Always and Forever, Angel

By Sienna131003

113 0 9

Ivory Tomlinson's life changes when she is offered a place in her brother's band, One Direction. She has alwa... More

Info about the story
The Dinner
Making It Official
The Arguments
The First Date
Author's Note
The Audition
The Fall Out
The Online Announcement
The Surprise
Making Up
Growing Closer
The First Flight
The First Day in San Diego

The First Look

13 0 2
By Sienna131003


"Ok, thank you, have a nice day!" I say to my last customer of the day as my shift ends. I untie my apron and hang it up in the room at the back. I said goodbye to my colleagues and go to unlock my car. As I get in, I hear my phone ring. 

*Tigs 💗💗 is calling*

It was my best friend since I was born. I answer with a smile on my face. 

"Heyyyyyy girlll!" A screaming voice is heard from down the phone. I love this girl so much.

"Heyyyy! What's up!?"

"Nothing much... wanna hang out later?"

"Sure! You know what to bring!"  

I hung up and had a karaoke session in my car as I drove home to my apartment. I don't know why but today I was in such a happy mood. However, that mood instantly deflated when I got to my apartment and saw a flyer:

*Unfortunately these apartments are being knocked down due to a new compound being built. We regret to inform you that you have a week to move out*

"What the fuck!" I scream out. How can they do this with such little notice?! I open the door with full force and drop down onto the sofa. I love this apartment so much. I start to cry and then I hear my phone ring again. 

*Brother 🙄 is calling* 

I hold back my tears as I answer.


"Hey sis! Wait are you ok?"

"Yes. Maybe. No, I'm not my apartment is getting knocked down and I have to find a place to go in a week!"

"What the fuck! Can they even do that?"

"Apparently so! What am I gonna do?"

"Hey, it's ok don't worry. I have an idea! Come and move in with us! It will be great, we are back from tour for a few weeks. And then you can travel with us! I mean I will ask the boys first but I'm sure it will be fine!"

Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention that my brother was THE Louis Tomlinson? Yep, the one who is part of One Direction. Anyway...

"Really? That would be great! Thank you so much!"

"No problem sis! I got to go but I'll call you later ok?"

"Ok! Love you!"

I hung up and then I changed into some grey joggers, a grey hoodie and my slippers. Teagan agreed to come over at 6:00 and it was now 4. I washed my face from all the crying and went into the living room. I turned on the TV and started to watch Netflix. At around 5:30 I got a text from Louis.

Brother  🙄: Hey sis, I checked with the boys and it's all good! Wanna start moving things in tomorrow?

You: Yeah that sounds great! Honestly thank you so much for doing  this, it means a lot. Are you sure the boys are good with it?

Brother 🙄: Yes I'm sure! They are all really excited to see you! Especially Niall haha

You: Ok thank you! I'll see you tomorrow x

Me and Niall have been best friends ever since One Direction got together. We have so much in common that we got along as soon as we were introduced. We both love food, Nando's especially. I get along well with all the boys because I have lots in common with all of them. But one of them in particular was my favourite - Mr Harry Styles. I have had this crush on him ever since the X Factor days. His green eyes, curly hair and gorgeous dimples. No one else knows about this crush apart from Niall and Sophie. Living with Harry and trying to keep my crush quiet was gonna be difficult.

I then heard a knock at the door and when I opened it I was met with the face of my best friend. She has long brown hair, hazel eyes and she is sort of the same height as me. 


"Hey Tigs! Come in!" 

She comes in and we instantly make a comfortable space in front of the TV. Me and Teagan always watch movies and eat lots of food. 

"Sooo tell me! What's with that note on your door?"

"Oh yeah. About that. So this apartment block is getting knocked down and I have a week to get out. But it doesn't matter because I'm gonna move in with Louis and all the boys!"

"Hang on a second. Back up.  You are gonna move in with ONE DIRECTION?!"


"OMG you are so lucky."

"Yeah but I just see them as friends what with my brother being part of 1D"

"True. Anyway let's just binge watch movies and eat pizza because this means you moving away."

Oh my god, I never thought of that. My eyes start to well up with tears. Teagan, or Tiggy as I call her, being the caring, lovely friend she is, take m face in her hands and looks me in my eyes.

"Heyy no it's ok! We can meet up all the time! Do NOT worry about it. Ok? Now let's just forget about that and do what we planned ok?"

I sniffle and reply;

"Ok, let's do it."

We spend the next 4 or 5 hours watching movies, eating pizza and just hanging out. It got to around 10:30 Teagan left and I got into my pyjamas. I then suddenly realised that if Louis was coming tomorrow to help me move stuff, I needed to start moving stuff around. I start packing my clothes up into suitcases. By the time I had finished, it was 1:00. I started getting sleepy so I went to sleep and woke up with someone banging on my door. I looked at my alarm clock and realised that it was 11:00 already. I grumbled under my breath and went to open the door. It was Louis. 

"I just woke up. What is that important?!" I huffed.

"Nice to see you too little sis! Didn't we agree that I was gonna help move some of your stuff?"

I instantly feel bad for him, he was only trying to help right?

"Right yeah sorry, come in." 

I move out the way so that he could come in. 

"I'm just gonna get dressed and then I can help ok?

"Ok take your time, don't worry!"

I get dressed into some grey joggers, a white fox hoodie and my uggs. I come out and help Louis with all my suitcases. 

"Wanna have a drink before we leave?"

"No I'm ok thanks. Are you alright?"

I then realised that I was biting my nails and fidgeting. 

"Yeah I'm just kinda nervous that's all"

"Hey don't worry! All the boys get along well with you, you will fit right in"

"Ok thanks Lou, we should probably get going no?"

"Yeah let's go."

He helped me move all my suitcases into his car and then we drove an hours journey to the boys' house. When we got there Louis kept telling me that it was going to be alright. I took in a deep breath and opened the car door to get my suitcases. Louis opened the door and I heard 4 boys shouting 


I take a look around and then at all the boys. They were all standing in a row with party poppers in their mouth. There was Liam, Zayn, Niall and then Harry. God, I forgot how gorgeous he was. I had to tear my eyes off him otherwise I feared it would be too obvious that I was staring.

"Awhhh guys! Thank you so much guys! It really means a lot that you have just let me come in and stay here"

Harry spoke first "Don't worry about it. I'm glad that you have somewhere to stay"

Oh my god. How can you not love this guy?!

All the guys say hello and I start to get tired since I was up so late packing. I let out a yawn but I try to hide it. Louis asks Harry to show me my room so we start walking up the stairs.

"Hey, here's your room"

"Thanks Harry, and thanks for being so welcoming so quickly, I won't get in your way"

"Don't worry about it, anything you need I'm always here for you if you need me. And don't worry about getting in the way, you won't be because it's a pleasure having you here. Anyway, I'll let you get settled and we were thinking about going out this evening?"

"Yeah that would be lovely! And thank you again"

Harry leaves and I shut the door. I go and flop on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling and realise just how difficult it would be to try and keep away from Harry or even just try to keep my obvious crush a secret. Boy was this gonna be fun.

Authors Note: Hey! This is my first book so let me know your thoughts! I think I will be uploading a chapter every other day but I don't have a proper schedule yet! Kisses x

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