Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

374K 8.4K 781

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.2K 29 3
By tonysnarky

Three weeks had passed since the birth of Hugo Verstappen, and life back in Monaco was beginning to find its familiar rhythm for Charles and Alexandra. Amidst the joy of welcoming their godson into the world, they found themselves back at the racetrack, this time not as competitors, but as proud spectators.

Theo was making his debut in the world of karting, and Charles and Alexandra couldn't have been more excited. Standing alongside James and Eleanor, their eyes were fixed on the track where Theo's little red bull sponsored kart zipped around the corners with remarkable speed and precision.

"He's doing brilliantly," Alexandra whispered, her voice tinged with pride as she watched Theo navigate the track with skill beyond his years.

Charles nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "He's a natural talent," he said, his gaze never leaving the track. He sent a loving glance toward his wife. "Just like his Aunt."

Lewis, who had joined them at the racetrack, cheered alongside them, his heart swelling with pride as he watched his nephew tear up the track. "Go on, Theo!" he shouted, his voice ringing out over the roar of the engines.

As they watched Theo race, his determination and passion evident at every turn, Charles and Alexandra couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over them. It seemed like only yesterday that they were the ones out on the track, chasing their dreams and pushing the limits of what they thought was possible.

But now, as they stood on the sidelines, cheering Theo on as he chased his own dreams, they realized that their own journey was far from over. 

As Theo's kart continued to race around the track, Alexandra's excitement bubbled over, her eyes shining with anticipation as she turned to her friends. "Guys, if Theo gets a podium today, he'll win the championship!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pride.

Charles watched Theo's kart with a sense of admiration, the familiar number 16 in red letters standing out against the backdrop of the track. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride knowing that Theo had taken inspiration from Alexandra's F1 car for his livery, choosing to race under his number as a tribute to his uncle's legacy.

But as they cheered on Theo, their attention was suddenly drawn to a familiar figure making her way towards them. With a gasp, Alexandra quickly recognized her surrogate, Kate, who was heavily pregnant and due any day. They had pleaded with Kate to take it easy, but apparently, the determined woman hadn't listened.

Rushing to Kate's side, Alexandra offered her a reassuring smile, her concern evident in her eyes as she helped her join the group. Commandeering a nearby stool for Kate to sit on, Alexandra couldn't help but scold her gently. "Kate, what are you doing here? You should be resting!"

Charles echoed her concern, his brow furrowed with worry. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Kate grinned, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I couldn't miss watching Theo become a champion," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement.

The group shared a collective smile at Kate's words, their hearts warmed by her unwavering support for Theo. As they watched, Lewis quietly made his way towards Kate, checking on her well-being with a sense of quiet concern. James and Alexandra exchanged a raised eyebrow at the gesture, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond between them.

As Lewis and Kate continued to exchange whispers, their heads close together in conversation, Charles and Alexandra couldn't help but notice the growing camaraderie between the two. They had observed Lewis spending more time with Kate lately, and while they had no reason to be concerned, it piqued their curiosity.

Turning their attention back to the track, the sound of the roaring engines filled the air once more, Theo's kart darting around the corners with precision. Charles felt a swell of pride in his nephew's performance, his eyes never leaving the track as he cheered Theo on alongside his friends.

Meanwhile, James nudged Alexandra playfully, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Remember when you used to watch me and Lewis race when you were a kid?" he teased, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Alexandra rolled her eyes, a playful grin spreading across her face. "Of course, I remember," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "But let's be real, James. If Dad had let me behind the wheel, I would've smoked both of you."

James chuckled, his laughter blending with the sound of the engines as they watched Theo continue to race. "I don't doubt it for a second," he said, his voice filled with pride for his little sister.

As they bantered back and forth, the tension of the day melted away, replaced by the easy camaraderie that had always defined their relationship. And as they watched Theo's kart zip around the track, their hearts filled with a sense of joy and pride for the next generation of racers in their midst.

As Theo approached the final lap of the race, the tension in the air was palpable. He was in fourth place, but as he navigated the final corners of the track, the group watched with bated breath, their hearts pounding in their chests.

"Come on, Teddy!" Charles shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the track.

Alexandra, James, Eleanor, and Lewis joined in, their voices blending together in a chorus of support. Nearby parents and onlookers stared at them incredulously, their eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of three world champion F1 drivers, all screaming at the top of their lungs for a six-year-old racer.

But the group paid no attention to the stares, their focus solely on Theo as he approached the final corner. As he rounded the bend, the cars in second and third place were neck and neck, battling fiercely for position.

