By IveGotASeatInHeLL

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SHE'S HIS PROMISE HE'S HER ESCAPE No one is allowed to touch his Promise. No ones allowed to hurt her, and if... More



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By IveGotASeatInHeLL


Billie Henderson

I WISH I could drop out of Maths but sadly that isn't possible in college when you're retaking it because you failed it in high school; and since most of us are from a Mafia bloodline, maths is a need for our role in the family. Whether it's to calculate the amount needed for a dropout or for dealing with another mafia, some of us are going to need maths to quickly calculate the price.

But I won't be doing any of that because once I graduate from this college I'm getting myself out of all this mafia BS. I'm only a part of it now because of my –now dead– biological father who was a known druggie and bought from the Carnells regularly.

So every heir that sits in this class needs their maths for their future role in the mafia, sits at the front so they get most of the help and the teacher makes sure they're paying enough attention so they can pass this class. While others, mostly the women of this class and some younger brothers of heirs, are just here to fuck about because they didn't pass the first time around.

In this college, every teacher is a member of the Carnell mafia. There isn't a single soul in this college that doesn't already belong to the Carnells, whether they've met them in real life or have only heard of them.

So I'm currently sitting at the back of the classroom on my own drawing in my maths book with Deja Vu by Eminem drowning any other sound from reaching my ears. Behind me is a bookshelf with maths books and then a window which leads to another bookshelf to my right. A couple is sitting across from me giggling to each other and whispering sweet nothings in one another's ear.

I'm so glad I can't hear them.

Resting my chin against the palm of my hand I stare at the grey haired teacher who's aggressively pointing at an equation on the white board. I have to sit here for two hours three times a week and do nothing. I could be doing this at home. I would skip but that would end up with the Carnell's guards knocking at my door. It happened to two flat buddies one year who were bunking across the hall from me; both their sectors leaders were killed in suspicion.

So either way, I have to show up for my attendance and to keep Laurent out of trouble.

A silhouette steals my attention by the classroom door. She jumps up and down making her blonde hair swing behind her while an arm waves in the air as if she's 5 foot, nothing trying to get someone's attention.

When I wave Satori off, silently telling her to go away, she only offers a toothy grin at me noticing her on the other side of the door. At least she's stopped jumping. She looks beside her and says something to someone I can't see. Who is it? A teacher? Another student?

My curiosity spikes and when the bell rings I'm on my feet in seconds making my way toward the door to investigate. For all I know someone could be telling her to cool down and get rid of her energy. While I think having her energy in a place like this is amazing and rare.

When I open the door and step out, Satori stands in front of a guy who shares very similar features with her only with darker hair, though you can tell it's dyed with his blonde roots peaking in behind the black. I walk toward them and Satori breaks conversation with the guy to greet me before continuing. She talks about some dude in her class who's been held back for almost three years and that he isn't going to get a promise this year.

Stephan talked about a promise just before I left... but he didn't explain what it was. You will become a promise, and there is no option for you is what he had said.

Before I have the chance to ask, the guy nods with an eyebrow raised, probably wondering who that guy in Satoris class is. When he notices me still standing here he spares me a glance, looking me over before training his eyes back on his sister, "And who's this?" he asks, changing the conversation and pointing toward me.

Satori looks at me and realises she hasn't introduced me yet, "Oh! This is Billie. She's my roommate. Her brother's in the same year but he isn't in her maths class because he passed his maths in highschool. I mean so did I," she turns to me, holding my arm apologetically like someone has died, "and I would offer to help you study and pass it but I'm bad at explaining things, also I have no idea how I passed my maths–" she rambles.

"You have a brother in the same year as you?" He cuts across before Satori has the chance to continue, "Are you a twin?"

"No." I shake my head to dismiss this conversation topic, "i-it's hard to explain." I shrug.

He purses his lips and scrunches his well shaped eyebrows in confusion before another voice joins in from beside me, "What is?" I watch the wavy dark haired man walk beside this other guy Satori has yet to introduce me to. "What are you doing talking to young girls, Rin?" the guy teases groggily, his low voice making it sound like he's just rolled out of bed.

