Ushiten confession

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This is a ONESHOT. TW⚠️: Mentions of depression, bullying and many scars.
As he stood under the cherry tree, wanting to gasp for air, it felt like his lungs would collapse in on themselves if he stayed like this. Tendou gripped his team jacket, he felt sick or anxious or gonna puke, hell it was probably all 3...

Tendou hadn't been to school all week, his depression had gotten pretty bad but Ushijima was there for him, it made him feel ok again.

His hair was down and pulled back but was still messy and in his face he was weak at the knees he just hoped the small keychain that said Miracle boy and his pathetic look would get Ushijima to not laugh in his face.

Tendou knew that Ushijima was a chill person in the 3 years he had known him he had never had a crush or lost his temper excluding the one time Ushijima yelled at a girl for making fun of scars Tendou had, they were from when he fell into a large pit of hit coles and sharp things at a young age maybe 2.

"Please don't hate me Ushi... " Tendou made a whimpering noise and held the keychain to his chest.
Ushijima had found the letter an hour ago, he knew Tendous chicken scratch hand writing, he was confused why Tendou would like him.

Ushijima was described as cold, and self absorbed, or just plain out rude, this was because no one knew the true him, he was scared to open up, he didn't want to be shamed, so he planed to turn down Tendou and move on despite his feelings being reciprocated.

Ushijima walked to the cherry tree, it sat on a small hill in the park, whenever Tendou was sad Ushijima would walk him to the cherry tree and they would enjoy the view.

Ushijima would miss them sitting under the cherry tree all night and Tendous comforting hugs, but he didn't want Tendou to end up with him.
Once they both stood at the cherry tree Tendou handed Ushijima the key chain

"Satori I-"

"Waka please let me explain first, look I know I'm not the best person when it comes to looks or personality, but I really like you and I don't mean in a platonic way Ushi, I LOVE you! Even though I know you don't feel the same..."

Tendou began to cry, he regretted saying what he did, he sounded like a love struck idiot! Tendou looked away from Ushijima when-

Ushijima pulled Tendou into a tight hug for Tendou that was always the safest place no matter what, he was safe in Ushijimas arms


"I love you too Satori."

Ushijima blushed, he had no clue why he admitted he loved Tendou, but it was true he did care a shit tone about Tendou and seeing him cry because he thought Ushijima didn't feel the same broke Ushijimas heart.

"You're not discussed?"

"No Satori, never.. "

Tendou balled into Ushijimas chest and held on to him tightly at some point they ended up sitting on the ground with Ushijima now leaning against the cherry chest and Tendou on his chest face stained with tears.

Ushijima kissed Tendous head "love you Satori.."
545 words 😗, I love this ship and I'm gonna do more head cannons don't worry I'll probably only sprinkle in a few oneshots every once in a while 🫤.

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