Drawing on a trick she had been known for during her own racing days, Alexandra had taught Theo to always keep an eye out for opportunities, no matter how small. And as he spotted a tiny gap opening up between the two cars, he seized the moment without hesitation.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Theo maneuvered his kart into the gap, slipping into second place with a move that left the onlookers gasping in awe. He narrowly missed colliding with the other cars, his skill and precision evident in every move.

As Theo crossed the finish line, the cheers of the crowd erupted into a deafening roar. Charles swept Alexandra into the air, both of them cheering and calling out for their victorious nephew. Alexandra's cheeks were wet with tears, her eyes shining with unbridled joy as she watched Theo's triumphant moment unfold.

Amid their celebration, James and Eleanor had left the group, racing towards the track to embrace their son. Charles and Alexandra watched with pride as their friends rejoiced in Theo's victory, their hearts swelling with love for the young racer who had captured their hearts.

Meanwhile, Lewis and Kate were locked in an embrace, their cheers mingling with the cacophony of sound around them. Lewis glanced towards Alexandra and noticed her tears, his brow furrowing in concern.

"You okay, Al?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Charles grinned mischievously as he wrapped an arm around his wife. "Oh, she's just been a bit emotional lately," he teased, a playful twinkle in his eye. "Ever since our wedding, she cries at everything."

Kate smirked to herself at Charles' comment, but said nothing as she continued to cheer for Theo. Alexandra sniffled, her tears flowing freely as she leaned into Charles' embrace.

"I'm just so happy," she sobbed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't help it."

As Theo stood proudly on the podium, receiving his trophy and being named as the junior champion, the pride radiating from him was palpable. Charles and Alexandra stood side by side, their hearts swelling with joy as they watched their nephew's triumphant moment unfold.

But as Alexandra sobbed tears of joy, hugging her sister-in-law Eleanor tightly, it was clear that the emotions of the day had gotten the best of them. Both women were crying tears of happiness, their voices joining in the chorus of cheers for Theo as he stood tall on the podium.

James and Charles exchanged amused glances, sharing a laugh at the sight of their wives in tears. It was a familiar scene, one that never failed to bring a smile to their faces. But in that moment, as they watched Theo's beaming smile and heard his infectious laughter, they knew that it was all worth it.

As Theo ran from the podium and into James' waiting arms, the group couldn't help but swarm around him, enveloping him in a flurry of hugs and congratulations. The air was filled with laughter and joy, the bonds of friendship and family stronger than ever as they celebrated Theo's incredible achievement together.

Theo wrapped his arms around Alexandra and Charles, the exhilaration of his victory radiated from him like a beacon of triumph. His face was alight with joy, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of his achievement. And as he embraced his aunt and uncle, a sense of pride swelled within him, knowing that he had made them proud.

"I did it! I won!" Theo exclaimed, his voice echoing with excitement, his words punctuated by the rush of adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

Tears continued to stream down Alexandra's cheeks as she hugged her nephew tightly, her heart overflowing with pride and love. 

"We're so proud of you, Teddy," Alexandra whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. 

Charles ruffled Theo's hair affectionately, a proud smile spreading across his face. "You did amazing out there, champ," he said, his voice filled with admiration. 

Theo beamed up at them, his eyes shining with determination. "See, I told you I was going to be like you guys!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence.

As the group celebrated Theo's victory, Lewis and Kate approached, their faces beaming with pride and excitement. They congratulated Theo warmly, their joy mirroring that of the rest of the group. And then, as Kate turned her attention to Alexandra and Charles, a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes.

Placing their hands on her stomach, Kate smiled knowingly as she felt the gentle flutter of movement beneath her touch. "Looks like your little one is just as excited as we are," she remarked, her voice filled with affection.

Alexandra and Charles exchanged a surprised glance, their hearts skipping a beat at the unexpected revelation. It was a moment of pure joy, a glimpse into the future that awaited them—a future filled with love, laughter, and the unbreakable bonds of family.

At that moment, as they stood together in the glow of Theo's victory, surrounded by the love and support of their friends and family, Alexandra and Charles knew that their lives were about to change in ways they could never have imagined. And as they looked towards the future with hopeful hearts, they were filled with a sense of gratitude for the precious moments like these, moments that would shape their lives forever.



Four days had passed since Theo's triumphant victory on the racetrack, but for Alexandra, the days had been marked by a persistent sense of illness. She had been feeling queasy for the past few days, and each morning seemed to bring with it a wave of nausea that left her feeling weak and exhausted.

