Bottoms Up (Band Au)

By inarticulateclown

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Izuku Midoriya moves to a new town with his mother, wanting to forget the troubles of his past life and do hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

384 22 2
By inarticulateclown

- Midoriya's POV -

First day of a new school. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I've done this too many times to feel much of anything about starting out somewhere new. Only this time I can't do my usual, find the group that looks the most interesting and befriend them, then never come back. 

This time I have to avoid anyone that looks even remotely interesting. No colourful hair. No face piercings. No dress code violations and especially no tattoos. It's a whole new ball game, I don't even know how to act around these people.

Only six months. Not even a full year. I just need to finish senior year with half decent grades and no bullshit. I'm almost 19 fucking years old I can do this, for mom. It's not even that big of an ask. 

The sun is beating down on the school, the parking lot filled with all kinds of cars -mostly shitty ones but some quite impressive for high school. Definitely some rich kids here, gotta steer clear of them too, you'd be surprised how much weird shit the rich 'prim and proper' kids get into. 

A flash of red passes my peripheral. Of course he fucking goes here. I pull my hoodie over my hair, the green is a little obvious. I probably should have dyed it something more natural before starting. I watch Kirishima as he walks up to a familiar looking guy with mid-length black hair. Shit, it's the relentless flirt who caught me smoking, of course they're friends. 

Where there's smoke there's fire. No doubt there's a whole group of hot guys with perfectly placed piercings. I manage to weave away from them smoothly and make it to the office. Not much of an orientation, the receptionist just handed me a key with a number engraved on it and a schedule. She probably knows my record and thinks there is no point in a real induction since I won't be here long.

I'll find my locker later, I doubt I have much time to find my class before it starts. I eye the schedule first class is in room 202. I'm assuming that's on the second floor. Wait, where are the stairs?

"You look lost." A girl with short brown hair grabs my attention.

She's got an eyebrow piercing paired with heavy pink eyeshadow and eyeliner so big she could take flight. Her skirt is definitely too short, black and red plaid with patterned fishnets, high socks and platform shoes. Her top is basically a bra which is slightly hidden by a hoodie that's at least 3 sizes too big for her. On her thigh she's got a small shitty stick and poke tattoo which is just a crooked smiley face, pretty basic. Piercings, tattoos, and multiple dress code violations. Do not engage. 

But I am lost.

"Uh yeah, where are the stairs?" 

"Damn, you really are lost little lamb." She laughs. "Who've you got?" 

"Uh- Aizawa?" 

"Oof good luck with that." She points to a pair of double doors down the hall. "Stairs are through those doors, to the left and through a big red door, can't miss it." 

"Thanks." I sigh, at least I won't be late on my first day.

"Uraraka." She says matter-of-fact like and looks at me expectantly. 

"Midoriya." I give a tight nod which she takes as a hint that I need to go and turns to talk to the receptionist.

I make it to the class just in time. The teacher hands me a textbook and after giving me a once over reprimands me for showing up without a notebook and pen. Damn, I totally spaced, been a while since I've actually been to class. I take one of the empty seats by the window and try to listen to what he drones on about for the next hour but it's all gibberish. I'm going to need a miracle to get passing grades this far into senior year. 

Near the end of the class that brunette -Uraraka I think her name was- walks in with a tall blonde I haven't seen before. His eyes immediately zero in on me, red and dark like blood. His hair is spikey and unkempt. He's got chipped black nail varnish that part of me suspects she painted on him. Black ripped jeans and an AC/DC tank top with heavy steel toe stomper boots. One of his arms is littered in patchwork tattoos I keep eye contact with him until he breaks it to listen in on Uraraka's conversation with Aizawa.

"Sorry we're late sir." She says like she doesn't mean it. 

"You've missed the whole class." He scolds. 

"Oh perfect." She smiles and turns, walking out once again with the blonde in tow. 

"Hey, come back!" Aizawa yells after them to no avail and gives up, seems like a regular occurrence for those two, are they dating?

