FADE INTO YOU , Shameless ¹

By -bellz

5.8K 149 19

- What if 𝘿elilah can never break the revolving cycle? ˡⁱᵖ ᵍᵃˡˡᵃᵍʰᵉʳ ... More



307 14 0
By -bellz


SHAME WAS NOT something Delilah often felt when she did what she wanted. She usually felt liberated. Her choices she made were who she was. It would something she'd never change her mind about. Even if her mind was at the point of a blackout drunk, she usually didn't regret it.

Lip had a horrible magnetic pull. It should be studied, seriously. A single look sent Delilah into a frenzy. Her flame was bright that night, but it didn't have a chance for sparks to fly.

Her whole life revolved around taking care of others. The things was, Lip was one of the people who liked to take care of her. He did things he didn't have to.

When she was bullied at age 9, Lip came to her defense. When she was 15 and a nude of hers she'd been influenced to send had been sent to the whole school, he beat the shit out of the junior that sent it. When she was 16, the guy who'd been on top of her the whole party, who'd been persistent the whole night, was beaten bloody by him. Then recently, with Kyle, Lip came and showed up for Delilah again.

That was his charm. He showed up. Whether it was with just Ian, or Kev, or even the whole Gallagher clan. She loved that about him, about all of them. So, when the Gallagher's showed up at her house with a scheme, how could she say no? They were more family than her mother ever would be.

The bitter winter pecked at Delilah's dried out skin. Her thoughts of Lip have been running wild. They took control of every corner of her mind. It was very possible Delilah's crush had grown into something a little more. It warmed her chest to thing about, made her spine tingle. It was passion, it was fire. Pure appeal.

"Delilah," Liberty spoke making Delilah pull herself out of the daze that were her clustered thoughts. It made Liberty giggle, Delilah's startled face. "I was just wondering if you knew when Tracy would be back?"

"I'm not sure. I think she threw her phone away in protest of technology again. She said she scared the government's listening to her," Delilah replied and Liberty raised her eyebrows with confusion.

EVERYONE WAS OVER tonight. Including Karen. Envy bubbled in the depths of Delilah's stomach. She felt sick as she walked past the girl, she ignored her whole presence even when Karen tried to wave.

So, while ignoring Lip and Karen, Kev and V walked in with a new addition to their couple. A child.

"Hey, hey, I want you guys to meet our new daughter," Kev announced and Delilah peaked out of the kitchen doorway to find them with a girl who looked like she walked out of a history book.

"Foster daughter," V corrected, and walked into the kitchen. She smiled at Liberty who stood behind Delilah intrigued.

"Why you gotta do that?" Kev complained.

"Let me help you with that," Fiona offered as she took the large pot from Veronica.

"Frankie's home," Frank said coming through the door. Delilah made her way into the living room since Liberty was occupied, asking V how she made the meat sauce.

Debbie ran in behind him and began to jump on the couch.

"Oh, my God, I am so wired," Debbie buzzed with energy as she hopped up and down.

"Debs, what's goin' on?" Fiona quizzed Debbie, who continued hopping up and down.

"We got high on sugar because daddy stopped drinking," Debbie elaborated and Delilah suppressed a giggle at that thought because then sadness rolled in. There were endless amounts of times when Tracy swore she'd stop doing drugs and drinking. They were empty promises broken in a day's time.

"Me, daddy. Me, me, me, me. Mm," Frank said before downing a small bag of sugar. Debbie began to explain and since 3000 dollars were involved, it wouldn't be long before Frank stopped his sugar intake and start drinking again.

"I got something to say, um... I guess I haven't been the most exemplary father... for the past three... or fifteen years. But now I'm gonna need your help to get me through this. From this point forward, we're gonna be a family again," he proposed before looking forward at Kev and V's foster kid. "What the hell is that?"

THEY ALL RAN around the house like crazy. Like a race to get past the finish line, running around Ethel in a circle and going under the wooden bar to win. Delilah and Liberty made it quickly. Delilah had been on the track team, but quit last school year, so she was quite fast.

"Hey! The piano," Frank pointed out while the other sounds of joy dwindled into silence. Frank sat with Debbie beside him and began to play the Fifth Symphony.

Frank sung a song and everyone sung along. Delilah tapped her foot. Carl and Liberty overlooked Frank's playing and Lip stood up with anger.

"I can't believe you guys are buying into all of his bullshit," Lip complained and he looked to Karen. "Come on, I'll walk you home, Karen."

