We Meet Again [18+] | BxB

By KaviXander

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In the heart of the city's underbelly thrives Damian, a young man who dances with danger, living off the thri... More

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15 2 0
By KaviXander

A/N: So I was just scrolling... and I came across something..

I'll show it at the end of the chapter :)


- 2 hours before attack - 

Asher and Damian sat in the opulent confines of Asher's office, the room bathed in soft, golden light. Papers and files spread out before them, as they delved into the nitty-gritty details of their latest business venture with the DeVere Company.

Damian glanced at the documents in front of him, brow furrowed in concentration. "So, it looks like the merger with DeVere is proceeding smoothly. Their resources will be a tremendous asset to our company's expansion plans."

Asher nodded, his gaze intent on the figures on his own paperwork. "Yes, DeVere's reputation in the industry is impeccable. This partnership will open up a world of opportunities for us."

As they continued to discuss the logistics of the merger, Damian couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in Asher's business acumen. He admired the way Asher was able to command respect and make strategic decisions that propelled their company forward.

"The DeVere Company also has ties with the second company that Aiden is set to take over one day, right?" Damian asked, seeking clarification on the interconnected nature of their business dealings.

Asher nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, that's correct. It's a mutually beneficial relationship that will only strengthen our position in the market."

Damian leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant about partnering with DeVere at first, but seeing the potential benefits now, I'm glad we took the leap."

Asher nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with excitement. "It's all about seizing opportunities and taking calculated risks in this industry. And with DeVere's expertise and resources, I have no doubt that our company will thrive even more."

Damian flipped through the files in front of him, a pleased smile playing on his lips. "And the fact that they have connections with the second company... it just further solidifies our position in the market."

The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, their shared passion for business evident in every word they exchanged. They delved deeper into the intricacies of the partnership, discussing potential synergies and areas for growth.

"Aside from the financial aspect, I believe the collaboration with DeVere will also bring valuable insights and new perspectives to the table," Damian remarked, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Asher nodded, his mind racing with ideas. "Absolutely. Their market knowledge and innovative approach will undoubtedly help us stay ahead of the curve. It's all about staying nimble and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of the industry."

Their discussion shifted to the challenges they might face in the integration process and how they planned to overcome them. They brainstormed strategies, bouncing ideas off each other with a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

The hours flew by, the sun sinking lower in the sky as they continued to delve into the minutiae of their partnership with DeVere. The room was filled with the sound of their voices, the rustling of papers, and the occasional clinking of glasses as they refilled their drinks.

After hours of intense discussion, Asher leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. "You know what, Damian? I think we deserve a break. Let's take a breather and unwind for a bit."

Damian chuckled, the tension of their conversation slowly dissipating. "I couldn't agree more. My brain needs a rest from all the strategizing."

Asher stood up and stretched, grateful for the chance to relax for a moment. 

As he sat back down, the atmosphere between them shifted into a more relaxed and casual one. Damian grinned mischievously, breaking the silence. "By the way, Asher, I have to say, I'm still feeling a bit... sore from our little morning workout."

A smirk crossed Asher's face as he remembered the intimate moment they shared earlier. "Ah, yes, I may have gotten a bit carried away. Sorry about that."

Damian laughed, his cheeks flushing slightly. "No need to apologize. It's just that I wasn't quite expecting you to be so enthusiastic."

They both burst into laughter, the tension breaking completely as they shared a light-hearted moment. The weight of their responsibilities momentarily lifted, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and friendship.

As they relaxed in each other's company, Damian couldn't help but feel grateful for Asher's presence in his life. Despite the challenges they faced, their bond remained strong, anchored in trust and mutual understanding.

- 1 hour before the attack - 

The setting sun cast a warm glow over the sprawling grounds of Asher's mansion, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. But amidst the tranquil beauty of the evening, a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air.

Pierce and his men were on the move, their convoy of large vans rumbling down the quiet country road towards Asher's mansion. The vehicles were laden with weapons and gear, the men inside bristling with anticipation for the imminent attack. They kept their distance from the mansion, knowing they needed time to finalize their plans before making their move.

Inside the mansion, Asher's trusted right-hand man, Joseph, approached him with a grave expression. He relayed the news that the stalker man, one of Pierce's spies, was now awake, awaiting interrogation. Asher nodded, instructing Joseph to wait outside the room as he made his way to confront their captive.