"What was the point in that?" I grumble. 

"Something to add Midoriya?" Aizawa's attention turns to me. 

"No sir." 

"No backtalk in my class, next time it will be detention."

"What?! But I didn't-?!"

"What did I just say?"

I open my mouth to protest but decide against it, this guy is a prick. I coast the rest of the day until lunch when I find my locker to dump out the textbooks from morning classes. As I close my locker I notice the guy next to me, blonde with a black streak through it, is talking to Uraraka. A moment later Kirishima walks up to them. Soon followed by the mysterious blonde and black haired boys.

They're fucking everywhere.

"Of course they all know each other." I grumble as I turn and make a break for it. 

"Midoriya?" Uraraka calls out. "Midoriya!" 

I act like I can't hear her and keep walking away, being sure to keep my hood up and head down to keep any of the others from recognising me. This is bad. How have I managed to run into nearly every person in the one group of people that I'm trying to avoid?

The rest of the day was less about school and more about me trying to avoid the group. I managed it, barely, but I'm not sure if I can keep this up for 6 months and actually study enough to pass any of my classes. Maybe I can ask for a sort of work-from-home deal. Though given my track record I doubt they'd go for it. Probably just think I'd sit in all day and get stoned. Which, let's be real, I would. I doubt I could keep myself on task for more than an hour let alone a full school day.

I seriously need some help.

"Midoriya!" Uraraka catches me off guard on my way out of school.

I turn in a bit of a panic, expecting the whole group to be right behind her, but it's just her.

"Uraraka, hey." I keep walking, hoping her friends don't spot us and decide to join. "Thanks for the directions earlier."

"Were you ignoring me at lunch, little lamb?" She falls into step with me and tilts her head to the side and I can tell she knows the answer so I don't lie.



"It's a long story." 

"I've got time." 

Great, they're all persistent. She keeps walking with me asking me questions then answering them herself when I don't say anything. 

Her favourite colour is orange. Biggest fear? Drowning. She was born and raised here, never moved once. She had a pet dog when she was 5 called Reginald, her friends always made fun of his name but she loved him up right up to the day he got hit by a car. They held a funeral for him in the garden. She has a necklace with his ashes that she wear everyday. Her bisexual awakening was when she was at camp and....

It just went on and on.

Eventually I decide there's no way to get rid of her until I tell her the truth. So I do, for the most part. I leave out all the shit I've done before and just tell her I'd generally get in trouble. Most importantly that I need to finish school quietly because I'd made a promise. She seemed to get the picture. 

"I see." She says thoughtfully. "And you're assuming that me and my friends will get in the way of you finishing school?" 

"No, I know you and your friends would get in the way of me finishing school." 

"Ouch little lamb." Her hand flies to her chest. "That hurts." 

"Well let me put it this way. On the first day of school all of you showed up, late and with your tattoos on full display." I let out a reluctant laugh at how ridiculous that is. "Besides, like I told you, I've moved a lot. I know your type when I see them, hell I am them. That's exactly why I can't hang out with you guys." 

"Well you're hanging out with me now." She points out, I give her a look because this isn't really 'hanging out' it's more 'her following me home'. "You know what I mean, you say you don't want to talk to us but you're talking to me right now." 

"Do I have a choice?" 

"You always have a choice." She smiles a little. "I get the feeling you don't realise that." 

"Whatever, I just need to stick to myself for 6 months, can you understand that?" 

"Sure." She shrugs. "But if the boys get their eyes on you you won't be able to stop them from wriggling into your life. They did the same with me." She laughs to herself, clearly remembering something.

"Well good luck to them, I'm just as stubborn." I turn into my front yard, pulling out my keys and Uraraka laughs again. 

"More like good luck to you, if you want to stay away from them you've moved into the worst place." 

"I know, the redhead lives right next door." I grumble unlocking the door. 

"No Midoriya." She smiles, a shit eating all knowing grin. "They all do." 

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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