Trick your Treat (Creepypasta...

By Maggie_Osborne

1.7K 41 157

I couldn't exactly turn any of these into stories but- I can give you sweet little treats instead! I write th... More

Authors chapter
Something soft (Ticci Toby x reader )
Coffee for your head ( Homicidal Liu x Reader )
Friends? (Jason The Toy Maker X Reader)
Nerve Killer (Masky x Reader)
Game ( BEN Drowned x Reader)
Friends forever? Laughing Jack x reader
Your Cat (Ticci Toby x reader)
My Virus (Ben Drowned x reader)
Secret (Ticci Toby x Reader)
Pet (The Rake x Reader)

Sick (Eyeless Jack x Reader)

93 5 2
By Maggie_Osborne

(Authors note: I have been- so sick recently, so I guess that's where I got this from- oops. I'm... Gonna lay down now, 


You hissed in pain, coughing as your dry throat brought you out of your slumber. You groaned as you tried to choke down some water- only to choke on it in another coughing fit.

"Hey Y/n wwoooaah you look like shit"

Your roommate, and fellow proxy Brian explained as he walked into your room. " Heard ya cough but- ha I didn't think you'd look this bad"

He set the cup of coffee he had on your nightstand and pressed his hand against your forehead.

" A bit pale n warm. Looks like you're due for a docs visit"

The idea of going to the doctors sent chills down your spine.

"I don't - I don't wanna see doctor smile. He's creepy and weird and- and he wants to cut me oppeeen"

You whined your words, coughing again and Brian handed you his coffee, the warm liquid supplied little comfort to the soreness, though it did help hold it back.

" He wants to cut us all open " he chuckled. " He's the only doc you know that. Now get dressed I'll be down stairs.

You sighed and did as the male said, getting out of bed and dressing yourself despite the pain that went through your body.

You pulled on a hoodie over your t shirt you wore to bed, and carefully slipped on some ripped jeans you stole from Toby, and converse.

You didn't bother with your hair and made your way down, greeting the two other men at the breakfast table as Brian grabbed up his keys, telling you he was heating up the car while you got something to eat quickly. You knew he was going out to smoke though.

You turned your eyes lazily towards Toby, watching him shove some French toast in his mouth, a lil too big of a bite which made him hold a napkin to his face in attempt to prevent himself from making a mess- not all that easy to eat with a hole in your face.

You carefully approached and grabbed an orange out the fruit basket, Tim giving you a small nod as you had.

"Toby, your hands are usually cold right?"

He nodded quickly, his mouth still too full to speak as you took his hands and pressed them to the sides of your neck, relaxing at the cool feeling. The boy swallows his bite of food audibly, making a small gulp sound you would've assumed to have been painful if he could've felt it.

"Woah you're hot. Are you dying?" He asked Innocently and you shook your head as you pulled away from his now warmed hands.

"Nah, sick" you chuckled, coughing into your sleeve as Tim took the orange from you, peeled it and laid it out on a plate for you. You thanked him quietly and took a bite.

"Uh-oh someone's been infected! It's Cody's fault isn't it?" Toby joked and you rolled your eyes.

"No it has nothing to do with Virus. I'm sure it was something else, I have to go to see Dr. Smile"

Toby cringes at your words. " Good luck, here's to you coming back in one piece"

You laughed a painful laugh, coughing as you tapped your orange Alice with Toby's drowned French toast.

" There's so much syrup on there, it's drowning" you chuckled.

"Like Ben " Tim said, speaking up finally. His words made you both laugh, which made you cough more. He urged you out the door, and you found yourself dreadfully being driven to the doctor by a man you affectionately called your brother.

"Can we turn around-"




You sighed, slumping in your seat. Crossing your arms as you pouted which made the man laugh- comparing you to a bratty kid as you pulled up to the sketchy back alley and began to walk back.

"I'm sure I'll be okay I don't need to go-" you began to cough again, your eyes becoming more and more watery by the second.

"You're going. I'll be damned if you get us sick and I don't wanna hear Toby he's the worst when he had a cold.

You roll your eyes once more as he knocked on the door, you stood there for a moment- before it slowly creeped open. The creepy doctor smiled a smile of sharp teeth at you.

"And what brings you today, little proxy? " He asked.

"It's sick" Brian said, speaking up for you as you struggled to catch your breath from the coughing fit.

Dr. Smile clicks his tongue and allows you and the male inside.

"Due to being rather busy with some.. patients, I'll be having my assistant look after you. Brian would you mind staying in the waiting room?"

You looked at him nervously and he flashed you a thumbs up, you would've seen his gap toothed grin if it wasn't for his mask.

With a shaky breath you followed the doctor into a room, before he left you alone. You found yourself staring out the window. Considering your escape when the door suddenly when the door swung open, revealing a blue masked man in a black hoodie, black skinny jeans and black converse, his hair was a slight reddish tone and fluffed over his face.

