『A Blessing Even A Puppet Wou...

By -Scaranation-

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This is a Kazuha x Scara story, many other characters will appear, no smut but trust me, read it its actually... More

『Vacation on Sumeru』
『Unwanted Mission』
『Aye Miku!?』
『Quick Shoutout!!』
『Prophecy of Destruction』
『Aranara Power!!』
『The Kamisato Estate』
『Getting Ready』
『First Meeting』
『Insert the title cuz i cant think of any』
『Back Home』
『( ^▽^)』
『Merry Christmas!』
『Embarassing Situations』
『Drunk Archon』

『An annoying arrival』

33 5 7
By -Scaranation-

Scara's Pov:

Childe left with an unsettling display.

He was hurt I could tell but he wouldn't show it at all, I know him well and understand every move he takes.

After Childe left, everybody crowded around me and Kazuha.

He passed out already in my arms and I was still on the ground.

"Are his wounds okay? Not severe?"
Aether asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure but I think they are quite bad.."

They all leaned over and his deep cuts could clearly be seen from a distance.


"We best get back then..."
Venti said.

"Are you sure the teleporting will be okay for him?"
Xiao asked.

"As long as Scaramouche keeps hold of him he will be fine.."

As we all turned to leave straight to treat for Kazuha we all heard a crackle in our ears.

It soon got louder until a voice was yelling into our ears.


It was Heizou who lost connection midway and now yelling into our ears for Kazuha.

Our hands flew immediately onto our poor ears from the sudden sound.

"Heizou don't be so loud!!"
Venti said.

"I'm sorry its just that I really really need to know his situation right now okay?"

"He's not okay Heizou and we're going where you're at okay? We're getting there soon."
I said.

"He's not okay..?"

"No..he's not.."

"Okay, okay I'll leave you guys be. Just be quick!!"

We nodded and our surroundings already started to blacken.

I held onto Kazuha as hard as I could as we all turned upside down and everything was pitch black.

Kazuha was surprisingly not heavy or maybe it was just the effects from this way of travel.

Our speed started to quicken and Aether spoke up.

"Is Kazuha still okay?"


I looked down even if I couldn't see anything at all.

I made my way towards his face and gently touched his cheek.

It was soft and warm...kind of.. comforting in a way.

As our speed was increasing more and more we could all then see some light from the distance.

"Okay, guys!! We're almost there!"
Venti yelled between all the wind rushing past my ears.

This way of travel kind of reminded me of one massive, dark wind current from one place to another.

Not too surprising from the anemo archon to be honest.

Finally we could see everything at last.

Xiao, Aether and Venti fell first on the ground before me and Kazuha.


All the wind was rushing towards us and I let go of Kazuha falling painfully to the ground.

My goal was to break Kazuhas fall and it worked just fine as I saw him right there and then about to fall on top of me which would be quite an awkward position especially since everyone is watching at this point.

I sat up and Kazuha was already falling midair.

He fell still unconscious onto me and we stayed flat on the floor with him on my chest still sleeping peacefully.

..he's a rather deep sleeper..

I sat up and looked around.

"We're here at least.."
Venti said.

Indeed we were.

A loud crash could be heard from a room near us before Heizou came out rushing towards us.

"Is he okay!?"

He went straight towards me and to Kazuha.

"He passed out but I think he feels better.."

I heard him mutter something under his breath.

"Childe that son of a bitch.."

I decided to say nothing of it but Childe was still a close friend of mine so I did not agree with him although what he did do was unbelievably way too far..

He's a brainless idiot after all..

Heizou reached out his hand but I took a step back.


All the members looked at me.

"I'll treat his wounds don't worry.."

"You sure..?"
Aether said.

"Quite sure"
I nodded.

Heizou looked at me but said nothing more.

With the rest of my strength, I picked up Kazuha from his legs until he was resting in my arms with his head in my shoulder.

I turned away from them and went to my room.

I closed the door and paused for a moment.

Now that I think about it..I sound rather blunt after the fight..

I looked down at Kazuha and rested him on the blankets.

I put my hand on his forehead to see if he was okay.

He was perfectly fine.


I jolted so fast and looked down.


He slowly opened his eyes.

He rubbed his forehead before sitting up.


I nodded.


He covered his mouth before looking at me again.

"How long?"


"Did I pass out!? For how long?"

"Not that long.."

He leaned over to get up but his hand flew to his arm instead.


He winced in pain.

"Kazuha..you're no in good shape okay? I'll come back in a second, I need to get things for y-"

"Wait! No uh.."

"What is it..?"

He hesitated and looked down.


"N-nothing it's fine.."

"You sure..?"

He nodded.

I quickly went out the door and shut it quietly behind me.

I ran to Xiao who was at the table reading something alone.

I whispered.

He didn't look back but responded by a small sound coming out of his mouth.

"Do you know where the healing stuff is..?"