Charles watched with growing concern as Alexandra stumbled into the bathroom once again, her face pale and drawn with discomfort. He could hear the sounds of her retching echoing through the quiet of the morning, a stark reminder of her ongoing struggle with nausea.

Rushing to her side, Charles knelt beside her, holding back her hair and rubbing soothing circles on her back as she emptied her stomach once more. His heart ached to see her in such distress, his worry mounting with each passing day.

"Are you okay, Amour?" Charles asked, his voice filled with concern as he gently wiped the sweat from her brow.

Alexandra shook her head weakly, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to regain her composure. "I don't know what's wrong," she murmured, her voice trembling with exhaustion. "I just feel so sick all the time."

Charles felt a pang of worry shoot through him at her words. He had never seen Alexandra like this before, and the sight of her in such distress filled him with a sense of helplessness. All he wanted was to make her feel better, to take away her pain and discomfort.

As Alexandra leaned heavily against him, her body wracked with another wave of nausea, Charles wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he whispered words of comfort and reassurance. He knew that he couldn't take away her illness, but he could be there for her, offering her the love and support she needed in this moment of vulnerability.

As Charles held Alexandra close, his mind raced with worry and confusion. He tried to think of what could be causing her sudden illness, questioning her about where she had been and what she had eaten in the past few days. But with each reason they explored, they still couldn't find the answer.

Suddenly, Alexandra's face paled, and she turned to Charles with a look of worry in her eyes. His heart skipped a beat as he saw the fear etched on her face, his own panic rising in response.

"What's wrong, Lexi? What's happening?" Charles asked urgently, his voice tinged with concern.

Alexandra took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she reached out to grasp Charles' hand. "My period is late," she confessed quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Charles felt his mouth fall open in shock at her words, his mind reeling with disbelief. "Late? How late?" he asked, his voice betraying his confusion.

Alexandra swallowed hard, her eyes brimming with tears as she explained, "I-I hadn't realized because of all the traveling and everything that's been happening, but I'm over a month late for my period."

Charles felt a wave of disbelief wash over him at her revelation. It was like a bolt out of the blue, completely unexpected and utterly bewildering. He couldn't wrap his head around the possibility that Alexandra might be pregnant.

As he looked into her eyes, seeing the fear and uncertainty reflected in them, Charles knew that they needed to get answers. But in that moment, all he could do was hold Alexandra close, his mind racing with a million thoughts and questions, each one more urgent than the last.

As Alexandra spoke, her voice trembling with uncertainty, Charles felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him. He knew that they were facing a pivotal moment in their lives, one that would change everything. But more than anything, he wanted Alexandra to know that she wasn't alone, that they were in this together, no matter what the outcome.

Taking a deep breath, Alexandra asked Charles to retrieve a pregnancy test from a bag of toiletries under her sink. With a shaky hand, Charles handed it to her, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched her stare at the box in shock and confusion.

As Alexandra began to voice her fears and concerns, Charles listened attentively, his heart breaking at the thought of her facing this uncertainty alone. But before she could finish her sentence, he reached out and took her hand in his, his touch a reassuring anchor in the storm of emotions swirling around them.

"Ally, whatever happens, we'll face it together," Charles said softly, his voice filled with conviction. "If the test is positive, it's your choice what we do next. But just know that I'll be right by your side, every step of the way."

As they sat together in the quiet of the bathroom, Charles and Alexandra found themselves discussing the past—a year ago, they had almost split up, torn apart by the weight of their conflicting desires and fears. Alexandra had been certain she didn't want to carry a child, and Charles had struggled to accept that reality. But after her accident, everything had changed. The fear she had once held about the prospect of motherhood suddenly didn't seem so daunting anymore.

Charles held Alexandra in his arms, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the woman he cherished above all else. "No matter what happens, Amour, I love you," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering devotion. "And I promise you, we'll figure this out together."

An hour later, as they sat on the bathroom floor, Charles and Alexandra held each other close, their hearts pounding in their chests as they watched the pregnancy test with bated breath. The digital screen flashed a timer, each second ticking by like an eternity, deciding their fate with each passing moment.

Secretly, Charles found himself praying for a positive result, his mind filled with visions of the future they could have together. He imagined raising their babies side by side, just nine months apart in age—an unconventional arrangement, but one that felt perfect in his heart.

