
By ellabella201

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Rescue Attempt
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela
Long Live The King
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Until We Meet Again
Code Black
Go Be Happy
It's You

Prison Break

672 46 12
By ellabella201

Sunglasses on my face. Lipstick on my lips. And boobs pushed up. I walked into the main entrance of the prison. My lovely friend Rick escorted me up here. It's good to have friends in high places. I strutted up to the desk where, sure enough, my secret admirer was there working on something. I looked around and there was nobody around. I got to the front desk and waved my hand in front of his face. He had his ear phones in and was focusing on some papers. He looked up at me and I literally thought his eyes were going to pop out of his sockets.

"Hi. Hey! Hello." He said standing up.

"Hey there. Daniela." I said smiling up at him and sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"Adam." He replied shaking my hand.

"What can I do for you?" He asked organizing his papers and pushing them off to the side.

"A lot of things." I said winking causing him to laugh a little. "Where are the other guards?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well it's a small prison. I handle front desk and a majority of the surveillance watching while the others guard the prisoners. I do my surveillance watching on these computers when I'm out here and waiting for people to come in and out. And I go in there when the day is slow and I'm not expecting anyone." He said pointing to a door near where we were standing. "That is until I switch shifts after lunch. Then someone takes over for me and I go guard." He said quickly and looking down nervously.

"Interesting." I said slowly, noting that we had two hours to get in and out before he switched shifts. "Do you remember me?" I asked looking up at him batting my eyelashes.

"Of course I do." He said eagerly. "I mean, yea. I do." He said looking away from me. "So, are you here on business?" He added looking back up at me.

"You could say that. I still have some interrogation left to do with Reed, but I'm actually quite a bit early for my appointment." I said simply. The lies floated out of my mouth as easy as breathing or saying my name.

"Well being early is admirable." He said shrugging.

"Well I kind of came early for a selfish reason..." I said innocently.

"What?" He asked tilting his head a bit.

"Well, I saw you down there during that whole ordeal, and I just wanted to... get to know you." I said simply.

"Oh." He said shocked.

"Yea, and I'm really sorry about all of that. I feel really bad bout holding you guys hostage." I said looking at him apologetically.

"No, no. It's fine. I mean, it's not everyday you get held hostage by an attractive girl." He said chuckling. I laughed along with him.

"Thank you for understanding. It's just that everything that happened was so... traumatic. I've been through a lot this past couple years and it's like it all came rushing back." I said as some tear came rolling down my face.

"No, don't cry." He said coming from behind his desk to hug me. "It's ok. We all go through some tough times. You seem like such a strong, confident, amazing woman. You'll get through this. And I mean, you did what you had to do. So what you held like 10 people hostage at gunpoint. I'd do the same thing if I were in your situation." He said comforting me. He's actually comforting me and I'm playing him like a fiddle. I felt so bad.

"I still have some time, how bout you show me that surveillance room over there?" I said looking over at the room.

"I'm not supposed to do this, I can't have a pretty lady crying." He said smiling before leading me into the room. He closed the door behind us and started up the computer. "I can watch over and control the entire system from here." He said pointing and the screen and multitude of buttons and keys in front of him.

"That's really cool. So you must have really high training to do all of this." I said scooting closer to him.

"I do have high training, but this stuff is pretty easy. I'm new, so I have to work my way through the rank." He said humbly. He really seems like a nice guy. I feel really bad for what I'm about to do. I turned to look at him and I was met by his eyes. I smiled happily at him and started leaning in. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked slowly.

"Yes. I'm sure." I said nodding before placing my lips on his. He kissed me back and pulled me closer. I had to get him to relax, it's a lot easier and faster, if the person is relaxed. I pushed him in a chair and straddled him. His arms wrapped around my waist. I could slowly feel him beginning to relax and loosen up underneath me. I slid my hand to his neck and slowly began to press on his pressure point. Within a minute he was completely out. I didn't know how long he'd be out for so I had to work fast. The pressure point I hit usually would keep a person out between 20 to 60 minutes depending on the person. I got to the computers and saw my friends waiting by the door I told them to go to. I put in my ear piece and turned it on.

"Can you guys hear me?" I whispered into the mic.

"Loud and clear." Bri said nodding.

"Ok. So I'm going to open the door. You going to walk straight down this hall where you are going to be met with 2 guards. Once you take them out you're going to take a left, walk about 20 yards before making the first right where you're going to be met with another guard. Take that hallway to the end. Turn left and Reed's room is the last one on the right. I'll keep an eye out for anything, work fast. I don't know how long Adam's going to be out for." I said taking a quick look over my shoulder at him.

"Adam. You know his name?" Tyler asked walking through the now open door.

