Love Live! Sparkling Future!!

By WeavryBruiser2003

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The fine line between "Pushing yourself to the limit so you can become stronger!" and "Pushing yourself to th... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Weight of Achievement
Chapter 3 ~ The Beginning of Adventure
Chapter 4 ~ Into the Unknown Depths
Chapter 5 ~ Uncharted Beginnings
Chapter 6 ~ Sunset Serenity
Chapter 7 ~ A Day of Preparations
Chapter 8 ~ Project, Planning, and Partnerships
Chapter 9 ~ Parallel Peace
Chapter 10 ~ Break from Physics
Chapter 11 ~ The Unexpected Star
Chapter 12 ~Stars Align for Us

Chapter 2 ~ Unconventional Vacation Proposal

102 3 3
By WeavryBruiser2003

Izuku can't help but feel nervous at this moment—extremely nervous, if you ask him.

It was an average Saturday for Class 1-A. With them having a pop quiz on physics and Japanese literature, as well as an individual project in English, everything is relatively normal. Except for the fact that everyone but himself has to do those assignments, much to everyone else's confusion. He actually knew why he was free from the project and quiz, though he rather kept them to himself for now.

Anyway, yes. Other than those, today's Saturday is another normal day in U.A., and all of its students and teachers are going about their day and business like usual.

And then, Ectoplasm instructed him to remain in place after the final bell rang, and when the last student left the room, he told the greenette to follow him to the principal's office.

Suffice to say, he does not look forward to it.

And here he is now: walking just a few steps behind Ectoplasm with anxiousness swirling around his stomach, causing it to turn into knots while his hands are sweating bullets. With each step he took, his nervousness seemingly worsened, like he had just stepped into a lion's den blindfolded and handcuffed.

"Life really does love screwing me over, doesn't it?" He can't help but groan in annoyance and exasperation in his mind.

"You're not in big trouble or anything, Midoriya." The math teacher spoke after a whole minute of silence, as if he'd been able to read his mind or something.

Izuku flinches with a squeak before casting a relief-looking, though still very nervous, glance at the hero, "R-Really?"

Ectoplasm nods with a hum, "Nezu just wants to speak with you about... something very important."

"V-Very important?" Izuku repeated, getting more confused and nervous by the seconds.

"Yes." The cloning hero simply replied in a reassuring tone while keeping his face forward, "Just don't think too hard about it. He will explain everything once we're there."

"U-Uhm, okay." Izuku nodded; his anxious look remained.

They continue their way to the principal's office in another silence, though this time it's more or less unbearable than the first one for the greenette. Well, whatever the case may be, it does not ease his nerves in the slightest. He tries to follow Ectoplasm's advice of not thinking too hard about this and whatever this 'very important matter' is. But truth be told, his heart cannot stop pounding against his ribcage like a jackhammer, and the anxiety within him has gotten worse with every step they take.

He doesn't know what awaits him, and it makes him more and more uneasy with every second that passes by.

Eventually, around 6 minutes later, they arrive at their destination. The double wooden door loomed over Izuku like a judge with an iron fist, ready to slam the gavel and finally hand down the sentence that scum rightfully deserved. Those pair of doors just scream 'doom and gloom' that's threatening to swallow him whole into an eternal prison.

Despite what the hero said and the fact that he keeps telling himself that there's nothing he should really be worried about, Izuku couldn't shake that familiar feeling of him screwing something up. He hollows his cheeks, and his grips around his backpack straps tighten in an effort to calm himself.

"Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe out." He chanted in his head, "Come on, Izuku. You've been through something worse than this. You can do this. You. Can. Do this."

Silently inhaling and exhaling to calm himself down and reduce the anxiety that's filling his heart, he nods to himself, as he is prepared enough to face whatever happens behind those ominous doors.

Ectoplasm put his hand on the handle but didn't open the door yet as he took a glance at the nervous greenette, noticing his internal struggle to calm himself down. Smiling gently, the math teacher lets out a soft chuckle while patting him on the back reassuringly.

