she could walk, Eudora would be in the hands of her grandfather watching the soldiers throw punches. Not every parent is willing to expose their child to such a rough environment, but Eudora knew that behind every single man that threw a punch, is one that gives that best hugs.

So, once she started walking, she started peeking over the platforms where the fights were taking place. Waving at the soldiers with a little giggle and started to observe more than just watch.

And her passion grew further when Eudora started to see females training. Fae like her strengthening themselves.

It was when she turned nine when she became the one on the elevated platform practicing with her mother and father.

"Separate your feet.", her father, Lucien called from the sidelines. Eudora followed his instructions as she copied the position her mother was in.

Being the daughter of The Cauldrons Keeper comes with an unspoken responsibility. A part of the reason she wishes to go her strength is because she's seen her mother. How she holds the weight of life and death on her shoulders and still has enough time to fix her dinner. Tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight.

Even at a young age, Eudora has always taken moments to randomly thank her parents. Of course they continuously remind her that there is no need but she doesn't plan to stop.

"Like this?"Eudora looked between them both for reassurance. Some of her ginger hair whipping in her face, Her father nodded and her mother returned her a soft smile as she held up her palms covered in padded gloves.

"Exactly.", her mother hummed, that gentle voice just as soothing as it's always been, "Now when you punch, twist your wrist, remember how you give fist bumps to the other soldiers here?"

Eudora nodded her head with a bright smile.

"Good, now do that but with more force."

Eudora did as told. Her punch did little to make her mother flinch, but they praised her nonetheless. And she was reluctant to leave the platform. As the sun sat high in the sky, unmoving, Eudora hardly became bored of her repetitive routine.

Her mother and father switch positions, an hour with her mother being her punching bag, the next Lucien took spot.

It was the third switch when Lucien took off the pads.

"No, Father", Eudora pouted, tugging on the gloves, "One more please."

Lucien smiled and threw Eudora over her shoulder, her whines turned into giggles as he tickled her, "You need a break princess. We will return soon."

Eudora passed over the barrier of the platform to her mother. "Mother please..", she tried as she tugged at the hem of her shirt. She stared up at her with hazel eyes. An exact replica of inheritance from her mother. "You promised that you and father would spar."

Her mother sighed and started putting Eudora's hair into a neat ponytail. The prior one disheveled from the knock of her punches.

"Baby, I allowed you to skip lunch, but you need to eat.", her mother hummed, shooting a glance at Lucien with a humorous smile. Her father jumped over the barrier and stood beside her mother seemingly agreeing to the end of her training for the day.

Eudora crossed her arm, putting on another show, "Please.."she begged.

Her mother still held her own and shook her head, "Not right now... go on to the house we will meet you there." She took a damp rag and wiped the sweat from her flushed face. Eudora knew that it was final, but she didn't want to leave.

  Despite her parents being continuously active in her life, it's rare that they are together for a long period of time other than at night for dinner. They were both busy and this day is something she'd cherish and doesn't want to end so soon.

"How about this", her mother waved a hand, and Eudora looked up and saw that a distant cloud large enough to measure the span of the platform was approaching. Her eyes brightened at what that meant. When the cloud was close enough, she wasted no time to hop onto it.

She peered back at them with a giggle. Eudora was five when she first rode on a cloud, and the experience was like no other. Her mother was with her the first time and she's promised the next time, she'd be able to do it alone.

"Remember to stay in the middle ok? And if you need anything call Barachiel.", her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I see the Winter Court?"Eudora asked.

On her last venture floating across the sky, her mother took her to the Autumn Court for a visit to see her grandmother. Aware that the ability to see other courts was just within her reach.

Her mother sighed looking at her father. They silently exchanged a conversation as if debating the questions until her father gave a curt nod.

"As long as-."

"Barachiel?", Eudora's innocent voice called for the angel and within seconds a bright white light coated the immediate area.

His true form showed just before the cloud looking down at Eudora who only had a smile that could beat a thousand suns. Barachiel, despite his form hardly showcasing a face, she could easily see that look of annoyance.

Between being her guardian and babysitter, Barachiel has been the one who was there for her when her parents and grandfather weren't available.

And to say she's given him trouble is an understatement. Aside from Eudora being interested in becoming a trained soldier, she's an explorer. She had hardly any fear within her.

When left with Barachiel, she ventured from her home sitting on an island to the surrounding waters and did not hesitate to try and swim with no guidance. Just hopes and prayers.

Barachiel had to save her twice.

The second time, her powers manifested early while her mother and father were in a meeting and she burned her mothers garden. Barachiel was the one who had to fix it before she returned.

