All things ENFP

By ChaosSoulWrites

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Hello everyone! It's me...Chaos! I know it's been a long time, but as an ENFP myself I have decided to make a... More

A note for my followers:
Intro to MBTI and Cognitive functions
Feeling like an INFP
ENFPs and Abandonment
ENFP love languages vs my own love languages
INFP vs ENFP (Part 1, who is more imaginative?)
My thoughts on INFJs (from an ENFP)
My thoughts on INTJs
ENFPs are dumb.
ENFP struggles
My thoughts on ENTPs
Misconceptions about Fi (Introverted Feeling)
Overlooked traits of ENFPs
Let's talk about Introversion Bias
ENFPs: The desire to be special.
ENFPs: Something Bigger
Type Compatibility
Ups and Downs MBTI
Ne vs Ni
ENFP's Ti blind spot
Are only Introverts shy around their crushes?
Dating another ENFP (as an ENFP)

ENFP enneagrams

42 4 0
By ChaosSoulWrites

I literally keep hoping someone will comment. It'd be nice to start a discussion about MBTI but I'll just have to wait so until then I'll keep spewing my random thoughts about my type as a means to procrastinate on my homework. 

The Enneagram is a completely different personality test based on your core fears and desires. There are types numbered 1-9 in the order of a nine-pointed star. You have a dominant type and a wing (one of the other types adjacent to your type in the star). You also have a "stress point" and a "growth point" connected to your type on the star like so:

According to some theories of enneagram there are tri-types (your three main types in each region, the heart (234), the mind (567), and the gut (891)). My tri-type is 479. 

It's funny that my tri-type looks like a wholesome cute, open-minded, emo bean although that is not at all what I feel like sometimes. Anyways, many people use both MBTI and enneagram to further understand themselves. There are some correlations between the MBTI types and the enneagram types, however, I believe any MBTI type can be any enneagram type. An INFJ can be a type 8. An ENFP can be a type 5. An ISTJ can be a type 7. It doesn't matter. Your core desires may not perfectly match with your habits. 

The most common enneagram from ENFPs is type 7: The Enthusiast. I relate to this enneagram a little and it is the second in my tri-type. Enthusiasts core desire is to not miss out and to have many fun and positive experiences, and their core fear is being in pain or staying in one place. Type sevens are known for their optimism and spontaneity.  I'm spontaneous, but not optimistic, nor do I go out and experience a bunch of things...I do in my head, but do I actualize them? I'd actually correlate type 7 more to Se users like ESFP or ESTP based on stereotypes of course. There are ESTP 5s and ESFP 4s so even they don't always fit the 7 mold. 

Another common enneagram for ENFPs is type 2: The Helper. Helpers thrive on making their friends and loved one's feel happy, and to gain appreciation for their good deeds. Their core desire is for their loved ones to be happy with them, and their core fear is being alone or unappreciated. Sounds like Fe (Extroverted feeling) to me. ENFJs and ESFJs are better at embodying this enneagram's stereotype, but I could definitely see an ENFP giving their all to their loved ones or friends. I can be this way sometimes, but type 2 is actually my stress point, so I become quite anxiously attached when I'm stressed. 

Type 9 is another common one for ENFPs. Type 9 is the Peacemaker. Their core desire is to be at inner harmony and avoid conflict, and their core fear is to be in emotional turmoil and chaos. Yeah this one is very Fi-dom like and INFJ like. Some ENFPs do just like to mediate and want nothing but peace in their lives. I want that to a point myself. Type nine is actually an "introverted" enneagram type, but you don't need to be an introvert to be a type 9. 

And the last most common type for ENFP is actually my type. Type 4 is called the Individualist and sometimes the Romantic (depending on the source). Their core desire is to be unique and authentic. Their core fear is being insignificant and not having an impact on the world. So pretty much they are special snowflakes who feel misunderstood. Type 4s are essentially the "INFJs" of the MBTI community. Type 4 heavily correlates with INFPs and ISFPs, but I am a rather introverted ENFP, and I have a 3 wing because I have a desire to be noticed and validated so...yeah...I'm not really proud of my enneagram because I hate that I do need validation and that I get jealous and competitive (in my head) and want to be noticed, but I can't deny it. 

I've also seen ENFP 3s and 8s, so I'd say ENFP can be any enneagram type. I recommend typing yourself with Enneagram since tests don't really give you a good set of questions that reveal what you desire and fear. That is completely subjective. Anyways, let me know if you relate to any of these most common types for ENFPs if you are one. If not, let me know your MBTI type and your enneagram type. 

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