Alexandra, on the other hand, was still lost in a whirlwind of uncertainty. She didn't know what to think, her mind spinning with a million questions and fears. The prospect of motherhood had always seemed daunting to her, and now, faced with the possibility of carrying a child, she felt a mix of emotions that she couldn't quite put into words.

As the timer on the test reached its conclusion, the bathroom fell silent, the air thick with anticipation. Charles and Alexandra held their breath, their eyes locked on the digital screen, waiting for the moment of truth.

And then, as the results appeared, the couple froze, their hearts skipping a beat in unison. It was positive.

A wave of disbelief washed over them, followed by a surge of overwhelming emotion. Alexandra felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. Charles pulled her into his arms, holding her close as they let the reality of the moment sink in.

As the reality of the positive pregnancy test sank in, Charles watched his wife's reaction with bated breath, unsure of how she would take the news. Alexandra's face was a mix of emotions—tears glistened in her eyes, her hand gently cradling her stomach as if to protect the tiny life growing within.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder and disbelief as she looked up at Charles.

A warm smile spread across Charles' face as he reached out to brush away her tears, his heart overflowing with love for the woman who held his world in her hands. But even as joy threatened to overwhelm him, he couldn't shake the lingering fear that Alexandra might still harbor doubts about carrying a child.

To his shock, however, Alexandra reached out and grasped his hand gently, placing it on her stomach as she spoke again, her voice steady and sure this time.

"We're having another baby," she said, her words filled with a quiet resolve that took Charles by surprise.

A surge of emotion washed over him at her words, his heart swelling with a mixture of joy and disbelief. He couldn't believe that this was happening—that they were going to have another child together. It was a dream come true, one that he had scarcely dared to hope for.

As he felt the gentle flutter of movement beneath his hand, Charles looked into Alexandra's eyes, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the woman who had given him everything he had ever wanted.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice filled with awe and wonder. "And I can't wait to meet our baby."

As they sat together on the bathroom floor, Charles and Alexandra shared a sweet, tender moment of realization. They were about to embark on the journey of parenthood for the second time, their hearts filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

The realization dawned on Alexandra that she wouldn't be returning to racing next season—a thought that sent a pang of disappointment through her heart. Racing had been her passion for so long, but now, as she cradled the tiny life growing within her, she knew that her priorities had shifted.

Her heart dropped at the thought of leaving behind the adrenaline rush of the racetrack, but as she glanced at Charles, she couldn't help but smile. Racing would always be waiting for her, she realized, but right now, her focus was on building a family with the man she loved.

Charles too was silently concerned, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges they would face with a newborn and a heavily pregnant wife. The prospect of juggling his demanding career with the responsibilities of fatherhood weighed heavily on his mind, but as he looked into Alexandra's eyes, he knew that they would face whatever came their way together.

"We're going to have our hands full, aren't we?" Charles mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Alexandra nodded, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood by her side through it all. "It takes a village," she said softly, her words carrying a note of reassurance.

Charles smiled at her, his heart full to bursting with gratitude for the love and support they shared. Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss to her lips, his love for her shining brightly in his eyes.

"Good thing we've got the biggest village of them all," he murmured against her lips, his voice filled with conviction.

In that moment, as they held each other close, Charles and Alexandra knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a team. And as they looked towards the future with hope and excitement, they knew that their love would carry them through whatever came their way.



Two days had passed since the life-changing moment in the bathroom, but Alexandra and Charles had kept their news tightly under wraps, savoring the intimacy of their shared secret. As they stood together in the kitchen of their home, the air was filled with an unspoken excitement, a palpable sense of anticipation that tingled in the air like electricity.

Ally and Lewis were busy chopping vegetables, their laughter filling the room as they prepared a salad together. The sound of their voices mingled with the gentle hum of the piano, where Charles sat, lost in the melody of a new song he had been working on.

Kate sat perched on the armchair nearby, her eyes fixed on Charles as he played, a soft smile playing on her lips. She had always been a quiet observer, content to listen and observe as the world unfolded around her.

As Kate continued to watch Charles play, Alexandra couldn't help but notice Lewis's seemingly blissful expression. She nudged him playfully, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and whispered, "What's got you all smiley?"

Lewis tried to shrug it off casually, but Alexandra persisted, leaning in closer and whispering, "Is it Kate?"

Lewis's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment, and he looked away sheepishly. Ally couldn't help but chuckle, teasing her friend gently. "Looks like someone's fallen in love with the surrogate," she quipped, a playful grin on her face.

As Alexandra popped a slice of cucumber into her mouth, Lewis took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before responding. "We're just getting to know each other," he explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Nothing serious... yet."