"What different does it make? He'll be drinking by tomorrow anyway," Fiona rationalized, her tone still joyful.

"No. Not when there's money involved," Lip continued. In the moment he turned, his eyes fell on Delilah for a moment making heat rush to her cheeks.

DELILAH SAT ON her bed. She combed through Liberty's hair with her fingers while she sat quietly. It was very uncharacteristic for her, she's usually full of questions and engages in conversation with Delilah. It was unusual, so then a new topic was brought up.

"What's wrong, Berty?" Delilah quizzed and she sighed. It was never good when Delilah was quiet. She was either mad, plotting out a scheme, or sad.

"Ethel. Kev and V adopted her right?" Liberty asked and Delilah bit her bottom lip to think about her responses to whatever questions she'll ask. She wasn't sure how to talk to Liberty without shattering her heart. She didn't want to give her trauma.

"No, not necessarily. She's just being fostered, so it's temporary," Delilah explained as best as she could.

DELILAH LAUGHED AT Ian's joke, her shoulders shaking. She slapping his arm before he continued. She leaned back into his pillows and snorting making herself freeze. Ian imitated her snort making her laugh even more.

Lip barged in and found Delilah laughing with his brother. He suppressed a smile and went to his own bed. Delilah caught his eyes linger in her making the burning fire grow brighter.

Her lips formed a slight smirk and she laid back in Ian's bed, looking up at him.

"Delilah, I really have to get going," Ian urged and she shrugged.

"I'll find something else to entertain me," Delilah replied feeling Lip's eyes on her. She shrugged the flannel she'd been wearing off into Ian's bed.

"Alright, don't complain how bored you are when I get back," Ian replied before leaving the room. The door snapped shut behind him causing Delilah's eyes to gravitate toward Lip.

His eyes flickered up to her and back down at his book. Delilah sighed softly and stretched, her lightly toned muscles flexing as she did so, the tank top she wore framing her body perfectly.

Lip's eyes were lured on her again. He hopped down from the bunk and approached her slowly, wondering if she was just messing with him trying to trigger a reaction.

Delilah sat up a little bit and stared up at him. She got onto her knees to level with him causing his hands to slowly move onto her body, spreading like heat across her skin.

One hand gripped her jaw, the other her waist. The heat that blazed within her made her spine tingle.

Delilah closed the space between them, grabbing the back of Lip's neck. Their lips merged silently, her plush lips trying to take the lead. They slowly lowered down onto Ian's bed.

Lip was hasty as his mouth went from her's to her neck. His hands unbuttoned her jeans and worked them down her body.

"What would Karen say?" Delilah panted as Lip stood above her, his swollen lips parted. His eyes flickered up to her eyes and swallowed.

"I don't give a fuck what Karen would say," Lip rasped before gently laying himself above her. His eyes gazed into Delilah's for a moment before his lips crashed back against hers.

His hands traveled toward her hips, gripping them. Delilah would be lying if she didn't say she didn't enjoy this. Her stomach burned with desire and she definitely knew Lip felt the same way as his breathing came out jagged against her.

However, Delilah had a plan. She pushed him off and pressed him against the bed. His eyes were half- lidded as she straddled him. Her hips rolled against his slowly, the friction drove him up the wall. It looked like Karen didn't take control often.

Lip shakily gripped Delilah's thighs and helped her move quicker. Delilah watched as Lip struggled to keep his composure. The friction was torturous on both ends, but Lip wouldn't necessarily have what he wanted off the bat. He'd have to work for it.

Delilah slowly lowered face toward Lip's. She kissed his cheek, her tongue swirling against his skin, traveling to his jaw. She kept moving her hips, jerking them quicker as a euphoric heat rose in her body.

A gasp left Delilah's mouth as Lip gripped her ass pressing her down. A little breath left Delilah's mouth as she felt herself come to a climax. Her motion froze and she struggled to keep her noises down to a minimum.

Lip grunted at the sight of Delilah coming undone above him. His chest moved up and down quickly as he watched her slowly come down from her high.

Then it was his turn. He grunted as he rode out his high. His hands still guided her hips against him.

Delilah smiled softly and pecked Lip's cheek tenderly. He looked up to her with a glint in his eyes that she didn't recognize. He knew what was happening next.

"See you later," Delilah whispered, grabbing her flannel and leaving the room. She didn't look back at Lip as she left, but she could almost feel his confusion. She felt liberated as she exited because now, she had all of the power.

For once, Lip actually didn't want her to leave, and was left yearning for more. This wouldn't be the last time one of them would be leaving the other confused.

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