He shut his book and walked towards me.

"Is it for Kazuha?"

I nodded

I followed him to another room where there was plenty of things to choose from.

"Take all that's necessary"

As I looked around I noticed Xiao looking at me.


He smiled..something I didnt see him do often.

"What is it..?"

"Nothing..it's just that.."

I tilted my head.

"You and Kazuha seem really close to each other even though it's only been a few days.."

"Ahah..well..you're not wrong...heh..
we did go through hell and back after all.."

"In that building where you passed out that time and I had to go save the day..?"

I nodded flustered a bit.

"I'm not usually like that!"

"Yeah go tell yourself that'"


We both laughed a bit and then settled down.

"I think that's all then"

Xiao nodded and we walked out.

"I hope he feels better after everything, today was rather chaotic anyway.."


"I'll see you later then"

I waved and turned to my room.

"Oh and, that little earring you gave him was cute."

"Eh? You noticed that..?"

"We all did. We were all talking about it."

My ears went warm.

"I didn't know..."


Then he went back to the main room and I went back to mine.

Kazuha was there..he was closing his eyes and looked like he could fall asleep any moment now.

I patted him on the head gently.


He opened his eyes.

"Im awake."

"I got you some things."

"Oh!! Thanks heh.."


"What's the matter..?"


He looked at me in confusion.

"I need to take your shirt off."





The room suddenly turned warm and his face was the reddest I've ever seen.

"Scara- ..we haven't met for that long-"

"No no no!!"

I waved my hands around in despair of this confusion.

"Scara..I know its okay but i-"


He flinched.

"Ah! I'm sorry..I uh..what I meant was that I had to take it off to treat your injuries in your arms because your clothes are hiding them..

-please don't get any dirty ideas.."

I added quickly.

I felt my temperature rise up immediately.

Kazuha was left silent and each second that passed by he seemed to get redder and redder until he was sweating.

"I uh u.."

He mouth was wide open but nothing could come out.

"Kazuha...it's okay.."


He finally said.

"I uh..thought other things..I won't think about that again.."

His head hung low before sitting up again straight away from the pain.

"This is embarrassing..."
He whispered.

"Hehe..don't worry.."

I still don't get how such idea would even be thought by him..

"Do I have your consent then?"


"For the t-"

"Oh yeah! Sure!"

He stopped me mid sentence.

"Alright then I will take o-"

"Yeah! Just do it!!"

He seemed really flustered now.

Is it really that big of a deal for them?

"Is there anything wr-

"Just do it..please..?"

He pleaded and looked forwards towards me blushing like crazy.


I reached out but before I could do anything he decided to take off his upper part of his clothes himself.

He seemed really....embarrassed while doing so.

"Are you..embarrassed perhaps Kazuha..?"

He gave me a glare as if saying "how could I not be?"

"You would too wouldn't you?"

"No not really...many people have seen me withought any clothes anyway.."

He stopped what he was doing and slowly looked at me like I grew 6 heads or something.

"Although I'm not so keen on showing my parts."

He flinched.

"The way you put it like that makes it seem..weird.."

"I'm just saying. I don't have the same body system as you."

He raised an eyebrow looking rather perplexed but took of the last of his jumper or clothes or whatever he was wearing on top..

He looked away after he finished.

I said.


"Your cuts look...bad.."

He turned his head round to look at them.


"Do they hurt?"

He nodded.

I took one of the healing liquids that one of the members must've found from Sumeru.

I knew it well.

It was quite thick and minty.

"This will sting a bit but will numb the pain because of the coldness okay..?"

He nodded again.

I dipped my hand into some and then gently covered his wounds with  it.

"Does it hurt?"


He struggled to put on a relaxed face.

As I finished on his arm I turned to his other arm.

"I'm going to do the same to your other arm okay? As I do that your left arm ,the one I just touched, should become numb."

He nodded.

Not speaking much now huh..?

I repeated the same process on his right arm and he trembled slightly.

"Do you feel okay..?"

"My left arm is okay..I don't feel anything but on my other half of my body feels a bit painful.."

I looked at him since for a few seconds before placing my hand on his beating heart. I let the comfortable feeling of it linger on a bit longer before taking it off.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

He stared at my hand before touching his chest with his own and smiled.



I finished the last batch of bandage wrapping it all around his back and chest.

"Do you feel fine now?"

"Yep! Are we done now?"
He asked desperately, seemingly looking happy at a thought made up in his mind.

"Nope. We've still got your legs to do. Why so eager?"

He flinched for about the hundredth time.


I nodded.


"They don't really hurt much..can we skip them? Plus, it's not severe or anything.."

"I'm pretty sure Childe gave you a good beating on your legs too."


"Don't lie."

I leaned over closer to him.

"...can I do them myself..?"


"Can I heal them myself..?"

"Do you know how to?"

He nodded so rapidly I thought his head might come off...