"It's my sister and her friend you cunt." The blonde streak guy, who the other guy called Rin, defends himself. The guy with dark hair who hangs from Rin's shoulder finally meets my eyes which causes me to still and my heart to drop out my ass.

Emerald green eyes stare back at me tirdly, yet they hold a mysterious glow in them. His dark wavy hair curtains his glowing eyes and stops at his smirk lines. He's looking me over while I observe his features until he speaks, "A friend?" he says surprisingly, shifting his gaze at Satori, "little Tori has a friend?"

Little Tori? Who is this guy?

"Yeah! We met when she literally fell into my room. I had to give her an ice pack and everything because she had hit her head." She looks at me with a finger pointed toward her head where I had hit it the evening we met, "Don't you remember? I had to pay the cleaner guy to fix your bathroom tap before he left so it would work properly for when you arrived."

I don't say anything to her in return because her brother beats me to it, "Wait. They gave you a flat that was already damaged?" Satori cluelessly nods with a smile, "Did this cleaner know about the damaged tap before you asked?"

Satori can't stand still and spins her upper body with her arms behind her back, she's so energetic. "Yeah that's why I paid him to fix it."

Black haired guy gets off of Rin's shoulders and stands straighter beside him, making them both look like their about to beat some kid up for lunch money. "Did you happen to catch this cleaners name?"

"Desmond, we can find him without his name. All we'd need to do is find the guy who cleaned their flat the day of their arrival." Rin speaks before Satori could answer, leaving her open-mouthed.

Desmond snaps his fingers at Rin as if that's the best idea he's ever heard of. That's right, We'll get Jason to find him and report him to his father."

"Wait," I cut across them by accident, confused as to why their reporting a cleaner for a broken tap, "why are you reporting him?"

They both look at me like I'm dumb as fuck... which is partially true. "Because every cleaner here are qualified in every department–" Rin starts off, pulling his phone from his back pocket and starts typing away while this Desmond dude finishes explaining.

"Which means if a cleaner notices a broken forcet or anything broken, they are qualified to fix it right there and then and they are supposed to since they are being paid by the Carnells."

Just as Desmond finishes talking, Rin pockets his phone and announces, "Jaxon knows. He said he'll report it the next he sees his dad." Then they both need to each other in approval, "Also he said he needs a word with us both." At that Desmond nods and leaves Rin to finish his conversation with Satori before parting ways.

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"SO WHO WAS that?" I ask Satori as we make our way toward the cafeteria. It's Monday today so the meal of the day is Sausage, chips and gravy. They do really good gravy and sausage but I'm not in the mood for sausage right now so I might just have the chips and gravy.

"My brother." Satori answers. I remember her mentioning having a brother before but didn't she say he owns a club? And that he left college? So what is he doing here?

"Didn't you say he left college?" I question, standing beside her in the lunch queue.

She nods, moving forwards. "Yeah, about three years ago. He's three years older than me and now owns a club."

"If he doesn't go to college anymore, what is he doing here?" I wonder aloud.

She grabs a tray and puts a water bottle on it, "When he left with Desmond, Jaxon and a few others they all had an extra three year course to take since they're the heir to the main sectors of the Mafia." She orders the sausage, beans and chips with an apple for her pudding then continues after I only order the chips and gravy, "They've come back to graduate. This year they get to choose their promise."

A promise? This might be my chance to find out what a promise is. Since Stephan didn't really elaborate on it clearly. "What is a promise exactly?"

She makes her way to one of the very few blue empty tables in the corner where we both sit down facing each other. "To put it simply – this is what I've been told anyway so it could be all wrong– anyway, a promise is another word for an arranged marriage."

"And they get to choose who their promise is?" I ask, remembering what Stephan had told me that night in the car. Nora's my promise. Does that mean Nora never had a choice? He had also said that I was a promise... but who would choose to have me?