Meanwhile, Damian, still recovering from their earlier intimacy, asked if he could accompany Asher. But Asher, mindful of Damian's condition, insisted that he rest and assured him that he would handle the situation. With a reluctant agreement, Asher helped Damian upstairs to his room, ensuring his comfort before returning to the room where the stalker man was being held.

As Asher entered the room, he was met with the chilling sound of maniacal laughter echoing off the walls. The stalker man's twisted amusement sent shivers down Asher's spine as he demanded to know the man's intentions. The man's laughter intensified as he taunted them, revealing the ominous truth, "You only have one hour to live, you sure you want to be here with me in you final hour?"

In a burst of rage, Asher grabbed the man by the hair, desperate for answers about the impending attack, "How many?". The man, still chuckling, casually mentioned the number of Pierce's men, "Oh, I don't know, maybe 60?". Panic set in as Asher realized the gravity of the situation, rushing out of the room with a sense of urgency.

But before he could retreat to Damian, the stalker man's chilling words pierced the air, a sinister warning that sent a chill down Asher's spine. "BOSS IS GOING TO TAKE DAMIAN, BE READY!" The man's laughter was abruptly silenced by a sudden gunshot, the echoing report leaving a deafening silence in its wake.

Joseph emerged from the room, bloodstains marring his uniform as he attempted to wipe them away in vain. The urgency of the moment spurred Asher into action, a sense of dread knotting his stomach as he raced upstairs to Damian, his mind racing with the knowledge that time was running out.

As Asher burst into Damian's room, his heart racing with urgency, he found Damian casually scrolling on his phone, a smile playing on his lips as he laughed at a video. But the moment their eyes met, Damian's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern as he saw the gravity etched on Asher's face.

"Hey, Asher, is everything alright?" Damian's voice held a note of worry as he watched Asher with furrowed brows.

Asher wasted no time in sugarcoating the truth. "Absolutely not, Damian. We're in serious trouble."

Sensing the severity of the situation, Asher sat on the bed beside him while Damian took his hand. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together. We just need to trust each other and stay strong."

With a comforting hug, Damian reassured Asher that they were a team, united in their resolve to overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead. Asher took a deep breath, the weight of the impending danger still heavy on his shoulders as he explained the imminent threat they faced in a few solemn sentences.

Determined and unwavering, Damian nodded resolutely. "I've rested enough. We need to be prepared, whether we stay and fight or get out of here. But we'll face this head-on, Asher, together."

Asher nodded, his expression steely as he reached for his phone, swiftly dialing the emergency number for the police. Damian watched with a mix of anxiety and determination as Asher spoke with the operator, his voice urgent and commanding.

"Hello, this is Asher Cheney. I need backup at my mansion immediately. We're about to be attacked by a group of armed men. Please send reinforcements as soon as possible," Asher's tone brooked no argument as he relayed the dire situation to the dispatcher.

As he hung up, Asher turned to Damian with a sense of resolve. "The police are on their way, but we also need to be prepared on our end."

With a swift movement, Asher dialed the number of his trusted guards' leader, his voice firm and unwavering as he briefed him on the unfolding threat. The leader, a seasoned veteran in his own right, listened intently before relaying the plan to the other guards stationed throughout the mansion.

Damian winced as he pushed himself to stand, a grimace tugging at his features as he tried to walk, determination shining in his eyes even through the pain. Asher watched with a mixture of shock and worry, his mind racing with thoughts of how to keep Damian safe from the imminent threat of Pierce's men.

As Asher paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in deep concentration, a plan began to take shape in his mind. Turning to Damian, he spoke with unwavering resolve. "Damian, I've thought of a way to keep you safe. We're going to send you to my father's home through the helicopter."

Damian's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden turn of events. "Wait, what? Are you serious, Asher? You're not coming with me?"

Asher nodded solemnly, his gaze locked with Damian's. "No, Damian. It's too risky for me to go with you. Only you and Maria are going. I'll stay here and make sure everything is under control."

Damian's jaw clenched in frustration, his hands balling into fists by his sides. "No way, Asher. I'm not leaving you here alone to face this. Either we all go together, or I stay here and Maria goes."

