Haikyuu head cannons/oneshots

By Fruity_man

258 3 3

Just cute head cannons, I will do requests, idk if there will be NSFW, there probably will be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ More

sleeping habits (Kagehina)
EnnoTana (getting together)
Getting together (KageHina)
Head cannons (TsukiYama)
ushitenasanoya (headcannons)
Ushiten confession
Sleeping habits (ushitenasanoya)
Ushitenasanoya (Noyaten)
Ushitenasanoya (Ushiasa)
Taukiyamakagehina Cuddles!
cute little oneshots
body types (after high school)
how they'd act on a field trip
Kitasakuatsu head cannons
UshiTen Spicy head cannons
Haikyuu characters at the beach 🏖

Sleeping headcannons x Y/N

28 0 0
By Fruity_man

How different characters react to you needing different things to sleep

(idk how else to put it💀 basically if you need to be cold to sleep of be warm or need a blanket over you no mater what those are the ones I'm doing at least 💀)
Hinata sleeping cold:

Hinata will offer to sleep on the floor of you get even slightly to warm, he would put a pillow in the freezer or blanket or stuffed animal, he'd even go out of his way to get ice packs or really strong fan

He will do what ever to keep you cool, even if it means he's uncomfortable, though he will sometimes get upset if you're hot and don't wanna cuddle, even though he does understand and respect your boundaries

Common fraises you'd hear:

"Are you cool enough babes?"

"Want me to open the widow or turn on the fan?"

"Can I turn the fan off I'm cold.. " (he pouts)

"Want me to put your pillow in the freezer again?!"

"Are you ok to cuddle?"
Hinata sleeping warm:

If you need to be warm to sleep comfortably, he will get one of those microwaveable plushys (the ones from like 2013 that are ment for period cramps) for you, be will cuddle you so hard (like never let go unless you ask, even then he might not)

He would give you his hoodies (if they would fit you) or give you a hoodie he bought for when ever you stay over to keep you warm, he'll even buy a heater for extra warmth throughout the night. Hinata likes to sleep in a warmer room not hot to where you're sweating but warm so he loves you like sleeping like him

Common fraises you'd hear:

"Need the heater on?"

"Want your plushy heated up??"

"Am I making you too warm!?"

"You're the perfect temperature!" (Smiles brightly)
Hinata sleeping with a special stuffed animal or blanket:

He will always ask if you have everything you need, he will ALWAYS no matter what double check to make sure you have the stuffed animal (blanket) when you go to training camps (if you play volleyball) if you're going together or not and when you go on a trip far away for a game (if you're a girl or don't play you're a manager 🤭)

He will always stand up for you when Taukishima messes with you about it, even if he just gets recked by petty insults and teasing, if you forget your stuffed animal (blanket) he will hug and kiss you and hug you, he will stay up all night helping you to get to sleep, even if he doesn't get sleep because of it.
Hinata sleeping on your period FEM! Y/N or TRANSMASC!Y/N:

Hinata will make sure you have water and that you have a heating pad or one of those heatable up stuffed animals he would be scared to cuddle you and press on your tummy, if you have a stomach ache or really bad cramps or head ache ect he will get you pain meds and he will pull your hair back and bring you anything you need before laying down
Kageyama sleeping warm and or cold:

He has no clue what to do and he ends up asleep before you a lot unless he's anxious about something, but he would definitely offer to play volleyball to warm you up 💀

What you would hear often:
"We can play volleyball to warm you up."

"We can open a window" (dorky smile that's like: 🙂) lol 😂
Kageyama sleeping with a special stuffed animal or blanket:

He won't really understand why you need the stuffed animal or blanket but he will always gladly put it in his bag or make sure to remind you to get it when you're staying over. (Like the one thing he can remember for you to bring 💀)

He will tell Taukishima "Fuck off, at least they don't hide they need a stuffed animal/blanket to sleep, you hide your stupid dinosaur plush!" Even if you tell him that was mean or un called for he won't apologize to Taukishima at least.

If you forget the blanket or stuffed animal he will give you a hoodie of his or a t shirt and let you lay in his latest till you fall asleep, though at like 2AM he gets so tired he falls asleep either way, but he won't mind if you wake him up.
Kageyama sleeping on your period FEM! Y/N or TRANSMASC! Y/N:

He will straight up just go: "Doesn't it stop when you go to sleep?" Without knowing, it's kinda cute, he will pay your head and let you play with his hair and steal his clothes, he will even let you drink the last milk (though who tf drinks milk everyday- 💀) it's a sweet gesture either way.
821 words (bro, I only did 2 characters, lemme know if you want more of these. Lol)

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