"Mhm," Satori hums while she chews on her chips. We're both quiet while we eat so we're able to listen in on others' conversations. Like the girls on the table behind us are talking about a party this friday, not realising this friday is the ball. The ball was meant to be last friday but was postponed due to a fault. So it's been moved to the coming Friday. Dylan won't stop reminding me that I have to go and I have to dress appropriately and not show up in my sweats.

That guy knows me too well.

"Wait, what are you wearing?" Satori asks out of the blue.

Questioningly, I glance over my outfit before answering, "I'm wearing tights with a mini skirt and the baggy shirt I wore to bed last night...why?" I answer sceptically.

"What... No!" She shakes her head, "I ment to the party, silly." she rolls her eyes at me like I was being ridiculous. I wasn't. I really didn't know why she asked what I was wearing.

"What party?" I ask.

"The party this friday."

"There is no party this friday, there is a ball this friday though." my brows pull together.

"No, the ball has been moved to next friday and a party has replaced this friday because of a fault. It was emailed to everyone on campus." she announces. I arch my brow, an email? I haven't had one. I pull out my phone and go to my emails.

Good afternoon,

Just to make you aware that the ball will be moved to friday the 22nd.

For the inconvenience there will be a party on friday 15th from 7pm until 12am located at the heir mansion.



Oh... maybe I need to check my emails more often. I place my phone on the table face down then state, "I'm not going to the party." like not going is no big deal, because really, it's not.

But Satori's eyes bulge out her skull before she lectures me. "But you have to go! Don't let me go there alone. You shouldn't let a friend attend a party on her own... I'll get kidnapped!"

"No you won't, and you won't be alone you'll have Rin there-" she cuts across me.

"No I won't because he's going to be busy with his promise." She argues. She sighs and slumps her shoulders, "Please just come with me to pick out a dress at least." when I'm silent she bribes me, "I'll buy you a coffee..."



"I love you." Smiling because of my answer, she claps her hands repeatedly in excitement that her elbow knocks her apple from her tray. We both watch it roll away, Satori in defeat and me in entertainment and wonder at how far that apple can roll. Satori goes to stand with a frustrated sigh, "You sit, I'll get it."

She sits back down while I stand and walk over to the fallen apple that decided to stop in the centre of the room. Kneeling down, I reach out for the apple when a foot almost knocks my lights out. When I look up I find the one and truly Jaxon Carnell who wears one of his famous smirks. "You're in my way, Henderson."

I hate people who use the power they're born with to get what they want. People at the moment being Jaxon Carnell. I roll my eyes at how idiotic he looks right now, with his midnight curls giving the glow in his blue eyes a boost while his black button up shirt has the first three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to reveal his sketchbook forearms. He currently towers over me while I'm on my knees.


Getting rid of that thought, I continue to reach for the apple when his foot steps on top of it and he steps down causing it to squish against the floor and his shoe. The juice flowing like blood from under this cunts shoe.

"Douche! You could've stepped on me!" I scream loud enough for tables to quieten and eyes to watch this scene.

"I could've," he starts, then he kneels down to get eye level with me, his fingers tip my chin up so I look at him straight in his blue crystal eyes. "but I didn't." he smirks and then stands straighter so he can walk away.

Standing before he has the chance to walk away, I grab the collar of his button up and drag him to the front of the line that had stopped moving to watch us. "Buy a new one." I demand, pointing toward the cashier whose eyes are wide open.

"Buy another one?" He repeats with a slight chuckle, his shoulders lift at the action. Standing straight beside Jaxon, I reach his thick wide shoulders so I have to look up to meet his face. His blue eyes hold entertainment in them which only fuels my temper.


"And what if I don't, little bear?" he teases, a smirk playing at his lips at my reaction to the name.

"Don't call me that!" I ordered. This man is asking for my fist in his face. Letting go of his shirt, he smiles brightly at me before I turn to walk back to Satori. Though I don't get far when I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me. I turn back to catch Jaxon nodding at the cashier and a red apple being traded.

He meets my eyes with the apple in his hand like a trophy. He bends down so his breath is in my ear when he says, "I guess I'll be seeing you at the party, little bear." before walking off with a proud look on his smug looking face.

