I never knew somebody like yo...

By alani_lanii

4.8K 283 119

The war between the Yakuza and Korean Gangsters seem to be on the brink of destruction. But what happens afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

154 9 11
By alani_lanii

"This is the last thing you'll need to do is just go meet up with the other omegas and female betas. The older ones will give you some....knowledge"

Hyung Suk didn't even want to ask about what type of knowledge those old hags will give him. He'll shut them up quickly though.

"Thank you Jakucho...."

He hates this. After this he was supposed to fuck that bitch, Yuzuru, in a few days. He bit his lips but composed himself from his nerves. It would be okay. It was just sex. Either way he was feeling a little bit horny since he was nearing his heat; they would both benefit from it. Now he just had to deal with this shit show. He just wanted to come and go AND talk to Chihiro. He would like to know what shit she was babbling about last time.

He frowned at the thought of her. He had to be civil but he would also get reminded about the time he caught her and Yuzuru at night talking in secret. Those idiots; if he caught them who else would've been able to do that. They could at least keep their affair hidden away from all eyes. Ugh! Whatever it wasn't his business.

He waved to Jakucho and Murasaki and walked into the room. There were the same amount of people as there was last time. He felt anxious but he didn't let it show. He honestly didn't really know where to go; he didn't trust anyone here. Kanami was out of the picture and he didn't know what to feel about Soma Mitsuki anymore. Everyone here was a stranger and he hated it. He just wants to go home; he hates this stupid place.

He sat down on a couch and heard the whispers of people. He didn't care about what they were saying. He didn't feel anything right now, or well he was trying.

"Looks like someone's nervous" it was Soma Mitsuki.

He turned to her before looking back ahead, he wouldn't admit that he was a little relieved that someone spoke to him.

"I am not nervous."

She chuckled as she sat next to him and god did she look beautiful as always. She wore a light green kimono with hints of pink on it.

"Pff you can't fool me. Be grateful cause I'm fending off the old hags. They look like vipers trying to talk to you. Don't let whatever any of them say get to you. Those bitches will try anything to hurt you since the Yamazaki's aren't here" she said in a hushed voice.

He frowned, "Ugh they think I need the Yamazaki's to defend me. I don't need anyone, much less them, to help me."

She hummed, "I see you don't like them."

He looked at her, "I don't, but it doesn't matter. We're both tied together and nothing will change that."

They both stared at each other and her smile didn't falter as she nodded.

"Of course. I don't really care about any of that drama. The only reason I'm here is because of my father. I don't like anyone here either."

They continued to stare at each other. Her last words were basically a deal. A deal for the both of them to trust each other and he doesn't know if he should take it. He bit his lip and decided; what's the worst that can happen?

"Well I guess we're on the same page then. At least someone understands."

She smiled at him, satisfied. "Indeed"

"Well look here, Park Hyung Suk, I'm glad to hear that there will be official heirs to the Yamazaki line. It's quite sad that these youngsters no longer wish to have many children. At least pop out two for the man would you"

An old lady came up to them and he couldn't help but narrow his eyes at her.

"Thank you...." he really didn't know what else to say to that.

"Hmph, he should pop out more than two if the Yamazaki's want to keep being in power" an old omegan male came up.

It was silent as everyone stared at him.

"I'm sure Hyung Suk will and is satisfying our leader; not that it is any of your business" Mitsuki came as his savior.

"Of course but we just wanted to let you know about a few things" the old lady looked at the man for support before looking back at him.

He hoped his displeasure wasn't noticeable on his face.

"I'm sure Yuuka-sama has prepared you enough but it doesn't hurt to make sure..." the old man looked at the lady as he finished.

Hyung Suk couldn't help, but feel like he was about to get traumatized. He looked at Mitsuki who stared back at him.