Alexandra nodded understandingly, her curiosity piqued. "What happened between you and Florence?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Lewis shrugged nonchalantly, his expression somber. "We were only ever friends with benefits," he admitted. "But after Las Vegas, I realized that Florence is in love with Daniel."

As Alexandra took another bite of cucumber, she couldn't help but reflect on the years she had spent watching Florence and Daniel dance around their feelings for each other. "I've waited years for Florence and Daniel to realize their feelings," she admitted with a wistful smile, "but I'm sorry you got caught in the middle, Lewis."

Lewis shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face. "It's okay, Ally," he replied, his tone light. "I'll survive."

As Alexandra reached for another slice of cucumber, Lewis's eyebrow shot up in amusement. "Something wrong?" she asked innocently, but Lewis saw right through her facade.

"I've known you for 28 years, Ally," he said with a smirk. "You hate cucumber."

Alexandra's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, caught in her lie. She quickly made an excuse about trying to eat healthier, but Lewis didn't buy it. He knew her too well.

"Al, are you-,"

Before Lewis could tease her further, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of rushing water and a yelp of surprise from Kate. Their surrogate was standing in the middle of the room, a look of panic on her face as water pooled at her feet. It took only a moment for the reality of the situation to sink in—Kate's waters had broken, and she was in labor.

Panic and excitement mingled in the air as Charles rushed to Kate's side, his voice calm and reassuring as he guided her to sit down on the nearest chair. Alexandra quickly sprang into action, grabbing a towel to help mop up the water and offering words of encouragement to her friend.

Lewis paced nervously, his hands running through his hair as he tried to process the sudden turn of events. "What do we do?" he asked, his voice filled with urgency.

Charles took charge, his years of racing experience kicking in as he calmly instructed Lewis to gather Kate's hospital bag and any other essentials they might need. Alexandra dialed the hospital, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins, as she explained the situation to the nurse on the other end of the line.

As they rushed to the car, adrenaline coursing through their veins, Alexandra quickly unlocked one of her Porsches and they all piled in. Without hesitation, she took the driver's seat, her hands gripping the steering wheel with determination as she prepared to navigate the streets of Monaco with speed and precision.

With Charles in the passenger seat, offering words of encouragement to Kate, and Lewis holding her hand tightly in the back, they sped off towards the hospital. The urgency of the situation hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as they raced through the streets.

As Kate fought through the waves of contractions, her face contorted in pain, Alexandra drove like a woman possessed, weaving in and out of traffic with expert precision. Every second felt like an eternity as they raced against time to reach the hospital before it was too late.

Despite the chaos and fear that threatened to overwhelm them, there was a sense of unity and solidarity among the group, a shared determination to see Kate through this ordeal safely. As they hurtled towards the hospital, their hearts pounded with a mixture of fear and hope, praying silently for a safe delivery.

In the backseat, Lewis held Kate's hand tightly, offering words of comfort and reassurance as she battled through the pain. His heart ached to see her in such agony, but he knew that they were all in this together, united by their love and support for one another.

As Charles and Alexandra entered the delivery room with Kate, their hearts filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. They stood on either side of the bed, each holding one of Kate's trembling hands in their own, offering words of encouragement and support as she bravely faced the challenges of childbirth.

The room was filled with the steady rhythm of Kate's contractions, each one bringing her closer to the moment they had all been waiting for. Charles and Alexandra stayed by her side, their presence a steady anchor in the storm of pain and uncertainty.

As the contractions grew stronger and more frequent, the midwife gently informed Kate that it was time to push. With Charles and Alexandra by her side, she summoned all her strength and determination, channeling every ounce of energy into bringing her baby into the world.

With each push, the room filled with the sound of Kate's exertion, her cries mingling with the encouraging words of Charles and Alexandra. Time seemed to stand still as they waited with bated breath, their hearts pounding in unison with Kate's efforts.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, the moment they had all been waiting for arrived. With one final push, Kate gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy, his cries filling the room with the sweet sound of new life.

Tears welled up in Charles and Alexandra's eyes as they looked down at the tiny bundle in Kate's arms, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. In that moment, as they welcomed the newest member of their extended family into the world, they knew that their lives would never be the same again.

As they basked in the glow of this precious moment, Charles and Alexandra exchanged a glance filled with silent understanding and gratitude. Together, they had witnessed the miracle of birth, and their hearts were filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and wonder at the miracle of life. And as they looked down at the tiny newborn cradled in Kate's arms, they knew that their journey was just beginning.