"Like I said, you've done nothing wrong, Midoriya." He reassured the teen, "There's just something important Nezu needs to talk to you about."

Izuku takes another deep breath while grasping the straps of his yellow backpack rather tightly so as to prevent his shaking hands from showing. Though he's still quite tense about what the principal himself would want to discuss with him, he's at least calm enough to be prepared to have this conversation with him. Exhaling through his mouth again, he then gave the man a ready nod.

"I-I... I understand, Ectoplasm-Sensei." The boy replied with a slightly shaky voice.

"Mh." The man grunted with a nod before opening the door and leading both himself and the nervous boy inside the room, closing the door behind them afterward.

The moment he steps foot in the office, every bit of self-confidence he has built up for the past minute crumbles down in a mere second when he realizes that every U.A. staff member is present, even All Might himself, who is giving him a friendly wave that is not helping the internal panic he has right now.

"Ah, good afternoon, Midoriya-kun!" Nezu greeted the shell-shocked boy with a merry tone, "Would you like me to pour you a cup of freshly brewed Dragon Well Tea? It is a green tea that is grown in the Longjing Village region of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, east China. It has many benefits; one of them is that it stimulates the secretion of digestive juice to decompose starch, protein, and fat, promoting digestion!"

"I-I... Uhm... N-No, thanks, s-sir." Izuku stiffly shook his head.

"I insist!" Nezu chirped as he filled the second cup with the hot natural drink, ignoring the boy who declined his offer.

"Uuuuhhhhhhh..." He sweatdropped at the white mammal's stubbornness as he stared at the second cup of tea that was placed beside his own on the table.

Anan sighs while shaking her head in exasperation at Nezu's antics, "Just play along with it, Midoriya-kun."

"Uhm, o-okay." He nodded with a bit of hesitation.

The greenette walks closer to the principal's desk; his steps are both clumsy and nervous, looking like a baby deer attempting to walk for the first time. He then sits across the desk from the chimera as he nervously takes the offered cup of tea. He looks down at the steaming liquid for a moment, somewhat mesmerized by its natural beauty. He slightly raises the cup in a gesture of thanks before taking a sip at the same time Nezu did. They both pull their cups in perfect synch, with Nezu sighing in delight and Izuku smacking his lips in mild contentment.

"Huh, it's actually pretty good." He hummed, feeling the tension in his body slowly subside thanks to the tea's natural aroma and flavor.

"Hmm, there's nothing more enjoyable than sipping a delightful, warm cup of tea in the afternoon after a long Saturday." Nezu sighed in satisfaction, feeling a flowing sensation of tranquility throughout his body thanks to the calming tea, "There's just something so soothing about feeling its warmth after a stressful day. Wouldn't you agree, Midoriya-kun?"

"Uhm, y-yes! Yes, I am!" He smiled that shows he is still not fully calm yet.

Shota audibly clears his throat; somehow his patience is draining faster than it usually is, "Nezu, if you please."

The mammal sighs; his merry smile is replaced by a solemn look, "Straightforward with no nonsense as always, Aizawa-kun. Very well."

Nezu puts his cup down before folding his paws in front of him, casting a serious—though still holding that softness and kindness—look towards the sweating boy. His glinting, beading eyes stare right into Izuku's green own, giving him a silent reassurance that everything will be fine.

"Midoriya-kun." He softly, yet sternly, called out to the nervous teen.

Izuku tensed up; more sweat was trailing down from his temples, "Y-Y-Yes?"

"First thing first, you are not—I repeat: NOT—in any kind of trouble." Nezu stated calmly to assuage the boy's fear.