"Yes I know his name! I'm not just going to play this poor man and not know what his name is." I replied rolling my eyes.

"We could've done the plan without him." Tyler mumbled.

"But it was easier with him. We had a way in. Now is not the time or the place for you to start this shit with me Tyler." I snapped at him.

"Fine!" He replied angrily.

"Fine." I answered. I watched them maneuver their way through the prison easily. "You're going to reach Reed's room in 10 feet." I said simply preparing to open his door. The reached the door just as I unlocked it.

"Reed!" I heard Jess say smiling.

"Guys. You need to get out of there fast. The meet me out by the main entrance. They have line ups of snow mobiles out front." I said unlocking every door in their path. I ran out to the desk and quickly wrote Adam a note.


I'm sorry. I really had to save my friend. He's innocent and all of this is a matter of national, and global, security. I hope you understand.

p.s. you seem like a really great guy, and I'm flattered at your interest, but my love life is very complicated right now.

I folded it up, wrote his name on the front and placed it on his lap. As I walked out of the room the group met me.

"Let's go!" I said rushing out the front door as the followed me. We got on the snowmobiles and started them up. Soon we heard shooting. We raced down the mountain with people following after us. Dee and Bri were on one mobile. Bri took out a hand grenade from her backpack and threw it at the people following us. The explosion knocked some of them off their mobiles and caused a small kind of avalanche. We rode down and stopped in front of the little hut.

"I have transportation waiting for us, I just need a car to get there quickly." Tyler said looking at me. I nodded before going into the building.

"Rick, I need to borrow your car. Now!" I said seriously. He looked frightened and tossed me his keys. "Thanks." I said before running out. I tossed Tyler the keys and we all piled into the suv. Tyler sped down the icy road and I feared we might slide off. We made it safely to this large field where a small airplane was waiting for us. We climbed up the ladder to get inside and I was shocked by the sight.

"Well I'll be damned!" I said smiling. "Drew." I said before rushing to give him a hug.

"Hey there!" He said hugging me back. "Kylen's flying the plane and I'm supposed to be co pilot so let me go back to doing my job." He said running back. Soon enough we were taking flight. It was about 15 minutes into the flight we reached cruising altitude. My heartbeat finally settling down and the adrenaline that was one pumping through my veins were gone.

"Um guys, we have a problem." Jade said looking at us. We looked at her and noticed her bloody hands.

"Shit!" I mumbled before we all rushed over to her. "Back up guys. I know what to do." I yelled over all the chaos.

"How?" Jake asked looking over at me.

"I worked with the Circle for months. I've had to deal with more than my fair share of removing bullets from people. Now back up and find me a first aid kit." I said and they scattered. I shimmied out of the cami I was wearing under my shirt and rolled it up. "Bite on this when I tell you to ok?" I said handing it to her.

"Got it." She said nodding. I pulled up her shirt to see a small bullet wound in her lower left side.

"You're lucky. It's not too deep and it didn't hit anything important.

"Lucky me." She said with a light chuckle at the end.

"They have a first aid kid to the max. More than everything you will need." Reed said handing me the large, heavy box.

"Reed, we're spies. Of course we're going to have an extreme first aid kit." I said smiling up at him. I opened the box and put on some gloves. Blood was steadily oozing out of the wound. It was getting all over me and her. I had to stop the bleeding, but I had to get the bullet out first.

"Ok Jade, you're going to need that shirt now. Start biting." I said looking over at her. She nodded and put the shirt in her mouth. I sterilized the tweezers with some alcohol before going in for the bullet. Jade groaned as I put it in. "Sorry babes, this is really gonna hurt." I said soothingly. I went deeper until I found the bullet and then pulled it out. "There's the little fucker." I said before tossing it into a ziplock bag. Jade rested her head back in relief.

"It's not quite over yet. I still have to clean out the wound and stich it up." I said before getting out the alcohol. I poured the alcohol generously on the wound. Jade screamed for a while before passing out.

"What happened?" Jake said looking at her.

"Something happened!" Jess said worried.

"I thought you said she was going to be ok!" Bri said looking at me.

"Guys shut up and let me work. She's fine, it's just that her adrenaline wore out and the pain became too overwhelming. She passed out from pain. It's better this way." I said before taking the shirt out of her mouth and using it to wipe her forehead. They all nodded before backing up a little more. It was silent the rest of the time I worked on her. I poured a little more alcohol on the wound to make sure it was all cleaned out and won't get an infection before beginning to stich it up. I placed a thick pad of gauze over the stitching and wrapped her entire lower abdominal area to make sure it was tight and well secure. I wiped the floor clean of the excess blood and threw that away along with my gloves.