As Kate passed the newborn baby boy to Alexandra, the new mother's eyes filled with tears of overwhelming joy. With trembling hands, Alexandra cradled her son to her chest, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude. "Hold your baby boy," Kate whispered softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Charles watched in awe as Alexandra embraced their son for the first time, a smile of pure bliss lighting up her face. He joined her side, his own eyes brimming with tears as he gazed down at the tiny miracle in their arms.

As Alexandra held their son close, her heart filled with an indescribable sense of wonder and awe. This beautiful, perfect little boy was theirs—a living testament to their love and the incredible journey they had been on together.

In that moment, as the weight of parenthood settled over them, Alexandra felt a surge of overwhelming gratitude towards Kate. Through her selflessness and generosity, Kate had made their dreams of becoming parents a reality, and for that, Alexandra would be forever grateful.

Tears streamed down Alexandra's cheeks as she turned to Kate, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you," she whispered, her words filled with sincerity. "Thank you for everything you've done for us."

Kate smiled happily, her eyes shining with tears of her own. "There's no other couple more deserving of a child than you and Charles," she said, her voice filled with love and admiration. "I guess that's why God's giving you two."

The words hung in the air, filling the room with a sense of awe and wonder. Alexandra and Charles exchanged a glance, their hearts filled with shock and disbelief. What did Kate mean by "two"?

With a knowing smile, Kate revealed the truth—she had suspected Alexandra's pregnancy after their wedding in Vegas. The signs had been there, subtle hints that Alexandra herself had been unaware of. But now, as they held their newborn son in their arms, everything seemed to fall into place.

In that moment, as they gazed down at their son with tears of joy streaming down their cheeks, Charles and Alexandra knew that their family was complete. And as they looked towards the future with hope and excitement, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.


❤️Liked by JamesJenkins, CharlesLeclerc, FlorencePugh and 9.2m others

@LexiLeclerc:   Introducing our little miracle, Archie Maximillian Leclerc! 💙 Our hearts are bursting with love for this precious boy, who has already brought so much joy into our lives. We are eternally grateful to our amazing surrogate, Kate, for her selflessness and generosity. Not only has she helped us fulfill our dreams of parenthood, but she has become an integral part of our family. We are beyond blessed and filled with gratitude for this beautiful gift. Welcome to the world, Archie! 🌟



- CharlesLeclerc: Yep  

MaxVerstappen: I can't wait to meet my namesake. 

- KellyPiquet: Our boys are going to be the best of friends!

LandoNorris: When are you adopting me? 

- LexiLeclerc: Never

LewisHamilton: My beautiful Godson ❤️ 



Racing Stars Welcome New Addition to the Family

Amidst the whirlwind of the racing world, Formula 1 power couple Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Leclerc (formerly known as Alexandra Heroux) have joyously welcomed their newest addition to the family, a baby boy named Archie Maximillian Leclerc. Born just over a month ago, little Archie has already captured the hearts of his proud parents and fans around the world.

In the wake of Archie's arrival, both Charles and Alexandra have made the heartfelt decision to take an additional year-long hiatus from the high-speed world of Formula 1, opting instead to prioritize their family and the precious moments with their newborn son. While their absence may be felt on the track, their unwavering commitment to their family is paramount, and fans eagerly anticipate their return in the 2027 season.

In their absence, the F1 community has seen some unexpected shifts in the driver lineup. Former world champion Sebastian Vettel is making a triumphant return to Red Bull Racing, rekindling his partnership with the team that saw him achieve numerous victories and championships in the past. Additionally, Lewis Hamilton, a legend in his own right, has stepped up to cover Charles Leclerc's seat at Ferrari, bringing his unparalleled talent and experience to the iconic Italian team.

Meanwhile, in a surprising turn of events, retired F1 champion Nico Rosberg has announced his comeback to the sport, joining Mercedes AMG Petronas to fill the vacancy left by Hamilton's departure. Rosberg's return has sparked excitement and speculation among fans, eager to see how the former champion will fare against the current crop of drivers.

As the F1 world adjusts to these changes, the Leclerc family is reveling in the joy of parenthood, cherishing every moment with their precious son. With Archie's arrival, the Leclercs are embarking on a new chapter filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless adventures ahead.

The entire racing community extends their warmest congratulations to Charles and Alexandra on the birth of their son, Archie Maximillian Leclerc, and wishes them nothing but happiness and success as they embrace this new journey as a family.

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