The greenette chokes on his drink upon hearing that as he nearly spills his tea all over his lap. He coughs violently as he gently and carefully places his cup on the desk, worried that if he doesn't set it down carefully enough, he will waste all of that delicious and healthy tea. While still coughing, he pats his chest with his right hand in order to help his lungs suck in some oxygen. His coughing fit has only lasted for 10 seconds before it calms down, and when it does, he slowly but surely relaxes in his seat. He takes another deep breath before exhaling through his mouth for the umpteenth time, nodding towards the chimera in both acknowledgment and appreciation.

"I-I see." He managed to stutter out weakly with a bashful look.

"Indeed." The mammal nods slowly while keeping his solemn gaze intact, "Now, with that little detail out of the way, let us start with our main topic, shall we?"

Aaaaand the tenseness in his body has come back once more.

"Damn it." Izuku mentally cursed while pulling on his collar slightly, feeling a sudden spike of heat on his face.

"Now, now, there's no need for you to be nervous." The principal continued, "This meeting will not be so long, and you're not going to be punished. We only wish to have some... some insights concerning you."

"I... I think I'm not liking where this is going." His trembling hands clutch the straps of his bag once again, "L-L-Like what, sir?"

His paws unfold themselves as he points at the stacks of papers that Shota has shown at the morning meeting, looking very unhappy as he presents them to the greenette, "Like that."

"..." For some reason, his gut is screaming at him that the stack is NOT good news.

"Midoriya-kun, can you please enlighten us as to why you would be willing to push yourself so hard by completing every assignment and exam from the current semester all the way to the third year plus writing a 200-page novel—still unfinished—in just a short amount of time?" The chimera asked the question that everyone in the room has been waiting for, "Please know that we are not questioning your motives nor are we judging you; we're just... genuinely curious."

Izuku chews his bottom lip as his mouth suddenly becomes dry. His body slightly shakes from the intense anxiety that overwhelms him. And his freaking sweating palms are starting to annoy him right now.

"This is not good..." He thought anxiously while clutching the straps of his bag with so much force that they looked like they would tear into pieces.

"Like Nezu said, you are not in deep trouble, my boy." Toshinori reassured him with a gentle smile, "And we are not going to judge you for it. We're just curious and very worried about you; that's all."

"Reeyul tawk hare, kid." Snipe added as he tips his hat upwards, "What you did, while impressive in manah ways, is extremelah bad for your health. Now you maah argue that you don't feel the effect now, but I guarantee ya, you will in the next decade at the most, or several months lat'r at worst."

"What werrrre you thinking, boy?" Ryo growled; though instead of malice or anger, it was worry and concern, "Over-exerting yourrrrrrself like this is verrrrrry bad for you! And don't you dare tell us you did it just to fill some time! We know there must be a better reason for it!"

"U-Uhmmm..." He scratched his cheek in anxious embarrassment as his freckled cheeks turned a deep shade of red, "T-T-T-To push myself t-t-to be better?"

Sekijiro sighs, his arms folded across his chest as he stares at the nervous teen with a firm gaze, "Boy, there's a difference between 'pushing yourself to be better' and 'pushing yourself to the point of hurting yourself'. You are in the second case."

"For heaven's sake, child! Do you even have any common sense!?" Chiyo snapped with the raised end of her cane, as if she wanted to hit him with it, "When I said I don't want to see you in my office, I meant when you have any injuries, not just broken bones! I swear, if you come to me with a headache, I'll make sure you never suffer another headache permanently!"

Izuku gulps and furiously nods with a look of absolute fear.

"Seriously, Midoriya-kun. What drives you to carry out such heavy tasks?" Nemuri frowned; a maternal-like tone was evident in her voice.

"I... Uhm... I-I was... Uhhh..." Said boy is trying really hard to form a decent excuse and explanation in order to convince them, but it looks like his mind has become a mush.

"Yeah, little listener!" Hizashi added; his usual upbeat and cheerful attitude is nowhere to be found, "If you want to get a lot of work done, you can just start slowly and pick up the pace later! There's no need for you to rush! If you do, you'll just hurt yourself, and that's not fun at all!"