The old lady smiled, "When pleasuring an alpha you should take their cock and slightly caress the tip and fondle their balls. It's nice to take it easy and slow to edg-"

"I know!" he looked at his lap as he hit his lip. He was sure that his face was red; the vulgar words these old hags were spewing were just embarrassing.

"I am fine in my knowledge" he glanced at them and saw them staring confused. "My mother has taught me" he coughed a little as he looked at the floor.

It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't true. His mom did tell him about sex and all that stuff, but just the basics. They never dived into whatever these old folks were saying. They looked at him with an offended face. Why were they even offended? He should be the one giving them dirty looks!

"You heard him. Either way, what would you both know of Yuzuru's likes and dislikes?" Mitsuki came to his rescue, arching a brow at the older omegas.

They murmured and scoffed but walked away with complaints. He sat there and stared at the floor. This was embarrassing really; he didn't like the fact that people knew he would be getting banged in a few days. It was fucking weird....

"Don't let them get to your head. They're stupid."

He looked at her and realized he was frowning and composed himself. He shouldn't be showing his weakness to others.

"I don't. Just that I don't like people treating me having sex as something holy....."

She laughed, "Believe me" she took a sip from her glass. "I'm glad my father could care less about me. It gives me more freedom."

He pressed his lips at that statement; she was smiling, but he couldn't help but feel bad for her. He didn't let it show though.

He sighed, "These people are crazy....." he played with his obi. "Marriage should be enough for them...."

He looked off to the side and glared at the wall.




"You know Jakucho"

She hummed.

"The mai- helpers here also wear scent patches. Well I mean y'all do- I do sometimes but I didn't expect y'all too..." he hoped it didn't sound like a stupid question but the way she looked at him proved that he failed.

"Yes, no one wants to smell others scents. Only close people would, but none of the higher ups are close to us helpers. They would rather us be like betas or even better, before presenting. Our existence should be non-existent."

He frowned at that. They didn't do that back at his home, but yet again they didn't have helpers over there either.

"But Murasaki had hers out?"

"That's only because you're in pre-heat so she can comfort you. Other times are just when we are by ourselves. I don't need a scent patch since I'm a beta but I still wear one since we still have scents, they're just faint."

He looked at the floor and nodded at that. He tried not to think about it but it was weird. The differences were something he should start getting used to.

"But you know what else I wanted as well, Jakucho" his tone was more serious this time and she looked over at him, stopping her typing on the computer.

"I didn't exactly get Yamazaki-sama to agree, but I know you can get him to talk there."

He looked at her, a little disappointing but yet again she was just a serv- helper so she can't do much. "Alright, then hit me."

"He is usually out every Thursday cleaning his personal yard. There he's all alone and no one bothers him. Only us trusted helpers know, so keep this to yourself. I'm sure if you come up to him you will be able to talk to him without interruptions."

He couldn't help but smile at that, "Thank you."

It was silent as he went back on his phone and Jakucho's typing was the only thing that could be heard but she stopped; he didn't think anything of it.

"Can I ask why you need to speak to him alone?"

He looked into her brown eyes for a moment. "No"




"Were you able to find anything?" he leaned onto the wall in which he snuck up at Bunta, but his friend didn't flinch.


Jong Gun arched his brow as he moved to sit next to the chair. Bunta was focused on his phone, typing something on it. He sat there waiting as his friend finished up, Bunta looked focused which made him wonder what or who had him looking like that.

"They didn't say anything, but I found out through the weapon they were using. It's a specific type of katana, well made from a specific type of metal: tamahagane. The usual katanas are made from high-carbon steel, but they use the traditional way. There's only...very few groups who have access to tamahagane."

Jong Gun looked at his friend with a face of realization. This was good news, very good news. This hunt would be made much easier now. He started to smirk, but Bunta still looked concerned. It was silent as they both stared at each other.

"We could make them tell us who they are and go from there" was what Bunta finally said.

