Say you won't let go || walke...

By yourfavscarlett

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13 year old Evelyn Meester (daughter of Leighton Meester) is a well known actress and is dearly loved by all... More

A/N please read!
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Playlist <3
Chapter seven
Birthday posts <3
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Random - dont need to read
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Thank you so so much!
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two

Chapter four

413 5 2
By yourfavscarlett

"Hi sweetie, you must be Evelyn?" She asked, with a massive smile plastered across her face.
"Yeah, hi it's so nice to finally meet you mrs scobell!" I said with a genuine smile, she was so pretty.

She led me into the living room where I could already hear walkers voice, was he reciting the lines of deapool 2?
Yes, yes he was.
"Oh my goodness, they really weren't lying!" I exclaimed, walking into the living room. Walker jumped at the sudden sound of my voice.
"What weren't they lying about exactly?" He said reaching for the remote, and pausing it.
"That you're a total geek!" Walkers mom chuckled but walker only rolled his eyes before beginning to climb off of the couch.
"And who is 'they'?" Walker asked walking over to me.
"Only everyone in the while world, so no biggie." I rolled my eyes, before walker hugged me, tight.

"Hi Evelyn." He spoke into my hair.
"Hello walker." I laughed, taken slightly aback by the way that he still hadn't let go of me yet.
When he eventually did let go, he asked if I wanted to watch deapool, I said no almost immediately which earned a little giggle from him.
He walked back over to the remote and picked it up, while I looked around the room.
It was a relatively big room, with high ceilings but not a lot of decoration. That's when I turned to notice the large photo of walker and Ryan's poster for the Adam project on the wall, it was framed in a golden, very specific frame because it recited some lines from the movie. I was just beginning to read them when walker walked back over to me, grabbing my wrist and walking out of the room.
"Hey, I was reading that!" I said, acting offended.
"Yeah, yeah, you'll get over it." Walker replied, not phased at all.
We walked over to the stairs and I came to the conclusion that we were going up to his room.

But, just as we were walking down the hall, a girl burst out of a room that we were passing and screamed.

"Wow, hello to you too!" I laughed, recognising her as leena scobell, walkers sister, from an insta post he made months ago. (Not that I was stalking his instagram account).
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." She laughed, walker was just stood there awkwardly, not fully knowing what just happened (like this 🧍🏼).
"Is there a specific reason you just screamed or should I be scared that your having a psychotic attack?" I joked with her, which caused walker to laugh so hard that he fell through a door and into the bathroom.
"Okayyyyy," Leanna said, looking over at him, also trying not to laugh.
Walker eventually clambered up to his feet and grabbed my wrist ragging me away from leena, very rude if you ask me but whatever.
We finally made it to his room, which was actually pretty nice surprisingly.

I don't know why but I always imagined walker scobell having one of the stereotypical boys rooms with just a bed and desk with a chair. You know what I mean when boys have the plainest room imaginable. But his was surprisingly really nice.
"Sooo, what do you wanna do then?" He asked plopping himself on his bed.
"That's your first mistake walker never ever get me to make a decision because I will sit in the corner of your room and cry." I joked, walking around his room and just looking around.
"Oh shut up." He laughed, "and also please don't because if Leena came in and saw you crying she'd like never forgive me."
"Why she has literally never met me before today."
"Not the point, she thinks really highly of you Ev." Walker said, being fully serious.
"What? Why?" I asked turning away from the bookshelf that I was looking through and looking at him.
"She loves your mom." He sighed, standing over and walking over to me.
"Wow, makes sense." I said.
He stopped next to me and looked at his bookshelf, picking up a picture of him and Ryan that was really cute actually, he looked so happy with him.

"How'd you get into acting then." I asked, trying to break the silence.
He sighed and placed the picture back down and turned to me.
"Well, I don't know I just always wanted to act, I started with plays at school and stuff but I was just so happy on the stage so that when I landed the Adam project I was over the moon, haven't really done anything in a while though. I miss it."
I looked over at him with sympathy in my eyes before saying,
"Well, your really talented walker and I'm sure you'll get a job really soon, who knows?"
"I do have something coming actually." He smirked at me.
"Oh? Do tell."
"Can't, it's a secret." He answered trying to hide his smile.
"Don't be like that!" I whined, throwing my arms up in the air.
"Just be patient I'm sure you'll find out soon enough!!" He said grabbing my arms and pulling them back down.
"So..." he started again.
"What do you wanna do?" He said trying his best not to laugh.

