From The Rift

By Mightyenaboy975

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Ahri and the rest of KDA just returned back to the Summoner's Rift. They are suddenly called to the Main Offi... More

What Have we Done?!
Possible Mates
Possible Mates pt.2
Possible Mates PT.3
The Academy
Proving Ones Strength
A New Group
Small Training Session.
The Target
A Midnight Struggle
Can't Keep Me Down
Pushing Ones Limits
Before the End
Burning Out

Could I be Redeemed

365 17 9
By Mightyenaboy975

I do not own KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I groan softly as I lay in the hospital bed looking out the window. "You can groan all you want Grey. You aren't getting out right after you almost died." Katarina says as she glares at me.

"I did not almost die. She told me she wouldn't kill me because of her fox." I say and Katarina shakes her head.

"That's just a simulation Grey. There is no way it told you that it has a fox." She says and I growl. "Do not growl at me young man." She growls back.

"I'm not a kid anymore." I tell her and she glares at me.

"I know that. But you can be just as stubborn as one. The doctor just wants to keep you here for a week. Just to make sure whatever that Demon did isn't permanent." She says and I huff.

"I fucking hate hospitals. Can't you all just monitor me as I train?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No. Now I advise you just to lay back and relax." She says making me huff again.

"Could you at least get me a book to read?" I ask politely and she smiles.

"Of course sweetie. I'll be right back." She says and walks out. I wait for a few minutes and look around the room. Ahri took my sword back to the room, and the window is magic resistant.

"I don't have many options." I say to myself and force myself out of bed. I take a look out of the window to see a lower roof. "I could jump down there, and then to the ground." I say to myself as I hear the doorknob being turned. I move to the nearby chair and sit patiently as Ahri walks in.

"Oh! I was sure Kat would be here for another hour. I just wanted to come see if you were awake this time." She says and I nod.

"Yeah. I'm up. Did you need something?" I ask and she frowns.

"I'd like to get to know you better." She says and I sigh softly.

"Not much to know. I trained with my friends, fought bandits, and learned from Katarina." I say and her ears go flat.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." She says and puts her hand on my leg. "I have my reasons for not being there...very bad ones...but reasons." She says softly as she rubs my leg.

"I bet you do. Called being famous." I scoff and she shakes her head.

"No. I could care less about fame honestly. I hate how I have to be fake for all of these people. I'm not going to tell you right now. Not until we get closer." She says and I huff.

"What makes you think I want to get close to you?" I ask with a glare and she smiles at me.

"Because you haven't pushed me away." She says as her hand goes higher. I quickly move as she was too close to my package. "Why don't you show your tails and ears?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I don't need them to be strong." I say and she frowns.

"But think about everything you could accomplish if you use them!" She says and I shake my head.

"No. I'll use them when I need them... it's better that way." I say and look at my hand.

"Please let me train you. I know the feeling of hurting people by accident. Please." She says and gently touches my back.

"All you know is fire magic and how to charm others." I say and she chuckles.

"I know way more than that. But I only use my real power when there's a threat that calls for it." She says and I sigh.

"Fine." I say and she gasps and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you!" She cheers as Katarina walks in.

"Quiet Nine-tails. This is the hospital wing." Katarina says and Ahri smiles.

"Grey just agreed to let me train him!" Ahri cheers and leaves with a pep in her step.

"Training?" Katarina asks and I shrug my shoulders. "You are leagues above her Grey, I made sure the best mages taught you your elements." She says and I sigh softly.

"I know. But I feel like this...this is something I need to do." I say softly and Katarina walks up to me.

"What's going on Grey?" She asks and I sigh again.

"I don't know. Just a bad I'm not... nevermind." I say and look at the book she brought. "You brought my favorite book." I say and she smiles.

"Of course. I also brought a friend." She says and I look to see Briar walk in. She looks down and fidgets with her hair softly.

"I-I'm sorry for not protecting you." She says and I walk up to her. I pet her hair gently and she looks up at me.

"Would you like to read my book with me?" I ask nervously and she smiles brightly.

"Yes please." She says and I lay in bed. I lay my right arm down to offer her a spot. Briar gently gets into the bed and cuddles close to me. "What's the book about?" She asks and I smile.

"It's about a knight that has a succubus fall in love with him. Then centuries later she has to convince his reincarnation that she's his wife." I say and she smiles.

"Sounds cool." She says and gets closer as I open up the book.

"Alright you two I'm headed out, Briar I'm counting on you to keep him here." Katarina says as she begins to leave.

"You can count on me Kat!" Briar says cheerfully.

"See you later Mom!" I say and she waves before shutting the door.

-??? POV-

I stand in front of my trainees as they fight each other. I turn and glare at the broken statue of a woman. "Ma'am." A soldier says and I look down at him. "The heart has been taken to the academy." He says and I huff in annoyance.

"Your mission was to make sure IT stayed there." I say and he flinches.

"Yes Ma'am." He says and I pull out my pistol quietly.

"Oh well. That town ran dry of their usefulness, kill them all, and then we march towards Ixtal. We will siege the kingdom and begin building the new world." I say and he nods. I smirk and point my pistol at him. "Sadly I don't need failures in my world." I say and fire a round through his head. "Someone clean up this garbage!" I yell and begin making my way to my room.

-Ahri POV hours later-

I go to check on Grey only to see Briar sleeping with her head on his chest, she is slightly curled up in his arms, and Grey is holding her close. I growl lowly and dig my claws into the door. Does she know that he's MY son? I drag my claws down the door before gently shutting it. "Well I'll have his attention when I start training him. Not Briar and definitely not Katarina. How dare she be all up on him. If she raised him then why is she trying to get in his pants?" I ask and walk outside into the woods. I summon a smile twister and send it to shred a tree.

-Sorry for the delay on this book! So we got to see Grey interact with Katrina and Ahri while he's in the hospital. Grey agrees to train with Ahri despite being stronger than her. Kat brings Briar to keep Grey company and he happily lets her stay. Ahri returns to the adorable sight but is showing major Yandere tendencies. But we also get a mysterious woman's POV. What is this heart? What village is going to be slaughtered? Ixtal is about to be invaded?! How will Qiyana get help to defend her kingdom?! Until next time everyone! Make sure to keep an eye out for Blood in the Octagon which is the new KDA book I'm working on. This one has a little twist in it and I hope you guys will enjoy it!-

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