"I-I'm not really rushing anything!" He wanted to shout with indignation but held his tongue.

"Come on, Midoriya." Ken shook his head in disappointment, "We just want to know why you did that. We are worried about you."

"U-Uhm... I-I-I... Uhhhh..."

All eyes were on him, hoping that he would give them a reasonable excuse. Worry and concern are evident in their faces, but he can tell that some of them also hold the look of disappointment, something that only adds to his anxiety and nervousness. His wet lips that were dried because of how nervous he is right now, feeling sweat is pouring down from his head like a waterfall. The deafening silence fills the room; his heartbeat is thumping so loudly in his ribcage that he thinks they could hear it too. The backpack straps that he is clutching in a death grip are beginning to have visible holes in them.

Eventually, he gives in. Sighing, he avoided their gazes in shame while running his hand over his curly green locks as his expression was fixed into one of defeat.

"It just that... I-I... I believe that I was lagging behind in terms of skills." He admitted with a guilty look.

This earns him a few raised eyebrows from the staff, not fully getting what he meant by it.

"Lagging? What do you mean?" Ectoplasm asked, "As far as I—we—know, your capabilities and skills are showing remarkable improvement. An impressive leap after your performance in the Sport Festival."

"Not to mention your involvement in various villainous activities." Lunch Rush pointed out, equally puzzled.

"Yes, b-but I... I'm still left behind." He frowned while looking at his scared hand, "Everyone is improving at an amazing rate, while I'm still struggling with how to use my Quirk's full potential without breaking myself. I'm not even reaching half of its power yet. At this rate, I... won't be able to catch up with them on time."

Everyone keeps silence, letting the boy pour out his mind to them as he curled his hand into a fist with a look of determination, though the traces of nervousness and anxiety are still seen in his visage.

"I need to improve, and I must do it quickly. But with schoolwork, I... I-I don't have enough time to train." He continued with a guilt-ridden frown as he bit his bottom lip, "So, I... I decided to complete it all at once. To save time and... to be able to focus on honing my skills and abilities."

"All right. That explains half of it." Shota heavily sighed, feeling the migraine coming back with vengeance, "And what about your novel?"

"O-Oh, that." His bashful look returned full force as he scratched his blushing cheek, "Uhm, I-I made them when I was very t-tired."

"And by 'very tired', you mean you don't want anyone to know that you've been overworking yourself too hard, so Recovery Girl won't have your head for it?" The Erasure Hero groaned while massaging his temple as said Youthful Heroine huffs and puffs in annoyance in her seat.

"...Yes." Izuku looked down in embarrassment, his cheeks are redder than a ripe tomato.

With the whole picture (seemingly) laid out for them to see, the staff can't help but let out a collective sigh of frustration. Honestly, the only thing that is surprising them is that he is still standing and functioning properly after all those antics he has committed. Because surely, no matter how strong one is, there's a limit as to how much their body can take before it begins to protest against the continuous strain. But nope. The greenette is still acting like there's nothing wrong with his body—with all of that soreness and fatigue hidden in him. But they are sure as hell that, when the boy reaches a certain age, all of those burdens will catch up with him and slap him in the face very hard. And none of them wants that to happen.

"My boy, I understand that you want to improve yourself so you can catch up with your peers, but this is not the way." Toshinori frowned as his blue eyes stared at him in worry.

"Indeed." Nezu nodded, "While we strive to make our students go beyond, any kind of end result is pointless if it means causing them harm. And like Snipe stated, you may not feel the consequence at the moment, but you will feel its effect once you reach a certain age, more so if you keep this terrible habit up."

Another biting to his lower lip as shame and guilt are practically radiating off of him. His subconscious has told him many, many times that what he was doing was stupid and reckless, and he knows that it was stupid and reckless. But he stupidly and recklessly ignored it and kept pushing himself to the brink. He doesn't regret it in the slightest, of course; he would rather keep his classmates and the citizens safe than just let them suffer or die just so he can rest. But, in retrospect, he should've known better than to just force himself to train and study like a madman.