Asher's eyes softened with understanding, realizing the depth of Damian's loyalty. But he shook his head resolutely. "Damian, I need you to trust me on this. I'll be fine here, but you need to get to safety. My father's home is the best place for you right now. Please, for both of our sakes, go with Maria on the helicopter."

Damian's eyes blazed with stubborn determination, his voice firm as he stood his ground. "I appreciate your concern, Asher, but I can't just leave you here to face this alone. We need to stick together, no matter what."

Asher sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Damian, I understand your loyalty, but we need to think logically here. It's too dangerous for all of us to stay. I need you to trust me on this."

But Damian shook his head resolutely, his resolve unshaken. "I can't leave you here, Asher. We're in this together, and I'm not going anywhere without you. We'll find a way to protect each other, but we have to do it as a team."

Their voices rose in a heated exchange, each refusing to budge from their stance. Back and forth they argued, each trying to convince the other of their perspective, the tension in the room thick with emotion and uncertainty.

Finally, Asher's shoulders slumped in defeat, his gaze meeting Damian's with a mix of resignation and understanding. "Fine, Damian. If this is what you truly believe, then we'll face this together. But promise me that you'll stay close to me and be ready to leave at a moment's notice if things go south."

A sense of relief flooded Damian's features as he nodded in agreement, a grateful smile touching his lips. "Thank you, Asher. I promise, we'll face this as a team, and we'll come out of it stronger than ever."

- 30 minutes left until attack - 

With only 30 minutes left before their planned attack, Pierce paced back and forth in front of the van he drove, his mind consumed with thoughts of catching Damian. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he snatched it up eagerly, expecting crucial information from his henchmen. But to his surprise, it was his manager on the line.

Pierce's brow furrowed in irritation as he answered the call, his patience wearing thin. Before his manager could even speak, Pierce cut in sharply, his voice cold and determined. "I'm done. I quit. Don't bother trying to convince me otherwise."

There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line before Pierce ended the call abruptly, a sense of finality settling over him. With a steely resolve, he turned to his men, his expression deadly serious. "Time's up. We move now. Head towards the mansion and prepare for the attack. We show them no mercy."


Nine-year-old Pierce, his eyes twinkling with innocence and mischief as he played with his friends in the park. His charm was evident even at that tender age, drawing the attention of passersby and garnering him admiring glances.

It wasn't long before a local talent scout approached Pierce, intrigued by his captivating looks and magnetic personality. The boy was whisked away into the world of modeling, his family overjoyed at the opportunity that lay before him. But as the years passed, Pierce began to see through the façade of kindness and admiration that surrounded him.

Pierce was always at various modeling events, surrounded by people who praised his looks and talent. But he couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness, the nagging thought that their affection was superficial and based solely on his appearance. This realization left him bitter and resentful, longing to hurt those who had made him feel incomplete.

Pierce's mother's friend, a well-meaning but superficial woman, had casually mentioned the idea of marrying Pierce off to her daughter, praising his charm and good looks. The comment sparked a fire of anger and resentment within the young boy, solidifying his disdain for those who only saw him for his appearance.

The night of Thanksgiving when the mother's friend's daughter came for a sleepover was a pivotal moment in Pierce's life. As the unsuspecting girl slept peacefully in the guest room, Pierce was overtaken by a dark impulse. He found an ice pick in the kitchen and committed a horrific act of violence without a hint of remorse or hesitation. The aftermath was a scene of chaos and disbelief, as Pierce's parents struggled to comprehend the depth of their son's capacity for darkness.

At the girl's funeral, Pierce felt no guilt or shame for his actions. Instead, he felt a twisted sense of satisfaction, a thrill at the power he held over life and death. In a moment of defiance, he ran away from home, leaving behind a shattered family and a legacy of violence.


As Pierce made his way towards Asher's mansion, a sinister grin played on his lips. He was keenly aware that once he had finished causing chaos at the mansion, he would be taking Damian far away from the prying eyes of the world. The thought of their escape filled him with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that his plan was already in motion.

With guns and weapons in hand, Pierce's men followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing ominously in the night. The dim glow of the moon cast eerie shadows across the path ahead, adding to the tension that hung in the air. Each member of his crew shared Pierce's ruthless determination, ready to carry out whatever grisly tasks lay before them.