"Here." I heard Tyler say from behind me. I turned around to see him holding out a jacket. I looked at him confused for a second before he elaborated. "You're covered in blood. I have a pair of basketball shorts in my backpack that you can change into as well." He mumbled. I looked down at my clothing and saw that it really was completely coated in blood. Even when he's mad at me he still comes to my rescue. I took the jacket and he ran over to his backpack before coming over to me with his basketball shorts.

"I'll make sure no one looks at you while you change." He added before turning around. "Guys, Ela's changing. Close your eyes." He yelled and everyone turned their backs to me. The girls have practically seen me naked before and Jerry has seen me change multiple times, but they knew today was not the day to mess with Tyler. I walked into a corner and stripped off my shirt. I quickly put on Tyler's jacket and then went to take off my pants. I slipped on the basketball shorts before throwing my clothes into the garbage.

"I'm decent, guys." I said turning back towards them. They opened their eyes, but didn't look at me. Looking around at them, they look like shit. I shook my head, not bothering to talk about it at this point, I'll wait til later to point it out. They don't need that right now. I sat next to Tyler and brought my knees up to my chest. Slowly, one by one everyone fell asleep. I looked over at Jess cuddled in Reed's arms and smile. This is how things should be. He's one of the good guys. One of the only pure, innocent souls left in this entire world... or at least in my world. It's like once you are brought into the spy world, there's no going back from there. There might as well be a sign at the door saying drop off your soul before entering. *We'll be taking it later along the line anyways*

I looked over at Tyler and saw that his eyes were closed. I knew he wasn't sleeping. I turned to face him and rested my head on the chair, still looking at him. I took in all of his features.

"Why are you staring at me?" Tyler mumbled not opening his eyes.

"Because you're handsome." I said softly.

"Was Adam handsome?" He asked venomously.

"Seriously Tyler?" I asked frowning though he couldn't see it.

"Yes seriously." He said opening his eyes and looking at me.

"Listen, I did what I had to do." I said simply, not wanting to anger him anymore.

"So you prostituted yourself out to this man?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ok yes! I did. I prostituted myself out to this man. This man that I knew 'liked' me. Is that what you want me to say? Do you feel better now that I admitted it? I'm a fucking prostitute now. Whoopdy do. This is the life of a fucking spy Tyler. I have to do some things I don't want to do. I have to exploit resources and opportunities as they are shown to me. I'm sorry if you don't like this, but frankly Tyler I don't care. Reed warned me of what I had to do before I did it. He told me what I needed to do, bat my eyelashes, lure him into another room for 5 minutes or so. He had 'needs', some that he wanted fulfilled by me. I was reluctant at first. I saw this as prostituting too. I was kind of shocked that Reed had suggested prostituting me out to the guard, but then Reed said 'how far are you willing to go?' and that really put everything into place. I realized that in this case I'd go as far as necessary and then even farther if it meant getting Reed out of that place. I realized that this kind of thing was something I was going to have to get used to if I'm going to be a spy. I'm going to have to do things I don't want to do. I've done things I didn't want to do and I'm sure you have to. Tyler, if we're both going to stay in this business and if we're going to stay together you have to understand that this is my job and I have to do whatever it takes to get the job done. It's really as plain as that. I understand that you're upset right now. I understand that you're mad and I probably would be too if the situation were reversed, but Ty we have much more important things to focus on than this. We have to think about the whole world, not just ourselves for a minute. We have to do our jobs." I finished looking at him and he nodded. 

During my time in the circle I've had to do more than questionable things with some more than questionable people and it's been very uncomfortable, but that's why I was used to what I did today. That's why I didn't hesitate and that's why I didn't think twice when I went to kiss Adam. I knew that I had to do what I had to do. This was my job, he was my friend and if it really came down to it I would've done a lot more than just kiss him if it meant that Reed would get out of the hell hole. Point, blank, period. And I have done some not so good things with the circle with some not so good people. I've never gone that far, but I've gotten pretty close. Alex has also had to do some not so good things with some not so good people and we understood each other. We understood that, yes, this is our job. We are doing what we need to do to complete a mission. There's no if ands or buts to it. We have to do what we have to do. And as a couple who loved each other we understood that at the end of the day we'd go back to each other and be with the person we truly loved.

Now, I know that Tyler and Alex are two completely different people with two completely different backgrounds, but I really expected Tyler to understand this. I really expected him not to be this hell bent over this situation. I mean he's making it seem like I freaking slept with the man. I kissed him for about a minute or so and then knocked him out. That is one of the most innocent things I've done. I'm sure if I told him some of the other things that I've done he'd throw a conniption. Yet, flipping the coin I've told Alex everything I've had to do on a mission. Every tiny little detail of everything I did. Whatever it dealt with. And vice versa, he told me everything he had to do. We both understood it was our job and we didn't get mad about it. Sometimes I'd think he went a little too far and sometimes he'd think I went a little to far and we'd argue about it a little bit, but then we'd be ok. Because, again, at the end of the day I was with him, loving him, and not with that other person. My mission was over and that person was locked away in some file. Again, Tyler and Alex are completely different people.

