Sleeping habits (ushitenasanoya)

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I know I'm just gonna keep doing these 3 because I FUCKING love them and they make me happy the ship is: Ushijima x Tendou x Nishinoya x Asahi (all names will be shortened because I'm not writing their long ASS names (: )

The first sleep over they had it was their 3rd year (Noyas 2nd) they were all at Ushis house just waiting for one person to say they should change into pajamas or go to bed etc.

Finally Noya of all people said they should change into pajamas so they could fall asleep when ever (mostly because he saw the tiredness is Asahis eyes)

They eventually all changed but ended up changing again into things they were actually comfortable in.

Because Ushi had a huge bed they were all going to share a bed but despite cuddling together in the same bed they were all (mostly Asahi and Noya because they've never slept as Ushis) a little uncomfortable

Once they were laying down poor Ten sat up and asked if he had done something to make Asahi and Noya uncomfortable (😭)

They ended up cuddling Ten extra that night and felt much better after they explained

Dead ass the only 2 ways they sleep (99% of the time) :

Dead ass the only 2 ways they sleep (99% of the time) :

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(Ahhhh they totally cuddle like this XD)

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(Ahhhh they totally cuddle like this XD)

Because Noya has a lot of energy he moves in his sleep, like a lot and if he wasn't active at all during the day he will be even more active and moving around during his sleep, which includes him sometimes talking in his sleep.

Because Noya can't help but move in his sleep when they all first moved in together he tried to exhaust himself everyday so he wouldn't and one time he fell asleep on the couch because he was so tired (💔)

He just really didn't want to disrupt everyone else's sleep or comfortable, though eventually (with in a week) Asahi Ten and Ushi caught on and they helped him through it.

Ushi is the type of person to not really run cold but to constantly feel cold, especially when hes asleep and because if this he's noticed he gets pretty cold at night without at least on thick blanket (in the winter) or a thin one (in the summer)

Asahis first time ever expressing the fact that he actually prefers to sleep alone some nights was opening to them all (they clearly understood so Asahi took the guest bedroom)

Asahi likes to sleep alone a lot because he can get overwhelmed in a crowded inviroment but on stressful day or lonely ones he does love to cuddle up with his partners

Ten run warm and when I say warm I mean hot, he can go from cool to sweating in the matter of seconds so he always sleeps on top of the blankets and (if Ushi isn't too cold which he could always add on another blanket which he is also ok with) he sleeps with a fan on other wise he'd swear to death before morning (he'd just he extremely dehydrated)

When they are all apart (so when they lived in different countries) they would call each other (video call and only if times lined up or the others weren't to busy) they would fall asleep on call together

If they didn't have the ability to call they would have a video of a them just sleeping (all edited together basically Ten would have one of Noya Ushi and Asahi and Usage would have one of Noya Ten and Ushi etc) it would always be a way of having each other with out actually being there.

607 words!!! I have no thoughts today so just some love for reading my bullshit head cannons <3

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