As they approached the opulent mansion, Pierce's heart quickened with anticipation. He could practically taste the fear and desperation that awaited Asher and his associates inside. The idea of wreaking havoc and exacting vengeance brought a twisted sense of pleasure to Pierce, fueling his every step forward.

With a silent command, Pierce signaled his men to prepare for the onslaught that was about to unfold. 


Damian and Asher stood side by side, donned in bulletproof vests and armed with powerful weaponry. They gripped their FN P90, a compact and lightweight submachine gun perfect for close combat situations, and Damian also had a Beretta M9 secured in his waistband. The weight of their weapons served as a reminder of the imminent danger that lay ahead.

The tension in the air was palpable as the police and Asher's men took strategic positions around the mansion. Extra precautions had been taken due to the sheer number of adversaries they were likely to face - Asher's estimate of around 60 men put everyone on high alert. The sound of vehicles approaching signaled the impending clash, and both sides braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation.

One of the officers signaled for the other officers to secure the perimeter, ensuring that no one could enter or leave the scene, Asher and Damian stood at the front gate, ready to confront Pierce and his men head-on. The absence of guards outside the gate was a deliberate move to draw their enemies into a trap, a calculated risk that Asher was willing to take.

Moments later, the first of Pierce's vehicles rolled up to the mansion, the headlights piercing through the darkness. The adrenaline surged through Asher and Damian's veins as they waited for the signal to unleash hell upon their foes. The stage was set for a violent showdown, and the fate of everyone involved hung precariously in the balance.

The faint hum of distant voices and the rustling of leaves added to the eerie stillness of the moment. Suddenly, without warning, a dark object hurtled above the gate, landing with a thud in the front yard of the mansion. A plume of thick smoke erupted from the object, filling the air with a swirling haze that obscured their vision.

Damian's grip on his weapon tightened as he scanned the swirling smoke, his senses on high alert. "It's smoke screen!" he shouted, his voice laced with urgency.

Asher's jaw clenched in determination as he raised his gun, ready to face the impending threat head-on. "We need to move," he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos unfolding around them. The officers and Asher's men sprung into action, taking tactical positions to combat the unseen adversary lurking beyond the smoke.

The acrid smell of burning chemicals filled the air, stinging their nostrils and clouding their vision.

As the thick smoke enveloped the front yard of the mansion, obscuring their vision, Asher and Damian strained to make out the shadowy figures emerging from the haze. The sound of muffled footsteps and the faint murmur of voices grew louder as the silhouettes of men began to materialize in the smoke.

Through the swirling mist, a distinct figure emerged in the center of the group, his presence commanding and unmistakable. Pierce stood tall, his silhouette highlighted against the billowing smoke, a menacing aura emanating from his every move. The dim glow of the street lights cast an eerie halo around his form, emphasizing the cold determination etched on his face.

Asher's jaw clenched as he locked eyes with their nemesis, a surge of anger and resolve coursing through him. "There he is," he muttered, his voice low and steely with determination.

Damian's gaze narrowed as he raised his weapon, his focus laser-sharp on the figure of Pierce in the midst of his men. "Let's finish this," he spoke, his tone filled with unwavering resolve.

As the tension mounted and the swirling smoke continued to shroud the front yard in a haze, Asher and Damian shared a silent nod of understanding. With a swift hand gesture from Asher, the crack of gunfire shattered the night air, piercing through the dense fog and setting off a volley of chaotic echoes.

The yard erupted into a frenzy of activity as bullets whizzed through the smoke, the staccato rhythm of gunfire drowning out all other sounds. Puffs of dust erupted from the ground as bullets found their mark, punctuating the air with the sharp scent of gunpowder.

Amidst the chaos, the figure of Pierce could be seen darting and dodging, his men fanning out around him in a coordinated assault. The dim glow of the street lights reflected off their weapons, turning the smoke-filled yard into a battlefield ablaze with flashes of light and shadow.

Asher and Damian moved with precision and determination, taking down enemy combatants with calculated shots and expert marksmanship. The urgent shouts of their men mingled with the thunder of gunshots, creating a cacophony of noise that reverberated through the night.

