Yuri Ocs

By Going-Dokidoki

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You can Rp here, I'm happy to love me some yuri More

The Florist
The Strong One
The Immortal
The Unphased
The Silence
The Playful
The Troubled Sister
The Traditional Tomboy
The "Samurai"
The Constant Companion
The Friendly Coach
The Oni
The Wild One
The Curse Bearer
○° Fandom Ocs °○
The Saiyan (DBZ/S)
The Sound Devil (CSM)
The Spider (Spider-verse)
The Hunter (Marvel Oc)
The Villain (BNHA OC)
The Burdened (Marvel Villain Oc)
The Uncontrollable (DC Villain OC)
The Executioner (JJK OC)
The Listless (DBXV OC)

The Musician (BNHA OC)

59 5 15
By Going-Dokidoki

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->Akkai Sayotara<-
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
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Table of Contents;

01: -> General Information <-

"Don't let anyone tell you hard work can't overcome natural talent!"

Name: Akkai Sayotara

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 18

D.O.B: August 18th

Height: 6 feet/ 72 inches

Weight: 155 pounds

Contact Information: 07-xxx-xxx-xxx

Appearance: See Provided Photo (Side note: Photo was provided by the Hero she interned with. Don't ask me, man. I just work here)

02: -> Hero Information <-

"YOU'RE MAKING THIS TOO EASY! It's like I'm reading your filthy score from it's sheet!"

Quirk Name: Playing From the Ear

Quirk Description: Please refer to her personal interview as catalogued by Principal Nezu

"I just... hear things differently, y'know? Words, sounds, animals. I hear it all as like, musical notes." She took a visible pause, sipping her water. "Had to learn how to understand sound all over again since I was three." Miss Akkai paused again before smiling widely. "But it's totally kick ass! If I can figure their internal melody out, and how they use it I can counter with the same melody!"

Quirk Drawbacks:

"Aww yeah, that." She awkward chuckled and turned her head away, scratching her cheek. "If I gotta fight two people who don't work well together, it's like listening to two different songs at once... and loud noises hurt like a biiii- bugger. Tit- I mean-! Wait, you're writing this down!?"

Hero Name: Encore

Hero Costume: Please see attached image provided by the Support Course

Hero Gadgets: Image Unavailable

"I got this... Bo Staff in mind. But like, it had chains and stuff but it! So you can turn it from a staff to a nunchuck, or a three parted staff!" She placed her hands on the table, a gleeful expression on her face.

"A Splitstaff, you mean?" The principle, me, suggested.

"...Yeah, I guess." Miss Akkai rested her chin in the palm of her hand, looking away dejectedly. "I just need something fluid to use."

03: -> Personal Information <-

"Mozart was deaf and people called him a music genius! You don't play with your ears, you play with your... heart... it was Beethoven? Oh shi-"

Likes: "You ever had a cream puff? Man! Those are so sweet! I went to this place by the train station with Nejire-Chan and they just- Oh my god!" She threw herself in her seat, running her hands through her hair. "So good... would it be stupid if I said I liked music?"

Dislikes: "Urgh, do you know how annoying it is when people ask me what they sound like? It's all 'Ooo, what instrument am I?' And I gotta be like; 'That's not how it works, buddy. I don't hear an instrument, I hear your melody.' Then they ask their melody and I just...' She flopped back, trailing off as she tapped her fingers on the table. Rhythmically, perhaps unconscious from her. "I also don't like hot drinks... or fish! Eugh, gross."

Talents: "It's uh- It's nothing. I'm not really good at much." Miss Akkai spoke and looked off. In fact, she's a genius with any instrument handed to her. In a matter of 10 minutes she's bridged the gap between a novice who's never played a note and a 15 year veteran.

Ethnicity: "My dad's English and my mom's Japanese. It's pretty funny, he's called William too...!" There was a visible pause as her smile faded. "Y-Y'know, like the first Western... samurai?"

Relationship Status: "Do I really gotta tell you?" She questioned with a playful look only to falter and turn red at the cheeks. "C-C'mon, that's embarrassing and stuff... N-No, I don't wanna tell you-!"

04: -> Background Information <-

"My favourite songs? That's a toughie... All Might's Melody always sounds fantastic, it's just- OH! You mean- It's too embarrassing, I can't tell you that!"

