sleeping habits (Kagehina)

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Ok so this was going to be like the last chapter but I am just doing like kinda one shots here 🤭

Kageyama at first didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Hinata because he was scared that Hinata would find out about his nightmares unfortunately for him the orange haired boy was to cute to say no too so they ended up having a sleep over at Kageyamas house because his parents are never home

How the conversation went when Hinata found out that night: (little one shot)

Kageyama woke up in a cold swear shaking. Why was it always the sake dream? Is all he could think he didn't even realize the smaller boy next to him had woke up until a soft
Broke the painful silence all Kageyama could do was let a couple years that he was holding back fall from his eyes he had regretted saying yes and letting Hinata stay over until the smaller boys arms wrapped around him and let his hair
"It's ok, you're safe..."
Hinata spoke in a soft tone that calmed the setter, giving him bliss in the cold pit of pain he was in at the moment.
"What happened?"
"Nightmare.. "
Kageyama rubbed his eyes. This was why he hasn't been as observant at practice, he was losing sleep.
"Wanna talk about it?"
Kageyama nodded and layed on Hinatas chest he told him about his fear of everyone leaving him like before and that's why he has nightmares for going back to his old self and losing his friends and Hinata. Though Hinata was great at reassuring people and Kageyama fell asleep without the nightmares coming back to haunt him like normal and after that night he always was on call with Hinata while sleeping or physically with him. His nightmares didn't come back after that.

(AHHH RIAIFBIWAK! FCK THAT WAS CUTE! Sorry I'm fan girling over this ship 😍 ANYGAY!)

Hinata had always slept with a special stuffed dog from his childhood luckily Kageyama didn't really care about the stuffed animal but one day they were going on a long trip to play a game over the weekend. And Hinata was ashamed of the plushy thing. He knew that Tanaka had a hoodie he brought no matter what but he felt childish bringing a plush dog to a hotel, he was the oldest first year too...

Kageyama noticed Hinata didn't grab his stuffed animal while packing and without thinking he grabbed it for Hinata, and that night Hinata couldn't sleep but Kageyama quickly handed him the plush and after the game the team found out some how Hinata was mortified by the reality of it but Kageyama too the blame and said it was his he go teased the rest of the way home, but in his mind it was worth it for Hinata at least.
481 words (thanks for reading pookies 😍)

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