Loving Amalia

By AuthorGraceDewitt

45 10 15

Love is fickle, love is sweet. Loss beings where love once was. Ama Anderson, known only as Amalia to her par... More



12 2 5
By AuthorGraceDewitt

Ama Anderson smiled to herself as she settled into the luxurious seat in business class. Summers were a blessing. It was just around the corner but Ama was intending to start her summer early.

Work followed Ama around. Or rather, Ama followed where the work would be. In summer, it was in coastal towns where the fat wallets were. In Winter, it was in London itself. This winter she intended to venture to Dubai, and see if her luck would follow.

There were a few familiar faces up near Ama, and she made sure to note those who could be interested in her services. She'd found a few things for one or two faces before, but hadn't directly been in touch.

That was the way she liked to do business. She didn't want too many people knowing who she was, or what she did. It could hurt the business. Endanger it even.

One face was new to her. It wouldn't surprise her normally, but there was something about the man. It was almost drawing her in, a magnet for her curiosity.

'Ladies and Gentlemen...' The flight crew began their spiel for safety in chance of the plane going down. Ama had been on many of these flights before and knew the route by hand.

She had been summering in Málaga since she was a little girl. It used to be the whole family, but the tradition hadn't been treasured. Ama's parents stayed in a house in Italy, Daniel liked Ibiza or sometimes chose to be in Greece, and Alicia stayed home in London.

'Here you go ma'am.'

Ama took a small sip of the drink the attendant had just made for her, savouring the taste of summer on her tongue.

'Starting summer already?' A smooth voice captured Ama's attention.

She turned away from the window, smiling at the man who piqued her curiosity earlier. He was watching her with a grin, a glass of whiskey in his own hand.

'It's only a few days away and we are already heading to Spain.' Ama shrugged. Their glasses clinked quietly as they murmured cheers with a small sip.

'I thought summer meant fancy cocktails with those little garnishes.' He glanced at her glass, only seeing a few sprigs of mint accessorizing the liquid and ice.

'This was a drink often enjoyed by Ernest Hemingway, did you know?' Ama took another slow sip. 'It's the perfect way to start summer. Those little garnishes can wait.'

He chuckled. 'That's something. Tell me, do you only drink a drink if someone famous liked it?'

'No.' Ama shook her head, not elaborating on the fact.

Silence lapsed between them for a half hour. Ama read the book she had been meaning to read for 7 months. He tried to watch the movie in front of him but wanted to talk to the black-haired beauty beside him.

'I'm Harry Winstone.'

'Hi Harry.' Ama glanced back at the book on her lap, debating if she wanted to read or talk. 'I'm Ama.'

'That's an uncommon name.' Harry commented, leaning closer to Ama, a twinkle in his green eyes.

'Harry isn't.' She winked.

'Thank my parents for that one.' Harry had a dry laugh. It wasn't the first time sometime told him that.

'What brings you to Málaga Harry?' Ama tucked the book under her thigh. She would get to that tonight.

'Retrieving something for my mother. Can't trust anyone else to do it. Legally.' Harry flicked through his phone to find a picture of a vase his mother wanted.

'I don't think I've seen that before. Old heirloom?' Ama asked, trying to capture a perfect image in her mind of the old vase. It was beautiful.

'Something like that, I think. It's not hers but she has a deal with someone. I asked her to let me find it first so she doesn't give a large sum of money to someone and be incriminated when they break the law.' Harry shook his head.

'Sounds like you have a hatred against someone?' Ama pressed Harry for more details. 'Is there someone in Málaga I should be worried about?'

'Maybe I should protect you this summer.' Harry hinted. Ama wasn't the only one that felt the magnetic draw, and he wasn't going to waste anytime trying to avoid it.

'Perhaps you should tell me more over dinner tomorrow.'

'Why not tonight?' Harry asked, a little disappointed that it would be a day before he would see her again.

'I have a little business to catch up on tonight. It might be almost summer and in a beautiful summer location, but business doesn't stop for anyone.' Ama laughed.

The whole reason she was coming to town earlier than planned was to close this deal that had begun to waiver. She didn't like a deal starting, coming halfway and then losing steam. It was a waste of her time.

The short flight began to pass quickly as they went back to their separate tasks. Ama flipped through her pages, reaching the end of the book before the flight ended. Harry was halfway through his movie, having been bored of the first one.