"I... I understand, sir." The greenette meekly nodded, "And I... I-I'm sorry."

"We're not singling you out or anything, Midoriya-kun. We're just worried about you." Nemuri gave him a comforting smile, "What you did, in some degrees, was a good thing. But with the length you are going through with it, it is just not worth it in the end."

Izuku nods again with a soft hum. He then looks at the principal with jittery eyes, reluctantly wanting to know what happens next.

"S-So, what is your plan for me?" He inquired timidly.

Nezu grins as he spreads his arms wide in a grand gesture, "Why, sending you on vacation, of course!"

Izuku blinks, "...V-Vacation?"

"Vacation!" The mammal repeated with a cheer.

The greenette blinks again, "...Vacation."

"...Vacation." The principal repeated again as his grin gradually dropped and his arms slowly fell to his side.

Izuku blinks one more time, processing the chimera's words. He then moves his gaze around the office and sees that the staff are looking at him with perplexed looks.

Is this kid for real?

"Vacation! You know? Taking a break?"

"No homework or anything?"

"Enjoyin' yerself for a long time?"

In a perfect synch, Hizashi, Lunch Rush, and Snipe smack their chests three times before doing a 'flying away' motion with their hands, which then ended with an 'okay' hand sign.

It takes him a solid 5 seconds to process those words and gestures. When the realization hits him like a bullet train, his eyes widen a little bit in both surprise and confusion.

"V-V-Vacation?" Izuku stammered in a bit of disbelief, before looking back at Nezu, "But... B-But, sir. I can't have that. Wh-What about my training? I can't... I can't catch up with my classmates if I stay behind like that. H-H-How can I progress if I-I just slack around?"

"That's the neat part: you don't." Nezu smirked mischievously, confusing the boy further.

Izuku tilts his head in puzzlement while blinking twice, "...I don't?"

"Indeed!" The chimera chuckled while pouring himself another cup of Dragon Well Tea, "You see, Midoriya-kun, we know that your nature of being a hero is one that's full of selfless acts and heroic deeds. Which is good and admirable on its own, but it also gives us a reason to worry about you. As a result, we have decided that we will send you on a vacation!"

"But, sir-"

"And I will not accept any 'but'." Nezu interjected sternly, though his cheerful demeanor remains intact, "Improvement is important, but health is crucial. You can deny it, but your body will not. Your excessive activities have taken a toll on your health—even if you don't feel it right now—and if you continue your habits like this, the consequences will be detrimental for you once you reach adulthood. The burnout from completing all of those assignments in a short period of time, as well as your personal project, which, by the way, I will really like to read once it is completed, will leave you too tired to do anything else—even training. Again, the effects may not be apparent now, but they will show themselves in the near future. And the same goes for your exercise regime. Eventually, the strain your body will experience will push back against you—hard. And you don't want that, now do you?"

Izuku flinches and cringes; a sharp pang of pain shoots throughout his body upon hearing the principal's words. He glances at the floor as his expression shifts from baffled to remorseful. Guilt and shame are oozing out of his body; his jittery hands are still clutching the backpack straps rather tightly as a sense of regret is consuming him. He knows that Nezu is right; he has been pushing himself to the brink a little bit too much. He doesn't want to admit it, but little by little, the effects that all of them have warned him about are starting to show in his body. Fatigue and soreness are gradually making themselves known to him; his bones feel like they're screaming for a good rest. And he hates to admit it, but the principal is correct once again: with all of those burdens on his mind and body, there's no way he can keep going and improving his skills like he always does.

Maybe this vacation is not so bad after all.

"N-N-No, sir." He replied softly; his eyes are still fixed on the floor as he keeps looking at it in shame.