I make my way back toward our table to meet Satori's astonished face. "Did I just watch you drag the Jaxon Carnell back to the counter to get me a new apple?" I place the red apple where her last one was and nod with a mouthful of lukewarm chips and gravy. Might get him to buy me a fresh plate of hot chips and gravy for wasting my time. "Oh my God that was so cool!"

★·.·'¯'·.·★ ◇★·.·'¯'·.·★◇★·.·'¯'·.·★

"WHAT ABOUT THIS one?" The forest green Satin dress hugs Satori's figure so well. The thin straps wrap around her waist two times round while still being able to tie a pretty bow at the back. Her gorgeous blonde hair falls to her mid back in waves.

"Looks very nice on you, Satori." I admit, balling a fist of this long satin twin dress to hers only in a wine red colour. It suits Satori better than it suits me.

Even though I said I wasn't going to this party –especially since Jaxon is now expecting me to go– Dylan found us walking outside, joined us and then decided to let me know about the party this friday and ordered me to attend both and if I won't he'll tell Laurent and Blake if I go or not. So, sadly, I'm going and I'm currently dress shopping; but I think I may need a mini dress for the party.

"That colour looks good on you, Billie." Dylan, who wouldn't leave us alone after finding us earlier, sits with a prosecco in his hand and a tray of cheese and crackers beside him that the shop had given us.

"I think I would rather have a mini dress." I admit, balling the sides of this dress and swinging the fabric from side to side.

"Yeah, maybe have a mini dress in that colour for the party." Satori agrees. She walks toward the wall where the dresses she picked out for herself hangs. She picks a wine red sparkly mini dress from the rack and brings it over. "Try this one."

Taking it from her, I walk back into the changing room and close the curtain behind me. We're going to be here for hours. I just want my bed.

I untie the Straps and watch the dress fall to pool around my feet in the mirror. My matching black underwear hugging my build, making me look slim. My huge thighs, the muscles peek out when I tense them. I want to go to the gym now.

"Hurry up, girl!" Satori yells.

"Yeah girly! Hurry the fuck up woman." Dylan mimics in a high pitched girly voice.

I peel my eyes from the mirror and grab the mini dress Satori handed me. I unzip the zip on the side and step into it, pulling it up to cover my tits. This dress doesn't have shoulder straps like the last one had. I zip up the dress and strike a pose in the mirror. My ass is too big for this dress, my ass cheeks are practically falling out from under the dress.

Pushing the curtain open, I step out with my arms wide open. "Oh my god! That dress was made for you!" Satori squeals.

"Well give us a spin, Bill." Dylan says, phone in one hand like he's recording me, he better not be, and stuffing his face with cheese in the other hand.

I do as told and spin in my spot. Then, in the middle of Satori's cheering, another woman's voice is heard. But it sounds like it's coming from the phone. "You look beautiful, Billie!" Blake's voice travels through Dylan's phone. Dylan sits there on his ass looking so proud of himself,

"Thank you Blake!" I thank, hearing her chuckle.

"Though I would love it if you wore a ball gown to this ball, Bills." She asks.

"Fine. This is just for the party Friday." I sigh, already fed up with this shopping.

Jaxon Carnell

IT'S SUFFOCATING IN here. Clothes hang around me all in different shapes and sizes. Shoes like heels and trainers pool at my feet while I peek in through the wardrobe slits.

To most people this may seem stalker-like; maybe it is considered stalker-like. But I don't care. Whether I stalk her or kidnap her, I'll make sure Billie wants it and she's safe. This block of apartments is supposedly haunted anyway, so the feeling of being watched is normal. I'll make her fall for me and on Friday I'll give her the night of her life.

I had my father replace the ball with a party so it would be easier for Billie to meet me. That way in the ball next Friday we'll walk in like a couple.

"Goodnight!" Rin's sister wishes Billie goodnight from down the hall, receiving a slammed door in reply. Though Billie does flinch at the noise of the wooden door slamming against the wooden doorframe. She wont open this wardrobe I'm hiding in until morning. I know this because I've watched her every night through this building's security. Only I have access to the cameras along with my father, the owner of this building, but he barely checks them though. That duty always falls on me.

