The World Tour Turnabout

By DreamersWriters

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Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... More

Chapter 1: Before Departure!
Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 5: Crashing Concert
Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!

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By DreamersWriters

(Japan does exist in Ace Attorney. I thought it didn't due to California being a mix between the two. Then I thought about it, and yeah, Japan does exist. Great Ace Attorney proved that! I am such an idiot at times. Enjoy!)

(Apollo's POV)

Japan's International Airport, Gate 4A

May 9th, 7:45 AM

Well, the flight was smooth and quiet. I am kind of surprised by that, really. I thought Klavier would want to talk or party for the whole flight. Instead, he wanted to go over his music and even the venue that they would be performing. Look, I sometimes forget that Klavier does take his job very seriously. Then again, you don't get to be a famous prosecutor and rock star for nothing.

Anyway, Yuta was keeping up with prayers as well as making a list of stuff he wanted to buy for Ema and Maya. I did the same thing too by inputting the info in my phone. Sebastian was looking through his music sheets while keeping up with the world news.

The only other person on the plane was Daryan. I don't mind him, but something tells me he's up to something! I just don't know what it is! Seriously, why is he here? I know they used to be in a band, but do they want to perform together? Really? I know I should be relieved, but I don't buy it. I glanced to my bracelet and hummed to myself. I could use that in case he is hiding anything from us. For now, just have to be quiet, cool, and enjoy myself. That won't be too hard.

The moment we arrived at the airport, fans swarmed us as Tokyo's morning welcomed us. People were already up and it. Students were rushing to work while people were trying to get to work. It was a busy city, that's for sure!

"So! Where do you want to go first?!" Klavier asked as we made our way through the crowd.

Yuta spoke up first to suggest, "We should depart to the hotel first. We shouldn't carry our belongings on us"

Klavier laughed with Sebastian sighing in relief. I have a feeling Klavier already took care of that.

Daryan placed a hand on my shoulder to reassure us, "Hey! Who do you think you're talking to? We've travelled before and already took care of that nonsense! Let's see the sights! We've got time before the concert happens! No need to be cautious when we are on vacation!"

He does have a point. I glanced to Yuta who only shrugged in reply. Well, I guess if that's the case.

"I would like to see Shibuya crossing" I suggested with a shrug, "I know a lot of people who are from there and would like to see it"

I hope Klavier doesn't pick up on it, but I know for a fact Yuta. Sebastian, and Daryan might not know what I am talking about. If I see that invitation again, I will use my Chords of Steel. I still can't believe Mr. Wright even agreed to it.

"Sure thing!" Klavier spoke in delight as he waved a hand to our driver and the fancy, black limo, "Come along! The city will not see itself! We shall be off!"

The doors were opened and in the rare occasion, I do not feel like anything bad is going to happen! Finally! After the few years of chaos, it finally looks like I am about to have a nice break from it!

(Alfendi's POV)

We finally got off that loud, irritating plane. Seriously, why are those idiots talking? I wished I could've removed their tongues! Lucy yawned with her dragging her bag behind her. She was exhausted and didn't adjust to the time zone changes well. I pulled out my phone and nodded to myself. We still have time before that loud, annoying concert happens. I suppose we could head to the hotel and rest first. Well, time to be a gentleman in the rare moments.

"Come on, Baker" I said as I let her lean against me, "We need to head to the hotel. From there, you can rest. Hang on until then"

"Aye, prof" she spoke tiredly.

I wasn't sure if I should pick her up, but then I felt my brother take control for me.

And now, I am in control and decided to pick up Lucy to carry her and our bags.

"Hey!" Al shouted in our minds, "Who said you could be in the driver's seat?! This is my body first!"

"And yet you do not know how to take care of a lady" I replied with a satisfied expression.

"Excuse you! I actually had a girlfriend! We broke up because you were in control!" Al shouted in frustration.