"Good morning" he greeted. " I'll be your doctor for today. My name is Eyeless Jack, but you can call me EJ or Jack"

You nodded slowly, sitting down on the stained patients bed as he sat in a chair across from you, placing his clip board aside as he rested his elbows on his knees.

" what brings you in today, Y/n?"

You bit your lip, you had to admit the male had an incredibly soothing voice, which made it difficult to focus.

"Uh- si-sick" you stuttered out, your words suddenly and he chuckled, taking his mask off and scooting himself closer to you in his rollie chair.

"I can see that. You look pretty pale, and- oh" he rested his grey skinned hand against your forehead. " Rather warm too"

He grinned, his teeth were sharp and his black eyes seemed to have stars in them. You felt your breath hitch as he moved his hand down from your forehead to your jaw, and he readied a light.

" Can you say, aw?" He asked- tilting his head as he thumbed your bottom lip, and you shyly did as he said. He carefully shown it down your throat, and tsked.

"Swollen" he muttered- scooting back to his desk to write a few notes down.

"How long have you been feeling like this?" He asked you- you almost forgot you were being examined. You weren't ready to be locked up with with an attractive man, let alone examined by him.

"I-I uh, since this morning"

He nods, noting it in your charts. " And your other symptoms?"

"Coughing, sneezing um.. my eyes kinda hurt, everything hurts really"

He looked up as you said that, his eyes tracing over you for a moment before turning to the charts again, before turning back to you.

This time, he stood- which made you realize how tall he was, so much taller than you. It made you feel a little nervous, albeit in a good way.

He carefully rubbed his cold fingers against your throat- the coolness felt good against your hot skin, and you relaxed into his touch as he smoothed over your lymph nodes, your throat, he grasped your jaw gently as he made you look up suddenly.

"You have a cut on your collar bone" he pointed out. You begin to think- how had? That's right.

"I was hunting with the other proxies"

He hummed, " and you didn't think to patch up?"

He shifted your hoodie down to look at the angry cut, red and rashed- totally infected.

"I- no" you muttered, embarrassed.

" Naughty, naughty little proxy. Need to take care of yourself. "

He turned away, grabbing out some cleaning supplies, a bit of gauze and some band aids. " I need you to remove your hoodie. Can you?"

He purposed it like a question but you knew it was a demand. You huffed and pulled it off, refusing to look at him as he came closer with a few alcohol swabs.

" For someone so huffy, you're behaving really well for a monster" he noted, pushing your shirt back to clean the infected wound.

" I didn't want to go," you muttered. " I don't like Dr. Smile"

He chuckled a little. " Nobody does. But I'm not doctor Smile"

"That's.. true" you looked up at him, and quickly looked away upon realizing how close he was, he grinned at this- even if you didn't see it.

"I'm meant to be studying under him but I'll likely begin to practice along. Would you prefer to start seeing me?"

He asked, a genuine question. Secretly he was hoping to see you more, he liked watching you fidget- he'd even dare say you were adorable even if you were sick.

Being so helpless made you all the better to him, something to care for, why would he want something more?

"I... Would like that" you muttered, face red.

"I'll be sure to note it" he muttered, pulling away once he applied the band aids.

He pulled away, and sat back down. "Regarding your sickness it seems to be just a flu. Drink fluids, and I'll be prescribing antibiotics for that nasty cut of yours. Do you have any questions?"

You blinked for a moment, registering his words. You felt yourself stutter up as you began to pull your hoodie on.

"I-I uh.. I- sorry. No sir"

He chuckled at your nervousness and carefully began to write your script.

"I expect to see you back here in 3 weeks for your yearly exam?"

He had said it as a question though you knew it was a statement. The idea of him being so close and personal made you shift in your clothes.


He cut you off as he pushed a paper and a bag of medication into your hands. A smirk still on his face.

"This concludes our visit, I look forward to hearing from you"

You avoided eye contact with the male as you rushed out the room and to Brian's side, who looked at you with a tilted head.

"Should I ask?" He said, pointing to your still red face.

You shook your head. " Take us home" you muttered and he chuckled, doing as you asked.

You entered the car, still feeling rather hot. "What'd the new doc say?"

"I have the flu, and he gave me meds for the cut on my neck" you muttered, looking down at the script in your hands before turning the paper that he had given you, looking over the words.

"take twice daily, and don't forget to give me a call, I'd love to hear from you-

Jack ;) "

Just below was his number , written surprisingly neat compared to the actual prescription he had written out, leading you to believe that "doctor writing" was just an excuse to be lazy.

You debated for a moment, chewing on your lip. You looked over at hoodie, who seemed none the wiser about your discovery before back down. You made a mental note to text the flirt later- for now, you needed to rest that sick head of yours.

Meanwhile, a doctor sat in his office, tapping his pen over your patient file, with a soft grin on his face- matching the dusted blush across his cheeks.

"Jack, are you going to fantasize about the proxy all night or are you going to help me with this surgery?"

Jack glanced up at the annoyed doctor, a look of displeasure on his face. He looked back at your file, the photo of you- really needed to be updated. Just as cute none the less though.

"Of course, Dr. Smile" 

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