"Splendid!" The chimera claps his paws cheerfully as he keeps smiling at the boy, "I knew you would see reason and come to understand our intentions eventually! Oh! And don't worry! Your mother has been informed about this vacation already. And she has agreed wholeheartedly."

Upon hearing his mother is in on this, Izuku's head shoots up so fast that he swears he nearly got whiplash.

"W-Wait, what?" He sputtered with wide eyes of bewilderment.

"Your mother. All Might informed her about this." Nezu repeated, "We did plan to have a meeting with her this evening, but due to a certain circumstance that prevented her from coming here today, All Might volunteered to deliver the news to her via phone call and e-mail. She agreed with our plan without question."

"R-Really?" He tilted his head in confusion before turning towards said retired Symbol of Peace, "When did you-?"

"This morning, my boy." Toshinori told him, "I have explained everything to her—from your... uhm, reckless antics to the decision we've made—and she is very, very much on board with us in this matter. She... was not very happy when she learned of what you did, and she instantly signed her agreement for your vacation when I told her about it. Expect her to call you later this evening. And expect her to... uhhhhh, express her, um... motherly concerns."

"Oh, jeez..." He cringed; he could already feel her waterwork coming at his face as she chewed his ears off for his poor decisions and actions.

"Well, there you have it." The mammal continues with a merry smile on his face, "Your mother has given us her approval in sending you on a vacation. All that is left is for us to finalize the paperwork and fill up the necessary documents."

Izuku can only stare at him in puzzlement while blinking in a very confused manner. This is just... so sudden and so unexpected. It just didn't sit well with him that they just popped this 'vacation' thing out of nowhere without giving him any prior notice whatsoever. Sure, his health is probably in the orange zone, and he agrees that a break is in order, but still. The suddenness and abruptness of this meeting have caught him off guard, and his mind is not ready to catch up with whatever is happening.

Half of him wishes to at least discuss this more and whether it is necessary or not to give more insights on this 'vacation' idea before proceeding with this plan. But the other half is actually welcoming the idea of this vacation in its entirety; the more he thinks about it, the more appealing it gets. His mother's agreement does play a huge role in convincing him about it too; it just makes it harder for him to object to this idea and reach an alternative solution that will satisfy everyone's concerns. And besides, not many know this, and everyone is very skeptical about the claim, but he inherits his mother's stubbornness—only he is a bigger version of it. So, the odds are either in his favor or not in his favor at all.

Despite his hesitation, however, he can't help but feel a little bit excited about this vacation—whatever it is. Sure, it is sudden and completely out of nowhere, but that does not mean he has to be entirely against it. Plus, like Nezu stated, a little break every now and then is a good thing. So, it wouldn't hurt to try this 'thing', right?

"A-All right." He reluctantly nodded; his confusion and nervousness are still visible in his visage, "I... I-I-I suppose I could... give it a try."

"Excellent!" Nezu chirped happily, "Then, without further ado, we will immediately start preparing for your vacation! Oh, I'm so excited! This is going to be great!"

"Oh, dear, what have I gotten myself into?" Izuku thought warily as he watched the principal busy himself with various documents on his desk, looking like he was genuinely excited to get this done.

Coughing on his fist, he watches all of the staff have the same relieved-looking expression on their faces. They actually look glad that he agrees with their proposal and sees the reason behind their decision. However, if he squints a little bit, he can see the slight hint of troubling in their expressions. It is as if the next step should be the easiest one, but in reality it is not. He doesn't know what they mean by that, and he doesn't want to dwell on it.

With another cough on his fist, he shifts his attention towards the principal, who is humming merrily while doing the paperwork with an unnerving amount of speed, "Umm, Principal Nezu, sir?"

"Hmm? Yes? What is it?" The mammal looks up from his papers and gives him his undivided attention.

He scratches his cheek in both confusion and nervousness, "Soooo, wh-when is this vacation supposed to happen?"