I only held myself high before walking to a hail us a cab and find the hotel for us to rest at until the case finally begins. Though, I must confess, I am rather excited about this. Before, I was only in the Mystery room, afraid of even taking a single step outside. Now, this is much better. I have my brother and a wonderful lady with me!

(Apollo's POV)

Suntory Hall, Main Hall

May 9th, 8:00 PM

Everything flew by! I couldn't help it! It was awesome to see Shibuya! Next time Mr. Wright has a chance to go to the tournament, I hope he lets me come with him! I would love to talk about it with them! Right, besides that, we went to arcades, the giant shopping malls, tried all kinds of food, and even went to the famous records tower! It was amazing! Yuta enjoyed the food most of all. He wrote down places he would take Ema as well as buying the best gifts for her too. Don't worry, I've got gifts for Trucy, Athena, and Mr. Wright as well as Rayfa and mother.

"I do hope Chief Justice Justine would like this" Sebastian whispered as he trying to pick up a stuff toy and some treats for her, "Oh! I can't forget about her son either! Ah, but I believe he's in Germany for another movie! No! I need to get him something!"

It is kind of nice to know that despite the distance and our own lives that we are still thinking of each other and wanting what is best.

Anyway, we did help Sebastian find the gifts. The only one who didn't do much of anything is Daryan. He was oddly quiet and only chatting with Klavier. Though, I guess that makes some sense. Klavier is his best friend and someone he knows well. I am honestly surprised that he's not trying to get back at me. Unless he's a sensible person which I somewhat doubt, but sometimes that is not the case.

Now, were at the venue. Klavier, Sebastian, and Daryan left to set up their instruments and do some interviews. So, that left Yuta and I to just enjoy the party itself.

The venue was beautiful. Everyone was chatting in English, German, and Japanese. Yuta could understand them and stuck with me to translate as much as he could to me. I tried to converse with the people, but sometimes I could not understand them for the life of me. In the end, I ended up hanging out by the bar and enjoying some of the food and drinks.

"I didn't expect this many people present" Yuta stated in a surprised manner, "I assumed that there would be some to attend, but this much is astounding"

"I concur" I said as I heard some of the fangirls screaming outside of the venue, "But at least we are in here and not out there. I am just relieved it is the interview and concert"

Yuta only shrugged as I went to get some more food. I noticed some green flakes on the rice and fish, but I didn't pay it much attention. It is probably just some spices or flavoring. Nothing to worry about. I regret that though after I took a bite from my meal.

(Klavier's POV)

Well, tonight is the night! We are finally here and ready to make our debut! What is more, we are finally together as friends! I cannot wait!

"Klavier, are you sure you want me there?" Seb asked as he shifted his feet nervously.

"Of course!" I said as I turned around to grin and hold his shoulders in a warm manner, "You will be fine! I promise! This is going to be wonderful!"

Seb only grinned warmly at him as I laughed at his reaction.

"But it is just me. Are you sure that they'll like me still?" Seb asked nervously with a grin.

"Yes, you're wonderful friend and talented prosecutor with musical skills. You can do this" I reassured him with a genuine smile.

Sebastian only grinned in relief as Daryran only smirked.

"Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about really" he said in a reassuring manner before scoffing, "It makes more sense than inviting those two fools"

I turned with a sharp expression as Daryran only shrugged at me. I understand that he and Apollo are not on the same side, but there is no reason to be this harsh. Especially since Apollo is being nice and his brother is also present.

"Look, I thought it was going to be just us" Daryran confessed, "Mainly, because I know you and Seb the best. Apollo isn't someone I know well at all. Also, we don't exactly know each other well. I can't imagine us getting along so well"

Well, I suppose he isn't wrong. Apollo and Daryran weren't on the best terms in the beginning. That is exactly why I brought them here!

"Don't worry" I reassured him with a grin, "We are going to have a wonderful time together. I know you two are not on the best terms, but I hope this will bring you some joy and get to know each other. I know you two will be able to come terms here! After all, we are friends, so our friendship will be enough!"

