It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 34

6.8K 198 42
By sleepingpup

***TIF POV***

It was around 7:30 in the morning and I was all packed up and waiting outside on the street bench. I was awake early because today we were moving our crew to France for our next concert and I wanted to take the earliest shuttle bus to the airport as possible.

I usually was not a mornings person but today I knew I had to make an exception. I was still upset about my argument with Harry from last night and I didnt think sitting next to him on the bus for 45 minutes would have made me any less cheerful. I wanted to talk to him but I just didnt know how much I could tell him. Lying to him was some thing I had done a lot in my past and I was not keen on bringing it back any time soon. 

However, it was some thing I caught myself doing a lot now wasnt it? I mean I could always choose to go with my better judgement and not lie to Harry about the messages any more, but I knew deep down it was best to stick with what was working.

Then again, was lying really working?

I shivered as a cold breeze skimmed past me, blowing my tangled hair in my face. I struggled to tame my knotts, noticing my friend Alice walk up towards the bench. 

I hadnt talked with her in a few days, she was always wandering off and meeting new people. It was hard to hold up a conversation with her. 

As she reached the bench, she didnt even stop to say anything to me. She simply strolled past me, lifting up her chin in ignorance. 

I rose my eyebrows curiously and turned my neck, watching her as she walked to the bench further away from mine. 

I stood up and walked over to her, sitting down at her side. She flinched away and turned her cheek from me, acting as if I wasnt even there.

"Are you upset or something? Because if I wasnt mistaken its almost like you're avoiding me." 

I watched as her jaw tightened and her eyes darted at me angrily. 

"Oh no its nothing, Tif." She said in a painfully sarcastic tone. "Just recovering from a ridiculously strong dosage of poison in my food, but thats no reason to be upset for right?" 

She stood up quickly from her seat and began to make her way to the hotel entrance. I tried to protest that I had nothing to do with it, but she help up her hand in surrender

"Thanks again for the cookies, they sure made my day much more exciting."

Her face went from a mocking expression, to narrowing her hazel eyes in my direction. I was forced to look down, friskily grabbing hold of all my wandering hair and yanking it in a pony tail. 

My friends actually were believing I had done this. The people I thought would have stood next to me and help me convince all the others of my innocence - where now the ones I had to convince on my own.

It was bad enough I was being blamed for something I didnt do - but having no one to go to for support was an even worse feeling. I would have gone to see Lucy, but she stayed with Niall just in case her stomach acted up again. 

So I was left alone the rest of the night to feel misserable. 

Who ever this person was that was messing with my life was not going to be able to hide forever, and once I un masked this anonymous messenger I would have them confess for everything and make them pay for the damage they've burdened on me.  

I shook my head despertally, trying to just forget everything. I had the tendancy to over think a lot. 

I searched through my bag for my pack of gum. Rumaging through the pockets, my finger tips gently slid against a sway material. My memory clicked in immediatly to the unopened box in my bag.

Do I open it? 

I gripped my pack of gum nervously, and threw it back in my bag. My eyes flickered back and forth from my trembling hands to the box that was now visible from inside my purse. 

My conscience was over come with curiosity and went in to snatch out the box. I didnt resist on opening it and popped the lid as soon as my fingers met the lock, revealing sparking gems and a long silver chain. 

I was left gazing at the beautiful piece of jewlery in my hands. My fingers delicately picked it up and held it near the street light, smiling slightly as it reflected of a gorgeous green glow. 

When I was about to put it back in its box, I noticed a small paper sticking out of one of the corners. I swapped the items in my hands and held the note closer to the light.

"Like the necklace? it's yours if you can keep it a secret." 

I looked around the streets nervously, slipping the box back into my carry on bag. 

Just as my watch beeped 7:40, the bus pulled up on the sidewalk. I sat up lazily and shouldered my bag on my shoulder, about to hop on the bus.

"Wait! Tiffani!" I heard someone call my name from a distance. 

I turned around quickly to see Lucy running in her jammies down the street, with Niall shortly behind her. 

I shuffled awkwardly in my spot as she whispered something to Niall. He looked at her reluctantly then shifted his glance over at me. His blue eyes were piercing in the night and if eyes could speak words his would be yelling: "I'm watching you." 

He leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek as she shooed him back in to the hotel. 

I looked down at my feet as she was now standing in front of me, still trying to catch her breath.

"Are you getting on or not?" Asked the bus driver in a old raspy voice. 

I looked over at him genuinly confused as Lucy stepped in front of me.

"No, she's staying." 

He nodded at Lucy with out a care in the world and shut the door roughly. The loud engines picked up again and I watched as the bus dissapeared around the block. 

I looked back at Lucy who was grabbing on to the side of her stomach wich a pained expression on her face. My heart swelled as I remembered that she had been poisoned as well.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

I listened to her chuckle which made my lips curve up a bit. I hadnt heard her laugh in a while.

"I feel like I have creatures living in my stomach," She said whilst making a sour face. "It's not very pleasant but it'll pass."

I nodded but curved my lips back downwards, she was still sick and for some messed up reason it was my fault. 

"So why cant I take the bus now?" I asked, with my eyes still locked at Lucy gripping her waist intensively.