And just like her mother, Eudora is stubborn. She only hears what she wants to hear and it can be a blessing and a curse. She is determined and will not stop till she finishes a goal. Enough so that after almost drowning twice, she held no fear and went out the next day to practice

"We are going to the Winter Court.", Eudora beamed. Her hazel eyes glowed with anticipation and Barachiel knew that look was dangerous.

His angelic face twisted over to the Cauldron's Keeper, her mother, Sage Demaris.

"To the Winter Court and back for dinner, i'll let you know when it's ready.", her mother says innocently to the angel.

Eudora knew that her life wasn't like normal fae. Not everyone has a guardian angel, but she's humble. Her mother and father have made clear that not everyone is born into her case. But, that doesn't mean she wasn't going to use what she has.

"Alright princess, have fun..", her father wrapped a hand around her mothers waist and squeezed.

Eudora nodded and met her mothers gentle eyes and waved.

That's when the cloud lifted. If felt like flying, but no effort was needed on her end, Eudora peered over the edge and watched as her parents shrunk into ant sizes and while being so high would send some fae to passing out, the entire time she was laid out looking at the passing of the Summer Court terrain.

Eudora welcomed the sudden change of altitude causing her ears to stop up. She controlled her breathing to manage the thin air but that was an afterthought. As the green started to coat with a beautiful abundance of snow.

Her eyes scanned with complete awe at the scenery, her heart fluttering with just the joy of being able to do something like this. Half-way through the journey, she lifted herself to sit and let down her hair.

She sighed of relief as the temperature caused goosebumps to form on her skin and whip against her scalp. Her hair was long, touching her waist as her curly strands whipped about.

She looked behind her to see Barachiel trailing at a steady pace. She giggled at his straight face.

"You are always grumpy and lighten up.", she scooted forward to watch the dusted covered land come closer as her cloud descended easily.

Barachiel didn't do anything but that still didn't dampen her mood. Not when she was just seconds away from being able to touch snow. She wiped her nose, the cold making it run. The tips of her fingers were numb and when she finally experienced enough of the effects of the winter weather, she summoned a coat of her Autumn Court powers to form a layer of heat under her skin, impenetrable by the cold.

Where the cloud hovered, it was a small patch of grass, lightly dusted by the snow near a village. She thanked the cloud and hopped off, her boots sinking into the freshly fallen snow. Her eyes wandered, a smile never leaving her face as she took in the structures of the upcoming town. Her hair waved around with just as much excitement, as if it was too wanting to get a look at everything.

She took a ball of snow and balled it in her fist, just to crumble it down at her feet. Snow was fragile, she found out. But some of it, she discovered as she ventured to a frozen river, was hard.

Without looking back or checking for permission, Eudora got on her hands and knees and knocked on the frozen ice. She then pushed on it with her palms.

Seems safe.

Standing back up, Eudora placed one foot on the frozen river, and then another. She stood in place with a giddy leap of her heart, testing out the stability.

It took her no more than a second for her hesitant to wash away as she took another step. Which ended up with her boot falling in her thankfully shallow part of the river and filling up with ice cold water.

She screamed, and pulled it out backing up as the cracks from the spot that sunk followed her all the way to the end. She slipped and fell on her butt quickly taking off her boot and dumping the water out before her. It's not that she can feel how cold the water truly is, more than now her socks were soaked.

"Why didn't you tell me?", she says softly putting back on the shoe.

Barahciel appeared before her and hovered over the spot that she broke into the river, "I did, you ignored me."

Right, sometimes Eudora has the tendency to block Barachiel out. Something she started to do the first time he warned her about the dangers of the sea. As much as he likes to inform herself on everything and anything. She doesn't like being held back.

"Right..', Eudora mumbled under her breath and shivered from the uncomfortable feeling of the wet sock. But that incident didn't slow her down, getting right back up Eudora followed the sound of the nearby town.

Of course her prominent Autumn court features stood out against the mass of Winter Court individuals but she smiled and nodded at them not thinking twice. There was a vendor out selling fruit and her stomach rumbled.

She approached the merchant and smiled, "Hello..", she peeked over the counter at the array of fruit options, eyes landing on the apple.

Her mother grows them fresh in the garden near her house so it's almost daily she'd pick an apple from it.

The merchant instantly caught the contagious smile, "Why hello ... What can I get you?"

"An apple please.", she pointed to the exact one that's reflecting the snow that fell behind her. As they exchanged the trade, Eudora looked around her seeing the strange bustle of fae.

