Tangled Fates

By ChaosIncarnate3

775 56 5

Created to be a powerful weapon at the hands of a notorious organization, forced to follow orders , Emerson f... More

Tangled Fates
Authors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

105 6 2
By ChaosIncarnate3

*One year later*

Not sure what it means but this photo of us, it doesn't have a price, ready for those flashing lights, cause you know that, baby, I

"I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi" Emerson hummed along to the song playing from her headphones. She was in her room sitting on a chair by her desk, she was in her own little world sketching away, when her room door slammed open.

"Emerson, get ready, we are going to get Scott and heading to the woods, I just heard dad say they found a body there, I mean can you believe that, nothing exciting like that ever happens around here." Emerson turned to looked at Stiles, removing the earbuds from her ears.

"The fact you find that situation exciting doesn't surprise me" she arched an eyebrow at him. "But unfortunately I can't go, I promised Lyds I would hang out with her tonight, she's got this whole movie night thing planned"

"What seriously, I mean I'm sure Lydia would understand if you missed just this once, I mean it's a body, a dead body Emerson, when in your life would you ever see a dead body" he deadpanned, throwing his hands arms up in protest. Everyday. In her nightmares. Emerson thought.

Emerson stands up from her spot walking to her closet looking for a jacket. "Stiles as much fun as that sounds, I really don't feel like getting in trouble right now, Noah is still upset from when we sneaked into that abandoned building, after you dragged Scott and I along, may I add."

"Ok but it wasn't even that bad, dad was exaggerating" he waved her off. Emerson throws her jacket at Stiles, hitting him right in the face. " ouch oh what the hell-"
"We got chased through the building by a guy with a knife, then Scott almost fell through the floor, and I mean through Stiles, that building was so old I have no idea how it's still standing."

Stiles nods remembering  "ok I see you point but still not that bad, could have been worse" She glared at Stiles, "ok ok" he sighs.
"I mean we lived though, I mean you basically manhandled that guy, very bad ass"
Emerson rolled her eyes a small smile tugging at her lips, "yeah well I don't take kindly to being threatened"

"But still that was like a really long time ago I'm sure dad's forgotten about that by now" Emerson bent down picking up her jacket, putting it on, she stood in front of Stiles hands on her hips, "it was last week" she deadpanned.

Stiles goes to say something but gets cut off by the sound of Emerson's phone ringing. Emerson walks to her desk, going to answer her phone, Lydia's name showing up on the screen. "Hey Lyds," Stiles sighs, walking to Emerson's bed, lying down.

"Emerson, where are you, we agreed at 10 and it's now, ok it's only 9 but I'm bored, I need my best friend" Emerson could practically hear the pout on the strawberry blondes voice. She chuckled, "Lyds don't worry I'll be there soon, I'm just a little held up at the moment" she looked at Stiles from the corner of her eye.

"Fine, but you better be here soon, I'm ordering us Chinese." Emerson nods agreeing, "I will don't worry, see you soon Lyds."
"See you soon, Emmi." Emerson turns to Stiles, "hey can you give me a ride to Lydia's place? Since it's on the way to Scott's." Stiles sighs, defeated that she really wasn't coming with, "yeah of course, I was going to offer anyway." He shrugged. Emerson gave him a smile, also sensing his slight disappointment,  "hey, I'm sorry I won't be there," she made sure to walk to her bed and sit next to him.

He nods, "I know, it's ok you get in enough trouble with us as it is, go, hang with Lydia, we can get into trouble another time." She grins, placing a hand on his shoulder, Stiles placing his own on top of hers, Emerson wasn't a big fan of physical contact by any means, but sometimes with the people she's the most comfortable with, she'll allow it, even if it just for a little while. Stiles knew it, so he made sure to take his hand back after a moment.

He stands up pointing his finger at her "but you're totally gonna have to get Scott and I breakfast tomorrow, you know for ditching." Emerson scoffs playfully, hands up in mock surrender, "fine you win, just don't get yourself killed out there."
"Although on second thought maybe I should go with you." She remarked playfully, Stiles rolls his eyes, waving her off.  "Very funny, ha ha, let's go, before Lydia comes tracking you down." Emerson laughs nodding, Lydia would totally come and find Emerson if she didn't leave right this second.