"Now I do!! I know exactly how to do it!!"

"You sure..?"

"Quite sure!"

"Okay..if you insist.."


He quickly leapt up towards the door.

"Hey! Where are you going!?"

"To the bathroom of course.."

"The bathroom?"


"Unreasonable but..sure.."


He quickly went out the door snatching all the stuff.

As soon as he walked out I muttered to myself.


"I would've just changed here and then."

Kazuhas Pov:

Oh fucking lord of this fucking world !!

Dear archon of justice...will you help my poor heart..?

A certain guy called Scaramouche is ripping my heart out and creating a new one where I'm just falling in l-

No no no..

No no no Kazuha..

I slapped my head.

Look what happened to you last time you did that..


I banged my head on the wall of the bathroom.

Why has the universe given me this!?

I don't deserve this do I..

No..I don't..

Then why has fate brought us together!?



I almost leapt off the ground from the sudden voice.

"Who the f-"


Is that..


"Indeed its me!"

There he was...right...in front of me..

"What the hell!?"
I yelled.

"Oh don't worry I'm just a hallucination of your very messed up and crazy mind."
He said moving around his finger on the side of his head in a circular motion showing how cuckoo I am.

"I'm not crazy!"

"Sure you aren't. Who else on bloody Teyvat would hallucinate about someone who's literally dead!?"

"Ah..you've got a point there.."

I scratched my head in defeat.

"Well, enough about that..I have come to save the day!"


"You don't sound too pleased.."

"I wanted to forget your face."

Hallucination Tomo gasped with a hand on his mouth.

"How could you!?"
He said in a girlie voice.

"Don't worry I still love you."

"Ah! That's more like it! Well anyways...I have come to rescue you from your first ever...crush let's say."


I whacked his face with my hand only to get an annoyed face in return.

"What am I supposed to say....ouch?"
He snickered sarcastically not moving an inch.

"Annoying brat."
I whispered.

"You created me."
He shrugged.

"Let me get straight to the point okay? You've fallen for someone and you don't know how to cooperate with it right Kazuha..?"

I nodded painfully to his words.

"Thats why im here then!"

"How on the likes of YOU can help ME..?"

"Ask yourself that."

I twitched my eye.

"First of all..get over with the whole bandage thingy before the lucky guy wonders if you passed out in the bathroom."

"His name is Scaramouche."

"Ah! Sc-"

"Just call him...Wanderer.."

"Peh..well anyways get on with it."

"With you in here!?"

"I'm nothing more than a creation of you stupid!"

"It still makes me uncomfortable."

"Are you serious right now!? Fine..I'll just go stalk your boyfriend then."


"No he can't see me."

And with that, he dissolved at the door and left me.


Oh no...

What have I done!?

Bonus Zhongchi because im kind:

Zhonglis Pov:

I was sitting around the small table waiting patiently for Childe to return.

He called me this morning saying he'll come back to Liyue today from his trip in Inazuma.

I held my teacup and gently blew the steam rising up from it.

It was still warm but I took a sip anyway and held it until it warmed up my hands.

Childe should be coming soon...

"Mr Zhongli..?"

A familiar voice came from the door, it was Yuhue..

"Childe has come to join you"

Yuhue was the only other person other than Childe who I can get comfortable with. She always serves my tea whenever I visit sharing  kindness and comfort.

I nodded.

"Let him in"

She nodded before whispering into my ear.

"He doesn't look too okay.."


I wouldn't be too surprised..

Yuhue left and Childe came in shortly after arriving in such a mess and wounds.


He leaned on the door and sighed looking towards the side.

"Are you okay? You look like a complete mess.."

"Oh thanks."

He said before pouting.

We both stood in awkward silence while I observed his cuts and bruises.

Most of them have healed but not all.

"Zhongli- I!"


He hesitated for a split second before pulling me into a hug.

"Childe...what happened..?"


I caressed his hair that was still fluffy.

"You sure...?"

He just stood there anyway.

"Childe..you know I have to go soon.."

He finally looked up and didn't look at all happy.

"Aww...please? I'll give you mora!"


"50,000 mora?"
He pleaded.

I sighed and kissed his forehead.

"I don't need any mora to stay with you Childe.."

He blushed before looking down again and leaning on my shoulders again.

"Your ears are warm~"
I whispered.

He responded with an annoyed small sound coming out of his mouth.

This was so not Childe..he would never act like this..so childish.

I'd have to ask what happened to him later on, he probably just needs someone to love him for now..with hugs and kisses.




I know I haven't been posting for weeks!!

It's just that lately I haven't been motivated to do anything at all!!

I hope I'll make it up for you with more often updates and so much more story to come!!

I promise I will write more okay?

(Please bear with me)

That's all for now then!!

-Lots of love from Tsuki

Ps. I don't know what Kazuha upper body clothes are called. Like...what are they..?

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