In the towns of the Summer Court, never did the towns have this many people at once. Except for one day of the year.

Taking a bite of the apple, Eudora just observed the hustle, looking every which way at the array of fae with one word circulating the air.


Summer Solstice in the Summer Court is exhilarating. Although neither of her parents are technically born to the court, she loves getting together with her parents, her grandfather, and the High Lord. It's a feast where she can do what she loves; talk to people. Interact and just exchange stories and gifts.

The bracelet dangling from Eudora's wrist is one she got on her first solstice. And every year, her mother adds a charm.

When she rounded the corner, following the dense crowd, the soft melody of music blared beautifully in the distance. Instinct pushed her through the rough wave of people, her apple half gone by the time the music became a loud melody. Equally mesmerizing.

  For a nine year old, Eudora knew she was on the shorter side. Her friends have commented on her height on multiple occasions, and it doesn't help that her hair nearly passed her waist. It makes her feel shorter.

But that's another reason she plans to build her strength and fear nothing. Explore and open herself to a world and hopefully the world that has had a history of being harsh and unforgiving will accept her with open arms.

As Eudora finally reached the head of the crowd she saw something opposite to what she expected. The sound of the music was mature. As if the Fae behind the intricate strings were masters that spent their entire life practicing.

Instead, they looked no older than her.

Eudora's eyes sparked with life looking at the male on the lyre. She had no clue who he was, but she did take appreciation in the amazing talent. Another male had a fiddle and was sitting on the side as if waiting for his turn.

Everyone stood around quietly but in awe. Eudora took another bite of her apple as the boy behind it met her eyes.

He had striking blue eyes with white eyelashes and hair  like her mothers. He smiled as Eudora did and went back to playing.

She stayed for the entire performance. Even when the second boy stepped up and played another melody on the harp.

As everyone was tossing coins into the can before the two, Eudora waited for her turn being one of the last.

She approached the boys, "Y'all were amazing.", she said, dropping a couple of silver coins into the half filled bucket.

"Thanks.", the boy behind the lyre chimed. Since Eudora was the last to offer he picked up the bucket and put it on a small wagon where their instruments laid. He turned back, "You from the Autumn Court?"

Eudora shook her head, "Summer.", she held out her hand, "Eudora."

The little boy scrunched his eyebrows at the formality but went along shaking her hand, "Silas... and this-.", he pointed to the boy beside him leaning up against the wagon. He looked just a couple of years older but a little more stoic and tense. "My brother Orestes."

Eudora took the social cue and didn't offer her hand to Orestes but did give a polite nod.

"Who taught y'all how to do that?", she pointed to the stack of instruments.

Silas smiled, his white teeth almost matching that of his pale skin. Snow started falling around them and Eudora didn't miss him once over from the lack of warm clothes. "Our father, he usually plays with us but got caught up at his shop today. But you should check us out later. Solstice is our busiest day."

"Silas...", his brother hissed from his position on the wagon and stood straight. Eudora look up at the male and although his voice clearly held some warning making Silas shut his mouth she still glanced between the two.

"I'd like to... would it be here?", she gestured to the area. She scanned around to remember her surroundings  so when she returns, she knows where to go.

Eudora gazed at them waiting for an answer that took oddly long. The brothers shared a look, Silas clearly having no say in the matter.

Orestes, holding the same features as his brother, just with longer white hair shook his head, "Sorry it's private we can't share the location."

Eudora's eyes widened just a little, "Why?"

"Because we've been told to keep it to ourselves. Now if you'll excuse us...", the oldest turned on his footing and wasted no time lifted the handle on the wagon and started pulling. The instruments clattered against each other as he left them in their wake. Eudora bit her bottom lip furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as they walked off.

But it was Silas who peeked over his shoulder and gave an apologetic look.


He mouthed and continued on. Eudora was left unsatisfied with the answer.

And the bad thing about being stubborn, is that Eudora will get her way. And if it's not offered to her, she makes it out herself.

"Barachiel?", she calls,  a second later the angel himself appears beside her, too watching the boys walk off. It's not that she wanted to see them that bad, it's that she wanted to know what's so private about this Solstice performance. If anything, Solstice is about giving and sharing.

It's not in spirit to limit her from their performance.

"Where are they performing?"

Barachiel can't lie. And Eudora knows that she can ask a question and he will give her nothing further from the truth. Usually she doesn't abuse this but something about her curiosity goes beyond wanting to see the performance, or just the location in general. It feels like she's missing something and it revolves around the itch of knowing the location.

"Velaris.", Barachiel's angelic voice mused, "A city within the Night Court."

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