+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark )))...

By Disneydasher2009

6.3K 190 1.8K

A Rainbow Friends AU. Orange feels like an outcast. He's the only one that remembers that one fateful day whe... More

Before We Begin...
Setting the Scene
Meet Orange!
Meet Yellow!
Meet Green!
Meet Cyan!
Meet Blue!
Meet Purple!
Meet Red!
It Begins... (Part 1/2)
It Begins... (Part 2/2)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 1/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 2/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 3/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 4/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 5/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 1/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 2/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 3/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 4/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 5/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 1/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 2/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 3/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 5/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 1/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 2/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 3/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 4/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 5/5)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 1/3)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 3/3)
To Hide A Divide (Part 1/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 2/4)
To Hide A Divide (Part 3/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 4/4)
These Memories (Part 1/4)
These Memories (Part 2/4)
These Memories (Part 3/4)
These Memories (Part 4/4)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 1/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 2/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 3/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 4/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 5/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 6/6)
What's In A Friend? (Part 1/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 2/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 3/3)
An Odd Bond (Part 1/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 2/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 3/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 4/4)
Speak The Truth (Part 1/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 2/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 3/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 4/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 5/5)
Hear the Truth (Part 1/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 2/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 3/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 4/4)
Ponder the Truth (Part 1/5)
Ponder The Truth (Part 2/5)

Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 2/3)

69 3 34
By Disneydasher2009

Hey guys I impulsively posted early because I'm not busy.

Also the art is by me. (The result of procrastination)



In a world that often drifts apart,

These two friends hold tight,

Through the darkest of nights.


No warnings, actually it's   ✨🌟sorta wholesome🌟✨

Cyan and Yellow were sitting atop of the green tower ride. Yellow had managed to get Cyan up there with some assistance from the ride mechanism, it had taken a lot of effort, but they did it eventually.

After spending the last day or so hunting humans and running around the park with each other, they had decided to take some down time together.

Night had almost fallen, and Yellow wanted to see the stars with Cyan. The two monsters had seen them before, but Cyan had wanted to see them closer than she had seen from the Playplace.

While Yellow couldn't pick Cyan up for long enough for her to experience the night sky in the same way that he could, he eventually decided that the tower would be the next best thing.

Yellow glanced at Cyan, who was sitting at the edge of the tower with her legs hanging over the side. She was gazing out over the horizon, watching the sun disappear in a brilliant display of colors.

Yellow wondered briefly if she ever thought about seeing the world. Whenever he was far in the sky, he could see colorful figures in the distance. He had never bothered to ask about it, but he assumed that they were other buildings, maybe where humans lived.

But as he watched her face, she seemed to just be content with where she was. She didn't seem curious about what was out there. Yellow himself had never been too curious, he only occasionally wondered about what was out there.

He assumed it was because he had seen more of it from his high vantage point.

"Yellow, what is it like to fly?" Cyan said, watching the sky above her as it began to grow dark as the last rays of sunlight disappeared.

Yellow thought to himself for a moment, struggling to put it into words. Cyan waited patiently for him to think of an answer.

"It's...it's the most incredible feeling ever. Like you can do anything, go anywhere, take on the world. It's the only place where I feel truly free, y'know?" He said, trying to give her a clear answer, but he found it very hard.

Cyan nodded, seeming satisfied with the answer. "Is the world very big?" Cyan asked meekly, ducking her head slightly in what Yellow guessed was embarrassment.

With a small chuckle, he thought about the view that he had from high in the sky. While it was the same view every time, the sheer amount of land he could see from up there was almost unbelievable.

"I don't think I can see all of it from the sky, but judging from what I can see...it's massive. Bigger than either of us could ever imagine." He said, Cyan turned to look at him as he spoke, her face was one of awe, and she seemed very interested.

"Before I could fly, I had no idea how big it was...I wish I could show you what it looked like." Yellow told her, leaning towards her a little. The wind blew hard without anything to buffer it, but Yellow didn't feel cold. In fact, he felt warm, he always felt warm inside whenever he was with his friend,

Many times he had thought about lending Cyan the propellor pack that he wore, but it wasn't shaped for her, and it would be unsafe because she didn't have arms to secure it better.

Maybe one day, they would figure something out.

"Yellow..." Cyan said, looking unsure about something. Yellow turned his attention to her, curious about what might be making her uncomfortable.

"About what happened earlier..." Cyan said, trailing off. Yellow's breath hitched. He had been hoping that Cyan had forgotten about that. He hadn't meant to lash out at Purple, he really didn't, but he also didn't want to talk about it again.

He was about to change the subject when Cyan began talking again, her voice was soft, different than it was when she was around the others. "Are you okay? You seemed really upset earlier, you yelled at Purple." She said, and she seemed to be searching his face as he tried to answer.

"I...I know what I did..." He told her quietly. "I really didn't mean for it to come out so harshly." Yellow still felt guilty, especially after he saw Purple's face.

Yellow should have known to be more patient with the skinny monster, especially since Purple rarely talked. Now he would probably never try to speak out again for a while, and it was all because of him.

"No, it's okay. Things got a little bit crazy today. I just don't understand why you said it like that." Cyan said, moving her tail to rest on his hand comfortingly, considering that she didn't have her own hands to do it with.