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Emerson laid in Lydia's bed having finished her food, they were now on their third movie of the night and Emerson could tell Lydia was getting bored. She reached for the remote pausing the movie, Lydia turning to look at her eyebrow raised in silent question. "Lyds I could practically hear you rolling your eyes for the last ten minutes, we don't have to watch this, we could do something else." Lydia throws her head back, softly hitting her headboard, she turns to Emerson. "I know I basically organized this movie fest, but if I have to sit here and listen to this any longer, I will go insane."

Emerson laughs, "I know you will, so let's do something else," she suggested. Lydia grinned having thought of something to do, she turned to Emerson, a mischievous look on her face. Emerson looks at her, analyzing her, she realizes what Lydia wants, she shakes her head frantically, "no, no way," she pushes herself away from Lydia. "oh come on just this once pleaseeee?"

"Nope, no way, over my dead body, and even then it's a no."
"Oh come on Emmie, it's just a little nail polish." Lydia remarked. "You're not going to die a nail polish death." Emerson hummed,nodding at Lydia, "You don't know that, what if I'm allergic, huh, you're going to be crying at my funeral thinking, why, oh why did I force her to wear the polish" Lydia watched rolling her eyes as Emerson kept talking, "and I'm going to be watching from the other side like I told you so."

"You are so dramatic, you know that?" Emerson nods a smile on her face. Lydia lets out a sigh "fine if you won't let me paint your nails, then you're gonna have to paint mine," she hands Emerson the red nail polish, Emerson groans softly but obliged. She sits back down next to Lydia, reaching for her hand, she got started painting her nails,when she was done she showed Lydia her handy work. Lydia grinned, impressed.

"Very nice, but I guess I shouldn't be impressed, given your artistic talent and all." Emerson scoffs, "Lyds you've only seen like what, two of my drawings," Emerson said in disbelief.
"So? Those two were enough to know that my best friend has an insane talent, I mean why do you think I keep you around?" Lydia said, Emerson rolled her eyes, she knew Lydia was messing around, she could tell by the playful smirk on the girls face.

Emerson spent the whole night with Lydia, they spent the night talking about nothing and everything, eating away the snacks meant for the movie night that was long forgotten. She received a text from Stiles, he and Scott had gone to the woods and Stiles ended up being found by Noah, leaving Scott behind. Emerson shook her head, of course he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to, it was Stiles after all. She made sure to text Scott to see if he was alright, and if he made it home safe. Scott didn't reply till late, saying he was okay, and that he would explain what happened to him at school tomorrow. Emerson agreed and said goodnight to him, falling asleep in Lydia's bed right after.

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Emerson made it to school having drove in with Lydia. As she walks she sees Scott and Stiles in the distance. She walks to them with Lydia by her side, as she gets closer she can make up some of the previous conversation. "- since the birth of Lydia Martin, hey Lydia you look, like your gonna ignore me." Emerson laughs making her presence known to the boys, "that was really painful to watch, really," she told Stiles, Scott chuckling softly, agreeing with the girl. Stiles pursed his lip, "yeah, whatever," he waves her off.

"ok ok, but what where you guys talking about?"
"Well, Scott says he found the body, and apparently he also got bitten by a wolf." Stiles tells her. Emerson furrows her brows, "you found the body? And a wolf? There are no wolves here in California." Stiles points to her, "see I told you." Scott rolls his eyes, "I know what I heard, it was a wolf howling, and I only found half of the body." Brutal, Emerson thought.

The bell rings in the distance, Emerson annoyed, school was not something she enjoyed but she wanted to live that teenage life, unfortunately school is the price she has to pay. "come on, let's go before we're late." Emerson threw her head back, groaning, Scott and stiles sharing a playful glance. "you guys have fun I am not doing this," she told them, throwing them a peace sign before turning around ready to walk away. The boys were quick to stop her though, Scott standing in front of her and Stiles placing a hand on her arm, holding her from going anywhere. Emerson groaned once again, these boys were a pain in the ass for sure.