She walks over to her white marble built in vanity, picks up her hair brush and drags it through her tangled dark caramel hair. I couldn't follow her after our interaction in the cafeteria since my father called for me, Desmond and Rin. He gave us an assignment which was also another reason for the ball being postponed and moved to next Friday.

I'm leaving after Billie falls asleep for that assignment while Desmond's at Cherry X, shagging someone... or two and Rin... I don't know where or what he's up to. He left without a word after our meeting.

"Ughh!" Billie groans, probably annoyed at something. I lean against the closed closet door, listening in like I'm a monster from Monsters inc getting ready to make my little bear scream. A phone ringing catches my attention and when I peek through the slits, Billie sits on the edge of her bed with a ringing phone in her hand.

"Hello?" A male voice picks up and travels through the phone. His voice is a mix of worry and wonder. She doesn't have a boyfriend and her brother is in his room, so who is this? When Billie doesn't answer, the voice inside the phone continues, "Billie, what's wrong?"

A sob snaps my attention from the phone to Billie who slides off the edge of her bed and onto the floor, back against her bed with a hand covering her mouth.

"Billie?" The Voice repeats, though more stern and strict. I recognise it as Stephan, her eldest brother. He was a douche when we were in school together. What a teacher's pet who aims for perfect impressions and shit.

Billie breathes out properly before speaking, "I don't want to go to this ball. I don't want to wear a long dress. I hate the classes here, I just want to go home." She sobs then whispers, "I feel trapped."

Sighing is heard from over the phone then some distant shuffling. "I told you this year will be difficult, Billie. I-"

"No! It's not that. It's not just this year. I don't know what it is, I just feel trapped. Like I'm in a 7 day cycle where everyday is the same. I can't get out. I don't know!" She breaks and I just want to hold her. Let her fall apart in my arms while I pick up her pieces.

"Billie, you only have a year left before you leave and everything changes. Plus I heard the ball was moved, so why are you crying about it now?" the guy on the phone informs her. While he's rambling about keeping it together for a year, Billie gets up and goes to the bathroom across the hall from her room, leaving her phone on the floor where she was sitting.

I can't see what she's doing in there, being inside the wardrobe, but when she comes back she holds tissue against her forearm. She sits back down beside her phone and sighs, bidding Stephan goodbye and ending the call.

She lays her head against the bed, looking toward the ceiling with big glistening brown eyes and sighs. Like she's fed up with this pattern of going to college and coming back home. When she's officially mine I'll make everyday unpredictable.

Then she stands with a fisted hand, walking over to her chester drawers where a glass of water sits. Letting go of the tissue that hides something on her forearm, she picks up the glass and opens her fisted hand to reveal a pill. She pops it into her mouth and downs the drink. What she didn't realise is that the tissue popped off her arm when she drank the water and fell to the floor. Under the tissue are three cuts, all going different directions with blood pouring from the slits in her skin.

She cut herself.

She sets the glass down after finishing the contents. What pill did she take? And why did she hurt herself? Was it molly, or paracetamol?

"Half an hour." She announces to herself. Like setting a timer on alexa but without an alexa.

In that half an hour I've been hidden and watching her slowly begin to find everything funny and giggling at everything, smiling like Tim Burton's Cheshire cat. Then she starts to talk to someone who isn't there. Is she hallucinating? Was it molly?

She lays on her bed facing the ceiling, her hands trailing up her stomach to her breasts and she squeezes them. Then she giggles and rips her top from over her shoulders and onto the floor. She does the same to her leggings and soon enough, she's naked laying on her bed. Sucking on her fingers while she looks at a specific spot on the ceiling. She's definitely hallucinating.

She throws her head behind her, a hand in her hair with the fingers that were in her mouth now rubbing her hood piercing making her moan, somehow still trying to stay quiet because of Satori down the hall.