The bandage that was still on her tail even after all that had happened brushed against his wing, and he carefully took it in his grip and started unwrapping it from her tail, deciding that it could be taken off about now.

"Like what?" Yellow asked, a little bit confused.

"It's not bad. I just don't understand, it sounded like you were really determined to defend Red, and I don't get why." Cyan spoke slowly, like she wasn't sure of her own observations. She kept her tail still as Yellow finished taking off the bandage.

"Oh." Yellow said, now realizing what she meant. Yellow never wanted to talk about it often, but he supposed that he could tell Cyan.

"Well...I guess I feel like I owe it to him." Yellow replied, inspecting her tail where the injury had been, then carefully setting it down. Cyan looked at him curiously, as if prompting him to continue. Yellow then looked up at the sky, watching as he saw a glimmer of a star. They were starting to come out.

"He gave me my propellor pack. Remember how I said that flying made it feel like you could take on the world? It gave me the confidence to keep going, especially after I kept messing up during hunts." Yellow confessed, feeling self-conscience.

"Oh, is that why you wanted the pack so badly?" Cyan asked, a little surprised. "You weren't that bad during hunts..."

Yellow looked back at her face, giving her a flat look. "I caught less than ten."

She looked apologetically at him. "Sorry. I guess I hadn't noticed before." She said,

Yellow shook his head a little, then kept talking. "After Red gave me the propellor pack, I had to keep bringing it back to him occasionally for fix-ups, to make sure that it wouldn't stop working while I was flying in the sky."

Cyan nodded, seeming to remember the amount of times that it was brought in for maintenance.

"So that's why I don't think it's fair to question him like this. It's been about forty or fifty years now, and all of this time, he hasn't done a single thing to hurt any of us, in fact, he's been keeping me safe for years." Yellow stated, wanting Cyan to understand that they all needed to trust each other fully.

"Well, yeah, but..." Cyan said, looking away as she trailed off. Yellow tried to lean over to see her face, but he felt a stab of disappointment as she kept her head turned away.

After a couple moments, she spoke again, now looking at the few stars that had begun to shine in the sky. "It's not that I don't trust him...but he put a literal collar on Orange. Doesn't that seem a little...intense?"

Yellow thought to himself for a moment, humming softly. "He did say that it was just a tracker, or some sort of warning system if something like that were to happen again." Yellow said.

Cyan didn't seem very convinced, but she didn't argue with him. "I guess I'm just worried about Orange then," She said, her voice still soft, not guarded like it usually was.

Yellow looked out over the park, where the lights were starting to stand out more against the now darker sky.

"I think that he'll be fine. Probably just a little stressed, I would be too if i couldn't control my Predator form at all. He uses the bell as a signal to transform, right?" Yellow asked, and Cyan nodded.

"I wish I could help him out, but I also have trouble controlling myself sometimes." Cyan said, and Yellow looked at her again.

"Sometimes?" He teased, smiling as he watched Cyan smile as well.

"Do you think that you could help him?" She said, and Yellow thought about it. It was possible, but he didn't know what else he could offer Orange other than some advice, and he had already given that.

He leaned backwards a little bit, enjoying the cool air and open sky. "I don't know how I would do that. Unless you have any ideas."

Cyan shook her head sadly. "I don't."

The two sat in silence, pondering their situation. Yellow wanted Cyan to believe that there wasn't anything to worry about. He just wanted to relax and enjoy their time together, and he wanted Cyan to be able to relax too.

He leaned hesitantly against Cyan as he looked out at the vast sky, which was now littered with hundreds of glittering stars. They weren't as bright against the light of the park below them, but the view was certainly much better than at the Playplace.

Yellow fully expected Cyan to pull away from him once he leaned against her, but she didn't.

Cyan tensed up at first, but slowly relaxed against him, letting him sit close to her. She still looked troubled, but then seemed to let her worries go for the moment as she took in the sight of the night sky.

Neither one of them said a word.

Yellow felt his heart pounding as he leaned against Cyan. Yellow was surprised, as she was actually very warm. Cyan was never one for being touched, and he was glad that she let him even sit that close to her. As Yellow looked at her face, he saw a sort of calm that he had rarely ever seen before.

Yellow could rattle off reason after reason for why he admired Cyan so much, but in that moment, only one word came to his mind, blocking out every single other thought.


The starlight seemed to reflect in her eyes, causing them to glitter like never before. Yellow found himself completely devoid of thought, simply gazing at Cyan, taking in the beautiful sight. He could only imagine that he was sitting next to one of the stars themselves.

He let out a happy sigh, knowing that nothing could ever disrupt the peace that they had found at that moment. At least, he hoped so.

The two sat together, watching the stars, simply enjoying each other's company. And they both knew that whatever happened next, whether it be the daily obstacles to overcome, or the end of their world as they knew it, they would face it together.

And Yellow knew he would be okay as long as Cyan was by his side.


Aha! You guys thought that they were going to crash in the racetrack, didn't you?

*slams a massive fish onto the table*

It's called a red herring. It means that I'm going to be sneaky and there's no stopping me.

Sorry if I sound a little extra unhinged today, it's been a long week.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 3/3)

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