Backstory: Like most children these days, Akkai was born and eventually developed her quirk. At the age of three it appeared, but there were no visible symptoms. In fact the only thing that seemed to change is she became less responsive. The only time she responded to her parents was when they were in her face, and she just cried after they spoke to her.

So, like all concerned parents, they rushed her to the doctors while fearing the worst. And the doctor seemed to reinforce their fears, assuming she had developed a quirk that and made her... "Deaf?" Her father questioned in a shaky tone.

"I'm... afraid so. There are schools that cater to children with special needs. If you want I can-" The doctor cut herself off and looked to Akkai who was lightly nodding her head to the music coming from the radio in their room.

Her fingers tapped to the beat exactly causing her parents to pick up on it too, looking to their daughter. After a moment the doctor reached over and changed the station so the girl seemed to focus.

After maybe 20 seconds she went back to nodding her head and tapping her fingers, matching this new beat too. "I'm... afraid I owe you an apology. As a Quirk Diagnostic I should be ashamed." She chuckled and gently shook her head.

"Your daughter isn't deaf because of her quirk. A safe bet would be she just... hears differently now. There are still schools that help, they'll hopefully find someway for your daughter to communicate with you." She explained as she reached over and placed her hand on the girl's hair, gently ruffling it.

For the girl it was... awkward. Sat in that school, the other kids having issues but at least they could interact. She would be sat alone, staring at the wall or trying to practice her listening exercises. It was isolating... it hurt in a way she never knew she could hurt.

Five years she spent in that school, experiencing a loneliness no child should have to suffer through. But finally... Akkai finally found a way to understand her parents once again, stunned as they were when she spoke. "M... Mama. Yes?" She asked as she looked to the woman, soon turning to her father. "D-Dad, yes?"

The girl was soon smothered in hugs and kisses, sheer joy escaping her parents who were so /so/ glad they finally could have their daughter back. And she was equally as happy, a wide smile on her face as she cried. Her loneliness was over...

05: -> School Restricted Information <-

"I wanna be there for people, to smile and play a song that calms them. I wanna make sure no one feels lonely in the world... music brings folk together, don't it?"

Access to this information is limited to Principal Nezu and those he allows to see.

Please enter PaSSWoRd-


One For All Succession Candidate Interview

Watch Video?


"I understand that your 'debut' was before you joined my school. Would you mind telling me about the incident?" Principal Nezu requested, sipping a cup of tea causing the girl to sigh and lean back in her chair.

"I was... 14 at the time, was on my way home from school and there was this villain attacking the train station. I gotta take the train so obviously this affects me, y'know?" She smiled faintly smile crossing her arms, seemingly reminiscing.

"He was just destroying everything and attacking people and I..." She trailed off as her smile faded. "I tried to run and he got me." Akkai mentioned, rubbing the back of her neck slightly. "Knocked me into a wall and a buncha rubble fell on me."

There was a pregnant silence, hand trailing down to her arm again where she firmly gripped her sleeve. "All I could do was lay there and watch as he hurt people, as heroes came and couldn't get close." She muttered before biting her bottom lip, possibly reliving the moment and her head.

"Was under there for maybe three minutes before I managed to drag my way out. There was this little girl he was about to step on and my body just moved on its own." Akkai explained while shuffling in her seat, sitting up some more.

"I grabbed her and rolled out the way. Had blood seemingly through my school shirt, stung like a bitch." She added on, soon clearing her throat. "Bastard wasn't happy and came running in when I set her down but... all the music I hear everyday cut out."

"The closer he got the louder my rhythm got until it was at loud as his, then mine synced with his." Akkai spoke softly, a small bit of light glimmering on her eyes. "Each punch, each stomp and swipe I stopped. 'Do, So, Re, Lo, Me, Do Re Me.' That was his rhythm."

"Why do you want to be a hero, Miss Akkai?" Nezu asked after his prolonged silence to let her explain the situation, the girl looking to him while blinking a few times. "I wanna keep saving people like that. I wanna stop villains from hurting others... I wanna be the composer the lonely and in need play to in their Orchestra pits."

There was a soft smile on her face now, seemingly realising how cheesy that sounded. "I also wanna teach someone to hear how I hear. And... play my own melody for the world." She added on, looking down to her lap. "Then wait for them to cry out 'Encore!' so I can keep playing for them."



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