Slipping on my balaclava, the closet door slides open against my hand and I step out like Sully does in Monsters inc. She hasn't noticed me yet, too busy playing with her soaking cunt. But when she does, she's not surprised. Am I the ghost she's been seeing? The hallucination? The thought that she thinks of me in my mask makes me hard.

She notices my reaction and sits on her knees at the edge of the bed. her hands rest against my abdomen while she looks at me through her lashes. Her long hair stroking her calf behind her. "Let me suck you." she pleads. but I dont think she's ever sucked anyone before. When I don't say anything she moves her hands to my belt, undoing it and taking it out from the belt hoops.

I watch her, see what she'd do if I didn't say anything. I don't care what this girl does to me, just the fact that she thinks about me is enough to satisfy me. She drags my pants slowly down my thighs to reveal my Calvin Klein boxers around my hips and looks up at me through her black curled lashes. She's fucking gorgeous with dilated eyes looking up at me.

I reach for her chin, holding her in place with my thumb resting on her bottom lip. Her tongue licks the pad of my thumb before her plump pink lips take my thumb fully into her mouth; sucking on it as she looks up at me. "What did you take, little bear?"

She smiles, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she rubs her bottom half against the black sheets of her bed. "Happy pills." She gives a breathy laugh, teeth lightly pressed against my thumb.

"Which are?" I ask for specifics. The name "Happy pills" can be a nickname for anything: molly, antidepressants, celexa, lexapro and many more. I want to be specific because if it's something we sell or something else, I need to look out for the side effects.

Fisting my shirt, she tugs me down so we're face to face for her to lean into my ear and whisper, "Ecstasy." With a laugh. Her hands grab my balaclava from the top of my head and rips it off my head before leaning back against the pillows which are prompted up against the headboard and brings her hand between her legs again. She covers her mouth with the balaclava, muffling the sound of her moans while she plays with herself.

I know she can see my face. But it doesn't really matter since she won't remember this in the morning. Won't remember my face or the fact she wore my balaclava. Its so beautiful on her, I want to keep it on her forever and fuck her tight ass while she wears it.

Standing her watching her for at least a few minutes, I feel my dick almost explode in my pants and I pounce above her, my legs strandling hers. I grab the balaclava from her weak hands and slip it on over her head, making sure it's backwards so she can't see shit but leaving her mouth exposed.

The hand that was playing with her cunt is trying to fight me so I grab her wrist and guide that hand back to her exposed entrance, helping her insert her two already drenched fingers back inside with my two fingers. Her breathing hitches and she moans into the sweaty air. Her free hand finds my hand which is prompted against a pillow beside her head and she grabs my wrist tightly. So I place my middle and ring finger down her throat until she gags and her hand squeezes my wrist, her fingers turning a white colour.

I watch a shade of red cover her cheeks, her beautiful chubby cheeks. While she gags, I lower my face until me and her soaked pussy come face to face. I'm pumping her fingers along with mine in and out her core. Her legs flinch when I lay a kiss against her piercing, her breathing quickening. My tongue licking her juices off of her glistening piercing and back between her folds, she arches her back with a strangled moan escaping from between my fingers.

The tell tale sign that she's close is her thick, strong legs tightening around my head and she comes. Her cum all over our fingers, my chin soaked. She smells fucking sweet. My sweet little bear, I'll taste you for days.

Lifting my head from between her legs, I copy what she did to me earlier and whisper in her ear, "I look forward to seeing you all glamour up at the ball, my bear." and I remove my fingers from her mouth and her pussy, making sure her eyes are on me after I took the balaclava from her head when I suck her contents from my fingers that she drenched me in. Then I grab her fingers that were inside of her and suck her cum from them.

Then her eyes get heavy as I stand from the bed. I fix myself up before walking into her bathroom and finding an eyebrow razor covered in her blood laying g on the white marble. I grab it and clean it for her, making sure it's safe and secure in my hoodie pocket so she won't have anything to harm herself for the next time. Hopefully there won't be a next time. I'll make sure there will never be a next time once she's mine. Whatever cuts that are inflicted on her body will be because of me, it's clear she has a pain kink from the hood piercing on her clit.

I'll have so much fun with her.


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