'Tell me Harry,' Ama looked back up just as the flight touched down. 'Are you in town long?'

'I've booked for a week, hoping to have the vase by then. How long are you here for?' He took the headphones off, closing down the movie ready to exit the plane.

'I'm here until summer ends.' Ama didn't disclose the details, but offered to find some free time if he found a week wasn't long enough.

'You've known me only a few hours and you already want more.' Harry winked, hiding a smile behind his teasing.

Ama tried to take back her offer but Harry kept teasing her. It didn't matter that she decided she didn't want to see him again, she'd given the original offer so easily. Harry teased her until they his customs. Ama managed to lose him in the small line, jumping right to the front.

'Business or Pleasure?' The man asked, glancing at her twice before waiting for her answer.

'Pleasure.' Ama lied.

He stamped the passport and waved her through. A painless process. Ama paused and turned around, spotting Harry waiting impatiently to have his turn. When he finally looked at her, she was walking through the double doors and out of his sight.

Ama met another woman at the café outside the airport. Both women bought a coffee, Ama in a take-away cup.

'How much interest has there been?' Ama asked quietly.

'Only inquiries into acquisitions. People lost interest in the rumour months ago.' The woman replied, toying with a sugar packet noisily.

'Anything from the Winstones? I heard they were after a particular item.'

'Coffee for Bianca?' The barista called out, glancing at the two women.

Bianca Pesci was Ama's first contact. One of they only people that knew who could make things happen, to find the items that were requested. Ama liked it that way. The less people knew about her and her doings, the better.

'I haven't heard anything. I know Harry is here for a week on vacation, his name came up from my contact. Is he a concern?' Bianca asked, glancing at the people around them.

'No.' Ama replied, taking a sip of coffee. It was good but not great.

'Dom is bringing the car around, he collected your bags.' Bianca murmured. A text had dinged on her phone moments earlier confirming that the bags had been secured and he would be a few minutes.

'What's first on the agenda Bianca? It might be summer but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work. We have to be careful, last summer set of alarm bells.'

Bianca frowned. She had tried to suggest that they try somewhere else this summer, but Ama had been disgusted with the idea. They were only flying in for a day or two this summer for one contact.

An Italian family connected to the Mob had requested Ama find them something in particular, and who was she to say know. She would be paid handsomely, and the man who requested her services had been very handsome. There were rumours he was involved with a french woman, but no-one knew the truth.

The women parted ways with a quick hug as if they were just friends catching up before a flight. To the untrained eye, there was no reason to think twice. To the trained eye, it was a small flag that there was a full barely touched cup of coffee on the table. Bianca's signature maroon lipstick decorated the rim.

Harry Winstone sat at the same table only minutes later, waiting for a coffee of his own. His mind was stuck on the woman in the plane. Ama. He didn't know anything about her really.

If he was asked to describe her, all he could give were her physical features. Black hair in a messy bun, dark brown eyes that were seductive, silken white shirt that screamed expensive. He wanted to know who she was.

Ama had been disappointed she hadn't seen Harry again after their interaction on the plane. Part of her hoped he would ask her out. It was a good thing he didn't, she had no time to fool around this summer. But that didn't mean she couldn't still dream of the green-eyed man.

Dom pulled the car into the driveway of the Anderson family summer home. Ama grinned as the stress began to shrink into the background. She loved this house. It had always been her favourite.

She didn't own any property here in Málaga, but she didn't need to. She didn't need to own any property. The family had many properties, and were still acquiring more. They were investments.

Ama preferred to watch her investments climb in the market. She paid a handsome fee for the experts to handle her money, and get the best returns they could. So far, they hadn't let her down.

'Thank you Dom.' Ama squeezed the man's shoulder kindly. 'Are you able to drop my bags in the entry? I can take them from there.'

'Of course, Miss Anderson.'

'Ama, please. You've known me since I was a little girl Dom. Call me Ama.'

'Of course Ama.'

Ama thanked him again. She made an effort to thank those who helped her, whether it was for the money or not. She hated the way her parents treated the people around them, and vowed to be different.

Confusion grew when Ama opened the front door, voices trailed down the hallway. There wasn't supposed to be anyone here. Ama had been the only one coming here for years.

'Amalia, darling, come here.' Maria swept her daughter into a tight hug. Jack stayed seated in the leather armchair that begged for respect, glass of whiskey on his hand and glasses in the other.