With @evelynmeester01 gonna go live later so stay tuned

Ok what why wasn't I invited
↪️ @walker.scobell
     Awww don't cry Momona
↪️ @yourgirlmomona
     Shut up walker

How did I not know she was at our house?
↪️ @walker.scobell
     Because I made her dress in all black and do spy moves into the house duh
↪️ @petescobell
     Oh right okay

↪️ @theblakelively
     Ryannnn @ryanreynolds
↪️ @ryanreynolds
     Leave me alone or I'll go cry
↪️ @walker.scobell
     Ohhhh so that's where you got it from @evelynmeester01
↪️ @evelynmeester01

We just chilled for a bit until walked decided that it was time to go live (he did ask me if I wanted to for about five times until I begged him to stop asking because I wasn't lying about the whole decision making thing).

We sat down on the floor and placed walkers phone on the leg of the table, I can't lie I was soo nervous about this because I knew what everyone was saying about me and walker after only two pictures of us together and I was worried about the rumours getting worse, walker seemed completely unbothered. Boys, right?
"Heyy guys!" Walker said almost instantly after the live started because 100k people had already joined, literally like 2 minutes in after walker said we were just going to wait for a couple more people to join, 623k people were on the live.
"Wanna do a Q&A?" He asked but before I could even open my mouth he started apologising, "right, sorry sorry, no more decisions!" I just smiled at him and turned back to the phone reading all of the comments on it.

@walkietalkie: I love you walker!
@scenenewly: What does he mean guys why is he apologising??
@.evelynsss: Evelyn please say hi hannah!!
@cordagewallow: I love your friendship so so much!
@aryan.simhadri: I had so much fun today Evelyn!
@successbuckwheat: Are you doing a Q&A??
@percabethssss: can't wait to see you on Percy Jackson Evelyn!

Bold - walker
Normal - evelyn

"Hey guys welcome to our live, I've posted a Q&A thing on my story earlier today so that we can just go straight ahead with it, but you can still go onto my account now and ask questions so it's not too late don't worry!"
"Wow walker you're a real natural at this"
He turned and laughed at me.
"Okay, let's just jump straight in then!"
I passed him my phone and he logged in to his insta account so that he could stay on live while looking at the questions.
"Alright do you wanna take it in turns then picking out questions?"
"Yeah alright, rock paper scissors?"
"Oh your so on!"
I won, obviously.
"Okkkkkk, I found one."
"About time I've been waiting for about 20 years I can already feel the grey hairs coming in"
"Leave me alone, you see this guys he actually bullies me!"
"Haha so funny watch I'll get cancelled now"
"Oh nooo not that how would you live?!"
I put my hands on my mouth, acting shocked.
"Ok ok just tell me the question pleaseee"
"Ok I chose this one 'what is your biggest fear?' "
"Ooh that's a good one! I don't know though"
"I know your biggest fear!"
"Oh? What is it then exactly?"
"Being cancelled."
"Shut up!"

We had been on live for about 2 and a half hours at this point just answering questions when someone called Brady noon joined the live and walker started having a conversation with him and I just felt like I was third wheeling so I just grabbed my phone and started scrolling on insta (again) mainly because I really wanted to see who this Brady Noon guy was.

Just woke up 🥱🥱

Well done Brady you woke up 🤷🏻‍♂️
↪️ @bradyynoon72
Big achievement for me I woke up at 9am
↪️ @connornoonofficial
Oh wow I'm sooo proud

I love you so much please notice me
↪️ @bradyynoon72
Thanks so much for the support!

MISS YOU!!! @xochitl.gomez

Miss you too Brady but I'll see u soon!
↪️ @bradyynoon72
     You're right next to me and this was posted 3 months ago

↪️ @bradyynoon72
     Noooo just friends!