Daryran only laughed as he leaned against me in a comforting manner.

"Alright, thanks for that" Daryran said in relief, "I know I am just worried. Thanks for being there for me"

"I know, but hey! We are going to perform soon!" I said in relief and joy, "We will not be consumed by our worries! We will have a night of fun like we used to!"

"Yeah, we used to" Daryran said in relief, "And now, we should get ready!"

That's the spirit! The stage is set for us for us once in a lifetime tour! With my arms over their shoulders, we shared a laugh, and marched forward onto the black, fancy stage. We were greeted with cheers, applauses, and screams of delight. I let my friends go and waved to the crowd as they happily waved and cheered back.

"Well, all be! It is the Gavinners everyone!" a dame with a thick southern accent announced to the crowd.

She has an afro of orange hair and bright blue eyes. She is wearing a green sweeter with a matching headband. She has a pair of blue, fancy pants and fancy, blue sneakers to match. She was holding a tablet in her hands and greeting us with a big grin.

"It is lovely to be back, Fraulien Heart!" I spoke as I looked at her nametag.

Her full name is Lotta Heart, and she is an interviewer from around the world! It appears she's doing well for herself! We each took a seat and prepared to answer almost any question. We cannot reveal everything to the world. We need some privacy!

"Honestly, yer whole gig is amazing!" she spoke with a loud laugh, "I don't know how many people would be friends after going through an experience like that! Please tell us how a friendship like that can even last for?"

She was obviously talking about the elephant in the room. Daryran seemed uncomfortable with the idea, so that left me to answer.

"Well, it is true. We've been friends for years" I spoke with kindness in my voice, "It is because of our friendship that we are even able to stay together. So, as long as you communicate, trust, and understand each other, then everything will work out! Your friendships are sure to last forever!"

I could hear the swoons and cheers from the crowd as I closed my eyes to enjoy it. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and opened one eye to see Daryran holding an expression of relief. Ah, but what are friends for? I am sure Herr Forehead would do the same for me as well!

Speaking of him, I heard those Chords of Steel in action with a mighty and obviously loud, "ARGH!"

Everyone turned to the second floor's restaurant in worry as I internally groaned. Is he ok? What happened?

"WATER I NEED WATER!" he shouted in pain as I could see a white blur running around and grabbing drinks.

I sighed in relief and trusted his brother could help him. Sebastian was also worried and glanced to me. I shook my head and believed in him and his brother. As for Daryran, he seemed embarrassed and frustrated with them. While I do understand that this is an important event, I do believe in the safety of my friends. Perhaps I should check on him.

"Ah, poor fellow" Dame Heart spoke in a sad tone before shaking it off, "Yeah, that wassbi packs a punch! He'll be fine! So, ready for the next question?!"

He ate wassbi? How did that happen? I was fully prepared to leave and help my friend, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Daryan who prevented me from running to my friend's aid. Ah, I suppose it would look suspicious if I just left my friend after giving my speech. Oh, well. I am sure Herr Forehead and his brother can handle this. I do hope he will forgive me at least.

(Alfendi's POV)

Well, that scream sounds particularly painful. I do hope the block in pain is faring well.

"Why do you always care about those below us?" Al asked annoyed, "We are supposed to be focusing on the case! Where is that dumb client of ours anyway? Also, I would keep track of Baker. She might run off again"

Needless to say, this is her first time out of the country. To say the least, she was so excited. She was trying everything she could. This wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for the fact that we are handling a case now.

Currently, she looking over the glass railings at the fans and reporters around that band. You know, I believe Athena knows them.

"Yes! She does! That's prosecutor Klavier Gavin and Sebastian Debeste!" Al shouted in utter annoyance, "As for the third person, that's Daryran Cross. He was cop who was arrested. Huh, I guess he got out for good behavior"

"Does that trouble you at all?" I asked my brother curiously.

"For now, no, but let's think about everything before that conclusion" he said in a final tone, "So, let's find the client! I want to get this case started!"