"Come on Mer, you can't keep trying to leave school each time you're here." Scott tells her. Emerson nods, "sure I can Scotty, like this watch," before they could even blink an eye, Emerson had gotten out of Stiles grip and was now behind Scott, walking away. "what the -" Scott muttered, before snapping out of it and running after Emerson, Stiles trailing behind him. "Mer, come on, hey, if we have to sit through this then so do you, ok? Friends that suffer together, stick together." Stiles told her, making her stop to look at him.

"No" she says, "no?" Stiles questions. Emerson folds her arms across her chest, shrugging, "I said no, do I need to say it again, come on I thought you were smart, read the signs Mischief."
"One" he points at her, "don't call me that in public ok?, and two" he pauses, thinking, "well I don't really have a two, but come on Mer." Emerson doesn't say anything she just stood there, contemplating, when she finally sighs, dropping her arms.

"Fine, on one condition" she led up one finger at them, the boys sharing a glance before nodding. "you take me to the salvage yard after school."
"Salvage yard?" Scott asks confused, she nods at him. " I'm missing a few spare parts for something, salvage yard may have some," she replies. The boys nod, they know Emerson likes to collect parts, for what? They had no clue, all they know is that she keeps all her stuff in the garage, working in there every day after school, were they curious? Sure, but they knew not to push, she still had a hard time opening up to people, though they could see the progress from a year ago.

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"You're late" Lydia told Emerson as the girl finally showed up to her class. Emerson pulled out her chair, sitting on the spot next to Lydia. Emerson hummed, "be glad I'm here at all."
Lydia glanced at the girl from the corner of her eye, "you know it's funny, for someone that doesn't even like school, all your classes are either honors or advanced placements." Emerson turned to her friend, "yeah?, well for someone so smart, you sure pretend to be dumb for the sake of your waste of space boyfriend." Emerson remarked, leaving Lydia in slight shock, the strawberry blonde girl nodded, "touché Emmie, touché." Emerson chuckled turning back to the front, beginning to take her notebook out.

Emerson watches the clock on the wall, ready for class to end, one more minute, she thought. She was out the door not a moment after the bell, she made sure to wait for Lydia though. The two were walking down the hallway when Emerson noticed Scott and Stiles, she made sure to tell Lydia she will be back before heading to the boys. "what the hell are you doing?" She asked seeing as Scott was leaning over a corner, very creepy, might she add. The boy in question jumped, startled.

"Jesus Mer, how do you always do that, you're like a spy or something always coming out of nowhere." Emerson pursed her lips, grasping at the strap of her bag , "sorry" she mumbled.
"Scotty boy here, found himself a pretty girl to obsess over," Stiles told her. "What are we talking, creepy serial killer obsessed, or you with Lydia obsessed?" Emerson smirked seeing the offended expression on Stiles face. "I'm just messing around," she chuckled, "but a girl huh Scotty, it's about time, I thought I was going to be the bridesmaid to yours and Stiles wedding."

The two boys snapped their heads at her, leaving her a laughing mess. She held her hands up in surrender, still laughing, "ok, ok, I'm done, so who is she?" Scott turns back, signaling for Emerson to come close, she did, Scott then motioned to the girl across the hallway, she was by her locker and her back was turned. She did see Lydia making her way to said girl however.
"Well you two have fun, I'm gonna go back to Lydia, I'll see you both at the field later yeah?" The two boys nodded at her, she gave them a thumbs up and walked away.

She made her way towards Lydia, "- and you are my new best friend" she heard Lydia tell the girl. "Damn Lyds, I'm officially offended," Emerson stood behind Lydia her arms crossed, Lydia turning around to meet the girl, "oh please, you know you're my best friend, that's why I said new." Before she could reply, Jackass came out of nowhere and pulled Lydia into a kiss. Emerson watched, disgusted, she hated Jackson, she had no idea why Lydia even gave him her time of day.

Having had enough, Emerson grabbed Jackson by the collar of his shirt, pulling him off of Lydia. "Seriously, gross don't ever do that in front of me." The new girl, who Emerson forgot was even there, brought her hand up to her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "Emerson what the hell, this is a nice shirt, so keep your hands of it." Emerson stood up straight, sending a glare his way, making the boy swallow nervously and back off. "You two, quit it" Lydia scolded the two. "whatever he's not worth my time anyways." Emerson tells her friend. Jackson just rolls his eyes.