In the midst of the chaos, the figure of Pierce became a fleeting shadow, darting in and out of view as he orchestrated his men with ruthless efficiency. The acrid smell of smoke and gunfire hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the deadly dance playing out in the darkness.

With every shot fired and every move made, the deadly game of cat and mouse escalated to a fever pitch, each side fighting tooth and nail in a battle for supremacy and survival. 

As the smoke began to dissipate, revealing the grim aftermath of the intense firefight, Asher and Damian remained focused on the task at hand, their senses sharp and their adrenaline pumping. The chaotic scene around them gradually came into focus, but their attention was fixed on the figure of Pierce and his remaining men who were still a threat.

With precise aim and quick reflexes, Asher and Damian continued to engage their enemies, firing off shots and maneuvering with practiced precision. As the tension mounted, Damian's heightened senses were on high alert, scanning for any sign of danger in the dwindling smoke.

Suddenly, a hand clamped down on Damian's mouth from behind, sending a jolt of alarm coursing through him. Before he could react, he was yanked backward, his weapon slipping from his grasp as he stumbled and struggled to break free from the unexpected hold.

In that split second of disorientation, Damian caught a glimpse of his assailant—a shadowy figure looming over him, their intentions obscured in the chaos of the fray. Instinct kicked in, and with a surge of strength, he twisted and fought back against his unknown attacker, grappling for control in a desperate bid to break free.

Asher's attention snapped to Damian, his heart lurching as he saw his partner being ambushed. In a flash, he turned, his weapon trained on the assailant, ready to unleash a barrage of bullets to protect his comrade. The stakes were higher now, the danger more immediate as the final showdown with Pierce loomed ever closer.

Asher's heart raced as he pointed his gun at the man who had captured Damian, his voice cold and commanding. "Let him go, now," Asher's eyes bore into the man, a dangerous edge to his tone.

The man's grin widened, his malicious intent clear as he began to back away, dragging Damian along as his hostage. Damian struggled against the man's iron grip, his eyes locked with Asher's in a silent plea for help.

Asher's grip tightened on his weapon, his jaw clenched in frustration as he watched the glint of a dagger press against Damian's throat, a deadly threat that stopped Asher from making a move. The man's cruel laughter echoed through the chaos, a chilling sound that spurred Asher to action.

Just as one of the officers moved to take a shot at the man from the side, the man shifted his aim with lightning speed, firing a shot that cut through the air before the officer could react. The officer fell, his body hitting the ground with a heavy thud, the sound of gunfire ringing in Asher's ears.

Time seemed to slow as Asher assessed the dire situation before him, his mind racing for a solution. With a steely resolve, he locked eyes with the man, his voice low and steady. "Let him go," Asher's voice carried a deadly warning, his finger poised on the trigger.

The man's creepy grin sent a shiver down Asher's spine as he shouted for Team Delta to secure Damian and take him to the van. The adrenaline-fueled chaos erupted into a cacophony of shouts and gunfire as Asher unleashed a barrage of bullets at the incoming Team Delta, causing chaos and confusion in their ranks.

"Take cover! He's shooting at us!" one of the Team Delta members yelled, their voices filled with panic as they scrambled for safety.

Bodies fell, cries of pain filling the air as the echoing gunshots reverberated through the smoke-filled battleground. As the man prepared to hand Damian over, Asher seized the opportunity, aiming his weapon with deadly precision and firing at the man who had held Damian hostage, the dagger clattering to the ground as the man attempted to retaliate with his own gun.

"Officers, get to their vans!" Asher's voice was filled with determination as he called out to nearby officers.

Damian was being dragged away by the two men from Team Delta, a sense of urgency driving Asher to take action. Dodging the incoming shots, Asher sprinted towards Damian, determination etched on his face as he fired at the man once more, the bullet finding its mark on the man's forehead.

Amidst the chaos, another smoke screen descended, obscuring Asher's vision as he heard Pierce's voice taunting him, "I really hope you said goodbye." He could hear Pierce's laughter amongst the chaos.

The battleground became a blur of confusion and uncertainty as the gunfire slowed, the line between friend and foe blurred in the dense fog. Asher charged forward, determined to reach Damian, his heart pounding with a fierce protectiveness for his partner.