I can only agree with my brother before tapping Lucy's shoulders to get her attention. She jumped and turned him with a sheepish smile and rubbing the back of her head. She truly is adorable.

"Sorry about tat, prof" Lucy spoke with an embarrassed expression, "But it's me first time out of the old country. Wanna see all I can before I tell Kat everythin' since you won't! Anyway, didja see the client anywhere? Feels like everyone and there mother is here!"

She's not wrong. This is crowded. I do not know how we are supposed to find anyone in this state. They could be anywhere. I wish we had a better way of identifying the person. Well, we do have the code word, but we should be cautious about saying it to anyone. It wouldn't be wise to attract a lot of attention.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" a loud voice shouted impatiently as he shoved and pushed his way through the crowd.

Well, that is rather rude. Why must Americans always make a fuss about everything?

"That man is American?" Al asked as he ponders something.

"Please don't tell me you believe that man to be our client, do you?" I asked in disappointment.

"No, but something isn't off about him" Al recalled, "You know, his voice is familiar, and that appearance is something I should know. We should keep an eye on him, so let's send Lucy after him"

"Are you sure?" I asked perplexed, "I know Lucy can handle herself just fine, but I don't want her to be too far from us either"

"No, I want her to go after him. I don't believe in coincidences and fate, but there must be a reason I have this feeling about him and he's here" Al explained, "So, let Lucy handle him while we keep a look out, ok?"

"Very well" I spoke as I placed my trust in my brother.

I turned to Lucy who was still eagerly watching over everything. It warmed out hearts, but it is time to get to work.

"Lucy, would you mind following that loud gentleman and keeping an eye on him?" I asked of her, "Al believes that person is someone important and could be useful for the investigation. You can handle this, right?"

"Aye, aye prof! Leave it to Lucy Baker!" she said with a grin and wink before running after the loud gentleman.

We watched her depart before focusing our attention to the area around us. So far, nothing was happening that was out of the ordinary for us.

"Was there another reason for sending Lucy, isn't there?" I asked him as I decided to walk down towards the first floor.

"I've a hunch" Al spoke seriously, "I don't think this event is just for us. There's something more to it. Keep your guard up, but we are not alone"

He noticed something amiss with this meeting? What could that be? As I took steps down to the over levels, I could feel my brother trying to take control of our body. When I turned to look over my shoulder, Al took control!

"What are you doing?!" Fendi shouted as he found himself in the back of their mind and I was running on ahead.

"How stupid are you?" I snapped at my brother seriously, "Did you fail to notice the officers at this event? They don't have the same uniform at all!"

"But how is that possible?" Fendi asked surprised, "Unless, Mike de Bonair did something! Who is his target?!

"Finally! You're catching on!" I said with annoyance in my voice, "These guards are surrounding the stage! Why do they want the musician and his band of fools?!"

There was a large crowd of screaming ladies as I tried to think of a solution to get their attention. I groaned as I tried to search for anything that could be useful and not too distracting for those on stage. Wouldn't want to cause an international incident! Even though the thought greatly appeals to me oh so much. Anyway, what should I do?

"I do hope you think of something fast, because we are running out of time" Fendi prattled as I rolled my eyes at him.

Wait a tick. That's it! Be annoying as possible! And what better way than to annoy the screaming fans and ticked off reporters!

"The way your mind works horrifies me" Fendi commented, but he was grateful that I did catch his meaning.

"You only enjoy this boring life once! Might as well make it interesting if you ask me!" I replied without hesitation.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and took a deep breath with utter joy about what I was going to do.

"THE GAVINNERS SUCK! I HATE THEIR MUSIC! I'VE HEARD BETTER SONGS WHEN I WAS INTO PUNK!" I shouted with all my might as everyone turned to me with a glare and murderous intent.

"Why do I feel as if we are about to be lynched?" Fendi asked in a sigh.

"Because that's a wonderful, rushing feeling than your safety ones!" I shouted before turning and running towards the fake security guards!