Lydia turns to the new girl, "So this weekend, there's a party."
"A party?" The new girl, who Emerson was now, for the first time, paying attention to, asked.
Jackson nods "yeah, Friday night, you should come," he told her,Emerson was just standing there, she didn't care much about the party, so she just leaned against the lockers, blocking out most of the conversation.

"Emmie?" The sound of her name made her snap out of her trance. She looked at the three people who were glancing at her. "Hmm? What?"

"You weren't paying attention where you?" Lydia questioned the girl. She just shrugged sheepishly, "kinda stopped paying attention when Jackass opened his mouth." Lydia just rolled her eyes, a smile threatening at her lips. "I was saying how I didn't get a chance to introduce you to our new friend" Emerson raised her brow at the word "our", Lydia noticing. "Behave" she pointed a finger at Emerson, who just looked confused. "I didn't even say anything?"

"Mhmh, anywayyyy" Lydia trailed off "this is Allison, Allison this is Emerson" she pointed to each girl when introducing them. Allison tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, giving Emerson a small smile, she greeted her, "hey". Emerson just nodded at her not really saying much, she knew she came off as rude, sometimes but she didn't care, it took some time for her to be comfortable with new people, let alone getting close to them.

After that they make their way to the lacrosse field, Jackson going with his teammates while the girls went to seat in the bleachers. Emerson pulled out her headphones as soon as she was seated, making sure to only put one on just in case Lydia decided to talk to her.
"Who is that?" She heard Allison ask, "him? I don't know oh wait, Emmie," Emerson turns to look at her, "isn't he your brother's friend?" Emerson turns to the field, glancing at who she was talking about, she nodded, "yeah that's Scott, why?"

"Oh he's just in my English class, gave me a pen," Allison tells the girl, Emerson hums, nodding, she turns back paying attention to the practice. Allison eyes linger on the girl for a couple of seconds, she couldn't read her, but something about her drew Allison in, she wanted to know her better. A whistle rang out, snapping Allison of her stare. Emerson saw as Scott brought his hands up to cover his ears, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She continued to watch as Scott seemed to suddenly be the best lacrosse player to touch the field.

She had no idea how Scott was doing half of the stuff out there last she checked he couldn't even run up the stairs without needing to reach for his inhaler. When practice ends, she says goodbye to the girls, not being entirely rude to Allison, she made her way to the boys. They leave and they find themselves in the woods looking for Scott's inhaler.

"I don't - I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I - I can - hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things" Scott explained to his friends.

"Smell things?things like what" asked Stiles, Emerson was also very interested in his reply.
"like the mint mojito gum in your pocket." Stiles, confused began to pat down his pockets, finding the gum Scott was talking about. Scott started rambling about some infection, Emerson was deep in thought, Scott was able to hear things, smell things that no one else could. This all started with the bite she thought, Scott said he hear a wolf, but her and Stiles dismissed the thought. She didn't want too, but her mind wandered, werewolf? She questioned herself, there was no such thing, or so she thought. But then again she was created, she could also do things no one else could, Emerson didn't know what to think.

She snapped out of it when she heard an unfamiliar voice. "what are you doing here? This is private property." The man said. Emerson payed him close attention, she didn't know the man, never seen him, if he tried anything she would be ready before he could.

Stiles apologized to him, Scott saying they were just looking for something, the man throwing something in Scott's direction, Emerson being quick to catch it. The man looking at her slightly shocked but composed himself right after, he looked at her one more time before leaving. Emerson watched him, not taking her eyes off him until she was sure he wasn't coming back. She turned around facing the boys, handing Scott his inhaler.

"Dude do you know who that was? That was Derek Hale, he's only a few years older than us. His family burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago" Stiles told the two. That's horrible she thought, sure she has done terrible things, had horrible things done to her, but she has never lost someone she cared about before, because she never did care for anyone, Johann made sure of that.

The boys kept their promise and took Emerson to the salvage yard after their little trip to the woods. Emerson took some time, finding what she needed, the boys coming with her, helping her take everything she needed to Stiles jeep. Stiles then dropped off Scott at the animal clinic, and he and Emerson made their way home. Stiles instantly went to his room while Emerson made her way to the garage with everything she brought back. She enjoyed spending time in there, it helped clear her mind, specially on night when she couldn't sleep, which was pretty often.