"Well, we're planning to send you off on Monday afternoon—around 1 p.m. or so." Nezu explained while flipping a document before signing it.

"The day after tomorrow. It's soon, but at least I have the entire Sunday to prepare." Izuku nods as he stores the information in his mind before asking another question, "And where is this vacation going to be?"

On that, the atmosphere in the room turns awkward really quick. Now, the tense and nervous aura travels to the staff as they fidget and cast a troubled glance at the confused greenette. Feeling something is off with them, Izuku's body stiffens as his nervousness returns in full force, seemingly stronger than before. And Nezu's smile is replaced by a solemn look once again; he halts his paperwork and intertwines his paws in front of him as his beady eyes stare into the jittery green orbs with a look that can only be described as wary.

"Midoriya-kun, before I can answer your question, we want you to fully understand the circumstances that all of us are facing." Nezu stated with a calm and serious tone.

"U-Uhm, okay." The boy nodded with a gulp as his anxiety increased tenfold.

The chimera pauses for a moment, as if he's trying to choose the right words to say for the next sentence. He lets out a soft sigh before continuing.

"This vacation that we are planning for you is not a typical kind of vacation where you can relax on a beach or a resort or whatsoever." He stated calmly, "The main reason for this notion in the first place is to not only give you some well-deserved rest and relaxation after everything that has happened, but also to send you to a place that is secure and safe enough to keep you out of harm's way."

"And by 'harm's way', we mean every villain's activity that will surely happen." Shota added, causing the boy's body to flinch in shock, "And knowing you, there's a big chance you're going to jump right into danger when we all know you're supposed to enjoy yourself."

Izuku winces at that last part. Yep. He is totally going to do that, and he knows it.

"And unfortunately, every place is a perfect nesting spot for villains nowadays." Nezu continued while frowning, "If we're going to be fully, brutally honest with you, Midoriya-kun, there is nowhere around Japan—or maybe even in this whole world—that is safe enough to send you to."

The greenette can't help but flinches slightly upon hearing that. If none of the places are safe enough, then where would they send him?

"And your destination for this vacation is... for lack of a better word, 'unconventional'." The mammal looks at him with an apologetic look that doesn't suit him one bit.

"U-Unconventional?" He repeated, feeling all kinds of wrong and suspicious now.

"Before we can continue, I sadly need you to promise us that whatever information will be disclosed here will not be revealed to anyone else." Nezu stated; he is fully overdrive into serious mode right now, "If it will, the consequence will be... unbearable for all parties involved."

Now that just made him very afraid. What information could possibly be so bad that they can't afford for even a single soul to know about it? The other secret he is fully aware of that shares this same level of importance is One for All.

Izuku is confused. But then again, when he isn't?

He gulps, and his body shakes in anxiety. Regardless, he gives them a shaky nod that is interpreted as his agreement to their terms. Seeing this, Nezu hums with an appreciative nod as he takes a deep breath through his nose and exhales through his mouth.

"Good. Very good." Nezu commented, "Now, there are things that are best left unsaid. When All Might said that he had explained everything to your mother regarding this, he left some holes in his explanation and omitted some details about your destination. However, all of it was not a lie; it was just not the complete truth. Which is why we're going to tell you about your true destination—as well as your method of transportation and how long your vacation is going to be—now. But like we have told you, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this. Not even your friends or your mother."

"Oh great, what did I really get myself into?" The greenette mentally groaned while sweating bullets as he nodded obediently, "Y-Yes, sir."

Nezu nods again, "Excellent."

He takes a sip from his drink before putting down his cup and returning his attention to the still-sweating greenette with a small sigh.

"Midoriya-kun, have you, in one way or another, ever caught wind of the Yggdrasil Project?" He asked him; his tone is full of caution and hesitance.

This is the starting point for where Izuku's life will be turned upside down.

"...What?" He blinks twice, feeling utterly dumbfounded at the name.

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