Rounding a corner, Asher saw an unconscious Damian being put into the backseat of a van by the two men from Team Delta. With clarity and precision, Asher took aim at the van's wheels, intent on stopping their escape.

But before he could pull the trigger, a sudden impact knocked him off balance, disrupting his aim and causing him to shoot the man who had pushed him.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Asher's voice rang out with anger, his focus unwavering as he fought to reach Damian.

Regaining his footing, Asher wasted no time, racing to his own car with a single-minded determination.

"We're not done yet," Asher muttered under his breath, the tension palpable in his voice as he sped off in pursuit of the van carrying Damian. The chase was on, and Asher was prepared to do whatever it took to rescue his partner and bring him back to safety.

Asher gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white as he followed the van with unwavering determination. In a stroke of improvisation, he had managed to bring a random officer along for backup, and together, they pressed on in their pursuit. Through the sunroof of Asher's car, the officer fired at the van, their aim true and unyielding.

Pierce had prepared the van to be bulletproof, a precaution that had seemingly worked against most of the incoming fire. However, the wheels were a different story. The officer, sensing an opportunity to strike a critical blow, aimed at the vulnerable tires with precision and focus.

Just as the officer was about to pull the trigger, the van began to swerve erratically, its driver attempting to avoid the incoming gunfire. The sudden movement threw the officer off balance, and the gunshot narrowly missed its mark, the van's wheels remaining intact.

Asher cursed under his breath, frustration and worry creasing his features. The stakes were high, and every moment that passed increased the risk of losing Damian forever. With renewed determination, he pushed the pedal to the floor, his car roaring in response as he chased after the evasive van.

As Asher and the officer raced towards the scene where other officers had secured the perimeter, a tense anticipation hung in the air. The van, driven with reckless abandon by Pierce, barreled through the perimeter, its tires screeching against the pavement as it evaded the officers' attempts to stop it.

Gunfire erupted as the officers scrambled to react, their shots ringing out in a cacophony of sound as they tried to disable the van. With quick reflexes, they leaped into their vehicles, joining the chase in a flurry of motion and adrenaline-fueled determination.

The tension escalated as a helicopter joined the pursuit from above, its rotor blades slicing through the air as it hovered menacingly, casting a shadow over the chaotic scene below. The helicopter's presence added a new dimension to the chase, its aerial vantage point providing crucial information to the ground forces, guiding them towards the van's path.

The officer, his expression filled with understanding and empathy, turned to Asher as they raced through the streets in pursuit of the van. "Hey, dude, I know this is stressful, but we're going to get the him back. We've got this," he said reassuringly, his voice shaking and nervous as he spoke to Asher, unsure of what Asher might say or do.

Asher's phone suddenly started to rang. Without hesitating, he answered the call, his eyes never leaving the van carrying Damian in front of him.

"Pierce," Asher said, his voice steady and focused, a hint of determination underlying his words.

Pierce's voice came through the phone, filled with mocking laughter and taunting words. "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join the party. You're not gonna catch me, Asher. I'm always a step ahead," Pierce taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance and pride.

Asher gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching in frustration at Pierce's mocking tone. "You won't get away with this, Pierce. I'll fucking kill you, and bring Damian home safely," Asher retorted, his voice firm and resolute despite the anger simmering beneath the surface.

The officer's shivering gaze shifted to Asher when he heard the intensity in his voice and the threatening words he uttered towards Pierce.

Pierce laughed mockingly, his words laced with contempt. "Oh, please. You and your little team don't stand a chance against me. Damian is mine now, and there's nothing you can do," he taunted, his confidence radiating through the phone.

Asher's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his resolve hardening as he stared ahead at the van, his eyes burning with determination. "We'll see about that, Pierce. Damian will be back where he belongs," Asher vowed, his voice filled with unwavering determination and resolve.


A/N: Damn okay, so we learnt that Pierce is actually a psychopath, not sociopath. Ok ok. Good to know.

Also, for y'all who are confused about the difference between psychopath and sociopath.. I found an easy way to understand on Google:

Also... here's the thing I found while scrolling that I mentioned in the beginning of the chapter. Hehehe

I actually searched up 'Sadistic smile anime boy' and found that ^ HOW CUTE!

Anyways, go to the next chapter already ➡️

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