She was working on building herself a motorcycle, sure she had money from her hydra days, not that anyone knows that, but she enjoyed being able to this for herself. She also wanted to get herself a car for when she couldn't use her motorcycle, she was already in contact with someone about that though. Noah insisted he could help her get her own vehicle, but she declined, he already did a lot for her, she didn't want him to spend more on her than necessary.

She didn't know how much time she spent on the garage till she heard a knock on the door, it was Noah, he had gotten home late from work,and was making sure she was ok. She assured that she was, and he left her be, not before telling her to make sure she gets some rest. She agreed, going back to work on her bike. About an hour had passed and Emerson found herself smiling proudly as she had just given her bike the finishing touches it needed, she had done it and tomorrow she would make sure to drive herself to school.

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"Hey Mer, you awake?" Stiles knocked on her door. Emerson walked out of her bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body, she walked to the door, opening it slightly and positioning herself behind it. "hey, yeah what's up?" She asked Stiles.

" Oh well, I didn't hear your shower so I thought you were still sleeping, anyway I was going to be heading to school soon if you wanted a ride, I wasn't sure if Lydia was coming to pick you up."

"Thanks Stiles but don't worry, I have my own ride today" Stiles looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?" She grinned in response, "you'll see."

Stiles slowly nodded still slightly confused, he made his way to his room to finish getting ready. Emerson closed her door, walking to her closet to pick out her outfit for the day. She made sure her door was still closed and once she was sure it was she turned to the mirror, she paused taking her appearance in, her lips pressed in a firm line. She sighed, passing a hand through her hair. She waved her hand , the illusion that was placed on her body disappearing. Her tattoos now coming into view, she traced her fingers along her shoulder, it's been some time since she let her tattoos become visible. She hid them when she got into town, a fifteen year old girl with tattoos would have cause lots of questions, especially since no one knew where she came from, or anything really, about the girl.

She had a Medusa tattoo on her right shoulder, she got it because she liked what she represented, a Gorgon Medusa represents a primordial force of chaos and destruction. She embodies the unpredictable aspects of the world. She represents a dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats.

Her back tattoo was just her way to cover up her scars, she didn't hate them, they reminded her of what she went through, she didn't want to forget, they had made her who she was, but Emerson turned herself into who she is. Her other tattoo she had along her left forearm, is her way of reminding herself that she is in charge of her own story, Katia was long dead, but Emerson was now just living.

She stared at herself for a bit longer, before she waved her hand, her tattoos disappearing once again. She got dressed and made her way downstairs, she had some cereal and when she was done she made her way to the garage. She looked at her bike feeling proud of herself, she walked to the shelf on the wall, picking up the bike keys. She opened the garage door, sunlight beaming through. She was making her way to her bike when something caught her attention.

A motorcycle helmet laid on the shelf staring back at her, she walked to it picking it up. There was a note from Noah, he had figured out what she was doing in the garage and he made sure he had a helmet ready to give her when she finished. Before going to work Noah had headed to the garage having heard something fall, he thought Emerson might have still been awake never having gone to sleep, but he stumbled onto the finished bike instead. He was very proud of Emerson and he made sure to leave his gift for her to find when she was ready to leave.

Emerson smiled softly, running her fingers along the helmet. She walked back to her bike getting on, she turned it on, the bike roaring to life, she put on her helmet and made her way to the school.

She made her way through the school, she saw Stiles standing in the hallway Scott running away. "What's wrong?" She asked the boy, Stiles jumped in surprise, he pointed an accusing finger at her, "you, you're gonna give me a stroke one of these days." She nodded, "oh, I am well aware."

Stiles shook his head, "ok well you're not going to believe this, I heard dad on the phone the fiber analysis came back from the lab, the animal hairs found in the body, they were wolf hairs." Emerson looked at him in slight shock, she looked around making sure nobody was listening to their conversation. "Do you think-" she didn't even knew how to finish her sentence, but she didn't have too, Stiles seemed to know what she was getting at.

"It's definitely looking more and more like a possibility" Stiles nodded.

"Well shit" she replied.