"I understand. I'm sorry for ever exaggerating." Tyler said looking over at me giving me a warm smile.

"I forgive you." I said smiling back. He pulled me into him and kissed the top of my head. I knew he was still mad, but I wasn't going to say anything. I knew if I said something then we'd get into an argument and then I'd bring up Alex and then all hell would break loose from there. I can't have that happen. So, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and give us both time to cool off. I kissed his chest before going to sleep.

I woke up in a car. I looked over at the driver and saw Tyler.

"Hey there gorgeous. Sleep well?" He asked looking over at me quickly.

"Yea. Thank you." I said sitting up.

"You woke up right in time. We're about to pull into the house." He said as we pulled into the driveway. We stopped the car and another pulled up behind us. We got out and got into the house. We set up in the living room while Jake carried Jade in.

"Ok. What's next?" Kylen asks.

"We have to figure out what the Circle plans on doing next." I said looking around.

"Well, in my plan I suggested killing a king of some sort so maybe we can look for major king appearances scheduled soon." Bri said looking around the room.

"Ok then." I said getting up. There were several computers scattered around the house. I set up behind one and started typing.

Major king appearances in the United States.

I searched but no king was scheduled to appear anytime soon anywhere here. I saw my phone light up. Hubby. I smiled at the fact that I had Alex still listed in my phone as hubby.

"Boy am I glad to hear your voice mi amor." I said smiling.

"You're about to get even happier after what I'm about to tell you." He said seriously.

"What's up?" I said sitting up taller.

"The Circle's next target is a King. The King of Caspia. I don't remember what his name is, but that should be enough for you to find something right?" Alex asked hopefully.

"Babe this is more than enough! Gahh! This is amazing." I said bubbling with joy.

"I have to go because they are expecting me for a meeting. I hope I didn't wake you up." He said worried.

"No, I was awake." I said shaking my head.

"Ok, well you really should get some sleep. I love you so much my lovely fiancé. I'll talk to you soon." He said happily.

"I love you too Alex. I really do." I said seriously.

"You sound upset. Do you want to talk? I'll skip my meeting for you." He said gently.

"No baby, go to your meeting. I'm fine. I just wanted you to know that I love you." I said sweetly.

"Ok my love. I'll talk to you later." He said with a slight sigh.

"Talk to you soon baby. Love you." I said before ending the call.

King of Caspia future appearances.

There it is. I clicked on the link and it said that the King was scheduled to appear in London tomorrow night at some sort of banquet thing. Wait, I was invited to this banquet. Months ago, when I was still with the Circle. Well I mean, I wasn't invited, but Victoria and Vincent were. This was it. If I had stayed with the circle I probably would've had to carry out the hit, but now that I'm not they would have to find someone else to do their dirty work. Or, Captain will have to do it himself, since no one else but him and maybe Jesse knows about this.

"Guys!" I yelled. "Get in here quick!" I added. Soon enough the room I was in was filled with everyone else.

"What?" They asked in scattered unison.

"I found it. I found their next target, but we have got to go." I said looking at them.

"Where?" Tyler asked.

"London!" I said quickly while getting up.

"Ela, you have to tell us something." Drew said looking at me.

"Ok, so the King of Caspia is going to be appearing in London tomorrow night at this banquet. There's obviously going to be an attack there because very important people are going to be there." I said rushing out the words.

"Yea, and how do you expect us to get in. It's clearly going to be heavily secured with a king and other important guests being there." Dee said obviously.

"Well it's a lucky thing Victoria and Vincent Porter are invited, isn't it?" I said with a slight smirk before walking past them. "Grab your passports kids, we're going on vacation." I said before going back into the living room.

Well guys, there goes that chapter. It was quite the jam packed chapter. They traveled to Alaska, Ela distracted a guard, they rescued Reed, Jade got shot, Ela had to remove the bullet, Ela and Tyler are mad at each other, Ela keeps comparing Tyler to Alex (and Vice versa), Alex calls Ela and tells her the Circles plan and then they are back at it again heading to London. According to my plans we have about seven chapters left not including the epilogue (or what I'm planning on doing for the ending  lol) but yes. I'd like to take a minute to thank you guys so so so so so much for reading. You guys are absolutely amazing and I love you guys so so so much. Don't forget to vote and comment and read. Love you guys. *Requirements for next chapter*

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