Walker looked over at me, probably noticing that I was bored because before I knew it, he was saying goodbye to the live and then looking over at me and not saying anything.
"Helloooo??" He chuckled.
"Huh, what?" I looked up realising I was staring at the picture of Brady.
"I was saying bye anything you wanna say?"
"Oh yeah right byee" I said whilst waving at the camera.
"What are you looking at anyways?"
"Nothing leave me alone." I said trying to swipe off of it but not quickly enough apparently because he snatched the phone out of my hand. I immediately jumped on top of him, tackling the phone out of his hand, when that didn't work I tried tickling him, which worked.
"No stop st- stop it!" He stuttered in between laughs.
"Give it back." I laughed back at him.
My efforts didn't seem to be good enough though because he snuck a peek at the phone and started laughing his ass off.
"Really Ev? B-"
"Ok bye guys!"
I ended the live and threw his phone at him.
"Meanie!" I spat at him standing up from the floor and plopping myself on his bed.
He seemed to find the whole situation really funny, unlike me.
"I'm never talking to you again." I said turning away from him.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry"
"Not good enough." I said dramatically.
"Is there anything I could do?" He said jumping onto the bed landing next to me.
"Yessss..." I jumped off the bed and ran over the hall to where I last saw leena and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" I heard leena shout from inside the room, so I opened the door.
"Heyyy" I said walking in and closing the door behind me.
"Oh hey Evelyn what's up?"
"Well, do you have any face masks I'm making walker do one with me"
She laughed and walked into her bathroom.
"How on earth did you get him to agree to that?" She asked opening a drawer by her sink.
"What can I say, I just have a talent." I answered, not wanting to tell her that I was stalking a boy on instagram and he found out.
She passed me the face masks and I thanked her before walking back out and practically running back to his room where I found him just sat on his bed on his phone.
"Oh there she is, where did you even go anyway?"
I hid the face mask behind my back and just told him I went to have a little visit with leena.
"Oh no that's not a good sign." He sighed and stood up walking over to me.
I revealed the face masks to him and his face dropped.
"No, absolutely not." He said sternly.

                       Mission successful @walker.scobell @leena.scobell

No idea how you got me to do this
↪️ @leena.scobell
     Me neither
↪️ @evelynmeester01
     Me neither

Oh my god I am never letting this picture go
↪️ @walker.scobell
     Thank you so much @evelynmeester01
↪️ @evelynmeester01
     You are so welcome

Pls pls pls notice me everyone tag Evelyn!!!
↪️ @walker.scobell
↪️ @yourgirlmomona
↪️ @aryan.simhadri
↪️ @.diorrr
↪️ @evelynmeester01
     Just dm'd you girl!!

I turned over to walker and noticed that he was about to fall asleep.
"NOOOOOO" I said while jumping on him.
"Oh my god hello to you too."
"You can't go to sleep!!" I practically shouted, jumping up and down on him.
"Why is that please tell me?" He asked trying to keep himself awake.
"Because it's only 1 and I'm not tired..."
"Oh I'm so so sorry I didn't realise that I couldn't sleep until you did." He sighed, dragging himself up so that he was sitting against the headboard.
"I have the perfect idea on how to keep you awake."
"Oh you're definitely full of those aren't you." He sighed.

I stood up and ran over to the remote, turning deadpool 2 on.
"Yep, that'll do it!" He exclaimed, running over to the edge of the bed and sitting down beside me.
About half way through the film, and about an hour of walker saying every single line with it I started to get tired.
I yawned and walker turned over to me, placing my head on his shoulders.
"Go to sleep I'll be fine." He said, smiling softly at me.
And that's exactly what I did, but not before smiling at the fact that walker
finally stopped reciting to lines to let me sleep.


The movie finished and I turned to Evelyn, trying to see if she was asleep and I was assured by her faint snores that she was. I tried not to move but there was absolutely no way that I would be able to fall asleep sitting up.
I slowly moved her off of my shoulder and laid her down further up the bed and set the duvet over her, smiling at the way she turned away, trying to get comfortable but still not waking up.
I climbed into the bed next to her and immediately felt her arms wrap around me and her head rest on my chest.
"Ev, are you awake?" I asked softly but there was no reply, she was obviously still asleep.
I fell asleep almost instantly, just grateful to have her sleeping beside me.

Hello everyone I'm so so sorry that this chapter came out a little later than expected I have no idea why it took so long but the next chapter should be out this weekend I promise 💞💞

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