They were definitely surprised as I jumped over a table and ran pass them with the fans and reporters running after me. With those two groups handling each other, I thought it would be best to escape for the second floor and find anyone else who could meddle in our plans. So far, everything is working out in our favor! A rarity if you ask me, but I won't question it anymore!

(Apollo's POV)

After washing my burning face, trying to look a little bit more professional, and drink some water after that whole mess, I stepped out of the bathroom and decided to look for my brother. I hope Klavier, Seb, and Daryran didn't hear that. Ugh, that was embarrassing. Seriously, who puts spices on a dish without asking the customer?! Ah, whatever. No point in being so hung up about it. I should just try and find Yuta before anything else happens.

I opened the door and jumped in horror when I saw a young lady standing there with an excited expression as I replied with my Chords of Steel, "WHAT THE HECK?! WHO ARE YOU?!"

I fell, but she was practically bouncing up and down on her feet. Seriously, she's just as excited as Athena when she's about to take on a case or fight someone for the last donut.

"Lucy! Lucy Baker!" she introduced with hand out before tilting her head back and forth, "Oh! Right! The phrase! In the depths of darkness?!"

What is she going on about? Wait, I know that stupid phrase. It's from the song! Oh, I get it. She wants me to sing it back. Alright, that's a bit weird, but to be honest, with the night I've had, might as well really.

"Love, love guilty" I replied with a wave of my hand and took hers to stand up, "Yeah, yeah, I know you're a fan"

I expected her to leave me alone after my horrible performance or my lack of care, but she decided to give me a bone crushing embrace of a hug! Maybe I should lift weights to match their strength, because this keeps happening to me!

"Wonderful! Ya know, tought it would be tough ta find ya!" she exclaimed before releasing me and not realizing I was dropped on my back while grabbing something from her bags, "Anyway! Here ya go! Tis should help ya find us again!"

I didn't even bother to look at what she gave me. I just took it. At this point, I was too tired and hurt to even care.

"Great! Keep in touch!" she shouted before running off on her own.

I glanced at the device in question and raised a brow at it. It was black, metal disc. Why on earth would I have this? Well, I'll just hang onto it. I am sure once she realizes she needs it, she'll take it back.

"Ah, there you are" Yuta spoke as he approached me with a relieved expression, "After your dinner mishap, I wasn't sure where you ran off to"

I simply waved him off before answering, "It's fine. I just can't handle spicy food is all. You didn't cause an international incident with this, did you? That is the last thing our mother needs, and you know it"

He seemed annoyed at my remark before answering, "I didn't, and I would know better than that as well. Now, let's get you out of here. I believe Klavier is almost done with his interview"

Right, and since I am a loud person, I know I disturbed the interview. I hope Klavier isn't too upset with me for that. Well, it is better to face him now than later. We left the second floor and went outside to wait for them. Huh, I wonder where all his fans went. It seems empty.

"Ah! There you are!" Klavier shouted in a warm manner and wave of his hand, "So, how was the party?"

"It was fun! Sorry about the yell. I didn't realize I ate wassbi until it was too late" I apologized with an embarrassed blush.

"It is fine, Herr Forehead" Klavier said with a grin, "I am still pleased that you are here to enjoy this event for me. But please, do check the labels and ask before doing anything to make a fool of yourself more"

I rolled my eyes at him, feeling the jabs while Daryran only glared at me. At least, I think he's glaring at me. Seriously, we need some kind of truce here! I don't like this! Hopefully, I am not showing anything obvious to Klavier about Daryran.

"Come along!" Klavier sang in delight before wrapping his arms around our shoulders, "We have a gig to play! Japan won't wait for us!"

With that, we went into a limo and drove to the stage to perform. I glanced to the happy Klavier, anxious yet excited Sebastian, excited Yuta, and the crossed Daryran. I gulped and hoped that I could survive the night of the first concert at least. The tension is so thick between us! Why did I agree to this again?!

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