Jong Gun nodded, "Yeah, but you forget the Hayashi's-"

"We shouldn't be so hasty, Yuzuru. If we just barge up on them with accusations we'll look like idiots. Even if you are the leader you've got to know your limits. Those bastards will try to find your weakness through every small crack."

He bit his cheek and calmed himself down; Bunta's right, he can't just go ahead and do that. He needed to speak with Chihiro asap; he has been getting worried since she hasn't sent him anything.

"You're right. We'll catch those bastards soon..."

He looked at Bunta who was frowning and looking at the floor. He frowned as well, but waited for what his friend had to say.

"You're not-"

"No I'm not" he didn't want Bunta to finish that sentence.

Bunta looked at him with furrowed brows, "I use tamaha-"

"Would you be stupid enough to make them use it as well?"

The room was silent, but then Bunta looked at him.

"Guess so, but wouldn't that apply to the Hayashi's as well?"

Jong Gun smirked, "Those bastards don't care. They've been trying to get rid of us Yamazaki's for centuries. They may as well have sent that as a sign."

Bunta sighed and smiled, "Yeah you're right."




Hyung Suk felt so hot and sweaty. His heat finally fully started. He always hated it since he didn't have control over himself. He felt powerless every time and he hated it. He stared at the ceiling as he felt his body heat up, trying to ignore Ms. Paek's presence.

"I have to leave since you've fully started. I'll tell those girls to bring you food later. I'll always be near whenever you need me."

He whined at Ms. Park's words, but bit his lips to stop himself from reaching out to her. He wished she could come closer, it was disappointing that she was wearing a scent patch because of his heat. He wanted her closer and for her to-

"Alright, leave"

He turned the other way so he could stop his intrusive thoughts from thinking about his bodyguard, an alpha woman twice his age, doing things he shouldn't be thinking about.

Think about something else you idiot!!

He inhaled sharply as he felt a wave of arousal hit him. He wasn't at his peak of his heat so it wasn't as bad. In these times it was bearable, but the feeling was uncomfortable nonetheless. Sometimes he wishes he was born as a beta, or better yet an alpha.




"He's in heat already Yuzuru-sama" Jakucho was finally able to catch him.

Yuzuru turned to Jakucho, "So, I can handle him later. He has four days of heat and hasn't reached the peak of it. I have more important matters to handle."

He saw the way her face twitched and her lips pressed into a faint frown. It seemed like she wanted to say something but kept it to herself. He left her right then and there and walked towards his dads section of the place. He slid the door open and entered the medium-sized place.

"Dad" he called out and took his shoes off as he walked around the place. He didn't hear a reply and frowned. He was sure his dad would be here so why wasn't he replying.

He started to walk around the whole entire place, which wasn't small but not that big either, and the end results weren't satisfying. Why was life playing with him right now? First, Park Hyung Suk started his heat and now his dad was nowhere to be seen. He clicked his tongue and walked out of the house.

Maybe his dad was doing something else, but it didn't make sense since his dad didn't really do anything nowadays. Ever since he stepped up and took over his leadership he's just been in the house or going on some trips around Japan.

Did he decide to go to Arashiyama again? He always loved going there since it was peaceful and had its traditional roots. Their place was located near it since they lived in Kyoto. He frowned and decided to take out his phone. He pressed on his dads contact and waited for him to answer, but even after calling him five times there was no answer.

He sighed and texted his dad's personal servant, or helper as they liked to call it. He didn't know why they labeled it as that when everyone could clearly see exactly what it was.


The other end of the line was quiet for a little which was starting to make him annoyed.

"Yes Yuzuru-sama?" finally he answered.

"Where is my father? I thought he was supposed to be home today. Or did he decide to take another trip?"

"Your father did actually. I apologize on his behalf for not saying anything. He is asleep right now though, which is why he may have not answered."

He rolled his eyes and sighed; why did his dad always have to be like this? He needed him now and he was just messing around.

"Alright tell him to call me when he wakes up"

The line was silent for a little, "Of course"

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