The day went by pretty quickly, Emerson couldn't deny that she was slightly worried about Scott. She was on her way to Lydia's house, the girl having had invited her to do their homework before the party.

*at Lydia's house*

Lydia sat in her bed, Allison by her side, "so are we waiting for Emerson to get here, or are we starting without her?" Allison asked Lydia as she began to look through her bag for her notebook. Lydia just gave the girl a blank stare "Allison honey, we are not really gonna be doing homework," she stood up heading to her closet, she turns to Allison with a smirk, "we are getting ready for the party." Allison's eyebrows raised in surprise, not what she was expecting.

"So what are you going to wear? Because you definitely need something that grabs peoples attention." Allison just shrugged, not really knowing what she was gonna wear.

"I mean I'm going with Scott to the party, so I don't think I really need to grab anyone's attention" she told Lydia.

"Honey, you always want to grab someone's attention." Lydia deadpanned. There was something that Allison was urging to ask the girl, so taking a breath she decided to ask.
"So Emerson," she started, Lydia's attention being turned to the girl, "is she always like that? I mean just withdrawn or something"

Lydia nods, "kinda, Emmie, well she's very guarded, it takes a while for her to get close to people. I mean I've known her for a year now, but it took a while to get to this point in our friendship." Allison nods deep in thought. Lydia looks at her tilting her head slightly, she hums, "why do you ask?"

Allison snaps out of it, "just curious" she answered.

"Lyds?" "I'm here" she called out, Emerson now entering Lydia's room, she stood by the door seeing Lydia rummaging through her closet and Allison sitting on Lydia's bed patiently waiting. Emerson shakes her head sighing, "we aren't doing homework aren't we?" Lydia shakes her head no.

"We are getting ready for the party aren't we?" Lydia nods a grin on her face, "yupp"

"No Lydia why? I don't want to go to a party." She whined. "that's too bad, now sit" Lydia motion to her bed. Emerson grumbled making her way to sit in Lydia's bed, by Allison.
Emerson glances at the girl beside her, she nods at Allison offering her a small "hey" in greeting. Allison smiled at Emerson returning her greeting.

The girls got ready after a while, Lydia having to force Emerson to go along with them. Allison and Lydia rode to the party together since Emerson brought her bike.

Lydia had run off to who knows where, leaving Allison and Emerson behind. There were people everywhere, music booming, Emerson did not want to be here at all. She was ready to leave but one glance at the girl beside her stopped her in her tracks, she could tell Allison was uncomfortable in this place. So she swallowed her pride, and stood in front of Allison, hands in her pockets, Allison turns her head meeting Emerson's eyes.

"So" she started, no idea what to say, she decided on the safest option, "are you ok?" Allison gave her a slight look of confusion. "I just meant, you look like you don't want to be here is all."

"Yeah," she chuckled, "and I wouldn't be, but since Scott invited me I thought why not?" Emerson nodded in understanding. "Where is Scott anyway?" Emerson asked. Allison shrugged, not really knowing. Emerson looked around trying to find Scott, she couldn't find him, she did however found Stiles. She wanted to make her way to him, but she didn't want to leave Allison alone, so she motioned for the girl to follow her, Allison sticking close behind her.

"Stiles, where is Scott ?" Allison stood a few steps behind, wanting to give the two some privacy. "It's the full moon Mer, it's affecting him, he ran right out of here."

"The full moon? Stiles you mean-?" Stiles nods. "it's true, Scott's a werewolf"
Fuck she thought, "ok go, go find Scott make sure he's alright, I'll take Allison home" Stiles agrees, begging to leave. Emerson turns back to Allison.

"bad news, Scott's not coming, he was feeling sick so he stayed home, Stiles went to check on him" "Oh." Was all Allison said, she wasn't disappointed by any means, she thought she would be but she didn't care.

"Listen I'm not staying here any longer, so if you want," Emerson stopped herself, was she really going to ask this, "I could give you a ride" she offered.
Allison looked at her in surprise not expecting her to offer to take her home, she agreed though, not wanting to be there any ways.

Emerson gave Allison her helmet making sure the girl was safe, before beginning her drive to Allison's house, Allison thanked her, grateful she was there. Emerson gave her a tight lip smile, watching her enter her house safely, before she made her way back to her own house.

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