'Amalia.' He acknowledged her.

'Maria, Jack.' Ama pulled herself out of her mother's arms and stood on the other side of the lounge. 'Why are you in Málaga? Typically, you are in Italy or France.'

'You should be happy to see your parents, Amalia. You don't come to see us at all. No seas egoísta niña.' Maria chastised her daughter.

Ama took a moment to let the frustration simmer, before biting it back down. 'How long are you going to be here? I have plans tonight, and tomorrow, but perhaps we should have dinner.'

'Cancel your plans, Amalia. We are having a family dinner tonight.' Jack spoke up from the chair.

'That's not how things work Jack.' Ama flared her nostrils and narrowing her eyes at the man who loved to tell her she was a disappointment. 'I have commitments and I will be keeping them. If you wanted dinner, you should have confirmed that with me before I'd made reservations. It's business.'

'You're on holiday. There will be no working while you are away.'

'Does that rule apply to both parties Jack? Or will you be taking client call and making business decisions while Maria is out shopping or drinking martinis?' Ama stared at her father.

They were like two chips off the same block. Both were indignant, stubborn and liked to skirt around the law. If Jack opened his eyes for a minute, he would be proud of what his daughter was operating under everyone's noses.

'Do not talk to your father like that mi hija.' Maria slapped Ama on the arm. 'Do not think that I am just shopping or drinking Amalia. You think your father can run that business on his own? Who do you think helps butter people up to be more lenient or open their wallets further mi amor? Be smarter than that.'

Ama bit her tongue. She hadn't assumed her mother had a part in her fathers' company, but it made sense.

'Apologies Jack. Maria.'

Ama excused herself from the room and stalked to her own. Her suite was still hers, her parents had one on the other wing. Her sisters, Alicia, was down the hall. She needed a moment to pull the frustration from her chest and shove it down into a deep box. It had no place in her summer, and would not do well at dinner.

She was meeting a lovely woman who stayed in town during the hotter months, and needed some new items to showcase in her home. She liked a talking piece to be the hero of each room, and it had to be new each summer.

Ama could guarantee a meeting with her on the first night of each summer. She liked it that way. Guaranteed business.

It was a formal meeting, but taking place at a lovely private restaurant. The guise of a friendly dinner between ladies taking the chance to eat and drink without the men never failed to keep people away. There was no second guessing them dressed in silky dresses sipping champagne. No doubt in anyone's mind, nothing but pure intent.

Ama stepped into a pair of classy white heels, matching the white Dior bag she planned to take. Butter yellow silk fell against her tanned skin in a seductive manner, enticing impulsive thoughts in the men and women around her.

Ama knew she was a beautiful woman. Her parents were both handsome, and the families had great genes. It was part of the reason her parents had been married, for their potential children. It was Ama's personality that scared any partner away.

She wasn't interested in being soft or maternal. There was no dream without a plan and action, and Ama liked to break the rules to get what she wanted. It was said that that wasn't attractive in a woman. Ama had scoffed at the ridiculous notion.

'You're a bit overdressed for a family dinner, but I can get on board with that.' Maria laughed, reaching out to touch the buttery silk her daughter was wearing.

'We have been over this Maria, there will be no family dinner tonight. I appreciate the thought, but I have business to attend to tonight. Family will wait.' Ama frowned. Her hand closed in on the handle when her father joined them in the entrance.

'Amalia. You will be having dinner here tonight.'

'No Jack, I will not. I am not under your control anymore, I am 27. I make my own decisions, and I have business to do. You were not there for family dinners when you were running a business, do not expect me to be any different.' Ama raised her voice at her father, standing her ground.

Jack threw his hands in the air and muttered under his breath. His wife had been as stubborn as his daughter but had always found a way to make him happy. Ama had no intention of bowing to Jack because she may be his daughter, but she had his drive and ambition in her. Not that he knew what she did with it.

'Mi Amor, why do you upset your father like that? Is it really that important to you to meet some guy and talk about the history of a dreadful painting?'

Ama stared at her mother, emotions swirling in her chest. 'You have no idea about what I do Maria. My life is a mystery to you. Everything I do will disappoint Jack, so there is no point in trying to be a family. I was not enough for him, that's why he gives his time to Alicia. She is enough. I was not.'

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