"No one is allowed to leave the hotel until the check is over. Its mandatory." She whispered, already tugging at my jumper. 

"What check? We usually count up when we arrive at the airport." I noticed her body tense like she was keeping something from me.

"Tif there's been a robbery at the acution. The necklace they had pre-ordered has been stolen." 


Lucy and I had walked inside the lobby and to my surprise, everyone had gathered inside as well. 

Niall popped up right away at Lucy side and walked her to a chair for her to sit. I walked over to the crowed on my own, gently pushing through people who were either half asleep or giving me dirty looks. 

I chose one spot kind of away from everybody and stayed there, pushing away all the sounds from around me and trying to think clearly for once. 

However my thoughts were interupted by Andrew's stupid security whistle. He stood up on a chair and clasped his hands together, causing a painfully loud echo to boom around the marble walls. 

"Everyone! Paul here has a few very important words for you all. So zip your lips and listen up." 

He took a step down from his chair and helped Paul step up. He looked around at all of us, collecting his thoughts. 

"Right," He stammered. "Well there seems to have been a robbery. The auction necklace was reported stolen sometime around yesterday from the store." 

Mumbling broke out around the room with worried and concerned faces, especially on Harry and the others. 

I watched as they walked in right as Paul announced the situation. Harry's eyes fell immediately to the floor and they all began to pace uncontrollably. My instincts were telling me to go over there and tell Harry things would be okay, but I held myself back.

We needed some space for a while. 

"And as much as I hate to think any of you are responsible for this, management is persisting that I have the officers search your luggage." He fiddled nervously with his sleeve.

"After that - well we'll see what happens."

As soon as he said that, officers began to pile in and Lucy appeared at my side again with out Niall. She locked her arm in mine and smiled at me. 

We made our way to our room, me dragging my bags behind me. The 2 officers opened our door for us and began their search in out suitcases. 

"This is ridiculous." I spit out, angrily throwing my arms in the air. "Why would any of us steal the auction necklace? For Christs sake we're on their side." 

Lucy nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders hopelessly.

One officer standing behind me strolled inside the room closer. His blue uniform making every thing seem kareoke and stereotypical. 

"Miss, where is your cary on?" He asked, fixing his badge which already seemed in place to me. 

"Here." I removed the bag from my shoulder and handed it over to him confidently. He took it and placed it on the table, turning his large back at me. 

"What do you think happened to the necklace anyways?" Lucy asked, siting down on the couch. 

Following after her, I sat down at her side. 

"No idea," I said concernedly. "I'm not even sure what it looks like." 

Lucy managed a weak smile and fumbled through her pockets until finally taking out a miniature flyer. Her pale hand reached it out to me and I gingerly took it. 

But before I could even open it, the officer's voice boomed from across the room, calling me over. Lucy looked at me suspiciously and I helped her stand up. She walked with me across the room until we finally reached him - with his back still turned at us. 

"Miss are you sure you've never seen this auction necklace before?" He asked doubtingly. 

I looked over at Lucy who was giving me the same face: what's his deal?

"Yes sir, I've never seen it before in my life." 

I was set back by a deep grunt of annoyance escape his mouth as he turned around with a smug look on his face. At this point I knew something bad was happening, that look he was now wearing was never a good sign.

I folded out the flyer and searched for a picture of the necklace, until Lucy pointed it out and my face paled. 

"If you claim to have never seen this necklace before, please explain to me how this just so happened to be in your purse." 

He pulled out the necklace that was in the sway box in my purse. The necklace that was identical to the one in the flyer being held in the auction. 

My mouth was left wide open, as was Lucys. I began to shake my head fiercly in rejection that this was not happening. I did not steal this necklace it was given to me, but by who? Clouds began to form in my head due to zero ideas as to what I could say. I had no idea who gave it to me or for what reason. All I knew is that it was all a trap. To plant the necklace on me and get me in even more trouble than I orignally was. 

I directed my attention off of the necklace being held up high by the officer, and to my best friend that was staring off into space.

"Lucy, I swear -" My voice was cutt off.

"What does this mean, officer?" She asked, snapping back to reality. 

The officer took one look at me and smirked, almost like he was getting joy out of all the thoughts of trouble I was probably just getting into. He probably thought I was some teenager who went looking for trouble and did all this for attention. Well boy was he wrong. If any thing I hated attention, the thought of people talking about me and knowing almost more about myself then I do made my skin crawl. But not only attention got to me, but being punished as well made me dissapointed. 

Lucy knudged me in the rips, gripping my hand nervously. 

The officer pulled off his glases dramatically and smirked at me one last time.

"It means, your friend here, is about to get into heaps of trouble." 

Hi guys :) Thanks for the 70.000+ reads! You guys are amazing. Anyways... tun tun tunnnn Tif is about to get in to a lot of trouble :( ooops.... but dont worry! things work out... well... actually... you're just going to have to wait and find out for yourself. I'm almost done writing the last few chapters for this book and I'm really sad, its been such an adventure lol :P Vote/Comment if you liked it and let me know who you think is behind it... REALLY REALLY TRY TO THINK. 
Alright thats all for now, have a lovely day everybody! Take care xx -Chloe 

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